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Length: 96768 (0x17a00) Types: TextFile Names: »procstx «
└─⟦110021343⟧ Bits:30007476 RC8000 Backup tape fra HT's bus-radio system └─⟦a957ba283⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »procstx «
procs=set 1 disc1 scope user procs procs=algol connect.no begin message procs 880530/ho side 1; <* Program procs skriver en liste over interne processer og frie hoved- lager områder. Kald: ===== 1 1 1 (<udfil>=) procs (alle) (døde) 0 0 0 Parameter 'alle' angiver at også monitors processer listes. Parameter 'døde' angiver at også nedlagte processer listes. Kaldte procedurer: ================== closefp, openfp. Ændringshistorie: ================= 880530 ho: Original version. 900523 ho: Prioritet skrives også. *> \f message procs 900523/ho side 2; boolean alle, døde; integer int_ant, første_int, adr, int_størrelse, noofrecs, result, explanation, reclgd, ant, nr, sadr, maxadr, prevtop, tilstand, i, j, k; integer field parent, faddr, taddr, pdesc, buf, area, status, prio; integer array keydescr(1:2<*noofkeys*>,1:2), param(1:7), proc(-2:60), wrkstore(1:10), ia(1:20); integer array field iaf; long array hostnavn(1:2), filnavn(1:2), rec(1:10), procs(1:10*24); long field starttid, cpu; long ll; long array field laf, navn; real r, t, eof; real array names(1:6); real array field raf; zone z(1,1,stderror), zu, zp, z1, z2(128,1,stderror); \f message procs 900523/ho side 3; copyout; parent:=2; faddr:=4; taddr:=6; pdesc:=8; navn:=8; buf:=18; area:=20; cpu:=24; starttid:=28; status:=30; prio:=32; reclgd:=32; iaf:= 2; hostnavn(1):=hostnavn(2):= long<::>; open(z,0,<:jobhost:>,0); if monitor(42)lookup:(z,0,ia)=0 then tofrom(hostnavn,ia.iaf,8); close(z,true); ll:=0; laf:=raf:=0; openfp(zu,0); alle:=findfpparam(<:alle:>,true,ia)>=0; døde:=findfpparam(<:døde:>,true,ia)>=0; system(5,78,ia); intant:=(ia(2)-ia(1))//2; første_int:=ia(1); wrkstore(1):=28; wrkstore(2):=1; open(zp,4,<::>,0); i:=monitor(40)create entry:(zp,0,wrkstore); if i>0 then system(9,i+0*write(zu,"nl",1,<:*** procs: create entry :>, case i of (<::>,<:catalog fejl:>,<::>,<:ingen bs-ressourcer:>,<::>,<::>, <:intet maincatalog:>)),<:monitor40:>); \f message procs 900523/ho side 4; begin integer array intprocref(1:intant); system(5,første_int,intprocref); int_størrelse:=(intprocref(2)-intprocref(1)); ant:=0; for i:=1 step 1 until intant do begin adr:=intprocref(1)-4+intstørrelse*(i-1); iaf:=-6; system(5,adr,proc.iaf); if testbit(1) or testbit(2) then outchar(zu,'ff'); if testbit(2) then begin write(zu,"nl",2,<:PROCESBESKRIVELSE:>,i,"nl",2); skrivtotal(zu,proc.iaf.raf,intstørrelse,0); end; iaf:=0; rec.parent:=proc(25); <*parent descr addr*> if true <*!!!!!*> and proc(50)<proc(11) then begin rec.faddr:=proc(11)+ <*første addr*> proc(49); <*curr. base*> rec.taddr:=proc(12)+ <*top addr*> proc(49); <*curr. base*> end else begin rec.faddr:=proc(50); <*første addr*> rec.taddr:=proc(51); <*top addr*> end; rec.pdesc:=adr+4; <*proc descr addr *> rec.buf:=proc(13)shift (-12); rec.area:=proc(13) extract 12; rec.cpu:=proc.laf(14); rec.starttid:=proc.laf(15); rec.status:=proc(5); rec.prio:=proc(15); raf:=0; laf:=0; tofrom(rec.navn,proc.laf,8); if alle or