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Length: 143616 (0x23100) Types: Rc489k_TapeFile, TextFile
└─⟦aa55fa693⟧ Bits:30007479 SW8110/1 TAS/SOS/PRIMO Rel 2.3 └─⟦this⟧
! *** tsos *** ; ; ; swopping online system for execution of a number of interactive processes ; in the same piece of core ; ; release 3.0 mar. 1982 knud christensen, edith rosenberg, flemming biggas ; release 3.1 aug. 1982 flemming biggas ; release 3.2 apr. 1983 flemming biggas ; release 3.3 aug. 1984 flemming biggas ; release 4.0 aug. 1985 flemming biggas (mp release). ; release 5.0 sep. 1986 flemming biggas ; release 6.0 may. 1987 flemming biggas (tas version) ; release 6.1 jul. 1988 flemming biggas (error correction) ; 1 - linie 840 - input message - forkert bufsize ; 2 - linie 844 - input message - mode og trail ; release 7.0 oct. 1988 flemming biggas (RC9000-10) ; release 7.1 jul. 1989 flemming biggas (error correction) ; release 7.2 nov. 1989 flemming biggas (error correction) ; 1 line 1422 - tem message - forkert operations check ; 2 line 1472 - tem message - manglende check messgot ; release 7.3 jan. 1990 flemming biggas (error correction) ; 1 line 1630 - reject control message when waiting for first input message ! onlinesystem begin !fp.no; !branch 1,2; !sections 40; procedure prepare(.w3.); comment prepare process to be activated; procedure waitevent(.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w0 irrelevant w1 irrelevant w2 irrelevant return: w0 event kind w1 abs ref userentry w2 abs ref eventbuffer ; procedure unintelligible(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry return: all registers unchanged ; procedure send_primo(.w3.;w1;w2); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry w2 abs ref message sent to pseudo process primo return: w1 abs ref userentry w2 abs ref message sent to primo (real process) w3 old w2 (from call) ; procedure primess(.w3.); procedure send(.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w0 kind of event to be send w1 abs ref userentry w2 first word of message or answer return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure action (.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry w2 abs ref event return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure send_control (.w3.;w1;w2); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry w2 abs ref control message return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure link(.w3.;w1;w2); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry to be linked w2 abs ref userentry after which to link w1 return: w1 unchanged w2 unchanged ; procedure swop(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry of process to be swopped in return: w1 unchanged ; procedure copy(.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w0 no of bytes to copy w1 abs from w2 abs to return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure startstop(.w3.;w0;w1); comment call: w0 boolean stop or start process w1 abs ref userentry of process to start-stop return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure transport(.w2.;w1;w3); comment call: w1 abs ref message to be send w3 abs ref area name return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure continuemcl (.w3.;w0;w1); comment call: w0 exit cause w1 abs ref of userentry return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure empty_answer (.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: link w3 result w0 user entry w1 status word w2; procedure parentmess(.w3.;w1;w2); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry of sending process w2 abs ref message buffer return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure syscommand(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry of commanding user return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure scancat(.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w1 abs ref process name w2 abs ref terminal name or zero return: w0 result -3 = usercat reservation error -2 = terminal unknown -1 = process unknown >=0 = ok (catalog segm.no) w1 abs ref process description w2 abs ref terminal description or zero ; procedure break(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry to break return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure clean(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure compare(.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w0 no of bytes to compare w1 abs 1.string w2 abs 2.string return: w0 = 0 the bytes are equal ; procedure nextchar(.w3.;word stp;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w0 irrelevant w1 partial word w2 abs ref next input word w3 return stp abs ref word next to last input word return: w0 next character w1 partial word w2 abs ref next input word ; procedure init(.w3.); comment call: -- all registers irrelevant return: -- all registers destroyed ; procedure opmess(.w3.;w1;w2); comment call: w1 abs ref message, w2 abs ref sender process description ; procedure logout(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry return: -- jumps directly to main program ; procedure outtext(.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w0 format pattern: bits 21-23: type of message 0 = normal 1 = error 2 = warning 3 = pending 4 = normal bit 20: time (yes or no) bit 19: system name (yes or no) bit 18: job name (yes or no) w1 abs ref userentry w2 text number return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure outtime(.w3.;w2); comment call: w2 abs ref buffer return: -- all registers unchanged ; procedure calldev(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref string1 return: w1 abs ref error message or zero ; procedure testout(.w3.;w0;w1;w2); comment call: w0 length of testrecord w1 abs ref first word of record w2 kind of testrecord return: w0 destroyed w1 unchanged w2 unchanged ; label continue, interrupt, initialize, action_l, activate, regrettimer, discfault; record name (double name1,name2); record answer (word status,bytes,characters); record message (ref nextmess,lastmess,receiver,sender; byte operation,mode; ref mbfst,mblst; word segmno; ref mbilast); record userentry (ref nextuser,prevuser,buffer, messgot,messsend,procbuf1,peripheral,internal,primdevi; word swopsegm,class,prio; byte state,state2,buflength,bufchars,intervent,primio,bufrel; word statusinf,currlocid,procsize; text(14) pr_in,pr_out); record termdescr (text(11) extid; word intid; text(11) userkey; byte tbufs,ttimers; array(1:6) tfill of byte); record procdescr (byte procbuffers,procareas; word procsb1,procsb2, procub1,procub2, procmb1,procmb2; text(11) ppass; word pminsize,pmaxsize; array(1:10) pfill of byte; text(59) procfp; array(1:12) procdiscs of record procdisc (text(11) procdiscname; array(1:8) procdiscclaim of word ) ); record prindex (text(11) prname; word prsegmno); incode ref activqfst,activqlst, batchqfst,batchqlst, waitqfst,waitqlst, coreuser:=0,timermess:=0, firstuser,lastuser; word maxbuf,minprio,maxtestsegm,syscond,passmode,batchclass:=-8000000; word register0,register1,register2,register3,exception:=0,ic; word ownproc, sosterm; word basereg; text(14) procname,timer:="clock"; text(2) att:=" >"; word timeunit:=0,interval; word micunit:=2; double micinterval:=600; byte testop:=5,testmode:=0; ref testbfst,testblst,testsegm:=0; ref fstcore,topcore; ref baseevent:=0,mainconsref,mictimer,psmess; double starttime,startbase; byte relintrpt,reldump,idsize,sysstate:=0; byte childpr,childpk,timerloss,cyclegain,inputgain,freebufs; text(11) operator:= "'255'"; text (14) tstarea,swname,fpcode,cleartemp,usercat,t_mdul,p_mdul,p_pseudo,t_pseudo; byte fp_rel,cleart_rel; byte faultop:=2,faultmode:=1; text(20) faulttext:="***fault"; begin \f comment the following piece of code is after initialization used as buffer for wait answer, and as interrupt routine in case of internal interrupt or !test ; ownproc:= w3; ! save own process description address ! interrupt: w3:=address(interrupt)+2; w0:=0; monitor(0); comment set interrupt address; mainconsref:=w2; goto initialize; w1+0; w1+0; w1+0; testout(.w3.,w0:=16,w1:=address(interrupt)+2,w2:=7); !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto discfault; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(faultop),w2:=ownproc); initialize: !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto discfault; init(.w3.); \f comment the central logic of the onlineadministrator is this: a) wait for an event from a terminal, from an internal process or from the timer b) take some action corresponding to the kind of the event arrived - this action may include stopping the running process c) if the running process is stopped then select new process for activation (if anyone is ready) and swop d) take some action corresponding to the state of the process that is selected for activation (copy input from buffer into the process etc) e) start the process, send a message to timer and goto a. ; continue: waitevent(.w3.,w0,w1,w2); action_l: userentry:=w1; message:=w2; action (.w3.,w0,w1,w2); regrettimer: if w2:=timermess<>0 then begin monitor(82); comment regret message; w2:=0; timermess:=w2; end; \f comment selection of the next process to be activated the system deals with two different queues: 1) the active-queue processes ready for running (input has arrived etc) 2) the waiting-queue processes suspended or not used at all at activation the first user in the activequeue (if any) is tested for his priority - is it zero then the process is selected for activation - otherwize the priority is increased, and the user is removed from the activequeue and then put back on the queue again ; activate: userentry:=w1:=activqfst; if w0:=address(activqfst) <> w1 then ! activequeue not empty ! begin if w0:=(w1).state = 0 then if w0:=(w1).class+timerloss < batchclass then ! job is batch ! begin link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(batchqfst)); goto activate; end; end else begin ! activequeue empty ! userentry:=w1:=batchqfst; if w0:=address(batchqfst) = w1 then goto continue; ! batchqueue also empty ! end; if w0:=(w1).state<0 then begin ! systemcommand ! swop(.w3.,w1:=0); !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto discfault; syscommand(.w3.,w1:=userentry); end else if w0:=(w1).prio<0 then begin if w0+cyclegain > 0 then w0:=0; (w1).prio:=w0; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(activqfst)); end else begin if w0:= (w1).class > b.batchclass then (w1).prio:= w0:= (w1).class; prepare(.w3.); w1:= address(timeunit); w3:= address(timer); monitor(16); timermess:= w2; startstop(.w3.,w0:=1,w1:=coreuser); goto continue; end; goto activate; \f comment in case of a disc fault disturbing the overlay transports, this piece of code will be activated - the octal status, result of the transport and the name of the program area will be written on the main console and the "sos process" will die; discfault: register0:=w0; register3:=w3; w1:=firstuser; (w1).peripheral:=w2:=mainconsref; (w1).buflength:=w2:=44; (w1).buffer:=w2:=address(faulttext); (w2+14).word:=w0:=2111527; ! " 8'" ! for w1:=-21 step 3 upto 0 do begin w2+2; (w2).word:=w0:=register0 lshift (w1) extract 3 + 48; end; (w2+2).word:=w0:=32; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=register3,w2+2); (w2+8).word:=w0:=10; send(.w3.,w0:=0,w1:=firstuser,w2:=20480); w3:=0; monitor(0); ! set interrupt ! !halt 1; ! provoke running after error ! end; \f body of action begin label actioncase, emptyanswer, repeatmaybe, a_ready, stopcoreuser, timeout, semibusy, messwait; incode double savef1, savef3; ref mess, user; word mss0,mss2,mss4,mss6,mss8,mss10,mss12,mss14,help; begin comment actions corresponding to the kind of the event arrived: 1) input message from internal process - the process is stopped and the input message is sent to the terminal if it is ready, otherwize the input message is linked to the user- description, waiting to be sent, when the terminal becomes ready if the priority class is negative then it is increased 2) output message from internal process - if the terminal is ready (there is room in the terminal buffer), the output is copied from the process into the buffer, an answer is sent to the process, and an output message is sent to the ter- minal if the terminal is not ready, the internal process is stopped and it is given an answer, telling that no bytes are transferred, then at restart, the process will repeat the outputmessage 3) parent message from internal process - finis: the process is removed, and the userdescription cleared break: the process is stopped, and prepared for loading with new abs program *** any other parent message is rejected for the moment 4) attention from known terminal - treated as an interrupt. the process is stopped and an inputmessage is send to the terminal asking for a system command 5) answer from known terminal - input answer: the process is prepared for restart output answer: if the process is waiting then it is prepared for restart otherwize nothing is to be done 6) attention