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Length: 43776 (0xab00) Types: Rc489k_TapeFile, TextFile
└─⟦aa55fa693⟧ Bits:30007479 SW8110/1 TAS/SOS/PRIMO Rel 2.3 └─⟦this⟧
(head 1 bcheckparam=algol message.no if ok.yes (c=message checkparam compiled ok checkparam=move bcheckparam c=lookup checkparam ) if ok.no c=message checkparam error in compilation ) external integer procedure checkparam (paramno, keywordno, keywordlist, elements, elementtype, print); value paramno, print ; real array keywordlist, elements ; integer array elementtype ; integer paramno, keywordno ; boolean print ; message: *** checkparam version 1.00 ***; comment: *** ***; message: *** eli, 78.07.13 ***; comment: this procedure may be used to check the right hand side parameterlist of a programcall. the procedure assumes, that the parameterlist consists of a number of parameter(groups) separated by spaces (<sp> in fp-notation). each parameter consists of one or more elements, separated (if more than one) by periods. the first (and maybe only) element and is assumed to be a keyword. the array <keywordlist> is assumed to be declared as real array keywordlist(1:no_of_keywords, 1:3) the keywords allowed must be described in keywordlist(i, 1) and keywordlist(i,2). if keywordlist(i,1)= null they will be assumed to match any keyword in the parameter. unused entries in keywordlist should have keywordlist(i,1) set to a value which can not possible occur (0.0 shift 48 add -1 shift 24 add -1). keywordlist(i,3) must contain a specification of the types (text or integer) allowed for the elements in the parameter. each specification contains 3 bits as follows: 000 no element allowed 001 text element must be present 010 integer element must be present 011 text or integer element may be present 100 not used bitpattern 101 text element may be present 110 integer element may be present 111 text or integer element may be present note, that the optional elements should, to make sense, appear as the last elements in the parameter. the specifications must be packed in keywordlist(i,3) in the following way: keywordlist(i,3):= 0.0 shift 48 add <specs0> shift 3 add <specs1> shift 3 add <specs2> shift 3 ... add <specsn> <specs0> is the specification for the keyword. <specs1> is the specification for the first element following the keyword, <specs2> the specifications of the next element etc. the arrays elements and elementtype must be declared as real array elements(0:max_elements, 1:2) integer array elementtype(0:max_elements) where <max_elements> is the maximum number (in excess to the keyword) of elements that is allowed by the specifications in array keywordlist. note, that the packing of the specifications limits this number to at most 15. the keyword is stored in elements(0,1) and elements(0,2). the elements following are stored in elements(i,1) and elements(i,2), i=1, 2, ... the type of the keyword and the elements is signalled in elementtype in the following way: elementtype(i)= 0 no element present = 1 text type element = 2 integer type element if checkparam returns with ok-indication, each element is of a type allowed in the specifications in keywordlist(i, 3). when called, checkparam will check the parameter specified by <paramno>. <paramno> must contain the number (as defined for the procedure system(4, ...) in the algol-manual) of the keyword in the parameter. the separator preceeding this element should be a space. if checkparam is used to check all the parameters the first call of checkparam will have <paramno>= 1 (no left side parameter) or <paramno>= 2 (left side present). upon return, the success of the parametercheck is indicated through the value of checkparam: checkparam= 0 no more parameters > 0 parameter ok. keyword and elements are stored as described above. <keyword_no> contains the value of the first index in keywordlist where the keyword was found. the value of checkparam indicates the