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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RC4000/8000/9000

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦dd206b8e8⟧ TextFile

    Length: 9984 (0x2700)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »upcatmcltxt«


└─⟦aa55fa693⟧ Bits:30007479 SW8110/1 TAS/SOS/PRIMO Rel 2.3
            └─ ⟦this⟧ »upcatmcltxt« 


-- @(#)upcatmcltxt	1.3  (RC International)  10/1/90
-- ep 90.10.01 release 2.3  RC9000/RC8000
at 0 0 erase
at 0 0 write   <Katalog opdaterings menu 90.10.01 rel. 2.3>
let p=<upcatproc>    -- navn på proces til katalog opdatering

select v of

case <bruger>  -- bruger opdatering
  while <>=<> do
  menu 25 4  <- - - - - - Tascat opdateringer - - - - - -            >
  text <>
  point <Ny bruger>
    at 0 0 erase
    at 0 4 write <bruger id_
write <_
    let a=<    >
    while a=<    > do
      at 12 4 read <> 11 a
    at 12 4 write <&a          >
    if a=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    at 12 5 read <> b
    if b=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    if b=<    > then let b=<> at 12 5 
       write <ingen                                        >  endif
    at 0 6 read <tidsbegrænsninger j/n> 1 c
    at 0 6 write <mandag                       >
    if c=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    if c=<j> then
      at 10 6 read  <> 15 c
      if c=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
      at 10 6
      if c=<    > then let c=<> write <ingen adgang   > else
         write  <&c              >  endif
      at 10 7 read  <> 15 d
      if d=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
      at 10 7
      if d=<    > then let d=<> write <ingen adgang    > else
         write <&d             > endif
      at 10 8 read  <> 15 e
      if e=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
      at 10 8
      if e=<    > then let e=<> write <ingen adgang    > else
         write <&e             >  endif
      at 10 9 read  <> 15 f
      if f=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
      at 10 9
      if f=<    > then let f=<> write <ingen adgang    > else
         write <&f             >  endif
      at 10 10 read  <> 15 g                                
      if g=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
      at 10 10
      if g=<    > then let g=<> write <ingen adgang    > else
         write <&g             >  endif
      at 10 11 read  <> 15 h
      if h=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
      at 10 11
      if h=<    > then let h=<> write <ingen adgang    > else
         write <&h             >  endif
      at 10 12 read  <> 15 j
      if j=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
      at 10 12
      if j=<    > then let j=<> write <ingen adgang    > else
         write <&j             >  endif
      let c=<0 24> let d=c let e=c let f=c let g=c let h=c
      let j=c
      at 10 6 write <0 24>
      at 10 7 write <0 24>
      at 10 8 write <0 24>
      at 10 9 write <0 24>
      at 10 10 write <0 24>
      at 10 11 write <0 24>
      at 10 12 write <0 24>
    at 10 13 read <> 20 l
    if l=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    at 10 13
    if l=<    > then let l=< 9  > write <9                    > else
       write <&l                 >  endif
    at 10 14 read <> 20 m
    if m=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    at 10 14
    if m=<    > then let m=<> write <ingen                > else
       write <&m                   >  endif
    at 10 15 read <> 11 n
    if n=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    at 10 15
    if n=<    > then let n=<stdmcl> write <stdmcl            > else
       write <&n          >  endif
    at 10 16 read <> 20 o
    if o=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    at 10 16
    if o=<    > then let o=<> write <0 0                     > else
       write <&o                  >  endif
    at 10 17 read <> 20 k
    if k=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    at 10 17
    if k=<    > then let k=< 2  > write <2                   > else
       write <&k                 >  endif
    at 10 18 read <> q
    if q=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    if q=<    > then let q=<> endif
    at 10 19 read <> v
    if v=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    if v=<    > then let v=<> endif
    at 0 22 write <...................> at 0 22
    let w=<>
    attention <s> r
      send <new &p base 0 0 perm disc 0 2 size 90000 run>
      get 27 x
      while x=<> do
        send <^j>
        get 27 x
      if x!=<ready> then
        at 0 0 exit x
      send <settascat^j>   write< >
      let x=<123456789abcdefg>
      while x!=<> do
        let z=<>
        select x of
          case <1>  let z=<user &a>
          case <2>  if b!=<> then let z=<password &b> endif
          case <3>  if c!=<> then let z=<monday &c> endif
          case <4>  if d!=<> then let z=<tuesday &d> endif
          case <5>  if e!=<> then let z=<wednesday &e> endif
          case <6>  if f!=<> then let z=<thursday &f> endif
          case <7>  if g!=<> then let z=<friday &g> endif
          case <8>  if h!=<> then let z=<saturday &h> endif
          case <9>  if j!=<> then let z=<sunday &j> endif
          case <a>  let z=<sessions &l>
          case <b>  if m!=<> then let z=<privilege &m> endif
          case <c>  let z=<mclname &n>
          case <d>  if o!=<> then let z=<base &o> endif
          case <e>  let z=<groups &k>
          case <f>  if q!=<> then let z=<mcltext &q> endif
          case <g>  if v!=<> then let z=<freetext &v> endif
        if z!=<> then
          send <&z^j>
          get 60 w
          if w!=<> then
            at 0 0 write w
            let x=<>
            write < >
            let x=x(2 30)
          let x=x(2 30) write < >
      send <end^j>  write < >
      get 60 v
      if v!=<> then
        if w=<> then at 0 0 endif
        write v
      send <do x3.s x1.2.le.12 send message^j> write < >
      get 1 v
    if r!=<ok> then
      at 0 0 erase write  <attention error &r> nl
    at 0 4 erase