from unknown terminal - the terminal is linked to a free userdescription and an input is send to the terminal asking for the users identification 7) answer from timer - the process running in core has used its time-slice and therefore it is stopped to make room for other users the priority class of this process is decreased 8) message from a bastard at s-replacement sos may take over some unknown children (bastards) parent messages from these children are written on the main console 9) message to a pseudo process called tem 10) message to be send later 11) message to a pseudo process called primo 12) message to be send to primo later 13) control message to terminal ; \f savef1:= f1; savef3:= f3; user:= w1; mess:= w2; actioncase: case w3:=w0 of begin ! action 1 ! begin comment input message from internal process; if w3:=b.syscond onemask 2'010 then if w3:=(w1).intervent = -1 then goto timeout; if w3:=(w1).state<0 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end else if w3>0 then begin (w1).state:=w0:=5; end else begin (w1).procbuf1:= w0:= (w2).mbfst; (w1).state:= w0:= 1; if w0:=(w1).state2=-1 then begin ! fp command ready ! if w1=b.coreuser then begin if w2:=b.timermess<>0 then begin monitor(82); ! regret ! w2:= 0; b.timermess:= w2; end; end; (w1).state2:= w0:= 0; if w0:= (w1).intervent=0 then goto repeatmaybe else (w1).intervent:= w0:= 0; ! no fp command in buffer at restart after break ! end; w0:= (w2).mbfst; w3:= (w2).mblst; w3-w0+2; if w3>b.maxbuf then w3:= b.maxbuf; (w1).buflength:= w3; w2:= address ((w2).operation); send (.w3.,w0:=0,w1,w2:=(w2).word); end; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); end; \f ! action 2 ! begin comment output message from internal process; if w0:=(w1).state<0 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2); goto b.continue; end else if w0=0 then begin if w1 = b.coreuser then begin w3:=(w1).internal+11; w3:=(w3).byte; if w3 and 2'10100000=2'10100000 then ! stopped ! begin (w1).state:=w0:=6; startstop(.w3.,w0:=1,w1); end; b.idsize:=w0:=(w1).primio; w0:=(w2).mblst-(w2).mbfst+2; if w0>=b.maxbuf then w0:=b.maxbuf-b.idsize; (w1).buflength:=w0+b.idsize; w3:=w0-b.idsize-2; w1:=(w1).buffer+b.idsize; w3+w1; monitor(70); ! copy ! if w0<>0 then ! unintelligible ! unintelligible(.w3.,w1:=user) else begin w0:=w1; w1:=user; w2:=(w1).buffer; if w3:=b.idsize > 0 then (w2).word:=w3:=(w1).currlocid; (w1).buflength := w0 := (w1).buflength - b.idsize; (w1).bufchars := w0 + (w3:=w0 ashift -1); testout (.w3.,w0:= (w1).buflength, w1:=w2, w2:=0); send (.w3.,w0:=0,w1:=user,w2:=20480+mess.mode); send (.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); if w0:=6=(w3:=(w1).state) then startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); (w1).state:=w0:=2; end; ! message ok ! if w0:=6=(w3:=(w1).state) then ! stop it again ! begin (w1).state:=w0:=0; startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1) end end else begin emptyanswer: (w1).state:=w0:=0; empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); goto a_ready; end; if w0:=b.timermess <> 0 then goto b.continue; end else goto emptyanswer; end; \f ! action 3 ! begin comment parent message from internal process; if w0:=(w1).state<0 then begin send(.w3.,w0:=2,w1,w2:=0); goto b.continue; end; if w1:=b.coreuser > 0 then startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); swop(.w3.,w1:=0); !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto b.discfault; parentmess(.w3.,w1:=user,w2:=mess); end; ! action 4 ! begin comment attention from known terminal; send(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); if w0:=(w1).state2>0 then goto b.continue; if w0:=(w1).state < 0 then goto b.continue; (w1).state:=w0:=-1; startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); w2:=(w1).buffer; (w1).buflength:=w0:=2; copy(.w3.,w0,w1:=address(b.att),w2); testout(.w3.,w0,w1,w2:=0); send(.w3.,w0:=0,w1:=user,w2:=20480); (w1).buflength:=w0:=b.maxbuf; send(.w3.,w0:=0,w1,w2:=12288); if w1 = b.coreuser then goto b.regrettimer else goto b.continue; end; \f ! action 5 ! begin comment answer from known terminal; w2:=address(b.interrupt); case w3:=(w1).state+4 of begin ! -3 ! begin comment invisible password; w3:= (w1).messsend; ! result ! if w3 or (w2).status or (w2).bytes = 1 then begin ! repeat invisible input, if normal answer and bytes transferred = 0 ! (w1).buflength:= w0:= b.maxbuf - (w1).bufrel; w0:= (w1).bufrel; -(w0); send (.w3., w0, w1, w2:=12288+b.passmode); goto b.continue; end; end; ! -2 ! begin comment login information; goto repeatmaybe; end; ! -1 ! begin comment system command; goto repeatmaybe; end; ! 0 ! begin comment communication via pseudo process; w0:=(w1).messsend; w2:=(w1).messgot; if w2 > 10 then if w3:=(w2).operation extract 2 <> 3 then begin (w1).messgot:=w0; w1:=address(b.interrupt); monitor(22); ! send answer ! testout(.w3.,w0:=16,w1,w2:=61); end; end; ! 1 ! begin comment waiting for input answer; (w1).currlocid:= w0:= (w3:=(w1).buffer).word; repeatmaybe: w3:=(w1).messsend; comment w3 := result; if w3 or (w2).status or (w2).bytes = 1 then begin comment repeat input if normal answer, bytes trans- ferred = 0; (w1).buflength:=w0:=b.maxbuf; send(.w3.,w0:=0,w1,w2:=12288); goto b.continue; end; end; ! 2 ! begin comment waiting for output answer; (w1).state:=w0:=0; goto b.continue; end; ! 3 ! begin comment waiting for load with new abs program - state not possible here; end; ! 4 ! begin comment suspended because of output buffer full; (w1).state:=w0:=0; end; ! 5 ! begin comment message waiting to be send; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); mess:=w2:=(w1).messgot; (w1).state:=w0:=0; if w3:=(w2).receiver+b.ownproc = 0 then w0:=3 else if w3:=(w2).receiver+b.sosterm = 0 then begin if w3:=(w2).operation onemask 3 then w0:=1 else if w3 onemask 5 then w0:=2 else w0:= 13; end else w0:= 9; goto actioncase; end; ! 6 ! begin ! waiting answer from primo ! end; ! 7 ! begin ! message waiting to be send to primo ! link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); mess:=w2:=(w1).messgot; (w1).state:=w0:=0; w0:=11; goto actioncase; end; ! 8 ! begin ! waiting for control answer ! (w1).state:= w0:= 0; w0:= (w1).messsend; ! w0:= result ! w2:= (w1).messgot; if w2 > 10 then begin (w1).messgot:= w0; w1:= address(b.interrupt); monitor (22); ! send answer ! testout (.w3., w0:= 16, w1, w2:= 61); end; end; end; link(.w3.,w1:=user,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); a_ready: if w0:=b.timermess<>0 then begin w1:= b.coreuser; if w0:= (w1).class + b.timerloss < b.minprio then goto stopcoreuser else goto b.continue; end; end; \f ! action 6 ! begin comment attention from unknown terminal; send(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); (w1).state:=w0:=-2; (w1).buflength:=w0:=2; w2:=(w1).buffer; copy(.w3.,w0,w1:=address(b.att),w2); testout(.w3.,w0,w1,w2:=0); send(.w3.,w0:=0,w1:=user,w2:=20480); (w1).buflength:=w0:=b.maxbuf; send(.w3.,w0:=0,w1,w2:=12288); goto b.continue; end; ! action 7 ! begin comment answer from timer; stopcoreuser: user:=w1:=b.coreuser; startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); if w0:=(w1).class+b.timerloss < b.batchclass then (w1).prio:=w0:=0 ! batch ! else begin ! go/run-jobs ! link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); (w1).class:=w0:=(w1).class-b.timerloss; (w1).prio:=w0; if w3:=b.syscond onemask 2'001 then if w0 < b.minprio then begin comment break process; timeout: swop(.w3.,w1:=0); !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto b.discfault; break(.w3.,w1:=user); (w1).intervent:=w0:=5; end; end; end; ! action 8 ! begin comment parent message from a bastard; swop(.w3.,w1:=0); !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto b.discfault; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address((w2).operation),w2:=(w2).sender); end; \f ! action 9 ! begin comment message to a pseudo process; if w1:=(w2).receiver < 0 then -(w1); copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1+2,w2:=address(b.procname)); copy(.w3.,w0:=16,w1:=mess+8,w2:=b.lastuser); w2:=mess; if w0:=(w2).operation onemask 1 then begin ! io - use sos buffer ! w1:=user; if w1 <> b.coreuser then goto emptyanswer; w3:=b.lastuser-8; (w3).mode:=w0:=(w2).mode extract 6; (w3).mbfst:=w0:=(w1).buffer; w0:=(w2).mblst-(w2).mbfst+2; if w0 > b.maxbuf then w0:=b.maxbuf; (w1).buflength:=w0; user.bufchars:= w0 + (w1:=w0 ashift -1); w1:= user; w0 := (w1).buflength; (w3).mblst:=w0+(w3).mbfst-2; (w1).procbuf1:=w0:=(w2).mbfst; (w3).segmno:= w0:= (w2).segmno; if w0:=(w2).operation zeromask 2 then begin ! some kind of output assumed ! if w0:=(w2).mode onemask 8'100 then begin (w3).mblst:=w2:=(w3).mblst+2; (w2:=(w1).buffer).word:=w3:=(w1).currlocid; w2+2; end else w2:=(w1).buffer; copy(.w3.,w0:=(w1).buflength,w1:=(w1).procbuf1,w2); testout(.w3.,w0,w1,w2:=0); send(.w3.,w0:=1,w1:=user,w2:=0); end; end; begin ! message to tem ! copy(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=user.internal+2,w2:=address(b.procname)+2); w3:=address(b.procname); b.mictimer:=w3; if w0:=mess.operation >= 90 then if w0 < 100 then begin ! message concerning a pool ! w0:=0; b.mictimer:=w0; b.baseevent:=w0; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(b.procname),w2:=b.lastuser+8); w3:=address(b.t_mdul); end; end; w1:=b.lastuser; monitor(16); ! send message ! user.messsend:=w2; b.psmess:=w2; if w0:=b.mictimer > 0 then begin w3:=address(b.timer); w1:=address(b.micunit); monitor(16); ! send timer message ! b.mictimer:=w2; end; w2:=b.baseevent; semibusy: monitor(24); ! wait next event ! if w2 = b.psmess then begin w1:=b.lastuser; monitor(18); ! wait answer ! w3:=user; (w3).messsend:=w0; (w3).statusinf:=w0:=(w1).word; if w2:=(w3).messgot > 10 then begin if w0:=(w2).operation extract 2 = 3 then begin copy(.w3.,w0:=(w1).bytes,w1:=user.buffer,w2:=user.procbuf1); testout (.w3.,w0,w1,w2:=0); w3 := user; (w3).currlocid := w0 := (w1).word; w2 := (w3).messgot; w1 := b.lastuser; end; end; w0 := (w3).messsend; if w2 > 10 then begin if w3:=(w3).statusinf or w0 or 8'10200001 <> 8'10200001 then if w3:=(w2).operation onemask 1 then begin swop(.w3.,w1:=0); !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto b.discfault; logout(.w3.,w1:=user); end; user.messgot:=w0; monitor(22); ! send answer ! testout(.w3.,w0:=16,w1,w2:=61); end; if w2:=b.mictimer > 0 then monitor(82); ! regret timer message ! if w0:=b.timermess <> 0 then goto b.continue; end else if w2 = b.mictimer then begin startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1:=user); link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); end else goto semibusy; end; \f ! action 10 ! begin comment wait for previous message to be answered; w2:=5; messwait: if w0:=(w1).state < 0 then begin (w1).buflength:=w0:=0; send(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=8'200000); end else begin startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); (w1).state:=w2; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); end; if w1 <> b.coreuser then goto b.continue; end; ! action 11 ! primess(.w3.); ! messsage to primo ! ! action 12 ! begin ! message to be send later to primo ! w2:=7; goto messwait; end; ! action 13 ! begin ! control message to terminal ! if w0:= (w1).state < 0 then begin empty_answer (.w3., w0:= 1, w1,w2:=0); goto b.continue; end else if w0 = 0 then begin if w0 := (w1).state2 = -1 then begin comment state waiting for first input, reject message; w2 := (w1).messgot; w0:= 2;(w1).messgot := w0; w1 := address(mss0); monitor (22); ! send answer ! testout (.w3.,w0:=2, w1:= address((w1:=user).messgot), w2:= 61); goto b.continue; end; send_control (.w3.,w1, w2); (w1).state:= w0:= 8; ! waiting for control answer ! goto b.continue; end else begin (w1).state:= w0:= 5; end; end; end; f1:= savef1; f3:= savef3; end; end; ! action ! \f comment preparation of process waiting to be activated first of all the process image in core is possibly written back into the swoparea and the image of the new process is loaded then one of the following actions are taken corresponding to the state of the selected process 0) the process is ready for running - no actions 1) input has arrived from the terminal - the input is copied from the terminal buffer into the process and an answer is sent to the process 2) terminal has become ready after output (term buffer has been full) no actions 3) the process is to be started with new abs program the process description is modified according to the conventions for start of an abs program ; body of prepare begin label inputready; incode word return; word c_funct:=2'01101; ref c_first, c_last; word c_rel:=0; begin return:=w3; swop(.w3.,w1); case w3:=(w1).state+1 of begin begin comment 0: no io or communication via pseudo process; if w3:=(w1).messgot > 10 then goto inputready; end; begin comment 1: input ready; inputready: w0:=(w1).messsend; w3:=(w1).messgot; if w3:=(w3).operation onemask 1 then if w0 or (w1).statusinf or 8'10200001 <> 8'10200001 then begin swop(.w3.,w1:=0); !