number of elements (including the keyword). < 0 error in parameter. the contents of <keyword_no> elements and elementtype are undefined. the absolute value of checkparam indicates the number of elements. note, that when checkparam<>0, <paramno> may be adjusted to point to the next parameter by the statement: j:= checkparam(paramno, ...) paramno:= paramno+ abs j if j<0 then ... when an error is detected, checkparam may print an errormessage on current output. the errormessage has the following format: ***<progname> param: <parameter> where <progname> if the programname found in the fp-parameters and <parameter> is the illegal parameter. the errormessage will only be printed if <errorprint> is true. ; \f begin integer i, j, p, maxelems, maxkeywords; real array arr(1:2); real r, null; null:= 0.0 shift 48; i:= system(3, max_keywords, keywordlist); maxkeywords:= (maxkeywords-i+1)//3; system(3, i, elementtype); for i:= i step (-1) until 1 do elementtype(i):= 0; comment: start scan of parameter; j:= system(4, paramno, arr); if j=0 then begin comment: parameterlist empty); checkparam:= 0; goto return; end; comment: search for keyword; i:= 1; while keywordlist(i,1)<>null and (keywordlist(i,1)<>arr(1) or keywordlist(i,2)<>arr(2)) do begin i:= i+1; if i>maxkeywords then goto paramerror; end; comment: i holds the keywordnumber; keywordno:= i; r:= keywordlist(keywordno, 3); comment: find maximum number of elements allowed; maxelems:= -1; while r<>null do begin maxelems:= maxelems+1; r:= r shift (-3); end; comment: copy elements description into array elementtype; r:= keywordlist(keywordno, 3); for i:= maxelems step (-1) until 0 do begin elementtype(i):= r extract 3; r:= r shift (-3); end; comment: now scan the elements in the parameter. check the type and store the element and the elementtype; i:= 0; for j:= system(4,paramno+i,arr) while (i=0) or (j shift (-12)=8) do begin if j extract 12=10 then begin comment: texttype element; if elementtype(i) extract 1=0 then goto paramerror; elementtype(i):= 1; end else begin comment: integertype element; if elementtype(i) shift (-1) extract 1=0 then goto paramerror; elementtype(i):= 2; end; elements(i,1):= arr(1); elements(i,2):= arr(2); i:= i+1; end; comment: if any element-specifications are left unused, they should contain the optional-bit; checkparam:= i; for i:= i step 1 until maxelems do begin if elementtype(i) shift (-2) extract 1=0 then goto paramerror; elementtype(i):= 0; end; comment: parameter ok; goto return; paramerror: if print then begin comment: find programname in parameterlist; if system(4, 1, arr) shift (-12)<>6 then system(4, 0, arr); i:= 1; write(out, <:***:>, string arr(increase(i)), <: param: :>); end; comment: find actual number of elements in erroneous parameter and print elements if specified; p:= 0; for j:= system(4, paramno+p, arr) while (p=0) or (j shift (-12)=8) do begin if print then begin if p<>0 then write(out, <:.:>); if j extract 12=10 then begin i:= 1; write(out, string arr(increase(i))); end else write(out, <<d>, arr(1)); end; p:= p+1; end; if print then write(out, <:<10>:>); comment: p contains number of elements; checkparam:= -p; return: end; end \f (head 1 bfilexfer=algol connect.no message.no if ok.yes (c=message filexfer compiled ok filexfer=move bfilexfer c=lookup filexfer ) if ok.no c=message filexfer error in compilation ) begin message: *** filexfer version: 1.01 ***; comment: *** ***; message: *** eli, 79.04.01 ***; comment: program constants and generation parameters; integer max_queue_specs, no_of_queue_specs, first_tkrit, mes_lgt, ans_lgt, def_transport_code, wait_code, release_code; integer field treply, tno, intfi, tsenderror, treceiveerror; integer array field tkrit; real array field tsend, treceiv, tname, tuser, queue, group; boolean any_errors, verify, wait, release; real progname, null; comment: program generation parameters; max_queue_specs:= 1; comment: program constants; first_tkrit:= 