DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: RC4000/8000/9000 |
This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
See our Wiki for more about RC4000/8000/9000 Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software. |
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Length: 12288 (0x3000) Types: TextFile Names: »pascalenv«, »pascalenv «
└─⟦63c61b84e⟧ Bits:30003040 SW8585/2 Compiler Collection └─⟦ab4a8b299⟧ └─⟦86fca11f8⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »pascalenv« └─⟦110021343⟧ Bits:30007476 RC8000 Backup tape fra HT's bus-radio system └─⟦a957ba283⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »pascalenv «
40 1 43 4 2 24 1 3 INTEGER 4 2 4 4 25 1 5 REAL 4 4 4 6 26 7 40 7 44 3 9 6 0 1 8 FALSE 3 9 3 11 6 1 1 10 TRUE 3 11 52 44 7 1 12 BOOLEAN 4 6 4 13 27 14 40 14 44 3 16 13 0 1 15 NUL 3 16 3 18 13 1 1 17 SOH 3 18 3 20 13 2 1 19 STX 3 20 3 22 13 3 1 21 ETX 3 22 3 24 13 4 1 23 EOT 3 24 3 26 13 5 1 25 ENQ 3 26 3 28 13 6 1 27 ACK 3 28 3 30 13 7 1 29 BEL 3 30 3 32 13 8 1 31 BS 3 32 3 34 13 9 1 33 HT 3 34 3 36 13 10 1 35 NL 3 36 3 38 13 11 1 37 VT 3 38 3 40 13 12 1 39 FF 3 40 3 42 13 13 1 41 CR 3 42 3 44 13 14 1 43 SO 3 44 3 46 13 15 1 45 SI 3 46 3 48 13 16 1 47 DLE 3 48 3 50 13 17 1 49 DC1 3 50 3 52 13 18 1 51 DC2 3 52 3 54 13 19 1 53 DC3 3 54 3 56 13 20 1 55 DC4 3 56 3 58 13 21 1 57 NAK 3 58 3 60 13 22 1 59 SYN 3 60 3 62 13 23 1 61 ETB 3 62 3 64 13 24 1 63 CAN 3 64 3 66 13 25 1 65 EM 3 66 3 68 13 26 1 67 SUB 3 68 3 70 13 27 1 69 ESC 3 70 3 72 13 28 1 71 FS 3 72 3 74 13 29 1 73 GS 3 74 3 76 13 30 1 75 RS 3 76 3 78 13 31 1 77 US 3 78 3 80 13 127 1 79 DEL 3 80 52 44 14 1 81 ISO 4 13 4 82 34 0 3 83 82 NIL 1 84 NIL 3 83 3 86 2 +8388607 1 85 MAXINT 3 86 3 88 13 32 1 87 FIRSTCH 3 88 3 90 13 126 1 89 LASTCH 3 90 4 91 29 13 88 90 1 92 CHAR 4 91 4 93 33 35 37 13 1 94 TEXT 4 93 3 95 2 +12 1 96 ALFALENGTH 3 95 3 99 2 +1 4 98 29 2 99 95 4 97 30 36 98 91 1 100 ALFA 4 97 1 101 14 15 1 102 PUT 12 0 1 103 GET 12 0 1 104 RESET 12 0 1 105 REWRITE 12 0 1 106 NEW 12 0 1 107 DISPOSE 12 0 1 108 READ 12 0 1 109 READLN 12 0 1 110 WRITE 12 0 1 111 WRITELN 12 0 1 112 PAGE 12 0 1 113 OPEN 12 0 1 114 CLOSE 12 0 1 115 PUTRAND 12 0 1 116 GETRAND 12 0 1 117 PACK 12 0 1 118 UNPACK 12 0 40 120 42 1 121 x 8 0 52 42 120 1 119 ABS 13 120 0 40 123 42 1 124 x 8 0 52 42 123 1 122 SQR 13 123 0 40 126 42 1 127 x 8 4 52 42 126 1 125 SIN 13 126 4 40 129 42 1 130 x 8 4 52 42 129 1 128 COS 13 129 4 40 132 42 1 133 x 8 4 52 42 132 1 131 EXP 13 132 4 40 135 42 1 136 x 8 4 52 42 135 1 134 LN 13 135 4 40 138 42 1 139 x 8 4 52 42 138 1 137 SQRT 13 138 4 40 141 42 1 142 x 8 4 52 42 141 1 140 ARCTAN 13 141 4 40 144 42 1 145 x 8 2 52 42 144 1 143 ODD 13 144 6 40 147 42 1 148 x 8 0 52 42 147 1 146 EOF 13 147 6 40 150 42 1 151 x 8 93 52 42 150 1 149 EOLN 13 150 6 40 153 42 1 154 x 8 4 52 42 153 1 152 TRUNC 13 153 2 40 156 42 1 157 x 8 4 52 42 156 1 155 ROUND 13 156 2 40 159 42 1 160 x 8 0 52 42 159 1 158 ORD 13 159 2 40 162 42 1 163 x 8 2 52 42 162 1 161 CHR 13 162 91 40 165 42 1 166 x 8 0 52 42 165 1 164 SUCC 13 165 0 40 168 42 1 169 x 8 0 52 42 168 1 167 PRED 13 168 0 40 171 42 1 172 x 8 4 52 42 171 1 170 SINH 13 171 4 40 174 42 1 175 x 8 4 52 42 174 1 173 ARCSIN 13 174 4 40 177 42 1 178 PARAMNO 8 2 1 179 INT 9 2 1 180 ALF 9 97 52 42 177 1 176 SYSTEM 13 177 2 40 182 42 1 183 NO 8 2 1 184 NAME 9 97 1 185 TAIL 9 0 52 42 182 1 181 MONITOR 13 182 2 40 187 42 52 42 187 1 186 CLOCK 13 187 4 40 189 42 1 190 x 9 97 52 42 189 1 188 DATE 12 189 40 192 42 1 193 x 9 97 52 42 192 1 191 TIME 12 192 40 195 42 1 196 x 8 97 52 42 195 1 194 REPLACE 12 195 3 197 2 +143 1 198 SETMAX 3 197 51 52 43 1 *********************************************** * * * start of error messages * * * *********************************************** 000 illegal character 001 'program' or 'module' expected 002 identifier expected 003 error in parameter list 004 identifier expected 005 ':' or ',' expected 006 ')' or ';' expected 007 ';' expected 008 digit expected 009 ';' or ',' expected 010 digit expected 011 '=' expected 012 constant expected 013 unsigned constant expected 014 error in declaration 015 'file' expected 016 'Æ' expected 017 <type> expected 018 '..' expected 019 ')' or ',' expected 020 'Å' expected 021 'of' expected 022 ',' or 'Å' expected 023 unpacked structured type expected 024 '(' expected 025 ')' expected 026 'end' expected 027 <const specification> expected 028 <set const element> expected 029 'Å' or ',' expected 030 <str const element> expected 031 '>' expected 032 '*' expected 033 'module' expected 034 'pascal' or 'fortran' expected 035 'end' or ';' expected 036 'begin' expected 037 ':=' expected 038 <simple expression> expected 