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto b.discfault; logout(.w3.,w1:=b.userentry); end; if w0:=(w1).procbuf1<w3:=b.fstcore then unintelligible(.w3.,w1) else if w0+(w1).buflength>(w3+(w1).procsize) then unintelligible(.w3.,w1) else begin w2:=b.coreuser; copy(.w3.,w0:=(w1).buflength,w1:=(w1).buffer,w2:=(w2).procbuf1); testout(.w3.,w0,w1,w2:=0); (w3:=b.userentry).currlocid:=w0:=(w1).word; w1:= b.userentry; send(.w3.,w0:=(w1).messsend,w1,w2:=(w1).statusinf); end; (w1).state:=w0:=0; if w0:=(w1).class+b.timerloss > b.batchclass then begin if w0:=(w1).class+b.inputgain > 0 then w0:=0; (w1).class:=w0; (w1).prio:=w0; end; end; begin comment 2: waiting for output answer; end; begin comment 3: waiting for loading with new abs program; w3:=address(b.procname); w0:=address((w1).pr_out); w0+b.basereg; b.register2:=w0; w0:=address((w1).pr_in); b.register0:=w0+b.basereg; w2:=(w1).internal; b.register3:=w2; if w0:=(w1).state2<1 then w0:=b.fstcore+b.fp_rel else begin (w1).class:=w0:=0; w0:=b.fstcore+b.cleart_rel; end; b.ic:= w0; w2+2; (w3).name1:=f1:=(w2).name1; (w3).name2:=f1:=(w2).name2; w1:=address(b.register0); monitor(62); comment modify internal process; w1:=b.coreuser; (w1).state:=w0:=0; (w1).prio:=w0; end; begin ! 4: suspended because of output buffer full ! end; begin ! 5: message waiting to be send ! end; begin ! 6: waiting for answer from primo ! startstop(.w3.,w0:=1,w1); c_first:=w0:=(w1).buffer; w3:=(w1).buflength-2+w0; c_last:=w3; w2:=(w1).messgot; w1:=address(c_funct); if w3>=w0 then monitor(84) ! general copy ! else w0:=0; w1:=b.userentry; if w0<>0 then (w1).messsend:=w0; send(.w3.,w0:=(w1).messsend,w1,w2:=(w1).statusinf); startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); (w1).state:=w0:=0; end; begin ! 7: message waiting to be send to primo ! end; begin ! 8: waiting for terminal control answer ! end; end; w3:=return end end; ! prepare ! \f comment waitevent this procedure awaits the first event queued up to the onlineadministrator according to the kind of this event it proceeds as follows: answer: an answer is expected to come from the timer or from a terminal logged in, so the userentries are scanned to find the one matching this message buffer (the buffer addresses of messages sent to terminals are saved in the userentries), if no entry is found, and it is not an answer from the timer, then the answer is neglected and the procedure awaits the next event. message: a message is expected to be an i-o message or a parent message from an internal process or an attention message from a terminal. the userentries are scanned to find the sender of the message. if no entry does match the sender (neither internal nor peripheral process belonging to any user) then the message may be: 1) an attention message from an unknown terminal, the sender is then saved in a free userentry (if any) 2) a message from an unknown process, the message is rejected thus at exit the procedure always delivers: an event (w2) a userentry (w1) an event kind (w0) these kinds are: 1 = input message from internal 2 = output message from internal 3 = parent message from internal 4 = attention from known terminal 5 = answer from known terminal 6 = attention from unknown terminal 7 = answer from timer 8 = message from a bastard 9 = message to a pseudo process (tem) 10 = message to be send later 11 = message to a pseudo process (primo) 12 = message to be send later to primo 13 = control message to terminal ; \f body of waitevent begin label wait,exit,reject; incode word save0,savew1,zero:=0; ref return,currmess,entryref; begin return:=w3; wait: w2:=b.baseevent;; monitor(24); comment wait first event; currmess:=w2; w1:=b.lastuser; if w0 = 1 then comment answer; begin (w1).messsend:=w2; w1:=address(b.interrupt); monitor(18); comment wait answer; if w2 = b.timermess then begin w0:=0; b.timermess:=w0; w0:=7; goto exit; end; w1:=b.firstuser; while w2 <> (w1).messsend do w1+!length(userentry); if w1 = b.lastuser then ! answer from unknown is neglected ! begin testout(.w3.,w0:=24,w1:=currmess,w2:=6); goto wait; end; (w1).messsend:=w0; if w0=1 then begin w3:= address(b.interrupt); w0:= (w3).bytes;(w1).buflength:= w0; w0:= (w3).characters;(w1).bufchars:= w0; end else begin w0:= 4; (w1).buflength:= w0; w0:= 6; (w1).bufchars:= w0; end; (w1).statusinf:=w0:=(w3).status; w0:=5; goto exit; end else begin comment message; if w0:=(w2).operation<0 then begin ! skip if dummy message from term.module ! w3:= address(b.t_mdul); monitor(4); ! process description ! if w0=(w2).sender then begin b.baseevent:= w2; testout(.w3.,w0:=24,w1:=currmess,w2:=6); goto wait; end; end; monitor(26); comment get event; w3:=(w2).sender; (w1).internal:=w3; (w1).peripheral:=w3; w1:=b.firstuser; while w3<>(w1).internal do w1+!length(userentry); if w1=b.lastuser then comment sender is not child; begin if w0:=(w2).operation<>0 then begin w3+50; if w0:=(w3).word = b.ownproc then begin w0:=8; goto exit; end else goto reject; end; w1:=b.firstuser; while w3<>(w1).peripheral do w1+!length(userentry); if w1<b.lastuser then comment the terminal is known; begin if w3:=(w1).messgot>10 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end; w0:=4; end else comment attention from unknown terminal; begin w0:=0; (w1).peripheral:=w0; w1:=b.firstuser; while w0<>(w1).peripheral do w1+!length(userentry); if w3<0 then w1:=b.lastuser; if w1=b.lastuser then begin reject: (w1).messgot:=w2; empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=2,w1,w2:=0); goto wait; end; (w1).internal:=w3; (w1).peripheral:=w3; comment link terminal to entry; w0:=6; end; (w1).messgot:=w2:=currmess; goto exit; end else comment sender=internal; begin if w3:=(w1).messgot>10 then begin w0:=2; monitor(22); ! send answer - reject ! goto wait; end; savew1:=w1; w1:=(w1).internal+76; f1:=(w1).double; w3:=address(zero); monitor(72); ! set catalog base to that of child ! w3:=address(b.p_mdul); monitor(4); ! process description of primo pseudo process ! w1:=savew1; (w1).messgot:=w2; if w3:=(w1).messsend > 10 then begin if w3:=(w2).receiver+w0=0 then w0:=12 else w0:=10 end else if w3:=(w2).receiver+w0=0 then begin if w0:=7 <> w3:=(w2).operation then ! reject ! begin w0:=2; (w1).messgot:=w0; monitor(22); ! send answer ! goto wait; end else w0:=11 end else if w3:= (w2).receiver+b.ownproc = 0 then w0:= 3 else if w3:= (w2).receiver+b.sosterm = 0 then begin if w3:= (w2).operation onemask 3 then w0:= 1 else if w3 onemask 5 then w0:= 2 else w0:= 13; end else w0:= 9; end; end; exit: entryref:=w1; b.userentry:=w1; save0:=w0; comment * testout (.w3., w0:=!length(userentry), w1:=entryref, w2:=68); comment *; testout (.w3., w0:=12, w1:=address(save0), w2:=26); testout(.w3.,w0:=24,w1:=currmess,w2:=6); f1:=b.startbase; w3:=address(zero); monitor(72); ! reset catalog base ! w0:=save0; w1:=entryref; w2:=currmess; w3:=return; end; end; ! waitevent ! \f comment send_control (userentry, message) this procedure sends a control message to the user terminal (get specifications, set specifications) and sets localid in the message in case the terminal is run by tem; body of send_control begin incode word mess0, mess2, mess4, mess6, mess8, mess10, mess12, mess14; double savef1, savef3; begin savef1:= f1; savef3:= f3; copy (.w3.,w0:= 16, w1:= w2+8, w2:= address(mess0)); f1:= savef1; w2:= (w1).peripheral; if w2 < 0 then -(w2); w2+2; w3:= address(b.procname); (w3).name1:= f1:= (w2).name1; (w3).name2:= f1:= (w2).name2; mess10:= w0:= 0; ! set local id (0) for tem ! w1:= address(mess0); monitor (16); ! send message ! f1:= savef1; (w1).messsend:= w2; testout (.w3., w0:= 16, w1:= address(mess0), w2:= 2); f1:= savef1; f3:= savef3; end; end; ! send control ! \f comment link (userentry) this procedure links off the userentry pointed out by w1 from wherever it it is chained up, and then links it up immediately after the userentry pointed out by w2. the heads of the queues (active- and waiting-queue) are of the same format as the chainelements in the userentries so that the chainheads may be used just like other elements in the chains. ; body of link begin incode double w01, w23; begin w01:=f1; w23:=f3; comment link off userentry; w3:=(w1).prevuser; (w3).nextuser:=w0:=(w1).nextuser; w3:=(w1).nextuser; (w3).prevuser:=w0:=(w1).prevuser; comment link userentry(w1) after userentry(w2); (w1).prevuser:=w3:=(w2).prevuser; (w1).nextuser:=w0:=(w3).nextuser; (w2).prevuser:=w1; (w3).nextuser:=w1; comment * testout (.w3., w0:=20, w1:=address(b.activqfst), w2:=9); f1:=w01; f3:=w23; end; end; ! link ! \f comment copy this procedure just moves w0 bytes from the address of w1 (and onwards) to the address of w2 (and onwards) ; body of copy begin incode double w01,w23; begin w01:=f1; w23:=f3; w3:=w1+w0; while w1<w3 do begin (w2).word:=w0:=(w1).word; w1+2; w2+2; end; f1:=w01; f3:=w23; end; end; \f comment swop this procedure makes sure, that the core image of the userentry pointed out by w1 is brought into core (if it was not there already). if the state is waiting for start with new abs program, swop loads a process image containing a new abs program. if the process was in core already and there is not asked for a new abs program - then nothing is done. ; body of swop begin label exitswop; incode double w01,w23; word opmode; ref corefst,coretop; word segmsw; begin w01:=f1; w23:=f3; corefst:=w0:=b.fstcore; if w2:=b.coreuser=w1 then if w3:=(w1).state<>3 then goto exitswop; if w2>0 then comment core not free; begin startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1:=w2); ! stop coreuser ! opmode:=w0:=5 ashift 12; coretop:=w0:=corefst+(w2).procsize; segmsw:=w0:=(w2).swopsegm; w1:=address(opmode); w3:=address(b.swname); transport(.w2.,w1,w3); end; f1:=w01; if w1<>0 then begin coretop:=w0:=corefst+(w1).procsize; opmode:=w0:=3 ashift 12; if w0:=(w1).state=3 then begin segmsw:=w0:=0; if w0:=(w1).state2<1 then w3:=address(b.fpcode) else w3:=address(b.cleartemp); end else begin segmsw:=w0:=(w1).swopsegm; w3:=address(b.swname); end; w1:=address(opmode); transport(.w2.,w1,w3); end; f1:=w01; b.coreuser:=w1; testout(.w3.,w0:=!length(userentry),w1,w2:=3); exitswop: f1:=w01; f3:=w23; end; end; ! swop ! \f body of unintelligible begin incode double w01,w23; word op,fst,lst; begin w01:=f1; w23:=f3; !test 99; op:=w0:=0; fst:=w0:=2; lst:=w0:=3; w2:=(w1).messgot; w0:=3; (w1).messgot:=w0; w1:=address(op); monitor(22); ! send answer ! testout(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=address(op),w2:=60); f1:=w01; f3:=w23 end end; ! unintelligible ! \f comment send message to primo w1 = userentry w2 = messbuf address of buffer sent to primo (pseudo process) at return w2 = messbuf address of message sent to primo (real process) w3 = old w2 ; body of send_primo begin incode word savew2; double savef1; ref return; word op; ref ofirst, olast, ifirst, ilast; begin savef1:=f1; return:=w3; savew2:=w2; op:=w0:=28672; ! 7<12 ! ofirst:=w0:=(w1).buffer; ifirst:=w0; olast:=w3:=(w2).mblst-(w2).mbfst+w0; ilast:=w3:=(w2).mbilast-(w2).segmno+w0; w1:=address(op); w3:=address(b.p_pseudo); monitor(16); ! send message to pseudo process created by primo ! f1:=savef1; (w1).messsend:=w2; (w1).state:=w0:=6; testout(.w3.,w0:=10,w1:=address(op),w2:=2); f1:=savef1; w2:=(w1).messsend; w3:=savew2; call w0 return end end; ! send_primo ! \f body of primess begin label stopped; incode ref return; word savew0; word zero:=0; word c_funct:=2'00100; ref c_first, c_last; word c_rel:=0; begin return:=w3; if w0:=(w1).state<0 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=256); ! stopped ! goto b.continue; end else begin if w0=0 then begin if w1=b.coreuser then begin w3:=(w1).internal+11; if w3:=(w3).byte and 2'10100000=2'10100000 then ! stopped ! begin (w1).state:=w0:=6; startstop(.w3.,w0:=1,w1); end; c_first:=w0:=(w1).buffer; c_last:=w3:=(w2).mblst-(w2).mbfst+w0; w1:=address(c_funct); if w3>=w0 then monitor(84) ! general copy ! else w0:=0; savew0:=w0; w1:=b.userentry; if w0:=6=(w3:=(w1).state) then startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); if w0:=savew0<>0 then unintelligble(.w3.,w1) else begin w3:=(w1).buffer; w0:=(w3).word; w3+2; w3:=(w3).word; if w0=4'2000000 then begin if w3=4'1010010 then begin ! define transport ! w1:=(w1).internal+76; f1:=(w1).double; w3:=address(zero); monitor(72); ! set catalog base to that of child ! send_primo(.w3.,w1:=b.userentry,w2); w1:=address(b.interrupt); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! w3:=w1; w1:=b.userentry; (w1).messsend:=w0; ! result ! (w1).buflength:=w0:=(w3).bytes; (w1).statusinf:=w0:=(w3).status; f1:=b.startbase; w3:=address(zero); monitor(72); ! reset catalog base ! w1:=b.userentry; w0:=5; ! answer, w1=userentry, w2=messbufaddr ! if w2:=b.timermess<>0 then begin monitor(82); ! regret message ! w2:=0; b.timermess:=w2 end; goto b.action_l; end else unintelligible(.w3.,w1) end ! define transport ! else begin send_primo(.w3.,w1,w2); if w2:=b.timermess<>0 then begin monitor(82); ! regret message ! w2:=0; b.timermess:=w2 end; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); end end ! message ok ! end else