58; treply:= intfi:= 2; tno:= 4; tname:= 4; tuser:= 16; tsend:= 40; treceiv:= 50; group:= 2; queue:= 10; tkrit:= first_tkrit; tsenderror:= 16; treceiveerror:= 20; progname:= real <:***filexfer :>; any_errors:= false; def_transport_code:= 2; wait_code:= 6; release_code:= 8; mes_lgt:= 30+9*max_queue_specs; ans_lgt:= 26; null:= 0.0 shift 48; verify:= false; wait:= false; release:= true; begin comment: declaration of workspace; integer array mess(1:mes_lgt), answer(1:ans_lgt); integer i, j; real array resultentry(1:2); procedure entry(id); value id ; integer id ; begin zone z(1,1,stderror); integer array tail(1:10); i:= 1; open(z, 0, string resultentry(increase(i)), 0); for i:= 2 step 1 until 10 do tail(i):= 0; tail(1):= 1 shift 23; tail(7):= id; j:= monitor(40, z, i, tail); if j<>0 then begin comment: entry already exists or other creation error; i:= 1; write(out, string progname, <:create :>, string resultentry(increase(i))); if j=3 then write(out, <: entry already exists:>) else if j=4 then write(out, <: claims exceeded:>) else if j=5 then write(out, <: catalog base illegal:>) else write(out, <: result: :>, j); write(out, <:<10>:>); any_errors:= true; goto end_program; end; if id=0 then monitor(48, z, i, tail); end procedure entry; comment: initialization; no_of_queue_specs:= 0; for i:= 1 step 1 until mes_lgt do mess(i):= -1; for i:= 1 step 1 until ans_lgt do answer(i):= -1; begin comment: scan and check of parameterlist; real array keywordlist(1:7, 1:3), elements(0:2, 1:2), arr(1:2); integer array elementtype(0:2); integer text, int, keywordno, param, i, j, p, iparam, oparam; procedure error(paramno, text); integer paramno; string text; begin comment: prints an error mess on current output. if paramno=0 only the text is printed. otherwise the text followed by <:param:> is printed and the parameter specified by paramno is printed until a parameter preceeded by <sp> is met. if paramno=0 the program terminates; write(out, string progname, text); if paramno=0 then begin write(out, <:<10>:>); goto end_program; end; write(out, if real text=real <::> then <:param: :> else <:: :>); p:= paramno; for j:= system(4,paramno,arr) while j shift(-12)=8 or p=paramno do begin i:= 1; if j shift (-12)=8 then write(out, <:.:>); if j extract 12=4 then write(out, <<d>, arr(1)) else write(out, string arr(increase(i))); paramno:= paramno+1; end; write(out, <:<10>:>); any_errors:= true; goto scan_params; end; text:= 1; int:= 2; keywordlist(1,1):= real <:verif:> add 121; keywordlist(1,2):= null; keywordlist(1,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(2,1):= real <:name:>; keywordlist(2,2):= null; keywordlist(2,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(3,1):= real <:queue:>; keywordlist(3,2):= null; keywordlist(3,3):= null add text shift 3 add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(4,1):= real <:relea:> add 115; keywordlist(4,2):= real <:e:>; keywordlist(4,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(5,1):= real <:user:>; keywordlist(5,2):= null; keywordlist(5,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(6,1):= real <:wait:>; keywordlist(6,2):= null; keywordlist(6,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(7,1):= keywordlist(7,2):= null; keywordlist(7,3):= null add text; comment: check left side; resultentry(1):= null; param:= iparam:= 1; oparam:= 2; if system(4,1,arr) shift (-12)=6 then begin comment: left side present; param:= iparam:= 2; oparam:= 3; system(4,0,resultentry); end; scan_params: for j:= checkparam(param, keywordno, keywordlist, elements, elementtype, false) while j<>0 do begin comment: keywordno holds the keywordnumber; if j<0 then error(param, <::>); case keywordno of begin begin <* 1: verify*> if elements(1,1)=real <:yes:> then verify:= true else if elements(1,1)=real <:no:> then verify:= false else error(param, <::>); end; begin <* 2: name*> if mess.tname.intfi<>-1 then error(param, <:transport name double