Presents historical artifacts from the history of:


This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RC4000/8000/9000

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

top - download

⟦93706781a⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4608 (0x1200)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »stdcattxt«


└─⟦aa55fa693⟧ Bits:30007479 SW8110/1 TAS/SOS/PRIMO Rel 2.3
            └─ ⟦this⟧ »stdcattxt« 


size        32,28,16  ; Max. entries  (User,Terminal,Terminaltype)

;----------------- Brugerindgange ----------------------

user        operator
monday       0 24 
tuesday      0 24 
wednesday    0 24 
thursday     0 24 
friday       0 24 
saturday     0 24 
sunday       0 24 
sessions     9
privilege    0  1  2  3  4 
mclname     operamcl
base        -8388607  8388605
groups       1 2 3 4
freetext    Operatør  beskrivelse   

user        bruger
monday       0 24 
tuesday      0 24 
wednesday    0 24 
thursday     0 24 
friday       0 24 
saturday     0 24 
sunday       0 24 
sessions     3
mclname     stdmcl
base        -8388607  8388605
groups       2 
mcltext     bruger
freetext    standard bruger

user        newterm
monday       0 24 
tuesday      0 24 
wednesday    0 24 
thursday     0 24 
friday       0 24 
saturday     0 24 
sunday       0 24 
sessions     1
privilege    1
mclname     insterm
base        -8388607  8388605
groups       0 
freetext    Installation af ny term.

user        primo
monday       0 24 
tuesday      0 24 
wednesday    0 24 
thursday     0 24 
friday       0 24 
saturday     0 24 
sunday       0 24 
sessions     3
mclname     primomcl
base        -8388607  8388605
groups       1  2  3 
freetext    Primo operatør   

;---------------- Terminal indgange ------------------------

terminal    default
termtype     1
termgroup    0
freetext    Default terminal

;------------------ Terminaltype indgange --------------------

type         1
column      0
lines       0
sbdown      10
ceod        010 
left        08
down        010 
cursor      010 
freetext    hard copy terminal   

type         2
column      80
lines       24
sbup        15
sbdown      10
sbleft       8
sbright      5
sbhome      29
sbdelete    127
ceod        155 091 048 074 
ceol        155 091 048 075 
home        157 
left        136
cursor      155 091 208 059 240 072 
init        155 080 051 067 048 070 155 092 155 080 051 068 048 056 155 092 155 080 052 048 048 065 155 092 
freetext    RC855 ansi på 3600

type         3
column      80
lines       24
sbup        15
sbdown      10
sbleft       8
sbright      5
sbhome      29
sbdelete    127
ceod        027 091 048 074 
ceol        027 091 048 075 
home        029 
left        008
cursor      027 091 208 059 240 072 
init        027 080 051 067 048 070 027 092 027 080 051 068 048 056 027 092 027 080 052 048 048 065 027 092 
freetext    RC855 ansi på csp

type         4
column      80
lines       25
sbup        26
sbdown      10
sbleft       8
sbright      5
sbhome      29
sbdelete    127
ceod        159 
ceol        158 
home        157 
left        136 
cursor      134 230 198 
freetext    RC855, RC822 emulator 3600

type         5
column      80
lines       25
sbup        26
sbdown      10
sbleft       8
sbright      5
sbhome      29
sbdelete    127
ceod        031 
ceol        030 
home        029 
left        008 
cursor      006 230 198 
freetext    RC855, RC822 emulator csp

type         6
column      80
lines       24

type         7
column      80
lines       24

type         8
column      80
lines       24
sbup        15
sbdown      10
sbleft       8
sbright      5
sbhome      29
sbdelete    127
ceod        155 091 048 074 
ceol        155 091 048 075 
home        157 
left        136 
cursor      155 091 208 059 240 072 
init        155 080 051 068 048 070 155 092 155 080 051 066 048 056 155 092 155 080 051 070 048 065 155 092 
freetext    RC45 ansi på 3600

type         9
column      80
lines       24
sbup        15
sbdown      10
sbleft       8
sbright      5
sbhome      29
sbdelete    127
ceod        027 091 048 074 
ceol        027 091 048 075 
home        029 
left        008 
cursor      008 027 091 208 059 240 072 
init        027 080 051 068 048 070 027 092 027 080 051 066 048 056 027 092 027 080 051 070 048 065 027 092 
freetext    RC45 ansi på csp

type        10
column      80
lines       24
sbup        26
sbdown      10
sbleft       8
sbright      5
sbhome      29
sbdelete    127
ceod        159 
ceol        158 
home        029 
left        136 
cursor      134 230 198 
freetext    RC822 på 3600

type        11
column      80
lines       24
sbup        26
sbdown      10
sbleft       8
sbright      5
sbhome      29
sbdelete    127
ceod        031 
ceol        030 
home        029 
left        008 
cursor      006 230 198 
freetext    RC822 på csp

type        12
column      80
lines       24

type        13
column      80
lines       24