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Length: 8448 (0x2100) Types: Rc489k_TapeFile, TextFile
└─⟦aa55fa693⟧ Bits:30007479 SW8110/1 TAS/SOS/PRIMO Rel 2.3 └─⟦this⟧
! *** tprologue *** ; ; ; program for loading directly executable programs ; ; when used at s-replacement the program protects the environment against ; eventual errors occurring in the program to be loaded ; ; PROLOGUE = PROtect, ; LOad and ; Go. ; Undefined on ; Error. ; ; when started the program tests whether it is running in unprotected mode ; (as s-replacement). ; if unprotected the program asks the operator to type the new name of the ; process: ; ; process name = ; ; the process name will be checked and put into the process description. ; the environments (monitor and eventual child processes running in the ; higher addresses in core) will be protected by setting the limit regis- ; ters of the process ; ; in any case the program will ask the operator to type the name of the program ; to be loaded: ; ; program name = ; ; this program will be loaded and activated according to the conventions for ; directly executable programs running under s or boss. ; ; in case the program loaded is not correct the process must be stopped and ; restarted - an error occurring after s-replacement creates an undefined si- ; tuation which must be solved by a new autoload. ; ! prologue begin !fp.no; label readparam,error,startload,endload; record name (double name1,name2); record answer (word status,bytes,chars); record procdesc(word pkind; text(11)pname; byte stopcount,pstate; word idbit; ref nextmess,prevmess,nextproc,prevproc,firstcore,topcore; byte bufclaim,areaclaim,intclaim,funcmask; word priority; byte protreg,protkey; word intrmask; ref intraddr,escaddr,wrk1,wrk2,wrk3,wrk4,wrk5,parent; word tquantum; double runtime,startrun,startwait; ref wait; double catbase,maxbase,stdbase; word v0,v1,v2,v3,rex,ic,cause,sb,cpa,base; ref lowlimit,highlimit); record loadinf(byte operation,mode; ref first,last; word segment,dum1,dum2,dum3,dum4; double pname1,pname2; word nta,okresult; ref absentry,primin,primout,ownproc,return); record entrytail(word filesize; text(11) document; word clock,file,block; byte contents,entrypoint; word loadlength); incode ref corefst,coretop,jobproc,primary,loadcodeentry; ref lastinternal:=80,currproc:=66; array (1:10) tail of word; array (1:4) buf of word; byte inop:=3,inmode:=0; ref infirst,inlast; byte outop:=5,outmode:=0; ref outfirst,outlast; word loadcodesize; text(14) maincons:="console1"; text(46) t0 :="process name illegal'10'", t1 :="entry not found'10'", t2 :="entry not bs'10'", t3 :="program not directly executable'10'", t4 :="entrypoint outside load code'10'", t5 :="process too small'10'", t6 :="result = xxx, input error'10'"; text(17) proc:="process name = ", prog:="program name = "; begin goto endload; startload: (w1).return:=w2; monitor(16); comment send message; monitor(18); comment wait answer; if w0 <> (w1).okresult then call w0 (w1).return; monitor(64); comment remove area process; w0:=(w1).primin; w2:=(w1).primout; w3:=(w1).ownproc; call w0 (w1).absentry; endload: w3:=word(currproc); jobproc:=w3; w3:=address(maincons); monitor(4); ! get process description of main console ! primary:=w0; readparam: w3:=jobproc; if w0:=(w3).lowlimit < (w3).firstcore then begin outfirst:=w1:=address(proc); w1+10; outlast:=w1; w1:=address(outop); w3:=address(maincons); monitor(16); ! send message ! tail(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! for w0:=1 step 1 upto 4 do (buf(w1:=w0)).word:=w2:=0; infirst:=buf(w1:=1); inlast:=buf(w1:=4); w3:=address(maincons); w1:=address(inop); monitor(16); ! send message ! tail(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! buf(w2:=0)+(w1).bytes; if w0:=(w2).word extract 8 = 10 then (w2).word:=w0:=-1 lshift 8 and (w2).word else if w0:=(w2).word lshift -8 extract 8 = 10 then (w2).word:=w0:=-1 lshift 16 and (w2).word else if w0:=(w2).word lshift -16 = 10 then (w2).word:=w0:=0 else ; name:=buf(w3:=1); tail(w1:=1); monitor(42); ! lookup entry ! if w0 <> 3 then begin w2:=0; goto error; end; w2:=jobproc+2; (w2).name1:=f1:=(w3).name1; (w2).name2:=f1:=(w3).name2; w3:=jobproc; w0:=(w3).topcore; w1:=word(lastinternal)-2; while w2:=(w1).word <> w3 do begin if w3 = (w2).parent then if w0 > (w2).firstcore then w0:=(w2).firstcore; w1-2; end; (w3).topcore:=w0; (w3).lowlimit:=w0:=(w3).firstcore; (w3).highlimit:=w0:=(w3).topcore; end; outfirst:=w1:=address(prog); w1+10; outlast:=w1; w1:=address(outop); w3:=address(maincons); monitor(16); ! send message ! tail(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! for w0:=1 step 1 upto 4 do (buf(w1:=w0)).word:=w2:=0; infirst:=buf(w1:=1); inlast:=buf(w1:=4); w1:=address(inop); monitor(16); ! send message ! tail(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! buf(w2:=0)+(w1).bytes; if w0:=(w2).word extract 8 = 10 then (w2).word:=w0:=-1 lshift 8 and (w2).word else if w0:=(w2).word lshift -8 extract 8 = 10 then (w2).word:=w0:=-1 lshift 16 and (w2).word else if w0:=(w2).word lshift -16 = 10 then (w2).word:=w0:=0 else ; name:=buf(w3:=1); entrytail:=tail(w1:=1); monitor(42); comment lookup entry; if w0 <> 0 then begin w2:=1; goto error; end; monitor(52); comment create area process; if w0:=(w1).filesize < 0 then begin w2:=2; goto error; end; if w0:=(w1).contents <> 3 then begin w2:=3; goto error; end; if w0:=(w1).entrypoint >= (w1).loadlength then begin w2:=4; goto error; end; w3:=word(currproc); corefst:=w1:=(w3).firstcore; coretop:=w1:=(w3).topcore; w1-!length(loadinf); loadinf:=w1; w2:=address(endload)-(w3:=address(startload)); loadcodesize:=w2; if w0:=corefst+entrytail.loadlength+loadcodesize >= loadinf then begin w2:=5; goto error; end; loadinf.absentry:=w0:=corefst+entrytail.entrypoint; loadinf.first:=w0:=corefst; w0+entrytail.loadlength-2; loadinf.last:=w0; loadinf.segment:=w0:=0; loadinf.mode:=w0; loadinf.operation:=w0:=3; loadinf.primin:=w0:=primary; loadinf.primout:=w0; loadinf.ownproc:=w0:=jobproc; loadinf.pname1:=f1:=name.name1; loadinf.pname2:=f1:=name.name2; loadinf.okresult:=w0:=1; w2:=address(startload); w3:=loadinf-loadcodesize; loadcodeentry:=w3; while w3 < loadinf do begin (w3).word:=w0:=(w2).word; w2+2; w3+2; end; w1:=loadinf; w3:=address((w1).pname1); call w2 loadcodeentry; w2:=address(t6)+6; (w2).word:=w0+48; w2:=6; error: outfirst:=w1:=address(t0)+(w2 lshift 5); w1+30; outlast:=w1; w1:=address(outop); w3:=address(maincons); monitor(16); ! send message ! tail(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! goto readparam; end; end. ▶EOF◀