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Length: 70656 (0x11400) Types: Rc489k_TapeFile, TextFile
└─⟦aa55fa693⟧ Bits:30007479 SW8110/1 TAS/SOS/PRIMO Rel 2.3 └─⟦this⟧
begin <* the program initializes, updates and/or lists a sos-usercatalog. for every process (user) the catalog keeps information about the process' bases, need for resources and a fp-string for use when starting the process. apart from that informations about the terminals allowed to communicate this process, is registered. process-name 8 half-words ! buffers 1 - ! ! areas 1 - ! ! std-,user-,maxbase 12 - ! process-describtion ! password 8 - ! ! min-, maxsize 4 - ! ! filler 10 - ! ! fp-string 40 - ! ! ! ! ! !12 ! ! ! device-name !288 - device- ! ! ! entry-,segms ! describtion ! ! ! !12 ! ! ! ! ! ! terminal external id 8 - ! ! local id 2 - ! terminal- ! userkey 8 - ! describtion ! bufring 1 - ! ! timecount 1 - ! ! filler 6 - ! ! ! the first n segments of the catalog is an indexregister for the rest. n is computed from the maximum number of processes wanted in the catalog (n=(max+49)// 50 , 50 processes per indexsegment). the maximum wanted is specified when the catalog is initialized. every process occupies an integer of segments. the segments of a process are chained in the last word of the segment. free segments are chained in the last word of the segments starting at the first indexsegment. indexsegments: segment 0: !--------------------! ! process-name ! 8 half-words ! segm.no of process-descr. ! 2 half-word !--------------------! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! !--------------------! ! process-name ! ! segm.no ! !--------------------! ! -1 ! ! -1 ! ! -1 ! word 254 ! no of processes ! 2 half-words word 255 ! max no processes ! 2 half_words word 256 ! segm.no first free seg/-1 ! 2 half_word !--------------------! segment n-1: !--------------------! ! process-name ! ! segm.no ! !--------------------! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! !--------------------! ! process-name ! ! segm.no ! !--------------------! ! -1 ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! -1 ! !--------------------! segments for processdescribtion: !--------------------! ! ! ! process-describtion ! ! -process-name ! ! -terminal-descr. ! ! ! 364 half-words ! ! ! ! !--------------------! ! terminal-descr1 ! 26 half-words !--------------------! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! !--------------------! ! terminal descr 5 ! !--------------------! word 256 ! segm.no next segm/-1 ! 2 half-words !--------------------! !--------------------! ! terminal descr 6 ! !--------------------! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !--------------------! ! terminal descr 24 ! !--------------------! ! -1 ! ! . ! ! . ! ! -1 ! !--------------------! ! segm.no next segm/-1 ! !--------------------! !--------------------! ! terminal descr ! !--------------------! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! !--------------------! ! terminal descr ! !--------------------! ! -1 ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! . ! ! -1 ! !--------------------! *>\f boolean em, init, list, data_error, cont, nl, sp, newpa_read, tempnewcat; integer elem_in_val, valindex, elem_in_glval, no, pa, tr, maxprocs, index_segm, used_segm, proc_segms, proc_count, proc_byte, term_count, term_start, term_byte, trans, paramno, no1, no2, i, j, k, last, new, old, free, proc_no, stop, proc_segm, term, maxsegm, index_lgt, proc_des_lgt, term_des_lgt, proc_pa_lgt, term_pa_lgt, proc_pr_index, term_pr_prsegm, term_pr_segm, free_w_prsegm, free_w_segm, great_trno, tr_end, tr_maxp, tr_proc, pa_term, pa_dterm, lastterm,no_of_bs; real short; integer array cat_table, quote_table(0:127), val, kind(1:120), glval, glkind(1:120), proc_params(1:182), term_params(1:13), tail(1:10), index(1:5); long array param(0:22), first_bs_device, outfile, oldcat, newcat, proc_name, name(1:2); boolean field buf, area, bufs, time; integer field csegm, segm, intid, next, entr, mins, maxs, std1, std2, use1, use2, max1, max2, k0s, k0e; integer array field word, perm1, perm; long array field pass, exid, key, fp, dev, lbase; real array field base, base1, base2; zone zonew, zoold(128*3, 3, stderror), zoout(128*2, 2, stderror); <* variables: area : points to areas in processdescribtion. base, base1, base2 : help-variables. buf : points to buffers in processdescr. bufs : points to bufring in terminal-descr. cat_table : definition of kinds for characters normally read. cont : used in connection with for-while statements. csegm : points to segments in processdescr. dataerror : true errors has occured during updating false otherwise. dev : points to device-name in devicedescr. elem_in_val : number of elements in val and kind. em : true the parameter end or the character em has been read false otherwise. entr : points to entries in processdescr. exid : points to external-id. in terminal-descr. first_bs_device: name of first bs device from monitor table. fp : points to fp-command in process-descr. free : number of segment used during updating. free_w_prsegm : address of first free word after last terminal-descr in a segment with process-descr. free_w_segm : address of first free word after last terminal-descr in a segment without processdescr. great_trno : greatest value of a transaction. i : help-variable. index : array for indexelements. index_lgt : length of an indexsegment in half-words. index_segm : points out an index_segment. init : true new catalog is to be initialized false catalog is to be updated. intid : points to local-id. in terminal-descr. j, k : help-variables. key : points to userkey in terminal-descr. kind : inddata stored by use of readall. k0e : points to entries of key0 in devicedescr. k0s : points to segments of key0 in device-descr. last : number of segment used during updating. last_term : help-variable. lbase : help-variable. list : true new catalog is to be listed after updating false otherwise. maxprocs : maximum number of processes for which there are room in the indexsegments. maxsegm : no of segments in the catalog beeing updated. maxs : points to maxsize in process-descr. max1, max2 : points to maxbases in process-descr. mins : points to minsize in process-descr. name : name read from inddata. new : number of segments used during updating. newcat : name of new catalog. new_pa_read : true if a new parameter has been read false otherwise. next : help-variable. nl : =false add 10, used in writestatements. no : =0, used in calls of the procedure error. no_of_bs : number of bs devices no1, no2 : help-variables. old : number of segments used during updating. oldcat : name of catalog if updating is wanted. outfile : name of outfile if listing is wanted. pa : =1, used in calls of the procedure error. pa_dterm : value of the parameter dterm. param : first four characters of all parameters. paramno : number of the parameter beeing executed. pass : points to password in process-descr. pa_term : value of the parameter term. perm : points to devicename in process-descr. perm1 : points to devicename of first device (disc) in process-descr. proc_byte : used as parameter in calls of the procedure segm_no. proc_count : no of process in the catalog. proc_des_lgt : length of a process-descr in half-words. proc_name : process-name. proc_no : number of process. proc_pa_lgt : great index of the array proc_params. proc_params : array for process-descr. proc_pr_index : number of process-names per indexsegment. proc_segm : number of segment containing process-descr. proc_segms : segments occupied by one process. quote_table : definition of kinds for characters read in connection with quotes. segm : points to segment-number in endexelement. short : used in connection with systime(7,..)- get shortclock. sp : = false add 32, used in writestatements. std1, std2 : points to standardbases in process-descr. stop : used in connection with for-step-statements. tail : used in connection with monitorprocedures. tempnewcat : true if a temporary file has been created for the new catalog false otherwise. term : number of segment containing terminal-descr. term_byte : used as parameter in calls of the procedure term_segm. term_count : counts number of terminals belonging to one process. term_des_lgt : length of a terminal-descr. in half-words. term_pa_lgt : great index of the array term_params. term_params : array for terminal-descr. term_pr_prsegm : number of terminal-describtions pr segment with process-descr. term_pr_segm : number of terminal-descr. pr segment without terminal-descr. term_start : points out the start of terminal-describtions in a segment. time : points to timecount in terminal-descr. tr : = 2, used in calls of the procedure error. trans : number of the transaction beeing executed. tr_end : value of the transaction end. tr_maxp : value of the transaction maxp. tr_proc : value of the transaction proc. used_segm : counts the segments used by initializing a new catalog. use1, use2 : points to userbases in process-descr. val : inddata stored by use of readall. valindex : number of next element in val and kind to be examined. word : used at word-operating on zones. zonew : zone for new catalog. zoold : zone for old catalog. zoout : zone for listing of catalog. *> \f procedure read_line; begin <* reads a new line into val and kind. assigns elem_in_val (no. of elements in val and kind) and valindex (points to next element in val to be read) *> integer i; trap(again); trapmode := 1 shift 2 + 1 shift 3; again1: for i:=1, 1 while elem_in_val<=0 do begin elem_in_val := read_all(in, val, kind, 1); if elem_in_val<0 then begin elem_in_glval := elem_in_val; error(<:line too long:>, no); end; end; valindex := 1; if glval(elem_in_glval)<>34 then elem_in_glval := 0; for i:=1 step 1 until elem_in_val do begin glval(elem_in_glval+i) := val(i); glkind(elem_in_glval+i) := kind(i); end; elem_in_glval := elem_in_glval + elem_in_val; goto outrl; again: elem_in_glval := elem_in_val; error(<:line too long:>, no); trapmode := 0; goto again1; outrl: end; procedure skip_delim; begin <* skips delimiters. at return valindex points to next element in val not beeing a delimiter. *> integer i; if valindex>elem_in_val then read_line; i := valindex-1; for i:=i+1 while kind(i)>=7 do begin if kind(i)=9 or val(i)=34 then error(<:illegal char:>, no); if i=elem_in_val then begin if val(i)=25 then begin em := true; goto out_skip; end else begin read_line; i := valindex-1; end; end; end for; out_skip: valindex := i; end skip_delim; procedure skip_to_text; begin <* skips to kind=text (6). at return valindex points to next element in val of kind text. *> boolean rep; integer i; rep := true; for i:=1 while rep do begin skip_delim; if em or kind(valindex)=6 then rep := false else <* skip kind 1 and 2 *> valindex := valindex + 1; end; end skip_to_text; \f boolean procedure read_no(no); integer no; begin <* read_no (return) true number is read. false otherwise no (return) read_no=false 0 true the number read. if read_no is false only delimiters has been read (valindex points to nest element in val not beeing a delimiter). *> boolean ok; no := 0; ok := true; skip_delim; if -,em then begin if kind(valindex)=2 then begin no := val(valindex); valindex := valindex + 1; end else ok := false; end else ok := false; read_no := ok; end read_no; boolean procedure read_name(text, chars); value chars; integer chars; long array text; begin <* read_name (return) true name is read false otherwise. text (return) read_name=false nulls true the name read. chars (call) max number of characters in text. if read_name is false only delimiters has been read. *> boolean ok; integer i, j, k, longs, char, read_chars, startindex; skip_delim; read_chars := 0; longs := chars//6 + 1; startindex := valindex; for i :=(if em then (longs+1) else 1) step 1 until longs do begin text(i) := 0; if kind(valindex) = 6 then begin for j:=0,1 do for k:=-16 step 8 until 0 do begin char := val(valindex+j) shift k extract 8; if read_chars=0 and char=0 then read_chars := (i-1)*6 + j*3 + (k+16)//8; end; text(i) := extend val(valindex) shift 24 + val(valindex+1); valindex := valindex + 2; end; end; ok := read_chars>=1 and read_chars<=chars; if -,ok then begin valindex := startindex; for i:=1 step 1 until longs do text(i) := 0; end; read_name := ok; end read_name; \f procedure read_param(paramno); integer paramno; begin <* paramno (return) -1 parameter not read i no of parameter read. if paramno=-1 only delimiters has been read. *> integer i, first, last; long text; paramno := -1; skip_delim; if -,em then begin first := i := valindex -1; for i:=i+1 while kind(i)=6 do; last := i-1; if last>first and last-first<=4 then begin text := extend val(first+1) shift 24 + val(first+2) shift (-16) shift 16; i := -1; for i:=i+1 while i<22 and text<>param(i) do; if i<22 then begin valindex := last + 1; paramno := i; end; end; end; end read_param; \f boolean procedure read_quote_text(text, chars); value chars; long array text; integer chars; begin <* reads string of characters surrounded by quotes into text. read_quote_text (return) true text is read false otherwise. text (return) read_quote_text=false: nulls else the text read. chars (call) max no of characters in text. if read_quote_text is false a line may have been skipped. *> boolean ok, rep; integer i, j, zerono; for i:=1 step 6 until chars do text(i//6+1) := 0; rep := ok := true; for i:=1 while rep and ok do begin for j:=valindex step 1 until elem_in_val do begin if kind(j)<7 then ok := false else if kind(j)=9 then error(<:illegal char:>, no) else if j=elem_in_val then begin if val(j)=25 <* em *> then begin em := true; ok := false; end else if val(j)=34 then rep:= false else begin read_line; j := valindex - 1; end; end; end for j; end for i; if ok then begin intable(quote_table); read_line; zerono := 3 - chars mod 3; if val(elem_in_val)=25 <* em *> then begin em := true; ok := false; end else if elem_in_val=1 and val(1)=34 then <* emty text *> else if elem_in_val>chars//3+2 then ok := false else if elem_in_val>chars//3 and val(elem_in_val-1) shift ((3-zerono)*8) <> 0 then ok := false else begin <* text ok *> j := if zerono=3 then elem_in_val - 2 else elem_in_val - 1; for i:=1 step 2 until j do text((i+1)//2) := extend val(i) shift 24 + val(i+1); end; intable(cat_table); read_line; end ok; read_quote_text := ok; end read_quote_text; \f procedure init_proc(proc); integer array proc; begin <* initialize proc with default values for process-describtion *> integer i; for i:=1 step 1 until proc_pa_lgt do proc(i) := 0; proc.buf := false add 4; proc.area := false add 7; proc.maxs := 8 388 607; proc.perm1.dev(1) := first_bs_device(1); proc.perm1.dev(2) := first_bs_device(2); proc.perm1(5) := 6; <* entries key0 *> end; \f boolean procedure read_proc(proc); integer array proc; begin <* reads process-describtion. read_proc (return) true: parameters read false: error in parameters. proc (return) read_proc-false: undefined true: the data read. at return valindex points to next element not beeing a process-parameter. *> boolean cont, ok, found, allzero; integer i, j, k, no1, no2, paramno, param_start; long array name(1:2); integer field segm, entr; integer array field perm; ok := true; for i:=valindex step 1 until elem_in_val do if kind(i)<=6 then begin param_start := valindex; i := elem_in_val; end else param_start := 1; read_param(paramno); cont := -,em and paramno<>0; if -,cont then valindex := param_start; for i:=1 while cont do begin if paramno<=great_trno or paramno>=pa_dterm then begin cont := false; valindex := param_start; end else begin case (paramno-great_trno) of begin begin <* buf *> if -,read_no(no1) or no1<=0 then begin error(<:buf:>, pa); ok := false; end else proc.buf := false add no1; end; begin <* area *> if -,read_no(no1) or no1<=0 then begin error(<:area:>, pa); ok := false; end else proc.area := false add no1; end; begin <* stdbase *> if -,read_no(no1) or -,read_no(no2) or no1>no2 then begin error(<:stdbase:>, pa); ok := false; end else begin proc.std1 := no1; proc.std2 := no2; end; end; begin <* userbase *> if -,read_no(no1) or -,read_no(no2) or no1>no2 then begin error(<:userbase:>, pa); ok := false; end else begin proc.use1 := no1; proc.use2 := no2; end; end; begin <* maxbase *> if -,read_no(no1) or -,read_no(no2) or no1>no2 then begin error(<:maxbase:>, pa); ok := false; end else begin proc.max1 := no1; proc.max2 := no2; end; end; begin <* password *> if -,read_quote_text(proc.pass, 11) then begin error(<:password:>, pa); ok := false; end; end; begin <* minsize *> if -,read_no(proc.mins) or proc.mins<0 then begin error(<:minsize:>, pa); ok := false; end; end; begin <* maxsize *> if -,read_no(proc.maxs) or proc.maxs<0 then begin error(<:maxsize:>, pa); ok := false; end; end; begin <* fp *> if -,read_quote_text(proc.fp, 59) then begin error(<:fp:>, pa); ok := false; end; end; begin <* perm *> if -,read_name(name, 11) then begin error(<:device name:>, pa); ok := false; end else begin found := false; i := 0; for i:=i+1 while -,found and i<=no_of_bs do begin perm := perm1 + (i-1)*24; if proc.perm.dev(1)=0 and proc.perm.dev(2)=0 or proc.perm.dev(1)=name(1) and proc.perm.dev(2)=name(2) then begin <* read entries and segms *> proc.perm.dev(1) := name(1); proc.perm.dev(2) := name(2); found := true; for j:=0 step 1 until 3 do begin for k:= valindex step 1 until elem_in_val do if kind(k)<=6 then begin param_start := valindex; k := elem_in_val; end else param_start := 1; read_param(paramno); if paramno<16 or paramno>19 then begin error(<:bs:>, no); valindex := param_start; ok := false; j := 4; i := 5; end else begin entr := k0e + (paramno-16)*4; segm := entr + 2; if -,read_no(no1) or -,read_no(no2) then begin error(<:bs:>, pa); ok := false; end else begin proc.perm.entr := no1; proc.perm.segm := no2; end; end; end for j; <* if all entr and segm area zero device-name is deleted, except for first bs device *> name(1) := first_bs_device(1); name(2) := first_bs_device(2); for j:=2 step 1 until no_of_bs do begin perm := perm1 + (j-1)*24; allzero := true; for k := 5 step 1 until 12 do if proc.perm(k)>0 then allzero := false; if allzero then