defined:>); mess.tname(1):= elements(1,1); mess.tname(2):= elements(1,2); end; begin <* 3: queue*> if no_of_queue_specs=max_queue_specs then error(param, <:no room for queue specification:>); no_of_queue_specs:= no_of_queue_specs+1; mess.tkrit(1):= 0; mess.tkrit.group(1):= elements(1,1); mess.tkrit.group(2):= elements(1,2); mess.tkrit.queue(1):= elements(2,1); mess.tkrit.queue(2):= elements(2,2); tkrit:= tkrit+18; end; begin <* 4: release*> if elements(1,1)= real <:yes:> then release:= true else if elements(1,1)= real <:no:> then release:= false else error(param, <::>); end; begin <* 5: user*> if mess.tuser.intfi<>-1 then error(param,<:user name double defined:>); mess.tuser(1):= elements(1,1); mess.tuser(2):= elements(1,2); end; begin <* 6: wait*> if elements(1,1)= real <:yes:> then wait:= true else if elements(1,1)= real <:no:> then wait:= false else error(param, <::>); end; begin <* 7: area- or devicename*> if param=iparam then begin comment: sendername; mess.tsend(1):= elements(0,1); mess.tsend(2):= elements(0,2); end else if param=oparam then begin comment: receivername; mess.treceiv(1):= elements(0,1); mess.treceiv(2):= elements(0,2); end else error(param, <::>); end; end case; param:= param+j; end for while; if any_errors then goto end_program; comment: end of parameterscan. check that at least sender- and receiver name has been specified; if mess.tsend.intfi=-1 then error(0, <:sender name missing:>); if mess.treceiv.intfi=-1 then error(0, <:receiver name missing:>); if mess.tname.intfi=-1 then begin comment use null-name; mess.tname(1):= mess.tname(2):= null; end; if mess.tuser.intfi=-1 then begin comment get process name; long array arr(1:2); system(6,i,arr); tofrom(mess.tuser,arr,8); end; if resultentry(1)<>null then entry(0); end parameter block; comment: send transport definition mess to primo; i:= transfer(def_transport_code, mess, mes_lgt, answer, ans_lgt); comment: check result; if i<>0 then begin comment: error in communication with primo or in parameters to <transfer>. the latter should not possible could occur; any_errors:= true; write(out, string progname, <:primo communication error: :>); if i>1 and i<7 then write(out, case i-1 of (<:rejected:>, <:unintelligible:>, <:malfunction:>, <:primo does not exist:>, <:mess buffer claim exceeded:>), <:<10>:>) else write(out, <:unexpected result: :>, i, <:<10>:>); end else begin comment: error returned in answer from primo itself; i:= answer.treply; if i<>0 then begin comment: transport definition error; any_errors:= true; write(out, string progname, <:primo reply error: :>); if i=3 then write(out, <:missing resources:>) else if i=5 or i=6 then begin comment: error in sender/receiver device specification; if i=5 then begin write(out, <:sender :>); j:= answer.tsenderror; end else begin write(out, <:receiver :>); j:= answer.treceiveerror; end; if j=1 then write(out, <:entry troubles:>) else if j=2 then write(out, <:device troubles:>) else write(out, <:errorcode :>, j); end else write(out, <:unexpected reply code: :>, i); write(out, <:<10>:>); end else begin comment: transport defined. if the verify.yes parameter has been specified, the identi- fication of the transport shall be output; if verify then write(out, <:transport identification: :>, answer.tno, <:<10>:>); if resultentry(1)<>null then entry(answer.tno); if wait then begin comment: send wait operation; mess.tno:= answer.tno; transfer(wait_code,mess,9,answer,ans_lgt); end; if release then begin comment: send release operation; mess.tno:= answer.tno; transfer(release_code,mess,7,answer,7); end; end; end_program: if any_errors then errorbits:= 1 shift 0; trapmode:= 1 shift 10; end; end end \f (head 1 bfileenq=algol connect.no fp.yes message.no if ok.yes warning.no (c=message fileenq compiled ok fileenq=move bfileenq c=lookup fileenq ) if ok.no c=message fileenq error in compilation ) begin message: *** fileenq version: 1.01 ***; comment: *** ***; message: *** eli, 79.04.01 ***; comment: program constants; integer field treply, tno, tsubno, tsubstate, tsubcause, tsubstatus, tsenderror, treceiveerror; real array field tname, tident; long field tsubpos; real progname; integer mes_lgt, ans_lgt, wait_and_get_state_code, get_state_code, release_code, kill_code; treply:= 2; tno:= 4; tname:= 4; tident:= 16; tsubno:= 40; tsubstate:= 42; tsubpos:= 46; tsubcause:= 50; tsubstatus:= 52; progname:= real <:***fileenq :>; release_code:= 8; kill_code:= 10; wait_and_get_state_code:= 6; get_state_code:= 4; mes_lgt:= 9; ans_lgt:= 26; begin comment: declaration of workspace; integer array mess(1:mes_lgt), answer(1:ans_lgt); real array entry_name(1:2); integer i, j, state, code, release, kill; boolean wait, details, any_errors; real null; comment: initialization; release:= kill:= 0; any_errors:= wait:= details:= false; for i:= 1 step 1 until mes_lgt do mess(i):= -1; for i:= 1 step 1 until ans_lgt do answer(i):= -1; entry_name(1):= null:= 0.0 shift 48; begin comment: scan and check of parameterlist; real array keywordlist(1:5, 1:3), elements(0:1, 1:2), arr(1:2); integer array elementtype(0:1); integer text, int, keywordno, param, i, j, p, iparam, oparam; procedure error(paramno, text); integer paramno; string text; begin comment: prints an error mess on current output. if paramno=0 only the text is printed. otherwise the text followed by <:param:> is printed and the parameter specified by paramno is printed until a parameter preceeded by <sp> is met. if paramno=0 the program terminates; write(out, string progname, text); if paramno=0 then begin write(out, <:<10>:>); goto end_program; end; write(out, if real text=real <::> then <:param: :> else <:: :>); p:= paramno; for j:= system(4,paramno,arr) while j shift(-12)=8 or p=paramno do begin i:= 1; if j shift (-12)=8 then write(out, <:.:>); if j extract 12=4 then write(out, <<d>, arr(1)) else write(out, string arr(increase(i))); paramno:= paramno+1; end; write(out, <:<10>:>); any_errors:= true; goto scan_params; end; text:= 1; int:= 2; keywordlist(1,1):= real <:wait:>; keywordlist(1,2):= null; keywordlist(1,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(2,1):= real <:relea:> add 115; keywordlist(2,2):= real <:e:>; keywordlist(2,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(3,1):= real <:detai:> add 108; keywordlist(3,2):= real <:s:>; keywordlist(3,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(4,1):= real <:kill:>; keywordlist(4,2):= null; keywordlist(4,3):= null add text shift 3 add text; keywordlist(5,1):= keywordlist(5,2):= null; keywordlist(5,3):= null add (text add int); comment: check left side; if system(4,1,arr) shift (-12)=6 then error(0, <:call:>); param:= 1; scan_params: for j:= checkparam(param, keywordno, keywordlist, elements, elementtype, false) while j<>0 do begin comment: keywordno holds the keywordnumber; if j<0 then error(param, <::>); case keywordno of begin begin <* 1: wait*> if elements(1,1)= real <:yes:> then wait:= true else if elements(1,1)= real <:no:> then wait:= false else error(param, <::>); end; begin <* 2: release*> if elements(1,1)= real <:yes:> then release:= +1 else if elements(1,1)= real <:no:> then release:= -1 else error(param, <::>); end; begin <* 3: details*> if elements(1,1)= real <:yes:> then details:= true else if elements(1,1)= real <:no:> then details:= false else error(param, <::>); end; begin <* 4: kill*> if elements(1,1)=real <:yes:> then kill:= +1 else if elements(1,1)=real <:no:> then kill:= -1 else error(param,<::>); end; begin <* 5: identification*> if elementtype(0)=int then mess.tno:= elements(0,1) else begin comment: lookup entry name; zone z(1,1,stderror); integer array tail(1:10); integer i,j; entry_name(1):= elements(0,1); entry_name(2):= elements(0,2); i:= 1; open(z,0,string entry_name(increase(i)),0); j:= monitor(42,z,i,tail); if j<>0 then begin i:= 1; write(out, string progname, <:lookup :>, string