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⟦2f136e5d8⟧ Rc489k_binout_segments

    Length: 44751 (0xaecf)
    Types: Rc489k_binout_segments


└─⟦a8fd40f40⟧ Bits:30003093 PD8500/1/14.0 Algol Package Release 14.0


entry-base mode kind key nseg date docname w7 w8 w9 w10 name artifact
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T22:27 activity 0x153000 0x0 0x4036 0x3008 activate -
? 2048 4 73 0 1981-12-08T08:51 algollib 0x53000 0x0 0x49036 0x3008 activity -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x2c0045 0x0 0x4000 0x0 alarmcause -
? 0 4 4 48 1981-12-08T14:28 c 0x40000 0x0 0x4192 0x2000 algollib ⟦b0f2ab3fb⟧
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:21 ln 0x10e000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 alog -
? 2048 4 39 0 1981-12-08T08:14 algollib 0x10e000 0x0 0x271ec 0x1000 arcsin -
? 2048 4 38 0 1981-12-08T08:18 algollib 0x10e000 0x0 0x261ec 0x1000 arctan -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:16 arctan 0x10e380 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 arg -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:18 arctan 0x10e000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 atan -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T15:03 system 0x430c8 0x0 0x402c 0x3000 blockproc -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x240048 0x0 0x4000 0x0 blocksout -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x240018 0x0 0x4000 0x0 blocksread -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-16T01:08 newsort 0xd3648 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 changekey6 -
? 2048 4 47 0 1981-12-08T08:21 algollib 0xcd200 0x0 0x2f014 0x1000 changerec -
? 2048 4 48 0 1981-12-08T08:21 algollib 0xcd200 0x0 0x30014 0x1000 changerec6 -
? 2048 4 62 0 1981-12-08T08:23 algollib 0xda200 0x0 0x3e016 0x2000 changevar -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:55 system 0x48000 0x0 0x402c 0x3000 check -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:04 changevar 0xc8000 0x0 0x4016 0x2000 checkvar -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-11T00:12 open 0x52200 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 close -
? 2048 4 76 0 1981-12-10T19:50 algollib 0x48000 0x0 0x4c002 0x3200 closetrans -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:14 arctan 0x10e000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 cos -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:41 newsort 0x67000 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 deadsort -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x24005d 0x0 0x4000 0x0 endaction -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x24003a 0x0 0x4000 0x0 errorbits -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:09 systime 0x169a40 0x0 0x4012 0x1000 exor -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:20 ln 0x129000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 exp -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:28 closetrans 0x40000 0x0 0x4002 0x3200 f8000table -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:18 setfpmode 0x93000 0x0 0x400e 0x1000 fpmode -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T13:27 initzones 0xe9000 0x0 0x4018 0x1000 getalarm -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:49 closetrans 0x534d9 0x0 0x4002 0x3200 getf8000tab -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-13T10:52 open 0x534c8 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 getposition -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T12:17 getzone 0x43648 0x0 0x400c 0x1000 getshare -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T12:14 getzone6 0x43648 0x0 0x400c 0x1000 getshare6 -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-13T13:15 open 0x53200 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 getstate -
? 2048 4 60 0 1981-12-08T11:28 algollib 0x59200 0x0 0x3c00c 0x1000 getzone -
? 2048 4 61 0 1981-12-08T11:28 algollib 0x59200 0x0 0x3d00c 0x1000 getzone6 -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x38001a 0x0 0x4000 0x0 in -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:35 system 0xd3000 0x0 0x402c 0x3000 increase -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T21:47 newsort 0x43688 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 initkey -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T19:54 newsort 0x43200 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 initsort -
? 2048 4 69 0 1981-12-08T09:35 algollib 0x5965e 0x0 0x45018 0x1000 initzones -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:42 changerec 0xcd200 0x0 0x4000 0x1000 inrec -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:42 changerec6 0xcd200 0x0 0x4000 0x1000 inrec6 -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-15T19:19 read 0x69000 0x0 0x4000 0x4008 intable -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T19:57 changevar 0xc8000 0x0 0x4016 0x2000 invar -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T11:25 write 0x59000 0x0 0x4018 0x504a isotable -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T09:19 newsort 0x67000 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 lifesort -
? 2048 4 40 0 1981-12-08T08:21 algollib 0x129000 0x0 0x281ec 0x1000 ln -
? 2048 4 71 0 1981-12-08T08:32 algollib 0xe8000 0x0 0x47020 0x1000 lock -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T11:01 lock 0xd9000 0x0 0x4020 0x1000 locked -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:13 systime 0x169a40 0x0 0x4012 0x1000 logand -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:11 systime 0x169a40 0x0 0x4012 0x1000 logor -
? 2048 4 53 0 1981-12-08T09:35 algollib 0xd94c8 0x340000 0x35068 0x3000 monitor -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T11:08 outdate 0xc935a 0x0 0x4018 0x1000 movestring -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T10:20 activity 0x1674d3 0x0 0x4036 0x3008 newactivity -