039 expression expected 040 expression expected 041 expression expected 042 'to' or 'downto' expected 043 'do' or ',' expected 044 'do' expected 045 'then' expected 046 ':' expected 047 'else' expected 048 'until' or ';' expected 049 '.' expected 050 string expected 051 end of file expected 100 error in real constant: digit expected 101 identifier not declared 102 identifier declared twice 103 illegal integer constant 104 incompatible subrange types 105 subrange bounds must be scalar 106 index type must be scalar or subrange 107 not a type 108 illegal type 109 only tests on equality allowed 110 illegal pointer type 111 type of variable is not record 112 no such field in this record 113 previous declaration was not 'forward' 114 too many digits in label 115 multideclared label 116 illegal value name 117 not a variable 118 type of variable must be file or pointer 119 type of variable is not array 120 index type is not compatible with declaration 121 type of variable must be boolean 122 incompatible set element types 123 illegal set element type 124 type conflict of operands 125 illegal type of operand(s) 126 file comparison not allowed 127 strict inclusion not allowed 128 not a function 129 undeclared label 130 illegal type of expression 131 number of parameters does not agree with declaration 132 illegal parameter substitution 133 actual parameter must be a variable 134 not a procedure 135 incompatible with tagfield type 136 label type incompatible with selecting expression 137 type of expression must be boolean 138 unsatisfied forward pointer reference 139 function type does not correspond to the forward declaration 140 parameter list does not correspond to the forward decleration 141 undeclared external file 142 already forward declared 143 error in option 144 missing file 'output' in program heading 145 unsatisfied forward function/procedure declaration 146 undefined label(s) 147 multidefined label(s) 148 array elements out of sequence 149 no variant part in this record 150 erroneous number of fields in this record 151 valuespecification incompatible with recorddeclaration 152 number of array elements does not agree with declaration 153 multiple occurence of variable in value part 154 illegal formatting 155 module name(s) must be unique 156 assignment to function not allowed at this level 157 illegal procedure call 158 only 'value' parameter(s) allowed in formal function/procedure 159 control variable must be a variable or a parameter 160 multidefined external file 161 'input' not in program heading 162 'input' has illegal type 163 readln and writeln only allowed on text files 164 not a constant 165 not an external declared file 166 assignment to function identifier must occur in function itself 167 textstring not terminated within the same line 168 file parameter must be VAR-parameter 169 comment did not terminate ****************************************************** ****************************************************** error texts from second pass: ****************************************************** ****************************************************** 22222 301 decimal integer constant too large 302 non-decimal integer constant too large 303 exponent in real constant too large 304 index type too large 305 basetype of set too large 306 too many nested function/procedure declarations and/or too many parameters/labels in this procedure 307 first element in subrange specification less than second 308 multideclared label 309 the lowest integer is not allowed as case-label 310 the range of case-labels is too large 311 not enough room for temporaries 312 constant out of subrange bounds 313 comparison and assignment of strings with different length not fully implemented yet 314 not enough room for parameters, structure too complicated 315 range of set-elements only with constant bounds 316 tag field values must be scalar 317 no such tag field in this record 318 too many tag fields specified 319 standard routine argument too complicated in this context 320 erroneous arguments to pack or unpack 321 ***** warning: label may lead to erroneous code 322 standard procedure 'replace' may only be called from main program 323 packed fields not allowed as var-parameters 324 division by zero not allowed 325 external routine not found 401 compiler constant 'maxident' too small 402 compiler constant 'stringmax' too small 403 compiler error (should be reported to maintenance staff) 404 compiler constant 'maxnest' too small 405 too much code: use option 'codesize' 406 random files not implemented 407 read and write of user defined scalars not implemented 408 pack and unpack only implemented on array of char ▶EOF◀