goto stopped end ! state=0 and in core ! else begin ! state>0 or not coreuser ! stopped: (w1).buflength:=w0:=0; (w1).state:=w0; empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=256); ! stopped ! end; ! state>0 or not coreuser ! if w0:=b.timermess<>0 then goto b.continue; end; ! state>=0 ! w3:=return end end; ! primess ! \f comment send (message or answer) according to the content of w0 this procedure sends a message or an answer to the peripheral or the internal process referenced by the userentry(w1). w0 > 0 answer is sent to internal process (w2 = status, w0 = result) w0 <= 0 message is sent to peripheral process (w2 = operation < 12 + mode) at i-o messages to the terminal, the terminal buffer is used for this ope- ration. at communication with internal processes, data is copied to-from some in- ternal buffer from-to the terminal buffer. this copying must be done before calling this procedure. when w0 < 0 only a part of the terminal buffer is used for the operation, -w0 giving the relative start address in the buffer. ; body of send begin incode double w01,w23; word op,fst,lst; begin w01:=f1; w23:=f3; op:=w2; if w0>0 then comment send answer; begin w2:=(w1).buflength; ! op=status, fst=no.of hw.s, lst=no of chars ! fst:=w2; w2:= (w1).bufchars; lst:= w2; w2:=(w1).messgot; (w1).messgot:=w0; w1:=address(op); monitor(22); comment send answer; end else comment send message; begin w2:=(w1).peripheral; if w2 < 0 then -(w2); w2+2; w3:=address(b.procname); (w3).name1:=f1:=(w2).name1; (w3).name2:=f1:=(w2).name2; f1:=w01; if w0<0 then -(w0); w0 + (w1).buffer; fst:=w0; lst:=w0+(w1).buflength-2; w1:=address(op); monitor(16); comment send message; f1:=w01; (w1).messsend:=w2; end; testout(.w3.,w0:=14,w1:=address(w01),w2:=2); f1:=w01; f3:=w23; end; end; ! send ! \f comment startstop (internal process) this procedure just starts or stops the internal process referenced by the userentry (w1). w0 = 0 stop process 1 start process ; body of startstop begin incode double w01,w23; begin w01:=f1; w23:=f3; w3:=address(b.procname); w2:=(w1).internal+2; (w3).name1:=f1:=(w2).name1; (w3).name2:=f1:=(w2).name2; f1:=w01; if w0=0 then begin w1:=b.lastuser; monitor(60); comment stop internal process; monitor(18); comment wait answer; if w0<>1 then key(w01):=w0; end else begin monitor(58); comment start internal process; if w0<>0 then key(w01):=w0; end; f1:=w01; w2:=w0+4; testout(.w3.,w0:=!length(userentry),w1,w2); f1:=w01; f3:=w23; end; end; ! startstop ! \f comment - send an emty answer to "messgot" and set's "buflength" and "bufchars" to zero - call: w0 = monitor result w1 = user entry w2 = status; body of empty_answer begin incode double w23; ref user, buf; word result; word status, halves, bytes; begin result := w0; user := w1; w23 := f3; status := w2; w2:= 0; halves := w2; bytes := w2; user.buflength := w2; user.bufchars := w2; buf := w2 := user.messgot; user.messgot := w0; w1:= address (status); monitor (22); ! send answer ! testout (.w3., w0:= 10, w1:= address (buf), w2:= 61); w0 := result; w1 := user; f3 := w23; end; end; \f body of testout begin record testhead(byte length,kind; word time,user,tailfst); record dump ( word reg0,reg1,reg2,reg3,exreg,instr,cause,sbreg); incode ref return; word bufrel:=0; double w01,w23; begin w01:=f1; w23:=f3; if w3:=b.testbfst<b.testblst then begin if w0+bufrel+8>510 then comment change buffer segment; begin if w0 > 1024 then w0:=-2 else w0:=-1; (w3:=b.testbfst+bufrel).word:=w0; w1:=address(b.testop); w3:=address(b.tstarea); transport(.w2.,w1,w3); if w1:=b.testsegm+1=b.maxtestsegm then w1:=1; b.testsegm:=w1; bufrel:=w0:=0; f1:= w01; if w0 > 500 then if w0 < 1024 then w0:= 500; w01:= f1; end; f1:=w01; f3:=w23; w3:=b.testbfst+bufrel; (w3).length:=w0+6; bufrel:=w1:=bufrel+w0; w1:=108; comment abs ref current time; f1:=(w1).double-b.starttime lshift -7; (w3).time:=w1; (w3).kind:=w2; f1:=w01; w1:=b.userentry; w2:=(w1).internal; (w3).user:=w2; f1:=w01; copy(.w3.,w0,w1,w2:=(w3+6)); end; f3:=w23; if w2=7 then comment fault; begin w3:= (w1).instr-2; if w0:=(w3).word lshift -12=(51*64) ! key store ! then begin ! reestablish registers and continue ! w3+1; (w1).cause:= w0:= (w3).byte; w0:= (w1).instr; return:= w0; w0:= (w1).reg0; w2:= (w1).reg2; w3:= (w1).reg3; w1:= (w1).reg1; call w0 return; end else begin f1:=w01; f3:=w23; end; end; end; end; ! testout ! \f comment transport ; body of transport begin incode byte optr:=2,modetr:=8'1001; text (6) stars:="status"; word trstatus, trbytes, chars, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8; word savew0, savew1; double savef1,savef3; begin savew0:=w0; savew1:=w1; savef3:=f3; w0:=0; while w0=0 do begin monitor(16); w1:=address(trstatus); monitor(18); w2:=1 ashift w0; if w0=1 then w2+trstatus; trbytes :=w0; if w2<>2 then begin trstatus:= w2; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=w3,w2:=address(trbytes)); !get 2; if w0 <> 1 then goto b.discfault; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(optr),w2:=b.ownproc); end; w0:=trbytes; w1:=savew1; f3:=savef3; end; w0:=savew0; end; end; ! transport ! \f !branch 1,2; comment init this procedure initializes the userentries (being all free) reserves area for terminal buffer, testbuffer, computes absolute addresses (creating the chains of the queues, references to buffers and process-area etc), creates swop- and test-area-processes - and after execution it is over- written (used as buffer area for execution of child process) ; body of init begin incode word childstart,swopno:=0; byte vop:=16,vmode:=8'140; text(14) verstxt:= ! *** sos *** ! "release: 7.3"; word sosversion := 900111, comment ===trimstart; comment date of option version; optionid := 0, comment rc4000/rc8000 (rc4000=4000,rc8000=8000); rc := 8000, comment minimum no of active childs at the same time;minusers := 1, comment terminals performing os-commands; comndusers:= 2, comment min. no of bufs reserved for childs; minbufs := 4, comment min. no of areas reserved for childs; minareas := 7, comment min. core size for childs; minsize := 12800, comment size of testoutput area; testsegmnt:= 168, comment size of i-o buffer for a terminal (bytes); bufl := 104, comment length of a timeslice (seconds); timeslice := 3, comment max no of timeslices used in cpu (no input); cpulimit := 100, comment loss of priority class when timed out; classloss := 1, comment priority class gain at input (if class<0); classgain := 1, comment priority gain when first in activequeue; priogain := 1, comment reaction on time exceeded/break; conditions := 2'000011, comment 2'000001 = abort job at time exceeded; comment 2'000010 = abort job after break command; trimtexts; text(11) comment operator key; oprkey := "opr", comment document for swoparea; swopdoc := "", comment document for testarea; testdoc := "", comment ===trimfinis; keytext :="key", inttext :="internal", buftext :="buf", areatext:="area", sizetext:="size"; ref return,currentry,prevchain:=0; word zero:=0; array (1:10) tail of word := 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; byte op1:=16, mode1:=8'40; word alarm; text(11) resource; word filler:=0; word stdvalue; text(21) functext:="***function 1,2,3,4,5", bufltext:="***buflength >= 94"; word stop; byte op2:= 16, mode2:= 0; text (20) childres:="child resources"; byte opstop:= 2, modestop:= 1; text (20) inittr:= "***init troubles"; byte op3:=16, mode3:=0; text (20) started:="started"; word childareas, users, swopsize; text(11) swoparea:="swp",termarea:="psd",testarea:="tst", fparea:="fp",cleararea:="cleartemp",soscat:="soscat", t_module:="tem",p_module:="primo", p_msys:="primosys",console1:="console1"; begin return:=w3; w3:=108; b.starttime:=f1:=(w3).double; if w2:=rc = 4000 then begin b.relintrpt:=w0:=36; b.reldump:=w0:=38; end else begin b.relintrpt:=w0:=36; b.reldump:=w0:=80; end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(oprkey),w2:=address(b.operator)); b.maxbuf:=w0:=bufl; bufl:=w0:=bufl+2; b.minprio:=-(w1:=cpulimit); b.interval:=w1:=timeslice; b.timerloss:=w1:=classloss; b.cyclegain:=w1:=priogain; b.inputgain:=w1:=classgain; b.syscond:=w1:=conditions; w3:= b.ownproc+32; w0:= (w3).word; f1 lshift -12; w1 lshift -12; if w2:=rc <> 4000 then begin b.childpr:= w0; b.childpk:= w1; end else begin -(w1); b.childpr:= w2:= 128 lshift w1 + w0; if w2 extract 8=127 then ! no key available for child ! begin stdvalue:= w0:= 2; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(keytext),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; w2:=b.childpr extract 8; w1:= 1; while w2 lshift 1 onemask 128 do w1+1; b.childpk:= w1; end; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(vop),w2:=b.ownproc); w3:=b.ownproc+29; ! test function mask ! if w0:=(w3).byte onemask 8'3700 then else begin copy(.w3.,w0:=14,w1:=address(functext),w2:=address(started)); stop:=w0:=1; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op3),w2:=b.ownproc); end; if w0:=bufl < 94 then ! buffer size too small for sos' private use ! begin copy(.w3.,w0:=14,w1:=address(bufltext),w2:=address(started)); stop:=w0:=1; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op3),w2:=b.ownproc); end; w3:= b.ownproc+28; w0:= (w3).byte; if w0<minusers then ! too few internals available ! begin stdvalue:= w0:= minusers; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(inttext),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); w0:= minusers; end; users:= w0+comndusers; w0*2; ! compute free bufs ! w0+4; w3:= b.ownproc+26; -(w0-(w3).byte); b.freebufs:= w0; if w0<minbufs then ! too few buffers ! begin -(w0-minbufs-(w3).byte); stdvalue:= w0; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(buftext),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; w3:= b.ownproc+27; ! "fp", swoparea, "soscat", "cleartemp", pseudo process, (testarea) ! if w0:=testsegmnts=0 then w0:=5 else w0:= 6; w0+users+users-comndusers; ! pseudo tem + pseudo primo ! w2:= (w3).byte; childarea:= w3:= w2-w0; w0+minareas; if w2<w0 then ! too few areas ! begin stdvalue:= w0+1; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(areatext),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; w3:= b.ownproc+22; w0:= (w3).word; b.fstcore:= w0; w3+2; w0:= (w3).word; b.topcore:= w0; w0:= bufl+!length(userentry)*users; w0+!length(userentry); if w3:=testsegmnts<>0 then w0+512; w3:= address(childstart) + 2047; w3 := w3 lshift -11 lshift 11; ! force address to 2K border ! - (w3); w3+b.topcore; w3-w0; if w3<minsize then ! size too small ! begin -(w3-minsize); w3+b.topcore-b.fstcore; stdvalue:= w3; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(sizetext),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; swopsize:= w3 ashift -9; w3 ashift 9; w1:= address(childstart) + 2047; w1 := w1 lshift -11 lshift 11; ! force address to 2K border ! b.fstcore := w1; w1+w3; b.topcore:= w1; b.testbfst:= w1; w2:= testsegmnts; if w2>0 then ! prepare testoutput ! begin w1+510; b.testblst:= w1; copy(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=b.ownproc+2,w2:=address(testarea)+2); tail(w2:=2); copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(testdoc),w2); if w0:=(w2).word = 0 then (w2).word:=w0:=1; w3:= address(testarea); monitor(48); ! remove entry ! (tail(w1:=1)).word:= w2:=testsegmnts; b.maxtestsegm:= w2; monitor(40); ! create testoutput area ! monitor(52); ! create area process ! monitor(8); ! reserve area process ! if w0<>0 then begin stdvalue:= w2; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(testarea),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; w1:= 3; monitor(50); ! permanent entry ! copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(testarea),w2:=address(b.tstarea)); end else b.testblst:= w1; ! prepare swoparea ! copy(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=b.ownproc+2,w2:=address(swoparea)+2); ! name = "swp<sos>" ! tail(w2:=2); copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(swopdoc),w2); if w0:=(w2).word = 0 then (w2).word:=w0:=1; w3:= address(swoparea); monitor(48); ! remove entry ! w2:= users*swopsize; (tail(w1:=1)).word:= w2; monitor(40); ! create swop area ! monitor(52); ! create area process ! monitor( 8); ! reserve area process ! if w0<>0 then begin stdvalue:= w2; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(swoparea),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:= address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(swoparea),w2:=address(b.swname)); w3:= address(fparea); ! "fp" ! tail(w1:=1); monitor(42); ! lookup entry ! w1+17; b.fp_rel:= w0:= (w1).byte; monitor(52); ! create area process ! if w0<>0 then begin stdvalue:= w0; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(fparea),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(fparea),w2:=address(b.fpcode)); w3:= address(cleararea); ! "cleartemp" ! tail(w1:=1); monitor(42); ! lookup entry ! w1+17; b.cleart_rel:= w0:= (w1).byte; monitor(52); ! create area process ! if w0<>0 then begin stdvalue:= w0; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(cleararea),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(cleararea),w2:=address(b.cleartemp)); ! prepare pseudo process for terminal i/o : "psd<sos-name>" ! copy(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=b.ownproc+2,w2:=address(termarea)+2); w3:= address(termarea); monitor (80); ! create pseudo process ! if w0 <> 0 then begin stdvalue:= w0; copy (.