? 2048 4 64 0 1981-12-08T08:21 algollib 0x67000 0x0 0x40014 0x4000 newsort -
? 2048 4 49 0 1981-12-08T09:14 algollib 0x53a53 0x200000 0x31018 0x4000 open -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-11T00:32 closetrans 0x534d3 0x4c8000 0x4002 0x3200 opentrans -
? 2048 4 70 0 1981-12-08T12:35 algollib 0x49000 0x0 0x4602a 0x1000 openvirtual -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x38001b 0x0 0x4000 0x0 out -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-18T07:17 write 0x43200 0x0 0x4018 0x504a outchar -
? 2048 4 68 0 1981-12-08T08:35 algollib 0x43200 0x0 0x44018 0x1000 outdate -
? 2048 4 4 0 1968-01-01T00:19 write 0x240000 0x0 0x4018 0x504a outindex -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-18T07:21 write 0x690c3 0x200000 0x4018 0x504a outinteger -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:44 changerec 0xcd200 0x0 0x4000 0x1000 outrec -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:44 changerec6 0xcd200 0x0 0x4000 0x1000 outrec6 -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T09:52 newsort 0x67000 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 outsort -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T10:50 write 0x69000 0x0 0x4018 0x504a outtable -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-18T07:19 write 0x43683 0x200000 0x4018 0x504a outtext -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:25 changevar 0xda200 0x0 0x4016 0x2000 outvar -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x240025 0x0 0x4000 0x0 overflows -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T20:25 activity 0x40000 0x0 0x4036 0x3008 passivate -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x240047 0x0 0x4000 0x0 progmode -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:02 ln 0x103000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 random -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x200039 0x0 0x4000 0x0 rc8000 -
? 2048 4 34 0 1981-12-10T20:02 algollib 0xe7200 0x0 0x22006 0x4008 read -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-15T19:52 read 0xcd669 0x200000 0x4000 0x4008 readall -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T20:04 read 0xd3200 0x0 0x4000 0x4008 readchar -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-13T12:33 closetrans 0xd34c8 0x0 0x4002 0x3200 readfield -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-15T19:54 read 0xcda48 0x0 0x4000 0x4008 readstring -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T22:57 read 0x48000 0x0 0x4000 0x4008 repeatchar -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T09:59 write 0xd34c0 0x0 0x4018 0x504a replacechar -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:53 openvirtual 0x40000 0x0 0x402a 0x1000 resume -
? 2048 4 72 0 1981-12-08T08:16 algollib 0x524c0 0x0 0x4800e 0x1000 setfpmode -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-13T07:35 open 0x934c8 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 setposition -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T14:01 getzone 0x43648 0x0 0x400c 0x1000 setshare -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T13:43 getzone6 0x43648 0x0 0x400c 0x1000 setshare6 -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-13T12:58 open 0x53200 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 setstate -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T12:49 getzone 0x59200 0x0 0x400c 0x1000 setzone -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T12:35 getzone6 0x59200 0x0 0x400c 0x1000 setzone6 -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:14 ln 0xe9000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 sgn -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:16 ln 0xe9000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 sign -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:13 arctan 0x10e000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 sin -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:18 ln 0x129000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 sinh -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-13T09:54 newsort 0xda688 0x0 0x4000 0x4000 sortcomp -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:13 arcsin 0x10e000 0x0 0x41ec 0x1000 sqrt -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-15T19:08 newsort 0xd34d9 0x200000 0x4000 0x4000 startsort6 -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T15:12 system 0x430c8 0x0 0x402c 0x3000 stderror -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:46 changerec 0xcd200 0x0 0x4000 0x1000 swoprec -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T08:46 changerec6 0xcd200 0x0 0x4000 0x1000 swoprec6 -
? 2048 4 57 0 1981-12-08T08:48 algollib 0xe94d3 0x0 0x3902c 0x3000 system -
? 2048 4 56 0 1981-12-08T09:03 algollib 0x114393 0x0 0x38012 0x1000 systime -
? 2048 4 4 0 1968-01-01T00:06 read 0x240000 0x0 0x4000 0x4008 tableindex -
? 2048 4 46 0 1981-12-08T08:16 algollib 0x53a69 0x0 0x2e00e 0x1000 tofrom -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-11T02:06 closetrans 0x534c8 0x0 0x4002 0x3200 transerror -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T11:56 initzones 0x69000 0x0 0x4018 0x1000 trap -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x240046 0x0 0x4000 0x0 trapmode -
? 0 4 4 0 c 0x240016 0x0 0x4000 0x0 underflows -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-08T12:33 openvirtual 0x49000 0x0 0x402a 0x1000 virtual -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-13T10:35 activity 0xd3000 0x0 0x4036 0x3008 wactivity -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-13T09:44 closetrans 0xd34d3 0x4c8000 0x4002 0x3200 waittrans -
? 2048 4 41 0 1981-12-10T20:01 algollib 0xe8200 0x0 0x29018 0x504a write -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T22:22 closetrans 0x534c8 0x0 0x4002 0x3200 writefield -
? 2048 4 4 0 1981-12-10T20:02 write 0xe8200 0x0 0x4018 0x504a writeint -


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