proc.perm.dev(1) := proc.perm.dev(2) := long <::>; end; end found; end for i; if -,found then begin error(<:bs full:>, pa); ok := false; end; end; end perm; begin <* key0 *> <* key0 is read in perm - error *> error(<:bs:>, pa); ok := false; end; begin <* key1 *> <* key1 is read in perm - error *> error(<:bs:>, pa); ok := false; end; begin <* key2 *> <* key2 is read in perm - error *> error(<:bs:>, pa); ok := false; end; begin <* key3 *> <* key3 is read in perm - error *> error(<:bs:>, pa); ok := false; end; end case; for i:=valindex step 1 until elem_in_val do if kind(i)<=6 then begin param_start := valindex; i := elem_in_val; end else param_start := 1; read_param(paramno); end proc_param; end for cont; <* entries is summed to disc-entries *> no1 := no2 := 0; for i:=2 step 1 until no_of_bs do begin perm := perm1 + (i-1)*24; no1 := no1 + proc.perm(5); no2 := no2 + proc.perm(7); end; proc.perm1(5) := proc.perm1(5) + no1; proc.perm1(7) := proc.perm1(7) + no2; read_proc := ok; end read_proc; \f boolean procedure check_proc(proc); integer array proc; begin <* checks that all process-data has a proper value. check_proc (return) true data is ok false otherwise. proc (call) array containing process-data. valindex is unchanged. *> boolean ok; integer i; integer field segm0, segm1, segm2, segm3, entr0, entr1, entr2, entr3; long array field base; entr0 := k0e; entr1 := entr0 + 4; entr2 := entr1 + 4; entr3 := entr2 + 4; segm0 := k0s; segm1 := segm0 + 4; segm2 := segm1 + 4; segm3 := segm2 + 4; ok := true; <* check bases *> if proc.std1<proc.use1 or proc.std2>proc.use2 or proc.use1<proc.max1 or proc.use2>proc.max2 then begin error(<:base error:>, no); ok := false; end; <* check size *> if proc.mins > proc.maxs then begin error(<:size error:>, no); ok := false; end; <* check segms and entries *> for i:=0 step 1 until no_of_bs-1 do begin base := perm1 + i*24; if proc.base.segm0<proc.base.segm1 or proc.base.segm1<proc.base.segm2 or proc.base.segm2<proc.base.segm3 or proc.base.entr0<proc.base.entr1 or proc.base.entr1<proc.base.entr2 or proc.base.entr2<proc.base.entr3 then begin error(<:claim error:>, no); ok := false; i := 4; end; end; check_proc := ok; end check_proc; \f procedure error(text, skip_to); string text; integer skip_to; begin <* writes a text and current input line on primary output and skips some input. text (call) the text to be written. skip_to (call) tells how much to skip 0: nothing 1: until next parameter 2: until next transaction (paramno<=5). at return valindex points to next element to be read. *> boolean nl, rep; integer i, paramno; nl := false add 10; write(out, false add 32, 30-write(out, nl,1, text), <:process :>, proc_name, nl,1); for i:=1 step 1 until elem_in_glval do begin case glkind(i) of begin <* 1 *> write(out, glval(i)); <* 2 *> write(out, glval(i)); <* 3-5 *>;;; <* 6 *> write(out, string(extend glval(i) shift 24)); <* 7 *> write(out, false add glval(i),1); <* 8 *> if glval(i)<>25 then write(out, false add glval(i),1); <* 9 *> write(out, false add glval(i),1); end; end for; write(out, nl,1); if skip_to>no then begin <* find next param *> rep := true; for i:=1 while rep do begin i := valindex - 1; for i:=i+1 while kind(i)=6 do; valindex := i; skip_to_text; if em then emerror; i := valindex; read_param(paramno); if paramno=tr_end then begin if init then goto endinit else goto endupd; end else if paramno<>-1 then begin if skip_to=pa or skip_to=tr and paramno<=great_trno then begin <* param/trans found *> valindex := i; rep := false; end; end; end skip_to; end; data_error := true; end error; procedure emerror; begin <* writes a text on primary output and stop program-execution *> error(<:abnormal end:>, no); data_error := true; if init then goto endinit else goto endupd; end; \f integer procedure segm_no(zo, id, byteno); zone zo; long array id; integer byteno; begin <* searches for a process in the indexsegments. segm_no (return) -1 process is not in catalog else noof index-segment containing processname. zo (call) zone describing the catalog to search in. id (call) name of process to be searched for. byteno (return) no of byte preceding processname if found, else byte preceding first free byte. *> boolean found; integer i, psegm_no, index_segm, proc_no; integer array field index, word; long array field name; psegm_no := -1; index_segm := 0; setposition(zo, 0, 0); inrec6(zo, 512); word := 0; proc_no := if init then proc_count else zo.word(254); name := 0; index := 10; found := false; i := 0; for i:=i+1 while i<=proc_no and -,found do begin if i>1 and i mod proc_pr_index=1 then begin <* new index_segm is to be read *> index_segm := index_segm+1; setposition(zo, 0, index_segm); inrec6(zo, 512); name := 0; index := 10; end; if id(1)=zo.name(1) and id(2)=zo.name(2) then begin psegm_no := index_segm; found := true; end else begin name := name + index_lgt; index := index + index_lgt; end; end; segm_no := psegm_no; if -,found and i mod proc_pr_index=1 then name := 0; byteno := name; end segm_no; \f integer procedure term_segm(zo, proc_segm, id1, id2, byteno); value proc_segm, id2; zone zo; integer proc_segm, byteno, id2; long array id1; begin <* searches for a terminal belonging to a certain process. term_segm (return) abs value is number of segment on hand. negative: term not found positive no of segment describing the terminal. zo (call) zone describing the catalog to search in. proc_segm (call) no of segment at which to start the search. id1, id2 (call) names of terminal. byteno (return) no of byte preceding terminal describtion if found else byte preceding firste free. *> boolean cont; integer i, segm_no; integer field name2,next; integer array field word; long array field name1; segm_no := -proc_segm; setposition(zo, 0, proc_segm); swoprec6(zo, 512); word := 0; name1 := proc_des_lgt; name2 := name1 + 10; next := name1 + 2; cont := true; i := 0; for i:=i+1 while cont and zo.next<>-1 do begin if id1(1)=zo.name1(1) and id1(2)=zo.name1(2) or id2=zo.name2 then begin cont := false; segm_no := -segm_no; end else begin name1 := name1 + term_des_lgt; name2 := name2 + term_des_lgt; next := next + term_des_lgt; if -segm_no=proc_segm and i=term_pr_prsegm or -segm_no<>proc_segm and i=term_pr_segm then begin if zo.word(256)=-1 then cont := false else begin segm_no:=-zo.word(256); setposition(zo, 0, -segm_no); swoprec6(zo, 512); name1 := 0; name2 := 10; next := 2; i := 0; end; end end; end for i; term_segm := segm_no; byteno := name1; end term_segm; \f procedure extendcat(zo); zone zo; begin <* extends the area described by zo with one segment. the new segment(s) is chained as free. maxsegm is initialized with the new areasize. *> integer oldsegms, newsegm, i, j, old; integer array tail(1:10); i := monitor(42) lookup :(zo, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>lookup:>); oldsegms := tail(1); tail(1) := tail(1) + 1; i := monitor(44) change entry :(zo, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>ch.entr:>); i := monitor(42, zo, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>lookup:>); newsegm := tail(1) - 1; setposition(zo, 0, 0); inrec6(zo, 512); old := -1; for i:=newsegm step -1 until oldsegms do begin setposition(zo, 0, i); outrec6(zo, 512); for j:=1 step 1 until 255 do zo.word(j) := -1; zo.word(256) := old; old := i; end; setposition(zo, 0, 0); swoprec6(zo, 512); zo.word(256) := oldsegms; maxsegm := newsegm; end udvidcat; \f begin <* read and check fp-params *> <* syntax of programcall: (<newcat> =) upsoscat (<input>) (oldcat.(<cat>/no)) (list.(<outfile>/no)) *> boolean ok; integer i, j, k, l, m, in_no; real short; integer array tail(1:10), ia(1:20); long array field name; real array arr(1:2); zone z(128*3, 3, em); procedure em(z, s, b); zone z; integer s, b; if s shift (-18)=1 then goto copyend else stderror(z, s, b); <* get name of first bs device from monitor table *> system(5) move core :(98,ia); <* ia(1) holds address of chain table of device holding maincat *> <* get device name from chaintable *> system(5) move core :(ia(1)-18,first_bs_device); name := 2; j := 0; for i:=1,2 do oldcat(i) := newcat(i) := outfile(i) := long <::>; init := true; list := false; i := system(4, 1, arr); if i=6 shift 12 + 10 then begin <* <newcat> is to be read *> i := system(4, 0, arr); if i<=0 then system(9, 0, <:<10>call:>); to_from(newcat, arr, 8); j := 2; end else j := 1; in_no := j; for i:=system(4, j, arr) while i>0 do begin if i=4 shift 12 + 10 and arr(1)=real <:oldca:> add 116 and arr(2)= real <::> then begin <* copy <cat> *> j := j + 1; if system(4, j, arr)=8 shift 12 + 10 then begin if arr(1)= real <:no:> then init := true else begin to_from(oldcat, arr, 8); init := false; end; end else system(9, j, <:<10>call:>); end else if i=4 shift 12 + 10 and arr(1)=real <:list:> then begin <* <outfile> is to be read *> j := j + 1; if system(4, j, arr)=8 shift 12 + 10 then begin if arr(1)=real <:no:> then list := false else begin to_from(outfile, arr, 8); list := true; end; end else system(9, j, <:<10>call:>); end else if j<>in_no or i<>4 shift 12 + 10 then system(9, j, <:<10>call:>); j := j + 1; end for; if newcat(1)=long <::> then begin open(zonew, 4, <::>, 0); for i:=2 step 1 until 10 do tail(i) := 0; tail(1) := 1; tail(6) := systime(7, 0, short); m := monitor(40) cr entr :( zonew, 0, tail); if m>0 then system(9, m, <:<10>temp cr:>); getzone6(zonew, ia); close(zonew, true); newcat(1) := extend ia(2) shift 24 add ia(3); newcat(2) := extend ia(4) shift 24 add ia(5); tempnewcat := true; end else begin tempnewcat := false; k := 1; open(zonew, 4, newcat(increase(k)), 0); m := monitor(42) lookup :( zonew, 0, tail); if m=3 then begin for i:=2 step 1 until 10 do tail(i) := 0; tail(1) := 1; tail(6) := systime(7, 0, short); m := monitor(40) cr entr :( zonew, 0, tail); if m>0 then system(9, m, <:<10>temp cre:>); end else if m<>0 then system(9, m,<:<10>newcat:>); close(zonew, true); end; if -,init then begin k := 1; open(z, 4, string oldcat(increase(k)), 1 shift 18); m := monitor(42)lookup:( z, 0, tail); if m>0 then system(9, m, <:<10>oldcat:>); open(zoold, 4, <::>, 0); tail.name(1) := long <::>; tail.name(2) := long <::>; m := monitor(40)create entry:( zoold, 0, tail); if m>0 then system(9, m, <:<10>temp cre:>); getzone6(zoold, ia); <* get area-name *> close(zoold, true); arr(1) := 0.0 shift 24 add ia(2) shift 24 add ia(3); arr(2) := 0.0 shift 24 add ia(4) shift 24 add ia(5); k := 1; open(zoold, 4, string arr(increase(k)), 0); ok := true; for k:=1 while ok do begin inrec6(z, 512); outrec6(zoold, 512); for l:=1 step 1 until 128 do zoold(l) := z(l); end; copyend: close(z, true); end; if list then begin k := 1; open(zoout, 4, outfile(increase(k)), 0); m := monitor(42) lookup :( zoout, 0, tail); if m=3 then begin for i:=2 step 1 until 10 do tail(i) := 0; tail(1) := 1; tail(6) := systime(7, 0, short); m := monitor(40)cr entr :( zoout, 0, tail); if m>0 then system(9, m,<:<10>temp cre:>); end else if m<>0 then system(9, m, <:<10>outfile:>); close(zoout, true); end; end fp-param; \f <* initialize cat_table and quote_table *> begin integer i; <* cat_table-kinds: 0: same as iso. 1: great number. 2: number. 3: signs. 6: letters. 7: space. 8: quote, ff, nl and em. 9: the rest, illegal characters. *> for i:=1 step 1 until 47, 58 step 1 until 64, 94, 95, 96, 126 do cat_table(i) := 9 shift 12 + i; for i:=0, 13, 127 do cat_table(i) := 0 shift 12 + i; for i:=48 step 1 until 57 do cat_table(i) := 2 shift 12 + i; cat_table(43) := 3 shift 12 + 43; cat_table(45) := 3 shift 12 + 45; for i:=65 step 1 until 93 do cat_table(i) := 6 shift 12 + i+32; for i:=97 step 1 until 125 do cat_table(i) := 6 shift 12 + i; cat_table(32) := 7 shift 12 + 32; for i:=10, 12, 25, 34 do cat_table(i) := 8 shift 12 + i; <* quote_table-kinds: 0: same as iso. 8: quote and em. 6: the rest. *> for i:=1 step 1 until 127 do quote_table(i) := 6 shift 12 + i; for i:=0, 13, 127 do quote_table(i) := 0 shift 12 + i; for i:=25, 34 do quote_table(i) := 8 shift 12 + i; intable(cat_table); end; <* initialize param *> begin integer i; for i:=0 step 1 until 22 do param(i) := long (case (i+1) of ( <:end:>, <:maxp:>, <:proc:>, <:dpro:>, <:cpro:>, <:ipro:>, <:buf:>, <:area:>, <:stdb:>, <:user:>, <:maxb:>, <:pass:>, <:mins:>, <:maxs:>, <:fp:>, <:bs:>, <:key0:>, <:key1:>, <:key2:>, <:key3:>, <:dter:>, <:term:>, <::>) ); end; data_error := false; em := false; elem_in_val := 0; elem_in_glval := 1; glval(1) := glkind(1) := 0; valindex := 1; proc_name(1) := proc_name(2) := long <::>; no := 0; pa := 1; tr := 2; nl := false add 10; sp := false add 32; word := 0; base := 0; segm := 10; exid := 0; intid := 10; key := 10; bufs := 19; time := 20; buf := 1; area := buf + 1; std1 := area + 2; std2 := std1 + 2; use1 := std2 + 2; use2 := use1 + 2; max1 := use2 + 2; max2 := max1 + 2; pass := max2; mins := pass + 10; maxs := mins + 2; fp := maxs + 10; perm1 := fp + 40; dev := 0; k0e := dev + 10; k0s := k0e + 2; index_lgt := 10; proc_des_lgt := 364; term_des_lgt := 26; proc_pa_lgt := proc_des_lgt//2; term_pa_lgt := term_des_lgt//2; no_of_bs := 12; <* 12 bs devices allowed *> proc_pr_index := (512-6)//index_lgt; term_pr_prsegm := (512-2-proc_des_lgt)//term_des_lgt; term_pr_segm := (512-2)//term_des_lgt; free_w_prsegm := proc_des_lgt + term_des_lgt*term_pr_prsegm + 2; free_w_segm := term_des_lgt*term_pr_segm + 2; great_trno := 5; tr_end := 0; tr_maxp := 1; tr_proc := 2; pa_term := 21; pa_dterm := 20; i := 1; open(zonew, 4, string newcat(increase(i)), 0); \f if init then begin maxprocs := proc_pr_index; index_segm := 0; read_param(trans); newpa_read := false; if trans=tr_maxp then begin if read_no(no1) then maxprocs := (no1+proc_pr_index-1)//proc_pr_index*proc_pr_index; index_segm := (maxprocs-1)//proc_pr_index; read_param(trans); end; i := monitor(42) lookup :(zonew, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>lookup:>); maxsegm := tail(1) - 1; for i:=1 while maxsegm<index_segm do extendcat(zonew); for i:=0 step 1 until maxsegm do begin setposition(zonew,0,i); outrec6(zonew,512); for j:=1 step 1 until 256 do zonew.word(j):=-1; if i>index_segm then zonew.word(256) := i + 1; end; if i>index_segm then zonew.word(256) := -1; used_segm := index_segm; index_segm := -1; proc_count := 0; for i:=1 while -,em do begin if trans=tr_end then begin em :=true; goto endinit; end else if trans<>tr_proc then begin error(<:trans:>, tr); goto read_trans; end; if proc_count>=maxprocs then begin error(<:cat full:>, no); goto endinit; end; if -,read_name(proc_name, 8) then begin error(<:name:>, tr); goto read_trans; end; if segm_no(zonew, proc_name, proc_byte)<>-1 then begin error(<:proc in cat:>, tr); goto read_trans; end; init_proc(proc_params); if read_proc(proc_params) then begin if check_proc(proc_params) then begin if proc_byte=0 then index_segm := index_segm + 1; setposition(zonew, 0, index_segm); swoprec6(zonew, 512); used_segm := used_segm + 1; if used_segm>maxsegm then begin extendcat(zonew); setposition(zonew, 0, index_segm); swoprec6(zonew, 512); end; base := proc_byte; proc_count := proc_count + 1; to_from(zonew.base, proc_name, 8); zonew.base.segm := used_segm; setposition(zonew, 0, used_segm); swoprec6(zonew, 512); zonew.word(256) := -1; to_from(zonew, proc_params, proc_des_lgt); proc_segms := 1; term_count := 0; term_start := proc_des_lgt; read_param(paramno); newpa_read := true; for i:=1 while paramno=pa_term do begin for j:=1 step 1 until term_pa_lgt do term_params(j) := 0; term_params.bufs := false add 1; term_params.time := false add 40; if -,read_name(term_params.exid, 11) then begin error(<:name:>, pa); goto read_term; end; if -,read_quote_text(name, 3) then begin error(<:locid:>, pa); goto read_term; end; term_params.intid := name(1) shift (-24) extract 24; if term_segm(zonew, used_segm-proc_segms+1, term_params.exid, term_params.intid, term_byte)>0 then begin error(<:term in cat:>, pa); goto read_term; end; if -,read_quote_text(term_params.key, 11) then begin error(<:term-key:>, pa); goto read_term; end; <* read bufring and timecount if present *> if read_no(j) then begin if j<0 then begin error(<:bufring:>, pa); goto read_term; end else begin term_params.bufs := false add j; if read_no(j) then begin if j<=0 then begin error(<:timecount:>, pa); goto read_term; end else term_params.time := false add j; end; end; end; term_count := term_count + 1; if proc_segms=1 and term_count=term_pr_prsegm+1 or proc_segms>1 and term_count=term_pr_segm+1 then begin used_segm := used_segm + 1; if used_segm>maxsegm then extendcat(zonew); setposition(zonew, 0, used_segm-1); swoprec6(zonew, 512); zonew.word(256) := used_segm; setposition(zonew, 0, used_segm); swoprec6(zonew, 512); zonew.word(256) := -1; proc_segms := proc_segms + 1; term_count := 1; term_start := 0; end; setposition(zonew, 0, used_segm); swoprec6(zonew, 512); base := term_start + (term_count-1)*term_des_lgt; to_from(zonew.base, term_params, term_des_lgt); read_term: read_param(paramno); end for paramno=term; end if check_proc; end if read_proc; read_trans: if newpa_read and paramno>great_trno or -,newpa_read then read_param(trans) else trans := paramno; newpa_read := false; end while -,em; endinit: setposition(zonew, 0, 0); swoprec6(zonew, 512); zonew.word(254) := proc_count; zonew.word(255) := maxprocs; if used_segm<maxsegm then zonew.word(256) := used_segm + 1 else zonew.word(256) := -1; end init\f else begin <* update *> read_param(trans); newpa_read := false; for i:=1 while -,em do begin if trans=tr_end then begin em := true; goto end_upd; end; if trans>great_trno or trans<=tr_proc then begin error(<:trans:>, tr); goto read_upd; end; if -,read_name(proc_name, 8) then begin error(<:name:>, tr); goto read_upd; end; index_segm := segm_no(zoold, proc_name, proc_byte); case (trans-tr_proc) of begin begin <* delete process *> if index_segm=-1 then begin error(<:proc not in cat:>, tr); goto read_upd; end; base := proc_byte; new := zoold.base.segm; setposition(zoold, 0, 0); inrec6(zoold, 512); old := zoold.word(256); for i:=1 while new<>-1 do begin setposition(zoold, 0, new); swoprec6(zoold, 512); j:=new; new := zoold.word(256); for k:=1 step 1 until 255 do zoold.word(k) := -1; zoold.word(256) := old; old := j; end; setposition(zoold, 0, 0); swoprec6(zoold, 512); zoold.word(256) := old; zoold.word(254) := zoold.word(254) - 