rec.iaf(5)<> 0 and rec.iaf(2)>8 then begin if testbit(1) then begin write(zu,"nl",2,<:PROC-REC:>,i,"nl",2); skrivtotal(zu,rec.raf,reclgd,0); end; open(z2,0,rec.navn,0); close(z2,true); j:=monitor(4,z2,0,ia); <* if j=0 and rec.faddr>8 then rec.status:=0; *> if rec.navn.iaf(1)=0 then rec.navn.iaf(1):='.' shift 8 add '.' shift 8 add '.'; outrec6(zp,reclgd); tofrom(zp,rec,reclgd); ant:=ant+1; end; end; end; setposition(zp,0,0); \f message procs 890202/ho side 5; param(1):=1;<*blocklength*> param(2):=1;<*clear input*> param(3):=0; param(4):=1;<*fixedlength*> param(5):=reclgd;<*rec.length*> param(6):=2;<*nooofkeys*> param(7):=1;<*runtime alarm*> keydescr(1,1):= +2;<*integer*> keydescr(1,2):=faddr; keydescr(2,1):= +2; keydescr(2,2):=taddr; for i:=1 step 1 until 6 do names(i):=real<::>; raf:=2; getzone6(zp,ia); tofrom(names,ia.raf,8); noofrecs:=ant; eof:=real<::>; mdsortproc(param,keydescr,names,eof,noofrecs,result,explanation); \f message procs 900523/ho side 6; raf:=8; tofrom(filnavn,names.raf,8); open(z1,4,filnavn,0); write(zu,"nl",1,<:PROCES_______ST.ADR._STØRREL._BUF_AREA ________CPU:>, <:_PR_STAT_______STARTTID:>,"nl",1); write(zu,"-",79,"nl",1); prevtop:=8; sadr:=maxadr:=0; for i:=1 step 1 until ant do begin inrec6(z1,reclgd); tofrom(rec,z1,reclgd); if rec.navn(1) = long <:s:> then <*s*> begin sadr:=rec.pdesc; maxadr:=rec.taddr; end; if i=2 then prevtop:=rec.faddr; if (rec.status<>0 or døde) and (alle or true) then begin if alle or (not alle and i>3) then begin if rec.faddr>prevtop and prevtop > 0 then begin write(zu,<: *** frit__:>,<< ddddddd>,prevtop, rec.faddr-prevtop,"nl",1); end; end; j:=write(zu,rec.navn); write(zu,"sp",12-j,<< ddddddd>, rec.faddr,rec.taddr-rec.faddr, << dddd>, rec.buf,rec.area, <<dd ddd ddd.d>,rec.cpu/10000.0, <<-dd>,rec.prio,"sp",1); k:=rec.status extract 12; tilstand:= if k=0 <*ikke eksist.*> then 0 else if k=11 <*running*> then 1 else if k=200 <*w.f.CPU*> then 2 else if k=8 <*running after error*> then 3 else if k=176 <*w.f. stop by parent*> then 4 else if k=160 <*w.f. stop by ancest*> then 5 else if k=184 <*w.f. start by parent*> then 6 else if k=168 <*w.f. start by ancest*> then 7 else if k=204 <*w.f. procesfunc*> then 8 else if k=141 <*w.f. message*> then 9 else if k=142 <*w.f. answer*> then 10 else if k=143 <*w.f. event*> then 11 else 12; if tilstand=12 then write(zu,<<dddd>,rec.status extract 12) else write(zu,"sp",1,case tilstand+1 of (<:nex:>, <:run:>,<:wcp:>,<:rer:>,<:wSp:>, <:wSa:>,<:wsp:>,<:wsa:>,<:wpf:>, <:wme:>,<:wan:>,<:wev:>,<:???:>)); \f message procs 890202/ho side 7; t:=rec.starttid/10000.0; if t>200000.0 then write(zu,<< zd dd dd>,systime(4,t,r),r); write(zu,"nl",1); if i=ant then begin if rec.taddr<maxadr then begin write(zu,<: *** frit__:>,<< ddddddd>,rec.taddr, maxadr-rec.taddr,"nl",1); end; end; if rec.faddr > 0 and rec.taddr > prevtop and rec.pdesc <> sadr then prevtop:=rec.taddr; end; end;<* for i:=1 step 1 until ant *> monitor(48)remove entry:(zp,0,ia); monitor(48)remove entry:(z1,0,ia); write(zu,"-",79,"nl",1); write(zu,"sp",12-write(zu,hostnavn),<: d.:>, <<zddddd>,systime(5,0,r),".",1,r,"nl",1); closefp(zu,true); trapmode:=1 shift 10; message procs 880530/ho slut; end procs end ▶EOF◀