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(termarea),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end else begin monitor (4); ! process description ! b.sosterm:= w0; end; w3:=b.ownproc+68; b.startbase:=f1:=(w3).double; w3:=address(zero); w0:=w1; monitor(72); ! set sos own cat base ! w3:= address(soscat); ! "soscat" ! tail(w1:=1); monitor(52); ! create area process ! if w0<>0 then begin stdvalue:= w0; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(soscat),w2:=address(resource)); alarm:= w0:= 2763306; stop:= w0; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(soscat),w2:=address(b.usercat)); ! "soscat" ! copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(t_module),w2:=address(b.t_mdul)); ! "tem" ! copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(p_module),w2:=address(b.p_mdul)); ! "primo" ! copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(p_msys),w2:=address(b.p_pseudo)); ! "primosys" ! if w0:=stop<>0 then begin ! resources not available for start up ! opmess(.w3.,w1:= address(opstop),w2:=b.ownproc); end; opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op2),w2:=b.ownproc); alarm:= w0:= 2105376; ! " " ! stdvalue:= w0:= users-comndusers; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(inttext),w2:=address(resource)); opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); stdvalue:= w0:= b.freebufs; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(buftext),w2:=address(resource)); opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); stdvalue:= w0:= childareas; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(areatext),w2:=address(resource)); opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); w0:= b.topcore-b.fstcore; stdvalue:= w0; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(sizetext),w2:=address(resource)); opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op1),w2:=b.ownproc); opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(op3),w2:=b.ownproc); comment reserve space for i/o-buffers for terminals; w1:= b.testblst+2; w0:=bufl*users; w2:=w0+w1; currentry:=w2; b.firstuser:=w2; swopno:=w3:=swopno-swopsize; w3:=0; while w3+1<=users do ! initialize all user entries as empty ! begin (w2).prevuser:=w0:=prevchain; prevchain:=w2; swopno:=w0:=swopno+swopsize; (w2).swopsegm:=w0:=swopno; w0:=0; (w2).internal:=w0; (w2).peripheral:=w0; (w2).messsend:=w0; (w2).messgot:=w0; (w2).bufrel:=w0; (w2).buffer:=w1; w1+bufl; w0:=w2+!length(userentry); (w2).nextuser:=w0; w2:=w0; end; b.lastuser:=w2; w2:=(w0-!length(userentry)); w0-!length(userentry); (w2).prevuser:=w0; (w2).nextuser:=w0:=address(b.waitqfst); b.waitqlst:=w2; w2:=b.firstuser; (w2).prevuser:=w0:=address(b.waitqfst); b.activqfst:=w0:=address(b.activqfst); b.activqlst:=w0; b.batchqfst:=w0:=address(b.batchqfst); b.batchqlst:=w0; b.waitqfst:=w2; testout(.w3.,w0:=60,w1:=address(sosversion),w2:=69); w3:=address(zero); f1:=b.startbase; monitor(72); ! set own cat base ! w0:=b.fstcore; b.register1:=w0; w0:=b.fstcore+2; testout(.w3.,w0:=150,w1:=b.ownproc-4,w2:=8); comment *; testout (.w3., w0:=20, w1:=address(b.activqfst), w2:=9); w3:=b.ownproc+98; b.basereg:=w3:=(w3).word; w3:=return; end; end; ! init ! \f body of opmess begin procedure outinteger(.w3.;w1;w2); incode text(11) pause:=" pause ",mess:=" message "; text(14) maincons; word clock1,clock2; text(11) sysname; text(11) messtype; text(14) procname:=" "; array(1:70) linebuffer of word; word nl:=10; byte op:=5,mode:=0; ref first,last; double savef1,savef3; begin savef1:=f1; savef3:=f3; outtime(.w3.,w2:=address(clock1)); w3:=address(sysname); w2:=b.ownproc+2; (w3).name1:=f1:=(w2).name1; f1:=(w2).name2; w1+58; (w3).name2:=f1; f3:=savef3; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=w2+2,w2:=address(procname)); f1:=savef1; if w0:=(w1).word extract 1 = 1 then w1:=address(pause) else w1:=address(mess); copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=address(messtype)); f1:=savef1; w0:=-1 lshift 12 or (w1).word lshift -5; w1+14; linebuffer(w2:=70); while w0 onemask 8'10000 do begin if w0 onemask 1 then outinteger(.w3.,w1,w2) else (w2).word:=w3:=(w1).word; w2-2; w1-2; w0 lshift -1; end; w0:=0; linebuffer(w1:=1); while w1 <= w2 do begin (w1).word:=w0; w1+2; end; first:=w1:=address(clock1); last:=w1:=address(nl); copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=b.mainconsref+2,w2:=address(maincons)); w1:=address(op); w3:=address(maincons); monitor(16); ! send message ! linebuffer(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! f1:=savef1; f3:=savef3; if w2 = b.ownproc then if w0:=(w1).word onemask 1 then begin ! pause message from sos itself ! w0:=0; w3:=0; monitor(0); ! set interrupt ! testout(.w3.,w0:=1024,w1:=-2,w2); end else f1:=savef1; end; body of outinteger begin incode double savef1; word savew3; begin savef1:=f1; savew3:=w3; (w2).word:=w0:=32; w2-2; w0:=(w1).word; if w0 = 0 then begin (w2).word:=w3:=48; w2-2; end; while w0 <> 0 do begin w3:=0; f0 // 10; (w2).word:=w3+48; w2-2; end; (w2).word:=w0:=32; f1:=savef1; w3:=savew3; end; end; ! outinteger ! end; ! opmess ! \f body of logout begin incode double savef1,savef3; byte op1,mode1:=0; ref fst,lst; byte op2:=102,mode2:=0; word locid; text(14) simtext:="'2''2' hard error'10'"; text(14) poolname; begin savef1:=f1; savef3:=f3; startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); (w1).buflength:=w0:=0; if w0:=(w1).messgot > 10 then empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); locid:=w0:=(w3:=(w1).buffer).word; copy(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=(w1).internal+2,w2:=address(poolname)+2); copy(.w3.,w0:=2,w1:=address(b.t_mdul),w2:=address(poolname)); w3:=address(poolname); op1:=w0:=9; ! simulate input ! fst:=w0:=address(locid); lst:=w0:=address(simtext)+8; w1:=address(op1); monitor(16); ! send message ! w1:=b.lastuser; monitor(18); ! wait answer ! if w0 or (w1).word = 1 then begin ! terminal on transparent pool ! w1:=address(op2); monitor(16); ! send message (remove link soft) ! w1:=b.lastuser; monitor(18); ! wait answer ! end else begin ! other kind of hard error - kill job ! f1:=savef1; clean(.w3.,w1); (w1).intervent:=w0:=6; end; f1:=savef1; w0:=1; (w1).messsend:=w0; goto b.activate; end; end; ! logout ! \f body of outtext begin incode text(29) t0 :="command unknown'10'", t1 :="ready'10'", t2 :="syntax'10'", t3 :="identification illegal'10'", t4 :="no room in primary store'10'", t5 :="bs claims exceeded'10'", t6 :="process creation not ok'10'", t7 :="forbidden'10'", t8 :="terminal busy'10'", t9 :="terminal connection not ok'10'", t10:="jobfile does not exist'10'", t11:="terminal connected'10'", t12:="terminal disconnected'10'", t13:="bad password'10'", t14:="terminal not connected'10'", t15:="process unknown'10'", t16:="disconnection not ok'10'", t17:="call not ok'10'", t18:="include not ok'10'", t19:="enrolled'10'", t20:="removed after break'10'", t21:="removed after finis'10'", t22:="removed after user kill'10'", t23:="removed after operator kill'10'", t24:="removed after time exceeded'10'", t25:="removed after terminal error'10'", t26:="removed after user break'10'", t27:="removed after operator break'10'", t28:="user conflict'10'", t29:="forbidden - system locked'10'", t30:="user catalog reserved'10'", t99:="***"; double savef3; word savew0,savew1; ref bufpointer; begin savef3:=f3; savew0:=w0; savew1:=w1; bufpointer:=w3:=(w1).buffer; (w3).word:=w2:=0; w3+2; bufpointer:=w3; if w0 onemask 8'10 then begin ! write time ! outtime(.w3.,w2:=bufpointer); bufpointer:=w2:=bufpointer+4; end; w3:=bufpointer; case w2:=savew0 extract 3 + 1 of begin (w3).word:=w0:=0; (w3).word:=w0:=2763306; comment "***" ; (w3).word:=w0:=2171169; comment "!!!" ; (w3).word:=w0:=2960685; comment "---" ; (w3).word:=w0:=2105376; comment " " ; (w3).word:=w0:=0; (w3).word:=w0:=0; (w3).word:=w0:=0; end; bufpointer:=w0:=bufpointer+2; if w0:=savew0 onemask 8'20 then begin ! write system name ! w3:=bufpointer; w2:=b.ownproc+2; (w3).name1:=f1:=(w2).name1; f1:=(w2).name2; w1+14880; ! ": " ! (w3).name2:=f1; bufpointer:=w0:=bufpointer+8; end; if w0:=savew0 onemask 8'40 then begin ! write process name ! w3:=bufpointer; w1:=savew1; w1:=savew1; w2:=(w1).internal+2; (w3).name1:=f1:=(w2).name1; f1:=(w2).name2; w1+32; (w3).name2:=f1; bufpointer:=w0:=bufpointer+8; end; f3:=savef3; w2*20; copy(.w3.,w0:=20,w1:=address(t0)+w2,w2:=bufpointer); w1:=savew1; w0:=(w1).buffer; w2+20-w0; (w1).buflength:=w2; testout(.w3.,w0:=w2,w1:=(w1).buffer,w2:=0); w1:=savew1; send(.w3.,w0:=0,w1,w2:=20480); f3:= savef3; continuemcl (.w3.,w0:=w2,w1:=savew1); w0:=savew0; w1:=savew1; f3:=savef3; end; end; ! outtext ! \f body of outtime begin record timetext(word hourtxt,minutetxt); incode ref systime:=108; word daysize:=1687500,hoursize:=70313,minutesize:=1172; ref return,bufref; double savef1; begin savef1:=f1; bufref:=w2; return:=w3; f3:=systime.name1 lshift -9 // daysize; ! w3:=dayno ! f1 lshift -100; f2 // hoursize; ! w2:=hour ! f1 // minutesize; ! w1:=minute ! w0:=0; f1 // 10; bufref.minutetxt:=w1 + 48 lshift 8 + w0 + 48 lshift 8 + 32; w1:=0; f2 // 10; bufref.hourtxt:=w2 + 48 lshift 8 + w1 + 48 lshift 8 + 46; f1:=savef1; w2:=bufref; w3:=return; end; end; ! outtime ! \f comment syscommand this procedure checks the user identification typed at login. if it is ok, a process is created with standard bs claims and with catalog bases corresponding to the user identification. the user is answered with a message telling, wheather or not the attemp to login was succesfull. ; body of syscommand begin procedure login(.w3.;w0;w1); comment call: w0 kind of start command w1 abs ref string1 return: w1 abs ref error message or zero ; procedure out(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref string1 return: w1 abs ref error message or zero ; procedure control(.w3.;w0;w1); comment call: w0 control operation (1,2,3,4 = kill,break,stop,start) w1 abs ref string1 return: w1 abs ref error message or zero ; procedure empty(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry return: w1 abs ref error message or zero ; procedure include(.w3.;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref string1 return: w1 abs ref error message or zero ; label newstring,aftername,commfound,error,accept; incode double savef1,savef3; word logstop,radix,offset,char,savew1,savew2,savew3,count,comm,proc_no; ref namepointer,next; text(11) emptytext:=""; text(11) string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6, string7,string8,string9; text(11)oscomm1 :="in", oscomm2 :="out", oscomm3 :="kill", oscomm4 :="", oscomm5 :="run", oscomm6 :="go", oscomm7 :="batch", oscomm8 :="break", oscomm9 :="stop", oscomm10:="start", oscomm11:="call", oscomm12:="include", oscomm13:="lock", oscomm14:="open", oscomm15:="halt"; begin savef1:=f1; savef3:=f3; testout(.w3.,w0:=!length(userentry),w1,w2:=68); testout(.w3.,w0:= (w1).bufrel + (w1).buflength,w1:=(w1).buffer,w2:=0); ! read strings ! w0:=0; w1:=address(emptytext); w2:=address(string1); w3:=0; while w3+1<=9 do ! zeroset string1 - string9 ! begin savew3:=w3; copy(.w3., w0:=8, w1, w2); w3:=savew3; w2+8; end; comment transfer commands from terminal buffer to the text variables string1 - string 8 ; count:=w0:=1; namepointer:=w0:=address(string1); next:=w0:=namepointer+8; w3:=b.userentry; w2:=(w3).buffer; comm:= w0:= (w3).state; w1:=0; logstop:=w0:= (w3).bufrel + (w3).buflength+w2; (w3).bufrel:= w1; newstring: w0:=32; while w0=32 do nextchar(.w3.,w3:=logstop,w0,w1,w2); if w0 = 10 then goto aftername; if w0 = 62 then ! '>' is start of password line ! begin comm:= w0:= 0; goto newstring; end; if w0 < 97 then begin ! integer param ! offset:=w3:=48; radix:=w3:=10; word(namepointer):=w3:=-1; namepointer:=w3:=namepointer+2; end else begin ! name param ! offset:=w3:=0; radix:=w3:=256; end; while w0<>32 do begin if w3:=next=namepointer then goto aftername; if w0=10 then goto aftername; char:=w0; if w0:=offset = 0 then begin if w0:=char >= 97 then if w0 < 126 then goto accept; end; if w0:=char >= 48 then if w0 < 58 then goto accept; !test 1; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto error; accept: w0:=word(namepointer)*radix; ! pack text or number ! word(namepointer):=w0+char-offset; if w0>65535 then namepointer:=w3:=namepointer+2; nextchar(.w3.,w3:=logstop,w0,w1,w2); end; aftername: ! more than 11 chars or w0=32 or w0=10 ! if w3:=next=namepointer then begin !test 2; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto error; end; if w0=32 then begin count:=w3:=count+1; if w3>8 then ! max 8 params in command line ! begin while w0=32 do nextchar(.w3.,w3:=logstop,w0,w1,w2); if w0<>10 then begin !test 3; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto error; end; end; end; if w3:=offset = 0 