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Length: 69120 (0x10e00) Types: TextFile Names: »hkovedl «
└─⟦cde9d517b⟧ Bits:30007477 RC8000 Backup tape fra HT's bus-radio system └─⟦6a563b143⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »hkovedl « └─⟦110021343⟧ Bits:30007476 RC8000 Backup tape fra HT's bus-radio system └─⟦a957ba283⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »hkovedl «
▶14◀P ▶13◀daytext▶0b◀disc`▶04◀▶89◀▶c7◀c ▶13◀dohko▶01◀disc^x▶d9◀▶d0◀s ▶13◀genhtnames▶01◀discy▶8a◀▶7f◀▶e4◀▶e0◀ ▶13◀geotext2disc`▶04◀▶8b◀▶04◀▶03◀▶c3◀ ▶13◀htsavenames▶03◀discy▶8a◀▶96◀▶04◀2▶9b◀ ▶13◀måldummyma▶01◀discZiV▶04◀G▶eb◀ ▶13◀nimtx«bs»discc0▶81◀▶04◀▶c3◀▶13◀FOpagetext▶02◀discd▶b3◀▶1e◀▶04◀▶e3◀+FOprinttext▶03◀discd▶ba◀!▶05◀▶11◀▶9b◀ ▶13◀slangovers▶01◀discY▶e2◀i▶05◀!▶e0◀ ▶13◀søgordtx▶02◀discf▶88◀▶d7◀▶05◀F` ▶13◀tegnsættx▶01◀discd▶8b◀#▶05◀Sæ ▶13◀testtermtx▶02◀discy*0▶05◀r0▶0b◀▶0b◀venttx▶01◀discs▶8f◀O▶0e◀ begin integer leadingzero,val,class,nr,place,oldclass,lastroma, day,month,year,j,n,i,t,s,a,r,oO,p,used,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c9,c100; boolean ly,letter,minus,arab,roma; boolean array toobig(1:3); integer array term(2:4),date(1:3),C,V(1:30),alfa(0:127); procedure roman(j,nine,four,five,one); integer j,one; string nine,four,five; begin integer i; year:=year mod (10*j); i:=year//j; if i>=c4 then begin write(out,if i=c9 then nine else if i=c4 then four else five); i:=if i=c9 then 0 else i-c5 end; write(out,false add one,i); end; procedure MONTH(month); integer month; write(out,case month of ( <:January:>,<:February:>,<:March:>, <:April:>,<:May:>,<:June:>,<:July:>, <:August:>,<:September:>,<:October:>, <:November:>,<:December:>) ); procedure alarmexit; begin write(out,<:<10>this is not a date, try again<10>:>); goto TYPEIN end; integer procedure weekday(d,m,y); value d,m,y;integer d,m,y; begin if m>c2 then m:=m-c3 else begin m:=m+c9; y:=y-1 end; d:=(146097*(y//c100))//c4 + (1461*(y mod c100))//c4 +(153*m+c2)//c5 + d + 1721119; d:=d mod 7 + c2; weekday:=if d>7 or d<1 then 1 else d end weekday; j:=12; c2:=2; c3:=3; c4:=4; c5:=5; c6:=6; c9:=9; c100:=100; n:=c9 shift j; comment NL; i:= 8 shift j; comment illegal; s:= 7 shift j; comment minus, value is 4; t:=c6 shift j; comment normal terminator, value: sp=1, .=2, /=3; p:=c5 shift j; comment l, either one or 50; r:=c4 shift j; comment roman; oO:=c3 shift j; comment o and O, treated as zero; a:=c2 shift j; comment arab; for j:=0 step 1 until 69 do alfa(j):=case j+1 of ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, i, 0, n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t+1 , i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, s+c4, t+c2, t+c3, a+0 , a+1 , a+c2, a+c3, a+c4, a+c5, a+c6, a+7 , a+8 , a+c9, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i,r+c100,r+500 , i); for j:=70 step 1 until 127 do alfa(j):= case j-69 of( i, i, i,r+1 , i, i,r+50 ,r+1000, i, oO, i, i, i, i, i, i,r+c5 , i,r+10 , i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i,r+c100, r+500, i, i, i, i,r+1 , i, i,p+50 ,r+1000, i+110, oO, i, i, i, i, i, i,r+c5 , i, r+10, i, i, i, i, i, i, 0); intable(alfa); write(out,<:<10>D A Y in W E E K<10>type day month year:>, <:<10>Arabic or Roman numerals<10>:>); TYPEIN: write(out,<:<10>type date: :>); setposition(out,0,0); place:=1; for class:=readchar(in,val) while class<>c9 do begin C(place):=class; V(place):=val; if place<30 then place:=place+1 end; if place=30 or place=1 then goto TYPEIN ; used:=place-1; if used=c2 and V(1)=110 and C(c2)=c3 then goto EXIT; date(1):= date(c2):=date(c3):= lastroma:=leadingzero:=place:= term(c2):=term(c3):=term(c4):=0; toobig(1):=toobig(c2):=toobig(c3):= letter:=minus:=arab:=false; nr:=1; class:=6; NEXT: oldclass:=class; place:=place+1; class:=C(place); val:=V(place); again: case class-1 of begin comment arab; begin if nr>3 then alarmexit; if-,arab and date(nr)=50 then date(nr):=1 else if -, arab and oldclass<>c6 then alarmexit; if date(nr)>800000 then toobig(nr):=true; date(nr):=date(nr)*10+val; if nr=c3&date(nr)=0 then leadingzero:=leadingzero+1; arab:=true end; comment o or O; if roma and oldclass<>c6 then alarmexit else begin letter:=true; class:=c2; goto again; end; comment roma; if arab and oldclass<>c6 or nr>c3 then alarmexit else begin if date(nr)>800000 then toobig(nr):=true; date(nr):=date(nr)+ (if val>lastroma then val-2*lastroma else val); arab:=false; lastroma:=val end; comment l; if arab or oldclass=c6 and nr<c3 then begin val:=1; class:=c2; letter:=true; goto again end else begin class:=c4; goto again end; comment terminator; if oldclass<c6 then begin nr:=nr+1; lastroma:=0; arab:=false; if nr=c4 and val>c2 then alarmexit; term(nr):=val end else begin if nr=1 or nr=4 then begin if nr=1 and val<>1 then alarmexit; if nr=c4 then begin if (val>c2 or val=c2 and term(nr)=2) then alarmexit; end end else if val<>1 then begin if nr=c2 and term(nr)<>1 or nr=c3 and term(nr)<>1 and -,minus then alarmexit; if -,minus or nr=c4 then term(nr):=val end end; comment minus; begin if term(c2)=term(c3) and nr=c3 or term(c2)=1 and oldclass<c6 and nr=c2 then minus:=true; class:=c6; goto again end; comment illegal; alarmexit; end; if place<used then goto NEXT; if term(c2)<>term(c3) and -,(term(c3)=c4 and term(c2) mod c2=1 or term(c3)=1 and term(c2)=c3) then alarmexit; if nr<c3 and date(1)<10100 or nr=c3 and class>c5 or nr<c3 and -,arab then alarmexit; if arab then begin if date(c2)=0&date(c3)=0 and nr<c3 then begin date(c3):=date(1) mod c100; date(c2):=(date(1)//c100) mod c100; date( 1):=date(1) // 10000; end; if leadingzero>0 then begin if date(c3)<10&leadingzero=1 then leadingzero:=0 end; if date(c3)<c100&leadingzero=0 and -,minus then date(c3):=date(c3)+1900; end; if minus then date(c3):=-date(c3); day:=date(1); month:=date(c2); year:=date(c3); ly:=year mod 400=0 or year mod c100<>0 and year mod c4=0; if day=0 then begin write(out,<:no month has 0 days<10>:>); goto TYPEIN end; if year=0 then begin write(out,<:I am sure there never was a year 0<10>:>); goto TYPEIN end; if toobig(c3) or abs year>5740 then begin write(out,if minus then <:this is too long ago for me<10>:> else <:our planet is gone by that time<10>:>); goto TYPEIN end; if month<1 or month>12 or toobig(c2) then begin write(out,<:no such month<10>:>); goto TYPEIN end; if month=c2 and day=29 and -,ly then begin write(out,<<d>,year,<: is not a leap year<10>:>); goto TYPEIN end; nr:=if month=c2 and ly then 29 else if month=c2 then 28 else if month=c4 or month=c6 or month=c9 or month=11 then 30 else 31; if day>nr or toobig(1) then begin MONTH(month); if month=c2 then write(out,<<d>,<:, :>,year); write(out,<: has only:>,nr,<: days<10>:>); goto TYPEIN end; write(out,case weekday(day,month,if year<0 then year+1 else year) of (<:Sun:>,<:Mon:>,<:Tues:>,<:Wednes:>, <:Thurs:>,<:Fri:>,<:Satur:>),<:day :>, <<d>,day, if day= 1 or day=21 or day=31 then <:st:> else if day=c2 or day=22 then <:nd:> else if day=c3 or day=23 then <:rd:> else <:th:>,<: of :>); MONTH(month); write(out,<:,:>,<< d>,year,<: - anno :>); year:=abs year; write(out,false add 77,year//1000); roman(c100,<:CM:>,<:CD:>,<:D:>,67); roman( 10,<:XC:>,<:XL:>,<:L:>,88); roman( 1,<:IX:>,<:IV:>,<:V:>,73); if minus then write(out,<: BC:>); if letter then write(out,<:<10>you used a letter in the date:>); write(out,<:<10>:>); setposition(out,0,0); goto TYPEIN; EXIT: write(out,<:okay<10>:>); end ▶EOF◀