  text <>
  point <List bruger>
    let q=<    >
    while q=<    > do at 38 read <id  > 11 q endwhile
    if q=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    attention <s> r
      send <new &p base 0 0 perm disc 0 2 size 90000 run>
      get 27 x
      while x=<> do
        send <^j>
        get 27 x
      if x!=<ready> then
        at 0 0 exit x
      send <listtascat user.&q^j>
      at 0 0 erase
      output on
      send <do x3.s x1.2.le.12 send message^j>
      output off
      get 1 v
      nl read <type cr  > 1 v
    if r!=<ok> then
      at 0 0 write <attention error &r> nl
    at 0 0 erase

  text <>
  point <Slet bruger>
    let q=<    >
    while q=<    > do at 38 read <id  > 11 q endwhile
    if q=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    at 0 0 erase
    attention <s> r
      send <new &p base 0 0 perm disc 0 2 size 90000 run>
      get 27 x
      while x=<> do
        send <^j>
        get 27 x
      if x!=<ready> then
        exit x
      send <deltascat user.&q^j>
      get 60 v
      write v
      send <do x3.s x1.2.le.12 send message^j>
      get 1 v
    if r!=<ok> then
      write <attention error &r> nl
    at 0 2 erase

  text <>
  point <Bruger frigives>
    let q=<    >
    while q=<    > do at 42 read <id  > 11 q endwhile
    if q=<x> then at 0 0 erase loop endif
    at 65 write <.....                                        > at 65
    attention <s> r
      send <new &p base 0 0 perm disc 0 2 size 90000 run>
      get 27 x
      while x=<> do
        send <^j>
        get 27 x
      if x!=<ready> then
        at 0 0 erase exit x
      send <settascat^j>  write < >
      get 60 v 
      if v=<> then 
        send <user &q^j>       write < >
        get 40 v
        if v=<> then send <block 0^j> write < >  else 
          at 0 0 erase write v endif
        at 0 0 erase write v
      send <end^j>    write < >  
      get 60 v
      if v!=< > then at 0 0 erase write v endif
      send <do x3.s x1.2.le.12 send message^j>
      get 1 v
    if r!=<ok> then
      at 0 0 erase write <Attention error &r> nl
  text <>
  point <Retur>
    exit <end tascat opdateringer>

case <terminal>  -- opdatering af terminal indgang
  at 0 10 read <Terminal navn  > 11 q
  if q=<x> then at 0 0 erase  exit <> endif
  at 0 0 write <......                                      > at 0 0
  attention <s> r
    send <new &p base 0 0 perm disc 0 2 size 90000 run>
    get 27 x
    while x=<> do
      send <^j>
      get 27 x
    if x!=<ready> then
      at 0 0 write <       > exit x
    write < >
    send <settascat^j>  write < >
    get 60 v 
    if v=<> then 
      send <terminal &q^j>       write < >
      get 40 v
      if v=<> then send <block 0^j> write < >  else 
        at 0 1 write v endif
      at 0 1 write v
    send <end^j>    write < >  
    get 60 v
    send <do x3.s x1.2.le.12 send message^j>
    get 1 w
  if r!=<ok> then
    at 0 0 write <Attention error &r> nl
  at 0 0 write <                                              >
  if v=<> then let v=<terminal frigivet> endif
  exit v

case <fjern>  -- fjern terminal indgang
  at 0 10 read <Terminal navn  > 11 q
  if q=<x> then at 0 0 erase  exit <> endif
  at 0 0 write <......                                        > at 0 0
  attention <s> r
    send <new &p base 0 0 perm disc 0 2 size 90000 run>
    get 27 x
    while x=<> do
      send <^j>
      get 27 x
    if x!=<ready> then
      at 0 0 write <       > exit x
    write < >
    send <deltascat  terminal.&q^j>  write < >
    get 60 v 
    send <do x3.s x1.2.le.12 send message^j>
    get 1 w
  if r!=<ok> then
    at 0 0 write <Attention error &r> nl
  at 0 0 write <                                              >
  if v=<> then let v=<terminal fjernet> endif
  exit v