entry_name(increase(i))); if j=3 then write(out, <: entry does not exist<10>:>) else write(out, <:result: :>, j, <:<10>:>); any_errors:= true; goto end_program; end; mess.tno:= tail(7); end; end; end case; param:= param+j; end for while; if any_errors then goto end_program; comment: end of parameterscan; end parameter block; comment: send mess to primo; code:= if wait then wait_and_get_state_code else get_state_code; i:= transfer(code, mess, mes_lgt, answer, ans_lgt); comment: check result; if i<>0 then begin comment: error in communication with primo or in parameters to <transfer>. the latter should not possible could occur; any_errors:= true; write(out, string progname, <:primo communication error: :>); if i>1 and i<7 then write(out, case i-1 of (<:rejected:>, <:unintelligible:>, <:malfunction:>, <:primo does not exist:>, <:mess buffer claim exceeded:>), <:<10>:>) else write(out, <:unexpected result: :>, i, <:<10>:>); end else begin i:= answer.treply; if i<>0 then begin comment: reply error; any_errors:= true; write(out, string progname, <:primo reply error: :>); if i=2 then write(out, <:transport unknown:>) else if i=3 then write(out, <:missing resources:>) else if i=5 or i=6 then begin comment: error in sender/receiver device specification; if i=5 then begin write(out, <:sender :>); j:= answer.tsenderror; end else begin write(out, <:receiver :>); j:= answer.treceiveerror; end; if j=1 then write(out, <:entry troubles:>) else if j=2 then write(out, <:device troubles:>) else write(out, <:errorcode :>, j); end else write(out, <:unexpected reply code: :>, i); write(out, <:<10>:>); end else begin comment: state received; if details then begin comment: print transport name; i:= 1; write(out, <:transport name: :>, string answer.tname(increase(i)), <:<10>:>); end; write(out, <: state: :>); state:= answer.tsubstate; if state>1 and state<9 then write(out, case state-1 of (<:waiting:>, <:executing:>, <:held:>, <:completed:>, <:aborted :>, <:killed by operator:>, <:killed by application:>)) else write(out, state); if state=6 then begin comment: output abort-cause; i:= answer.tsubcause; if i=1 or i=2 or i=3 then write(out, <:caused by :>, if i=1 then <:sender:> else if i=2 then <:receiver:> else <:opearator:>, <: device:>) else write(out, <:cause=:>, i); end; write(out, <:<10>:>); if details and (state=6) then begin comment: output device status; boolean first; first:= true; write(out, <: status: :>); i:= answer.tsubstatus; j:= 23; while i<>0 do begin if i<0 then begin write(out, false add 32, if first then 0 else 16, case j+1 of (<:hard error:>, <:normal answer:>, <:rejected:>, <:unintelligible:>, <:disconnected:>, <:process does not exist:>, <:position error:>, <:word defect:>, <:stopped:>, <:bit 14:>, <:bit 13:>, <:checksum error:>, <:card reject:>, <:read error:>, <:mode error:>, <:writing enabled:>, <:tapemark or attention:>, <:load point:>, <:end document:>, <:block length error:>, <:data overrun:>, <:timer:>, <:parity error:>, <:intervention:> ), <:<10>:>); first:= false; end; i:= i shift 1; j:= j-1; end while; end; if details and answer.tsubpos>=0 then begin write(out,<: char position::>,answer.tsubpos,<:<10>:>); end; if release>0 or (release=0 and state=5) then begin comment: release transport and remove entry; if entry_name(1)<>null then begin zone z(1,1,stderror); integer array tail(1:10); integer i; i:= 1; open(z,0,string entry_name(increase(i)),0); monitor(48,z,i,tail); end; transfer(release_code,mess,7,answer,7); end; if kill>0 then begin transfer(kill_code,mess,7,answer,7); end; end state; end; end_program: if any_errors then errorbits:= 1 shift 0; trapmode:= 1 shift 10; end; end \f (savetrans=algol message.no connect.no if ok.yes (c=message savetrans translated ok ) if ok.no (c=message savetrans not ok ) ) begin <********************************************************************* * * * * * Savetrans: * * A utility program which restarts all unfinished transports * * sent to primo in case of a system break down. * * * * * * Operating procedure: * * savespool=move primospool ; do this before primo is started * * ; now start primo using an s command * * savetrans savespool ; restart the transports from the old * * ; primospool area, possible errors will be printed on current * * ; output * * * * * *********************************************************************> message *************************** **** **** **** kc nov. 13. 