then ! fill textparam with null-chars ! if w3:=next>namepointer then begin w3:=word(namepointer); if w3<>0 then while w3<65535 do w3 lshift 8; word(namepointer):=w3; end; namepointer:=w3:=next; next:=w3:=next+8; if w0=32 then goto newstring; if w0:= comm = -3 then goto newstring; ! first newline blind, when reading invisible password ! comment now all parameters have been read; w1:=address(oscomm1); w2:=address(string1); comm:=w3:=1; while w3:=comm<16 do begin compare(.w3.,w0:=4,w1,w2); if w0=0 then goto commfound; w1+8; comm:=w3:=comm+1; end; !test 4; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=0); ! what ! goto error; commfound: w1:=address(string1); case w3:=comm of begin login(.w3.,w0:=3,w1); ! in (connection to pool) ! out(.w3.,w1); ! out (disconnect) ! control(.w3.,w0:=1,w1); ! kill ! empty(.w3.,w1:=b.userentry); login(.w3.,w0:=2,w1); ! run (connection via tem)! login(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); ! go ! login(.w3.,w0:=1,w1); ! batch ! control(.w3.,w0:=2,w1); ! break ! control(.w3.,w0:=3,w1); ! stop ! control(.w3.,w0:=4,w1); ! start ! calldev(.w3.,w1); ! call (name device) ! include(.w3.,w1); ! include users(device) ! control(.w3.,w0:=-1,w1); ! lock (block logins) ! control(.w3.,w0:=-2,w1); ! open (accept login) ! control(.w3.,w0:=-3,w1); ! halt ! end; if w1 <> 0 then begin error: if w1 = -1 then begin !test 5; if w0:= (w1:=b.userentry).messsend < 10 then outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'30,w1,w2:=1); ! ready ! if w0:=(w1).state = -1 then (w1).state:=w0:=0; end; w1:=b.userentry; (w1).bufrel:= w0:= 0; if w0:=(w1).state = -1 then begin link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); (w1).state:=w0:=0; end else if w0 < -1 then begin w0:=0; (w1).messsend:=w0; (w1).peripheral:=w0; (w1).internal:=w0; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); end else ; end; w0:=1; w1:=b.userentry; (w1).messsend:=w0; w3:=address(emptytext); f1:=b.startbase; monitor(72); ! set sos own catalog base ! f1:=savef1; f3:=savef3; end; ! syscommand ! \f body of login begin procedure checkprot(.w3.;w1;w2); comment call: w1 abs ref "pass"-parameter w2 abs ref password from catalog return: w1 abs ref error message or zero w2 boolean rewrite catalog segment ; procedure checkdevice(.w3.;w0;w1); comment call: w1 abs ref userentry return: w0 mode for reading of password: 0: console (deviceno=2) 2: other terminal (dev<>2) other registers unchanged ; label error,error1,error2,error2_1,error3,error4,freefound, release; incode ! process description for create internal process ! double corelimits; byte buffers,areas, internals:=0,fncmask:=1792, ! .111........ ! protreg,protkey; double maxbase,stdbase; double claim0,claim1,claim2,claim3; byte logop:=5,logmode:=0; ref first,last; word segm,zero:=0,rewrite; word savew0,savew1,savew2,savew3; ref jobfile:=0,procentry; double savef3; text(11) emptytext:="",jobf:="jobfile"; ref string1,string2,string3,string4,string5,string6, string7,string8; array(1:10) tail of word; array(1:8)answ of word; byte simop,simmode:=0; ref simfirst,simlast; word simlocid; text(9) simtext:="'1''1' att "; text(11)trmname; word nl:=10; byte temop,temmode:=0; word localid; ref termpda; byte bufs,timers; text(14) poolname; word help; comment format of login command is: s1 s2 s3 s4 ( go ) ( run ) <procname> ( jobfile <filename> )(.) ( batch ) s3/5 s4/6 s5/7 s6/8 ( pass <passname> (newpass <passname>)(.) )(.) ( >password <passname> ) or: s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 in <procname> <termname> ( pass <passname> (newpass <passname>)(.) )(.) ( >password <passname> ) ; begin savew0:=w0; ! login-kind: 0=go, 1=batch, 2=run, 3=in ! savef3:=f3; w3:=b.userentry; if w0:=b.sysstate <> 0 then if w0:=b.mainconsref<>(w3).peripheral then begin !test 6; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=29); ! forbidden - system locked ! goto error; end; string1:=w1; w1+8; string2:=w1; w1+8; string3:=w1; w1+8; string4:=w1; w1+8; string5:=w1; w1+8; string6:=w1; w1+8; string7:=w1; w1+8; string8:=w1; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=string3,w2:=address(jobf)); if w0 = 0 then jobfile:=w3:=string4; w1:=b.userentry; if w3:=(w1).state = -1 then ! known terminal creating new job ! begin if w0:=jobfile = 0 then ! at most one job without jobfile ! begin !test 7; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=7); ! forbidden ! link (.w3., w1:= b.userentry, w2:= address(b.activqfst)); w1:= -1; goto error; end; w1:=b.lastuser; while w1-!length(userentry) >= b.firstuser do begin if w0:=(w1).internal = 0 then goto freefound; end; !test 8; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=6); ! process creation ! link (.w3., w1:= b.userentry, w2:= address(b.activqfst)); w1:= -1; goto error; freefound: procentry:=w2:=b.userentry; ! old entry ! b.userentry:=w1; ! new entry ! (w2).state:=w0:=0; (w1).peripheral:=w0:=(w2).peripheral; (w1).internal:=w0; (w1).state:=w0:=-2; (w1).buflength:=w0:=(w2).buflength; copy (.w3., w0, w1:=(w2).buffer, w2:=(w2:=b.userentry).buffer); link(.w3.,w1:=procentry,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); end; procentry:=w1:=b.userentry; ! new entry ! (w1).primdevi:=w0:=(w1).peripheral; w0:=savew0; if w0 = 3 then w2:=string3 else w2:=0; scancat(.w3.,w0,w1:=string2,w2); if w0 < 0 then begin if w0 = -3 then w2:=30 ! user catalog reserved ! else w2:=3; ! identification illegal ! !test 9; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2); goto error1; end else segm:=w0; b.procdescr:=w1; b.termdescr:=w2; if w0:=savew0 < 3 then ! go, run or batch ! begin if w1:=jobfile = 0 then w1:=string3 else w1:=string5; checkprot(.w3.,w1,w2:=b.procdescr+!position(ppass)); if w1 <> 0 then goto error1; rewrite:=w2; if w1:=jobfile > 0 then begin w1:=procentry; w2:=(w1).peripheral; -(w2); (w1).peripheral:=w2; ! jobfile is marked by negative peripheral ! w2:=address((w1).pr_in); (w2).word:=w0:=4; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=jobfile,w2+2); ! insert jobfile name in i/o-buffer ! end else begin w1:=procentry; w2:=address((w1).pr_in); (w2).word:=w0:=8; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=b.sosterm+2,w2+2); ! pseudo-sos-name in i/o-buffer ! end; w2:=address((w1:=procentry).pr_out); (w2).word:=w0:=8; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=b.sosterm+2,w2+2); w3:=b.procdescr; buffers:=w0:=(w3).procbuffers; areas:=w0:=(w3).procareas; w0:=(w3).procsb1; w1:=(w3).procsb2; stdbase:=f1; w0:=(w3).procmb1; w1:=(w3).procmb2; maxbase:=f1; w0:=b.fstcore; if w1:=b.topcore-b.fstcore > (w3).pmaxsize then w1:=(w3).pmaxsize+511 lshift -9 lshift 9; if w1 < (w3).pminsize then begin !test 10; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=4); ! no room in primary store ! goto error1; end; w1 lshift -11 lshift 11; ! make size a 2K multiplum ! procentry.procsize:=w1; w1+w0; corelimits:=f1; protreg:=w1:=b.childpr; protkey:=w1:=b.childpk; w3:=address(zero); f1:=stdbase; monitor(72);! set sos own cat base ! !test 445; if w3:=jobfile > 0 then begin tail(w1:=1); w3:=jobfile; monitor(42); ! lookup jobfile ! if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 11; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=10); ! no jobfile ! goto error1; end; end; w3:=address(b.t_mdul); monitor(80); ! create pseudo process "tem" ! if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 12; if w0 = 3 then outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=28) ! user conflict ! else outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=6); ! process creation ! goto error1; end; w3:=address(b.p_mdul); monitor(80); ! create pseudo process "primo" ! if w0<>0 then begin !test 14; if w0 = 3 then outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=28) else outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=6); goto error2_1; end; f1:=b.startbase; w3:=address(zero); monitor(72); ! reset sos own cat base ! !test 447; if w0:=b.freebufs-buffers<0 then begin !test 16; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=6); ! process creation ! goto error2; end else b.freebufs:=w0; w1:=address(corelimits); w3:=string2; monitor(56); ! create internal process ! if w0<>0 then begin !test 17; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=6); ! process creation ! goto error3; end; w3:=b.procdescr; w0:=(w3).procub1; w1:=(w3).procub2; w3:= string2; monitor(72); ! set catalog base = user base ! if w0<>0 then begin !test 18; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=6); ! process creation ! goto error4; end; monitor(4); ! get process description address in w0 ! w1:=procentry; (w1).internal:=w0; w3:=b.procdescr; w2:=w3+!position(procdiscs); w1:=0; while w1+1<13 do begin w2+!length(procdisc); savew1:=w1; testout(.w3.,w0:=!length(procdisc),w1:=w2,w2:=68); w2:=w1; w1:=savew1; if w3:=(w2).word=0 then w1:=13 else begin savew1:=w1; savew2:=w2; w1:=w2+8; w2:=address(claim0); copy(.w3.,w0:=16,w1,w2); w1:=w2; w2:=savew2; w3:=string2; monitor(78); ! set bs claims ! if w0<>0 then begin !test 19; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=5); ! claims exceeded ! goto error4; end; w1:=savew1; w2:=savew2; end; end; if w0:=savew0 = 2 then ! run - connect terminal via tem ! begin ! generate poolname: char 1-3 of sos-name, char 4-11 of procname ! copy(.w3.,w0:=2,w1:=b.ownproc+2,w2:=address(poolname)); copy(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=procentry.internal+2,w2+2); temop:=w0:=90; ! create pool ! w1:=address(temop); w3:=address(b.t_mdul); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! if w0 or (w1).word <> 1 then begin !test 20; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=9); ! terminal connection error ! goto error4; end; w3:=address(poolname); monitor(4); ! get process description ! if w2:=jobfile > 0 then -(w0); procentry.peripheral:=w0; termpda:=w0:=procentry.primdevi; localid:=w0:=0; bufs:=w0:=1; timers:=w0:=5; temop:=w0:=100; ! create link ! temmode:=w0:=2; ! transparent link ! w3:=address(poolname); w1:=address(temop); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! if w0 or (w1).word <> 1 then begin temmode:=w0:=0; temop:=w0:=92; w1:=address(temop); w3:=address(b.t_mdul); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! procentry.peripheral:=w0:=procentry.primdevi; !test 21; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2:=9); ! terminal connection error ! goto error4; end; procentry.primio:=w0:=0; procentry.currlocid:=w0:=0; end else procentry.primio:=w0:=0; ! go/batch login ! w1:=procentry; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); comment the new job is linked into the activequeue independent of the job type. a batchjob is later on moved to the batchqueue (at "activate:" in the main program) because of the priority class ; w0:=1; (w1).messsend:=w0; (w1).statusinf:=w0:=0; w2:=(w1).buffer; w1:=b.procdescr+!position(procfp); copy(.w3.,w0:=40,w1,w2); w1:=procentry; if w0:=savew0 = 1 then ! batch ! (w1).class:=w0:=b.batchclass-b.timerloss-1 else (w1).class:=w0:=0; (w1).state:=w0:=3; (w1).state2:=w0:=-1; (w1).prio:=w0:=0; (w1).intervent:=w0; w1:=procentry; (w1).buffer:=w0:=(w1).buffer+50; !test 22; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'70,w1,w2:=19); ! enrolled ! (w1).buffer:=w0:=(w1).buffer-50; (w1).buflength:=w0:=40; w0:=1; (w1).messsend:=w0; w1:=0; end ! go/run/batch ! else if w0 = 3 then ! in - connect terminal to pool ! begin checkprot(.w3.,w1:=string4,w2:=b.termdescr+!position(userkey)); if w1 <> 0 then goto error1; rewrite:=w2; ! generate poolname: "tem<termname>" ! copy(.w3.,w0:=2,w1:=address(b.t_mdul),w2:=address(poolname)); copy(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=string2,w2+2); termpda:=w0:=(w1:=b.userentry).peripheral; localid:=w0:=(w3:=b.termdescr).intid; simlocid:=w0; bufs:=w0:=(w3).tbufs; timers:=w0:=(w3).ttimers; temop:=w0:=100; ! create link ! w1:=address(temop); w3:=address(poolname); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! if w0 or (w1).word <> 1 then begin if w1:=w0 and 8'1020 <> 0 then w2:=8 ! busy ! else w2:=9; ! terminal connection error ! !test 23; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=procentry,w2); goto error1; end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=termpda+2,w2:=address(trmname)); simfirst:=w1:=address(simlocid); simlast:=w1:=address(nl); simop:= w0:= 9; w1:=address(simop); w3:=address(poolname); monitor(16); ! send message (simulate input) ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! !test 24; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'30,w1:=procentry,w2:=11); ! terminal connected ! end else; if w2:=rewrite <> 0 then begin help:=w1; first:=w0:=b.topcore-512; last:=w0:=b.topcore-2; transport(.w2.,w1:=address(logop),w3:=address(b.usercat)); w1:=help; end; goto release; error4: w3:=string2; monitor(64); ! remove child process ! error3: b.freebufs:=w0:=b.freebufs+buffers; error2: help:=w1; f1:=stdbase; w3:=address(zero); monitor(72); ! set own catalog base ! w3:=address(b.p_mdul); monitor(64); ! remove process ! w1:=help; error2_1: help:=w1; f1:=stdbase; w3:=address(zero); monitor(72); ! set sos catalog base ! w3:=address(b.t_mdul); monitor(64); ! remove pseudo process ! w1:=help; release: error1: w3:=address(b.usercat); monitor(10); ! release usercat ! error: w0:=savew0; f3:=savef3; end; ! login ! \f body of scancat begin label procfound,newsegm,termfound,exit; incode ref procname,termname,return; array(1:!length(procdescr)) process of byte; byte logop,logmode:=0; ref first,last; word segm,proc_no,savew1,logstop,zero:=0; begin procname:=w1; termname:=w2; return:=w3; w3:=address(zero); f1:=b.startbase; w0:=w1; monitor(72); ! set own cat base ! w3:=address(b.usercat); monitor(8); ! reserve process, i.e. open(z,4,<:soscat:>,0) ! if w0 <> 0 then begin w0:=-3; goto exit; end; first:=w0:=b.topcore-512; last:=w0:=b.topcore-2; logop:=w0:=3; segm:=w0:=0; w1:=address(logop); transport(.w2.,w1,w3); w3:=b.topcore-2; proc_no:=w3:=(w3-4).word; w1:=0; w2:=b.topcore-512-!length(prindex); while w1+1<=proc_no do begin w3:=0; w0:=w1; if f0 mod 50=1 then if w1<>1 then begin segm:=w0; savew1:=w1; w1:=address(logop); w3:=address(b.usercat); transport(.w2.,w1,w3); w1:=savew1; w2:=b.topcore-512-!length(prindex); end; w2+!length(prindex); savew1:=w1; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=procname,w2); if w0 = 0 then goto procfound; w1:=savew1; end; w0:=-1; goto exit; procfound: segm:=w1:=(w2).prsegmno; w1:=address(logop); w3:=address(b.usercat); transport(.w2.,w1,w3); w1:=b.topcore-512; process(w2:=1); copy(.w3.,w0:=!length(procdescr),w1,w2); testout(.w3.,w0,w1,w2:=68); ! find terminal in soscat ! if w2:=termname = 0 then begin w0:=segm; goto exit; end; w2:=b.topcore-512; w2+!length(procdescr); w2-!length(termdescr); w3:=b.topcore-!length(termdescr); logstop:=w3; newsegm: !test 540; while w2+!length(termdescr)<logstop do begin if w1:=(w2).word=-1 then w2:=logstop else begin compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=termname,w2); if w0=0 then goto termfound; end; end; w2:=b.topcore-2; if w0:=(w2).word<>-1 then begin segm:=w0; w1:=address(logop); w3:=address(b.usercat); transport(.w2.,w1,w3); w2:=b.topcore-512; w2-!length(termdescr); goto newsegm; end; w0:=-2; goto exit; termfound: b.termdescr:=w2; testout(.w3.,w0:=!length(termdescr),w1:=w2,w2:=68); process(w1:=1); w2:=b.termdescr; w0:=segm; exit: w3:=return; end; end; ! scancat ! \f body of checkprot begin label bad_passw, exit, found; incode text(11) pass:="pass",newpass:="newpass",emptytext:="", pass2:="password", passtxt:=">password "; ref password,return; begin return:=w3; password:=w2; ! addr of correct password ! compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=address(pass)); if w0 <> 0 then begin compare (.w3., w0:=8, w1, w2:=address(pass2)); if w0=0 then goto found; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=address(emptytext)); if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 25; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto exit; end; w2:=w1; ! addr of read passw:= addr of empty param ! end else begin found: w2:= w1+8; ! addr of password param ! end; w1:=password; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2); if w0 <> 0 then begin compare (.w3., w0:=8, w1:=address(emptytext), w2); w1:= b.userentry; if w0<>0 then ! password param <> empty ! begin bad_passw: !test 26; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1,w2:=13); ! bad password ! goto exit; end else if w0:=(w1).state = -3 then goto bad_passw else begin ! password must be typed invisible ! (w1).state:= w0:= -3; ! awaiting password ! (w1).bufrel:= w0:= (w1).buflength; w2:= (w1).buffer + w0; ! start addr ! (w1).buflength:= w0:= 8; copy (.w3., w0, w1:=address(passtxt), w2); testout (.w3., w0, w1, w2:=0); checkdevice (.w3., w0, w1:=b.userentry); b.passmode:= w0; ! 0 = console (deviceno=2) 2 = other terminal ! w0:= (w1).bufrel; -(w0); send (.w3., w0, w1, w2:=20480); (w1).bufrel:= w0:= (w1).bufrel + 8; -(w0); (w1).buflength:= w3:= b.maxbuf - (w1).bufrel; send (.w3., w0, w1, w2:=12288+b.passmode); ! read password without echo, mode=2 ! link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); w3:= address(b.usercat); monitor(10); ! release usercat ! goto b.continue; end; end; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(newpass),w2+8); if w0 <> 0 then begin compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(emptytext),w2); if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 27; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto exit; end; w2:=0; ! rewrite:= false ! end else begin w1:=w2+8; if w0:=(w1).word < 0 then begin !test 28; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto exit; end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=w2+8,w2:=password); w2:=1; ! rewrite:= true ! end; w1:=0; exit: w3:=return; end; end; ! checkprot ! \f body of checkdevice begin incode double w12; word return; begin w12:= f2; return:= w3; w3:=74; ! ref to name table ! w3:=(w3).word+4; ! ref to proc.descr. of device 2 ! w2:=(w3).word+2; ! - - - name - - ! w1:=(w1).peripheral; if w1<0 then -(w1); ! ref to proc.descr. of terminal ! w1+2; ! - - - name - - ! compare(.w3., w0:=8, w1, w2); if w0<>0 then w0:=8; f2:=w12; w3:=return; end; end; ! checkdevice ! end; ! login ! \f body of out begin label return; record cont_ans ( word stat,l_id,perif,buftimer,pool); incode word savew0; double savef3; byte temop,temmode:=0; ref first,last; word simlocid; text(28) simtxt:="'2''2' out '10'"; array(1:8) answ of word; text(14) emptytext:="",namebuf:=""; byte op1:=106,mode1:=0; ! lookup term ! word locid,peri; begin savew0:= w0; savef3:= f3; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1+8,w2:=address(emptytext)); if w0<>0 then begin !test 29; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto return; end; w0:= (w1:=b.userentry).peripheral; peri:=w0; w1:= address(op1); w3:= address(b.t_mdul); monitor(16); ! send message ! w1:= b.lastuser; monitor(18); ! wait answer ! if w0 or (w1).stat<>1 then begin ! terminal not known ! !test 30; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=14); ! not connected ! goto return; end; locid:= w0:= (w1).l_id; simlocid:=w0; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=(w1).pool+2,w2:=address(namebuf)); temop:=w0:=9; ! simulate input ! first:=w0:=address(simlocid); w0+8; last:=w0; w1:=address(temop); w3:=address(namebuf); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! !test 901; op1:=w0:=102; ! remove link (soft) ! w1:=address(op1); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! !test 31; if w0 or (w1).word = 1 then outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'30,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=12) ! terminal disconnected ! else outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=16); ! disconnection not ok ! return: w0:= savew0; f3:= savef3; end; end; ! out ! \f body of control begin label error,found; incode ref string1,string2,string3,string4; word savew0,savew1; double savef3; text(11) emptytext:="",all:="all"; byte temop,temmode; word localid; ref termpda; byte bufs,timers; ref poolpda; word recfull,bytesfree,dummy,allcommand:=0; byte stopop:=16,stopmode:=1; text(20) stoptxt:="system closed"; byte empop:=16,empmode:=0; text(20) emptxt:="system empty"; begin savew0:=w0; ! control operation: 1=kill -1=lock 2=break -2=open 3=stop -3=halt 4=start ! savef3:=f3; string1:=w1; w1+8; string2:=w1; w1+8; string3:=w1; w1+8; string4:=w1; !test 700; w1:=address(b.operator); w2:=string2; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2); if w0<>0 then begin w1:=address(emptytext); compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2); if w0<>0 then begin compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=string3); if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 33; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto error; end; w3:=string2; monitor(4); ! get process description ! !test 995; if w0 = 0 then begin !test 34; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=15); ! process unknown ! goto error; end; w1:=b.lastuser; w3:=b.userentry; while w1-!length(userentry) >= b.firstuser do begin if w0 = (w1).internal then if w2:=(w1).primdevi = (w3).peripheral then goto found; end; !test 35; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=15); ! process unknown ! goto error; end; ! controlled by own terminal ! w1:=b.userentry; if w0:=(w1).state = -1 then begin found: if w3:=savew0 <= 0 then begin !test 36; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=7); ! forbidden ! link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); w1:= -1; goto error; end; case w3:=savew0 of begin begin ! user kill ! (w1).intervent:=w0:=3; clean(.w3.,w1); end; begin ! user break ! break(.w3.,w1); if w3:= b.syscond zeromask 2'010 then begin if w3:= (w1).peripheral>0 then w0:= -1 else w0:= 7; end else w0:= 7; (w1).intervent:=w0; end; begin ! stop ! link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); if w0:=(w1).messgot > 10 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end; (w1).messsend:=w0; (w1).state:=w0:=0; end; begin ! start ! link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); if w0:=(w1).messgot > 10 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end; (w1).messsend:=w0; (w1).state:=w0:=0; end; end; w1:=-1; goto error; end; temop:=w0:=106; ! lookup terminal ! temmode:=w0:=0; termpda:=w0:=(w1:=b.userentry).peripheral; w1:=address(temop); w3:=address(b.t_mdul); monitor(16); ! send message ! monitor(18); ! wait answer ! if w0 or (w1).word <> 1 then begin !test 37; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=14); ! not connected ! goto error; end; w0:=poolpda; w1:=b.firstuser-!length(userentry); while w1+!length(userentry) < b.lastuser do begin if w0 = (w1).peripheral then goto found; end; !test 38; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=15); ! process unknown ! goto error; end else begin ! controlled by operator ! if w0:=(w1:=b.userentry).peripheral <> b.mainconsref then begin !test 39; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1,w2:=7); ! forbidden ! goto error; end; w1:=address(emptytext); compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=string4); if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 40; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto error; end; if w0:=savew0 <= 0 then begin compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(emptytext),w2:=string3); if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 41; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto error; end; if w0:=savew0 = -1 then ! lock ! begin b.sysstate:=w0:=1; w1:=b.lastuser; w0:=0; while w1-!length(userentry) >= b.firstuser do begin if w3:=(w1).internal > 0 then if w3:=(w3).word = 0 then w0+1; end; if w0 = 0 then opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(empop),w2:=b.ownproc); end else if w0 = -2 then ! open ! begin b.sysstate:=w0:=0; end else if w0 = -3 then ! halt ! begin opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(stopop),w2:=b.ownproc); end else ; w1:=-1; goto error; end; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=string3); if w0 = 0 then begin !test 42; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto error; end; w1:=b.firstuser-!length(userentry); while w1+!length(userentry)<b.lastuser do begin !test 710; savew1 :=w1; w1:=(w1).internal+2; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=string3); if w0 <> 0 then begin compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(all),w2); if w0 = 0 then allcommand:=w3:=1; end; w1:=savew1; if w0=0 then begin if w3:=(w1).internal > 0 then if w0:=(w3).word = 0 then case w3:=savew0 of begin begin ! operator kill ! (w1).intervent:=w0:=4; clean(.w3.,w1); end; begin ! operator break ! break(.w3.,w1); if w3:= b.syscond zeromask 2'010 then begin if w3:= (w1).peripheral>0 then w0:= -1 else w0:= 8; end else w0:= 8; (w1).intervent:=w0; end; begin ! stop ! link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); if w0:=(w1).messgot > 10 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end; (w1).messsend:=w0; (w1).state:=w0:=0; end; begin ! start ! if w0:=(w1).class+b.timerloss < b.batchclass then begin ! link to front of batch queue ! if w1 <> b.batchqfst then link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.batchqfst)); end else link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); if w0:=(w1).messgot > 10 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end; (w1).messsend:=w0; (w1).state:=w0:=0; end; end; w1:=-1; if w0:=allcommand <> 1 then goto error; w1:=savew1; end; end; !test 43; if w0:=allcommand <> 1 then outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=15) ! process unknown ! else w1:=-1; goto error; end; w1:=-1; error: w0:=savew0; f3:=savef3; end; end; ! control ! \f body of empty begin incode word savew0; double savef3; begin savew0:=w0; savef3:=f3; w1:=-1; w0:=savew0; f3:=savef3; end; end; ! empty ! \f body of calldev begin label syntaxerror,exit; record callparam (word pkind,pvalue); incode word