1; proc_no := index_segm*proc_pr_index + (proc_byte+index_lgt)//index_lgt; base1 := proc_byte; base2 := base1 + index_lgt; stop := zoold.word(254); setposition(zoold, 0, index_segm); swoprec6(zoold, 512); for i:=proc_no step 1 until stop do begin <* index is moved from place i+1 to i *> if i mod proc_pr_index=0 then begin setposition(zoold, 0, index_segm+1); swoprec6(zoold, 512); base2 := 0; end; to_from(index, zoold.base2, index_lgt); if i mod proc_pr_index=0 then begin setposition(zoold, 0, index_segm); swoprec6(zoold, 512); end; to_from(zoold.base1, index, index_lgt); if i mod proc_pr_index =0 then begin index_segm := index_segm + 1; setposition(zoold, 0, index_segm); swoprec6(zoold, 512); base1 := 0; end else base1 := base1 + index_lgt; base2 := base2 + index_lgt; end; stop := index_lgt//2; for i:=1 step 1 until stop do zoold.base1.word(i) := -1; end; begin <* correct process *> if index_segm=-1 then begin error(<:process not in cat:>, tr); goto read_upd; end; setposition(zoold, 0, index_segm); inrec6(zoold, 512); base := proc_byte; proc_segm := zoold.base.segm; setposition(zoold, 0, proc_segm); swoprec6(zoold, 512); for i:=1 step 1 until proc_pa_lgt do proc_params.word(i) := zoold.word(i); no1 := no2 := 0; for i:=2 step 1 until 4 do begin perm := perm1 + (i-1)*24; no1 := no1 + proc_params.perm(5); no2 := no2 + proc_params.perm(7); end; proc_params.perm1(5) := proc_params.perm1(5) - no1; proc_params.perm1(7) := proc_params.perm1(7) - no2; if read_proc(proc_params) then begin if check_proc(proc_params) then begin to_from(zoold, proc_params, proc_des_lgt); read_param(paramno); newpa_read := true; for k:=1 while paramno=pa_dterm or paramno=pa_term do begin for i:=1 step 1 until term_pa_lgt do term_params(i) := 0; if -,read_name(term_params.exid, 11) then begin error(<:name:>, pa); goto read_upd_term; end; if -,read_quote_text(name, 3) then begin error(<:locid:>, pa); goto read_upd_term; end; term_params.intid := name(1) shift (-24) extract 24; term := term_segm(zoold, proc_segm, term_params.exid, term_params.intid, term_byte); case (paramno-(pa_dterm-1)) of begin begin <* dterm *> if term<=-1 then begin error(<:term not in cat:>, pa); goto read_upd_term; end; base1 := term_byte; lastterm := (if free_w_prsegm<=free_w_segm then free_w_prsegm else free_w_segm) - (term_des_lgt + 2); base2 := if term_byte>=lastterm <* next term in new segm *> then 0 else term_byte+term_des_lgt; last := old := term; if base2=0 and zoold.word(256)<>-1 then begin setposition(zoold, 0, zoold.word(256)); swoprec6(zoold, 512); next := zoold.word(1); end else next := if base2<>0 then zoold.base2.word(1) else -1; for i:=1 while next<>-1 do begin <* compress term_describtions *> to_from(term_params, zoold.base2, term_des_lgt); if base2=0 then begin setposition(zoold, 0, old); swoprec6(zoold, 512); end; to_from(zoold.base1, term_params, term_des_lgt); if base2=0 then begin last := old; old := zoold.word(256); setposition(zoold, 0, old); swoprec6(zoold, 512); end; base1:= if base1>=lastterm then 0 else base1 + term_des_lgt; base2 := if base2>=lastterm then 0 else base2 + term_des_lgt; if base2=0 and zoold.word(256)<>-1 then begin setposition(zoold, 0, zoold.word(256)); swoprec6(zoold, 512); next := zoold.word(1); end else next := if base2<>0 then zoold.base2.word(1) else -1; end; <* next = -1 *> for i:=base1+2 step 2 until 512 do zoold.word(i//2) := -1; <* segm old is free if base1=0 *> if base1 = 0 then begin setposition(zoold, 0, last); swoprec6(zoold,512); zoold.word(256) := -1; setposition(zoold, 0, 0); swoprec6(zoold, 512); i := zoold.word(256); zoold.word(256) := old; setposition(zoold, 0, old); swoprec6(zoold, 512); zoold.word(256) := i; end; end <* dterm *>; begin <* term *> if term>0 then begin error(<:term in cat:>, pa); goto read_upd_term; end; term_params.bufs := false add 1; term_params.time := false add 40; if -,read_quote_text(term_params.key, 11) then begin error(<:term-key:>, pa); goto read_upd_term; end; <* read bufring and timecount if present *> if read_no(j) then begin if j<=0 then begin error(<:bufring:>, pa); goto read_upd_term; end else begin term_params.bufs := false add j; if read_no(j) then begin if j<=0 then begin error(<:timecount:>, pa); goto read_upd_term; end else term_params.time := false add j; end; end; end; base := term_byte; lastterm := (if free_w_prsegm<=free_w_segm then free_w_segm else free_w_prsegm) - (term_des_lgt + 2); if term_byte<=lastterm then <* room in this segm *> to_from(zoold.base, term_params, term_des_lgt) else begin <* new segm in use *> setposition(zoold, 0, 0); inrec6(zoold, 512); new := zoold.word(256); if new=-1 then begin extendcat(zoold); setposition(zoold, 0, 0); inrec6(zoold, 512); new := zoold.word(256); end; setposition(zoold, 0, new); swoprec6(zoold, 512); free := zoold.word(256); to_from(zoold, term_params, term_des_lgt); setposition(zoold, 0, -term); swoprec6(zoold, 512); zoold.word(256) := new; setposition(zoold, 0, 0); swoprec6(zoold, 512); zoold.word(256) := free; end; end <* term *>; end case paramno; read_upd_term: read_param(paramno); end for; end if check_proc; end if read_proc; end cproc; begin <* insert process *> if index_segm<>-1 then begin error(<:proc in cat:>, tr); goto read_upd; end; init_proc(proc_params); if read_proc(proc_params) then begin if check_proc(proc_params) then begin setposition(zoold, 0, 0); swoprec6(zoold, 512); if zoold.word(254) = zoold.word(255) then begin error(<:cat full:>, tr); goto read_upd; end; zoold.word(254) := zoold.word(254) + 1; proc_segm := zoold.word(256); if proc_segm=-1 then begin extendcat(zoold); setposition(zoold, 0, 0); swoprec6(zoold, 512); proc_segm := zoold.word(256); end; index_segm := (zoold.word(254)-1)//proc_pr_index; if index_segm<>0 then begin setposition(zoold, 0, index_segm); swoprec6(zoold, 512); end; base := proc_byte; to_from(zoold.base, proc_name, 8); zoold.base.segm := proc_segm; setposition(zoold, 0, proc_segm); swoprec6(zoold, 512); old := proc_segm; new := zoold.word(256); zoold.word(256) := -1; to_from(zoold, proc_params, proc_des_lgt); proc_segms := 1; term_count := 0; term_start := proc_des_lgt; read_param(paramno); newpa_read := true; for i:=1 while paramno=pa_term do begin for j:=1 step 1 until term_pa_lgt do term_params(j) := 0; term_params.bufs := false add 1; term_params.time := false add 40; if -,read_name(term_params.exid, 11) then begin error(<:name:>, pa); goto read_upd_term1; end; if -,read_quote_text(name, 3) then begin error(<:locid:>, pa); goto read_upd_term1; end; term_params.intid := name(1) shift (-24) extract 24; if term_segm(zoold, proc_segm, term_params.exid, term_params.intid, term_byte)>0 then begin error(<:term in cat:>, pa); goto read_upd_term1; end; if -,read_quote_text(term_params.key, 11) then begin error(<:term-key:>, pa); goto read_upd_term1; end; <* read bufring and timecount if present *> if read_no(j) then begin if j<0 then begin error(<:bufring:>, pa); goto read_upd_term1; end else begin term_params.bufs := false add j; if read_no(j) then begin if j<0 then begin error(<:timecount:>, pa); goto read_upd_term1; end else term_params.time := false add j; end; end; end; term_count := term_count + 1; if proc_segms=1 and term_count=term_pr_prsegm+1 or proc_segms>1 and term_count=term_pr_segm+1 then begin if new=-1 then begin extendcat(zoold); setposition(zoold, 0, 0); inrec6(zoold, 512); new := zoold.word(256); setposition(zoold, 0, old); swoprec6(zoold, 512); end; zoold.word(256) := new; setposition(zoold, 0, new); swoprec6(zoold, 512); old := new; new := zoold.word(256); zoold.word(256) := -1; proc_segms := proc_segms + 1; term_count := 1; term_start := 0; end; base := term_start + (term_count-1)*term_des_lgt; to_from(zoold.base, term_params, term_des_lgt); read_upd_term1: read_param(paramno); end for paramno=term; setposition(zoold, 0, 0); swoprec6(zoold, 512); zoold.word(256) := new; end if check_proc; end if read_proc; end iproc; end case trans-2; read_upd: if newpa_read and paramno>great_trno or -,newpa_read then read_param(trans) else trans := paramno; newpa_read := false; end while -,em; endupd: i := monitor(42) lookup :(zoold, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>lookup:>); maxsegm := tail(1); i := monitor(42) lookup :(zonew, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>lookup:>); if tail(1)<maxsegm then begin tail(1) := maxsegm; i := monitor(44) change entry :(zonew, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>ch.entr:>); end; setposition(zoold, 0, 0); setposition(zonew, 0, 0); for i:=1 step 1 until maxsegm do begin inrec6(zoold, 512); outrec6(zonew, 512); for j:=1 step 1 until 128 do zonew(j) := zoold(j); end; i := monitor(48) remove entry :( zoold, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>remove:>); close(zoold, true); end update; i := monitor(42) lookup :( zonew, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>lookup:>); tail(6) := systime(7, 0, short); i := monitor(44) change entry :(zonew, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>ch.entr:>); \f if list then begin i := 1; open(zoout, 4, string outfile(increase(i)), 0); setposition(zonew, 0, 0); inrec6(zonew, 512); proc_count := zonew.word(254); write(zoout, false add 12,1, nl,1, string param(1), sp,1, zonew.word(255)); for k:=1 step 1 until proc_count do begin setposition(zonew, 0, (k-1)//proc_pr_index); inrec6(zonew, 512); lbase := (if k mod proc_pr_index=0 then (proc_pr_index-1) else (k mod proc_pr_index - 1))*index_lgt; write(zoout, nl,3, string param(2), sp,1, zonew.lbase); setposition(zonew, 0, zonew.lbase.segm); inrec6(zonew, 512); write(zoout, nl,1, sp,2, string param(6), sp,1, zonew.buf extract 24, sp,1, sp,2, string param(7), sp,1, zonew.area extract 24, nl,1, sp,2, string param(8), sp,1, zonew.std1, sp,1, zonew.std2, nl,1, sp,2, string param(9), sp,1, zonew.use1, sp,1, zonew.use2, nl,1, sp,2, string param(10), sp,1, zonew.max1, sp,1, zonew.max2, nl,1, sp,2, string param(11), sp,1, false add 34,1, zonew.pass, false add 34,1, nl,1, sp,2, string param(12), sp,1, zonew.mins, nl,1, sp,2, string param(13), sp,1, zonew.maxs, nl,1, sp,2, string param(14), sp,1, false add 34,1, zonew.fp, false add 34,1); for i:=0 step 1 until no_of_bs-1 do begin no1 := no2 := 0; if i=0 <* disc *> then begin for j:=2 step 1 until no_of_bs do begin perm := perm1 + (j-1)*24; no1 := no1 + zonew.perm(5); no2 := no2 + zonew.perm(7); end; end; perm := perm1 + i*24; if zonew.perm(1)<>0 then begin lbase := perm; write(zoout, nl,1, sp,2, string param(15), sp,1, zonew.lbase); for j:=0 step 1 until 3 do begin csegm := k0s + j*4; entr := csegm-2; write(zoout, sp,1, string param(16+j), sp,1, zonew.perm.entr-(if j=0 then no1 else if j=1 then no2 else 0), sp,1, zonew.perm.csegm); end; end; end; cont := true; exid := proc_des_lgt; intid := exid + 10; key := intid; bufs := key + 9; time := bufs + 1; next := exid + 2; for i:=1 while cont and zonew.next<>-1 do begin write(zoout, nl,1, sp,2, string param(21), sp,1, zonew.exid, sp,1, false add 34,1, string extend zonew.intid shift 24, false add 34,1, sp,1, false add 34,1, zonew.key, false add 34,1, sp,1, zonew.bufs extract 12, sp,1, zonew.time extract 12); exid := exid + term_des_lgt; intid := intid + term_des_lgt; key := key + term_des_lgt; bufs := bufs + term_des_lgt; time := time + term_des_lgt; next := next + term_des_lgt; if next=free_w_prsegm or next=free_w_segm then begin proc_segms := zonew.word(256); if proc_segms=-1 then cont := false else begin setposition(zonew, 0, proc_segms); inrec6(zonew, 512); exid := 0; intid := 10; key := 10; bufs := 19; time := 20; next := 2; end; end; end; end for k; write(zoout, nl,1, string param(0), nl,1, false add 25,1); i := monitor(42) lookup :( zoout, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>lookup:>); tail(6) := systime(7, 0, short); i := monitor(44) change entry :( zoout, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>ch.entry:>); close(zoout, true); end list; close (zonew, true); if tempnewcat then begin i := monitor(48) remove entry :(zonew, 0, tail); if i>0 then system(9, i, <:<10>remove:>); end; if data_error then system(9, 0, <:<10>errors:>); end; ▶EOF◀