1980 **** **** savetrans **** **** **** ***************************; \f <*************************************************************** * * * format of a transport description in the spoolarea of primo: * * * * +-----------+ * * + 0 ! ! transport name * * + 2 ! ! * * + 4 ! ! * * + 6 ! ! * * + 8 ! ! user name * * +10 ! ! * * +12 ! ! * * +14 ! ! * * +16 ! ! sender name * * +18 ! ! * * +20 ! ! * * +22 ! ! * * +24 ! ! receiver name * * +26 ! ! * * +28 ! ! * * +30 ! ! * * +32 ! ! bs area name * * +34 ! ! * * +36 ! ! * * +38 ! ! * * +40 ! ! mode shift 12+kind of device * * +42 ! ! lower cat base of sending process * * +44 ! ! upper cat base of sending process * * +46 ! ! bs start position halfword (long) * * +48 ! ! * * +50 ! ! queue group name (e.g. paper) * * +52 ! ! * * +54 ! ! * * +56 ! ! * * +58 ! ! queue name (e.g. a4upright) * * +60 ! ! * * +62 ! ! * * +64 ! ! * * +66 ! ! coroutine description address * * +68 ! ! transport state * * +70 ! ! cause (if state is aborted or held) * * +72 ! ! device status * * +74 ! ! character position (long) * * +76 ! ! * * +78 ! ! buffer address of wait and get state * * +80 ! ! removetime (>8388605 meens waiting) * * +-----------+ * * * ***************************************************************> \f zone output,transport(128,1,stderror),catbase(1,1,stderror); real array inname,outname(1:2); integer array ia(1:20),carr(1:39),rarr(1:11),base(1:2),savedbase(1:2); integer i; boolean list,outp; <* transfer description *> long array field tname, uname, sname, rname, gname, qname; <* transport description *> long array field tr_name, tr_user, tr_sname, tr_rname, tr_bsname; boolean field tr_mode, tr_kind; integer field tr_baselow, tr_baseup, tr_bsstartptr; long array field tr_qgroup, tr_qname; integer field tr_couru, tr_state, tr_cause, tr_status, tr_charposition, tr_waitmess, tr_removetime; \f boolean procedure getrec(z,n); value n; zone z; integer n; begin integer i; getrec:=true; i:=inrec6(z,0); if i>=n then inrec6(z,n) else begin inrec6(z,i); i:=inrec6(z,0); if i>=n then inrec6(z,n) else getrec:=false end end; procedure error(s,i,a); value i; string s; integer i; array a; begin integer sep,kind; write(out,<:***savetrans :>,s); if i<>0 then begin write(out,<:: :>); sep:=i shift (-13)-1; kind:=i extract 12; outchar(out,case sep of (32, 61, 46)); i:=1; if kind=10 then write(out,string a(increase(i))) else write(out,<<d>,entier a(1)) end; write(out,<:<10>:>); outp:=false; goto stop end; \f procedure initfields; begin <* transfer description *> tname:=4; uname:=16; sname:=40; rname:=50; gname:=60; qname:=68; <* transport description *> tr_name:=0; tr_user:=8; tr_sname:=16; tr_rname:=24; tr_bsname:=32; tr_mode:=41; tr_kind:=42; tr_baselow:=44; tr_baseup:=46; tr_bsstartptr:=50; tr_qgroup:=50; tr_qname:=58; tr_couru:=68; tr_state:=70; tr_cause:=72; tr_status:=74; tr_charposition:=78; tr_waitmess:=80; tr_removetime:=82 end; \f procedure connect_output; begin integer array bases(1:8),ia(1:17); integer i; open(output,4,outname,0); system(11)bases:(0,bases); i:=monitor(76)lookup head and tail:(output,0,ia); if i=0 then begin if extend ia(2)<extend bases(7) or extend ia(3)>extend bases(8) then i:=1 end; if i<>0 then begin ia(1):=ia(2):=1; for i:=3 step 1 until 10 do ia(i):=0; ia(6):=systime(7)short clock:(0,0.0); if monitor(40)create entry:(output,0,ia)<>0 then error(<:create output area not possible:>, 4 shift 12 add 10,outname) end else begin monitor(42)lookup