savew0,work; double savef3; ref string1,string2,string3,string4,string5,string6; text(11) emptytext:="",start:="start",proc; begin savew0:=w0; savef3:=f3; string1:=w1; w1+8; string2:=w1; w1+8; string3:=w1; w1+8; string4:=w1; w1+8; string5:=w1; w1+8; string6:=w1; if w0:=string2.pkind <> -1 then goto syntaxerror; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=string3,w2:=address(emptytext)); if w0 = 0 then goto syntaxerror; w1:=string2.pvalue; w3:=string3; monitor(54); ! create peripheral process ! !test 111; if w0 <> 0 then if w0 <> 3 then begin !test 44; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=17); ! call not accepted ! goto exit; end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=address(emptytext),w2:=string3); include(.w3.,w1:=string1); if w1 <> -1 then goto exit; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=string4,w2:=address(emptytext)); if w0 = 0 then begin w1:=-1; goto exit; end; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=address(start)); if w0 = 0 then begin copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=string4,w2:=string1); copy(.w3.,w0,w1:=string5,w2:=string2); copy(.w3.,w0,w1:=string6,w2:=string3); copy(.w3.,w0,w1:=address(emptytext),w2:=string4); control(.w3.,w0:=4,w1:=string1); goto exit; end; syntaxerror: !test 45; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! exit: w0:=savew0; f3:=savef3; end; end; ! calldev ! \f body of include begin label exit; record param(word pkind,pvalue); incode text(11) proc,emptytext:=""; double savef3; ref string1,string2,string3; word work,savew0; begin savew0:=w0; savef3:=f3; string1:=w1; w1+8; string2:=w1; w1+8; string3:=w1; compare(.w3.,w0:=8,w1,w2:=address(emptytext)); if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 46; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto exit; end; w1:=string2; if w0:=(w1).pkind <> -1 then begin !test 47; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=2); ! syntax ! goto exit; end; w3:=b.lastuser; w2:=address(proc); while w3-!length(userentry) >= b.firstuser do begin if w1:=(w3).internal > 0 then begin work:=w3; if w0:=(w1).word = 0 then begin copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1+2,w2); w3:=w2; w1:=string2.pvalue; monitor(12); ! include user ! if w0 <> 0 then begin !test 48; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'31,w1:=b.userentry,w2:=18); ! include not accepted ! goto exit; end; end; w3:=work; end; end; w1:=-1; exit: w0:=savew0; f3:=savef3; end; end; ! include ! end; ! syscommand ! \f comment break when a process is too cpu bound or when the terminal operator asks for it, the system will provoke a break of the process (break 8 = parent break) this is done by modifying the process using the dumped registers in the process description and then restart the process in its break routine ; body of break begin label exit; record dumparea(word r0,r1,r2,r3,exep,instr,cause); incode double savef1,savef3; word bufferrel,savedic; text(14) childname,terminal; byte ioop,iomode:=0; word first,last,segmnt; begin savef1:=f1; savef3:=f3; if w0:=(w1).intervent = 0 then begin if w0:=(w1).messgot > 10 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end; if w0:=b.syscond zeromask 2'010 then if w0:=(w1).peripheral > 0 then begin (w1).state:= w0:= 3; (w1).state2:= w0:= -1; startstop (.w3., w0:=0, w1); ! stop ! w1:= (w1).internal+2; ! ref process name ! scancat (.w3., w0, w1, w2:=0); if w0 < 0 then begin if w0 = -3 then w2:=30 ! usercat reserv ! else w2:=3; ! ident illegal ! !test 50; outtext (.w3., w0:=8'31, w1:=b.userentry, w2); (w1).state2:= w0:= 1; ! waiting for remove process ! goto exit; end; b.procdescr:= w1; w3:= address(childname); f1:= savef1; w2:= (w1).internal + 2; ! ref process name ! (w3).name1:= f1:= (w2).name1; (w3).name2:= f1:= (w2).name2; w2:= b.procdescr; w0:= (w2).procub1; ! user base from soscat ! w1:= (w2).procub2; monitor(72); ! reset catalog base = user base ! link (.w3., w1:=b.userentry, w2:=address(b.activqfst)); goto exit; end; (w1).intervent:=w0:=-1; w2:=(w1).internal+b.relintrpt; if w0:=(w2).word >= b.fstcore then begin comment interrupt address is set; savedic:=w0+16; w0:=(w2).word; w0-b.fstcore; bufferrel:=w3:=w0 extract 9; segmnt:=w0 lshift -9 + (w1).swopsegm; ioop:=w0:=3; w1:=address(ioop); w3:=address(b.swname); w0:=b.topcore; last:=w0; w0-1022; first:=w0; monitor(16); comment send message; w1:=b.lastuser; monitor(18); comment wait answer; key (0):= w0; ! test 0 ! f1:=savef1; w3:=address(childname); w2:=(w1).internal+2; (w3).name1:=f1:=(w2).name1; (w3).name2:=f1:=(w2).name2; f1:=savef1; w1:=(w1).internal+b.reldump; w2:=first+bufferrel; copy(.w3.,w0:=16,w1,w2); (w2).cause:=w0:=8; (w2).exep:=w0:=0; w0:=savedic; savedic:=w1:=(w2).instr; (w2).instr:=w0; testout(.w3.,w0:=16,w1:=w2,w2:=1); w3:=address(childname); monitor(62); comment modify process; (w1).instr:=w0:=savedic; ioop:=w0:=5; w1:=address(ioop); w3:=address(b.swname); monitor(16); comment send message; w1:=b.lastuser; monitor(18); comment wait answer; f1:=savef1; (w1).state:=w0:=0; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); goto exit; end; end; comment kill because of no reaction after break; startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); clean(.w3.,w1); exit: w3:= address(b.usercat); monitor(10); ! release usercat ! f1:=savef1; f3:=savef3; end; end; ! break ! \f comment continue mcl An appropiate text is send mcl indicating the reason of exit from the sos operating system; body of continuemcl begin incode double savef1, savef3; text (14) cmt00 := "command unkn. ", cmt01 := "ready ", cmt02 := "syntax ", cmt03 := "ident illegal ", cmt04 := "no room ", cmt05 := "claims exeeded", cmt06 := "creation error", cmt07 := "forbidden ", cmt08 := "terminal busy ", cmt09 := "terminal conn.", cmt10 := "no jobfile ", cmt11 := "connected ", cmt12 := "terminal disc.", cmt13 := "bad password ", cmt14 := "not connected ", cmt15 := "process unkn. ", cmt16 := "no disconnect ", cmt17 := "call not ok ", cmt18 := "include not ok", cmt19 := " ", ! enrolled ! cmt20 := "break ", cmt21 := "finis ", cmt22 := "user kill ", cmt23 := "operator kill ", cmt24 := "time exeeded ", cmt25 := "terminal error", cmt26 := "user break ", cmt27 := "operator break", cmt28 := "user conflict ", cmt29 := "system locked ", cmt30 := "usercat resrvd"; word mcl_mess0 := 524288 , ! continue mcl ! mcl_mess2, ! local id ! mcl_mess4 := 49167,! length of op, text ! mcl_mess6, ! reason text ! m8,m10,m12,m14; ! reason text continued ! begin savef1:= f1; savef3:= f3; w0*10; ! offset to text depending on reson (w0) ! w1:= address (cmt00); w1+w0; copy (.w3., w0:= 10, w1, w2:= address (mcl_mess6)); if w0:= mcl_mess6 <> 2105376 then begin f1:= savef1; w2:= (w1).peripheral; if w2 < 0 then -(w2); w2 + 2; w3:= address (b.procname); (w3).name1:= f1:= (w2).name1; (w3).name2:= f1:= (w2).name2; w1:= address (mcl_mess0); monitor (16); f1:= savef1; (w1).messsend:= w2; testout (.w3., w0:= 6, w1:= address (mcl_mess0), w2:= 2); testout (.w3., w0:=10, w1+6, w2:= 0); end; f1:= savef1; f3:= savef3; end; end; ! continue mcl ! \f comment parentmess the use of devices (not accessible directly from the user-processes) and the control of the processes themselves is partially based on parent messages. this procedure takes the actions corresponding to the possible kinds of parent messages - these possible kinds are: break finis terminates the current processing and removes the process mount ; body of parentmessage begin label unknown,mounted,mountmess; record cont_ans ( word stat,l_id,perif); incode double w01,w23; text(11) string1; ref firstdev:=74,lastdev:=76; byte temop,temmode; word locid,dum1,dum2; text(14) poolname; array (1:8) answ of word; word zero:=0; byte emptyop:=16,emptymode:=0; text(20) emptytxt:="system empty"; begin w01:=f1; w23:=f3; w0:=0; b.timermess:=w0; startstop(.w3.,w0:=0,w1); if w0:=(w2).operation=2 then comment finismessage; begin send(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); if w0:=(w1).state2<=0 then begin (w1).intervent:=w0:=2; clean(.w3.,w1); end else begin !test 49; outtext(.w3.,w0:=8'70,w1,w2:=(w1).intervent+19); ! removed after break / finis / user kill / opt.kill / time exc. / term.error / user break / opt.break ! copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=(w1).internal+2,w2:=address(b.procname)); w1:=(w1:=b.userentry).internal+76; f1:=(w1).double; w3:=address(zero); monitor(72); ! set sos catalog base to stdbase of child ! !test 440; w3:=address(b.t_mdul); monitor(64); ! remove pseudo process ! w3:=address(b.p_mdul); monitor(64); ! remove pseudo process ! !test 441; w3:=address(zero); f1:=b.startbase; monitor(72); ! reset sos own cat base ! w1:=b.ownproc+26; b.freebufs:=w0:=b.freebufs-(w1).byte; w3:=address(b.procname); monitor(64); comment remove internal process; !test 110; b.freebufs:=w0:=b.freebufs+(w1).byte; copy(.w3.,w0:=6,w1:=address(b.procname),w2:=address(poolname)+2); w0:= 0; b.baseevent:= w0; copy(.w3.,w0:=2,w1:=b.ownproc+2,w2:=address(poolname)); temop:=w0:=102; ! remove link (soft) ! locid:=w1:=0; w3:=address(poolname); w1:=address(temop); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! temop:=w0:=92; ! remove pool ! w3:=address(b.t_mdul); w1:=address(temop); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! copy(.w3.,w0:=2,w1:=address(b.t_mdul),w2:=address(poolname)); w1:=address(temop); w3:=address(b.t_mdul); monitor(16); ! send message ! answ(w1:=1); monitor(18); ! wait answer ! w1:=b.userentry; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.waitqfst)); w0:=0; (w1).peripheral:=w0; (w1).internal:=w0; (w1).messsend:=w0; (w1).messgot:=w0; (w1).intervent:=w0; if w0:=b.sysstate = 1 then begin w1:=b.lastuser; w0:=0; while w1-!length(userentry) >= b.firstuser do begin if w3:=(w1).internal > 0 then if w3:=(w3).word = 0 then w0+1; end; if w0 = 0 then opmess(.w3.,w1:=address(emptyop),w2:=b.ownproc); end; end; end else if w0=4 then comment break message; begin send(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); if w0:=(w1).intervent = -1 then (w1).intervent:=w0:=1; if w0 = 0 then (w1).intervent:=w0:=1; clean(.w3.,w1); end else if w0 = 14 then comment mount message; begin mountmess: copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=w2+16,w2:=address(string1)); w3:=address(string1); monitor(4); ! get process description ! if w0 <> 0 then begin w1:=word(firstdev); while w1+2 <= word(lastdev) do begin if w0 = (w1).word then begin w3:=address(b.procname); w1-word(firstdev) lshift -1; monitor(12); ! include user ! if w0 = 0 then begin f1:=w01; (w1).state:=w0:=0; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); send(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); goto mounted; end; end; end; end; f1:=w01; f3:=w23; goto unknown; mounted: end else if w0 = 32 then goto mountmess else begin comment parent message unknown; unknown: (w1).state:=w0:=0; w2:=(w1).internal; opmess(.w3.,w1:=b.message+8,w2); if w0:=(w1).word onemask 1 then w2:=address(b.waitqfst) else w2:=address(b.activqfst); f1:=w01; link(.w3.,w1,w2); send(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end; w3:=address(zero); f1:=b.startbase; monitor(72); ! rset sos own catalog base ! f1:=w01; f3:=w23; end; end; ! parentmessage ! \f comment clean ; body of clean begin incode double savef1, savef3; double corelimits; byte buffers, areas; byte internals:=0, fncmask:=1792; byte protreg, protkey; double maxbase, stdbase; begin savef1:=f1; savef3:=f3; if w0:=(w1).messgot > 10 then begin empty_answer(.w3.,w0:=1,w1,w2:=0); end; copy(.w3.,w0:=8,w1:=(w1).internal+2,w2:=address(b.procname)); w2 := b.fstcore; w3 := b.topcore - b.fstcore; w3 lshift -11 lshift 11; ! make size a 2K multiplum ! w3 + b.fstcore; corelimits:=f3; protreg:=w3:=b.childpr; protkey:=w3:=b.childpk; w2:= b.ownproc; buffers:= -(w3:=(w1:=w2+26).byte); areas:= -(w3:=(w1:=w2+27).byte); f1:= savef1; w0:= (w1).internal; maxbase:=f3:=(w1:=w0+72).double; stdbase:=f3:=(w1:=w0+76).double; w3:=address(b.procname); monitor(64); comment remove internal; !test 100; w2:= b.ownproc; buffers:= w0:= buffers+(w1:=w2+26).byte; areas:= w0:= areas+(w1:=w2+27).byte; w1:=address(corelimits); monitor(56); comment create internal; !test 102; f1:=savef1; monitor(4); comment lookup process; (w1).internal:=w0; (w1).state:=w0:=3; (w1).state2:=w0:=1; (w1).prio:=w0:=0; (w1).class:=w0; (w1).messsend:=w0; (w1).messgot:=w0; link(.w3.,w1,w2:=address(b.activqfst)); f1:=savef1; f3:=savef3; end; end; ! clean ! \f comment compare ; body of compare begin incode word savew1; double savef3; begin savew1:=w1; savef3:=f3; w3:=w1+w0; w0:=0; while w1<w3 do begin w0:=(w1).word; w0-(w2).word; w1+2; w2+2; if w0<>0 then w1:=w3; end; w1:=savew1; f3:=savef3; end; end; ! compare ! \f comment nextchar ; body of nextchar begin label dummy1; begin if w1=0 then if w2=(w3).stp then w1:=10 ashift 16 ! simulate 'nl' at end of buffer ! else begin w1:=(w2).word; w2+2; end; w0:=0; f1 lshift 8; if w0=13 then w0:= 10; ! convert <cr> to <nl> to avoid ! ! syntax error reading in mode 2 ! end; end; end. ▶EOF◀