entry:(output,0,ia); ia(6):=systime(7)short clock:(0,0.0); monitor(44)change entry:(output,0,ia) end; if monitor(52)create area process:(output,0,ia)<>0 then error(<:connect output not possible:>, 4 shift 12 add 10,outname) end; \f procedure write_transport(z); zone z; begin long l1,l2; l1:=extend 0 add transport.tr_baselow; l2:=extend 0 add transport.tr_baseup; write(z,<:<10>base abs:>,<<_d>,l1,l2,<: ;:>, <<_-d>,l1 extract 24,l2 extract 24); write(z,<:<10>filexfer :>,transport.tr_sname, <: :>,transport.tr_rname); if transport.tr_user(1)<>0 then write(z,<: user.:>,transport.tr_user); if transport.tr_name(1)<>0 then write(z,<: name.:>,transport.tr_name); if transport.tr_qgroup(1)<>0 then write(z,<: queue.:>,transport.tr_qgroup, <:.:>,transport.tr_qname); write(z,<:<10>:>) end; \f procedure show_error(z,i); value i; zone z; integer i; begin write(z,<:***savetrans :>,case i of( if rarr(1)=3 then <:missing resources in primo:> else if rarr(1)=5 then <:sender troubles:> else <:receiver troubles:>, <:rejected:>, <:unintelligible:>, <:primo malfunction:>, <:primo does not exist:>, <:buffer claim exceeded:>, <:illegal action ???:>, <:illegal cleng or rleng ???:>, <:criterion type illegal:>, <:set catalog base, illegal bases:>), <:<10>:>); if i>=2 and i<=8 then begin write(z,<:***savetrans fatal error<10>:>); goto stop end end; \f procedure start_transport(z); zone z; begin for i:=7, 8, 13 step 1 until 20, 25, 30, 39 do carr(i):=-1; for i:=1, 2 do begin carr.tname(i):=transport.tr_name(i); carr.uname(i):=transport.tr_user(i); carr.sname(i):=transport.tr_sname(i); carr.rname(i):=transport.tr_rname(i); carr.gname(i):=transport.tr_qgroup(i); carr.qname(i):=transport.tr_qname(i) end; if transport.tr_qgroup(1)<>0 then carr(30):=0; base(1):=transport.tr_baselow; base(2):=transport.tr_baseup; i:=monitor(72)set catalog base:(catbase,0,base); if i<>0 then i:=10; if i=0 then i:=transfer(2)define transport:(carr,39,rarr,11); if i=0 and rarr(1)<>0 then i:=1; if i<>0 then begin if -, list then write_transport(z); show_error(z,i) end else begin for i:=3 step 1 until 7 do rarr(i):=-1; transfer(8)release transport:(rarr,7,carr,16) end end; <* start transport *> \f procedure read_params; begin real array param(1:2); integer i,j; list:=false; j:=1; i:=system(4,1,param); if i shift (-12)=6 then <* left hand side *> begin j:=2; outp:=true; system(4,0,param); outname(1):=param(1); outname(2):=param(2) end else outp:=false; i:=system(4,j,param); if i<>4 shift 12 add 10 <* <sp><text> *> then error(if i=0 then <:no input file:> else <:param:>,i,param); inname(1):=param(1); inname(2):=param(2); j:=j+1; i:=system(4,j,param); if i<>0 then begin if i<>4 shift 12 add 10 <* <sp><text> *> then error(<:param:>,i,param); if param(1)<>real <:list:> then error(<:illegal parameter name:>,i,param); i:=system(4,j+1,param); if i<>8 shift 12 add 10 <* .<text> *> then error(<:param:>,i,param); list:=param(1)=real <:yes:> end end; <* read params *> \f procedure do_it(z); zone z; while getrec(transport,82) do if transport.tr_removetime>8388605 then <* not executed *> begin if list then write_transport(z); start_transport(z) end; <* begin of main program *> init_fields; read_params; open(catbase,0,<::>,0); <* for set catalog base *> close(catbase,true); <* save catalog bases of users process *> system(11)bases:(0,ia); savedbase(1):=ia(1); savedbase(2):=ia(2); if outp then connect_output; open(transport,4,inname,0); if monitor(52)create area process:(transport,0,ia)<>0 then error(<:connect input not possible:>,4 shift 12 add 10,inname); if outp then do_it(output) else do_it(out); stop: if outp then begin outchar(output,25); close(output,false); getzone6(output,ia); i:=ia(9); monitor(42)lookup entry:(output,0,ia); ia(1):=i; monitor(44)change entry:(output,0,ia) end; close(transport,true); <* restore catalog base of users process *> monitor(72)set catalog base:(catbase,0,savedbase); trapmode:=-1 end ; end of file end ; utility end ▶EOF◀