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⟦0d40b70b0⟧ TextFile

    Length: 6528 (0x1980)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »BDS.LIB«


└─⟦b35f94715⟧ Bits:30003295 BDS C version 1.50 arbejdsdiskette til RC703 Piccolo
└─⟦b35f94715⟧ Bits:30005324 BDS C version 1.50 arbejdsdiskette til RC703 Piccolo
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »BDS.LIB« 


; BDS.LIB		for BDS C v1.50		    September 4,1982
; Addresses within C.CCC and the ram area to be used by machine
; language CRL functions. 
; If you alter C.CCC by reassembling CCC.ASM, be sure to go through
; this file and make sure all the addresses are equated to the 
; appropriate values resulting from the reassembly. Then the library
; functions will be ready to reassemble.

	page 76

CPM:	EQU 1		;true if running under CP/M or MP/M II; else 0
MPM2:	EQU 0		;true only if running under MP/M II
; System addresses:

	if not cpm
CCCORG:	EQU WHATEVER	;if not runninng under cp/m, set this to load addr,
RAM:	EQU WHATEVER2	;set this to address of CCC's ram area
BASE:	EQU WHATEVER3	;and this to the base of system memory (`base' is 
			;the re-boot location under cp/m; for non-cp/m oper-
			;ation, it should be set to a safe place to jump to on
			;error or user-abort.

	if cpm
base:	equ 0000h	;either 0 or 4200h for CP/M systems
fcb:	equ base+5ch	;default file control block
tbuff:	equ base+80h	;sector buffer
bdos:	equ base+5	;bdos entry point
tpa:	equ base+100h	;transient program area
nfcbs:	equ 9		;max number of open files allowed at one time
errorv:	equ 255		;error value returned by BDOS calls
cccorg:	equ tpa		;where run-time package resides *TESTING*


cr:	equ 0dh		;ASCII codes:	carriage return
lf:	equ 0ah		;		linefeed
newlin:	equ lf		;		newline
tab:	equ 9		;		tab
bs:	equ 08h		;		backspace
cntrlc:	equ 3		;		control-C

; Subroutines in C.CCC (the addresses should be that of the 
; appropriate jump vector entry points):

fexitv:	equ cccorg+09h	;where to go to terminate execution
error:	equ cccorg+1dh	;return -1 in HL:
exit:	equ error+3	;close all open files and reboot

	if cpm
close:	equ error+6
setfcb:	equ error+9	;set up fcb at HL from text at DE
fgfd:	equ error+12	;set C according to whether file fd is open
fgfcb:	equ error+15	;figure address of internal fcb for file fd
setfcu:	equ error+18	;set up fcb with possible user number prefix
setusr:	equ error+21	;set current user area to high 5 bits of A
rstusr:	equ error+24	;reset user area to value before last setusr call
khack:	equ error+33	;Kirkland interrupt vector initialization
clrex:	equ error+36	;clear external data routine

eqwel:	equ cccorg+0e5h

smod:	equ cccorg+10fh
usmod:	equ cccorg+129h
smul:	equ cccorg+13fh
usmul:	equ cccorg+16bh
usdiv:	equ cccorg+189h
sdiv:	equ cccorg+1cbh

cmphd:	equ cccorg+1ddh
cmh:	equ cccorg+1fah
cmd:	equ cccorg+202h

ma1toh:	equ cccorg+20ah	;get 1st stack element into HL and A
ma2toh:	equ cccorg+213h	;    2nd
ma3toh:	equ ma2toh+6	;    3rd
ma4toh:	equ ma2toh+12	;    4th
ma5toh:	equ ma2toh+18	;    5th
ma6toh:	equ ma2toh+24	;    6th
ma7toh:	equ ma2toh+30	;    7th

arghak:	equ ma2toh+36	;copy first 6 or so stack elements to argc area

; The following addresses will depend on the value of RAM if you
; customize sure they correspond to the assembly
; results of CCC.ASM in such cases. If you remove some of the data
; areas from CCC.ASM (in case they aren't needed), be sure to remove
; from here also.

	org ram

	ds 20		;padding bytes...varies with ccc code size

errnum:	ds 1		;error code from file I/O operations

pbase:	ds 2		;DMA video plotting base
ysize:	ds 2		;screen width (# of columns)
xsize:	ds 2		;screen length (# of lines)
psize:	ds 2		;screen size (ysize * xsize)

rseed:	ds 8		;random number seed scratch area

args:	ds 14		;where arghak puts arg values off the stack

iohack:	ds 6		;room for input and output ops for "inp" and "outp"

allocp: ds 2		;storage allocation pointer for sbrk
alocmx:	ds 2		;closest sbrk is allowed to get to the stack (set
			;by rsvstk)

room:	ds 30		;misc. scratch area (for use by can have
			;the last ten bytes or so, though, if you really
			;need them)

uroom:	ds 20		;available for use by user

; Nothing beyond this point will ordinarily require any modifications
; by the user.

extrns:	equ cccorg+15h	;base of external data area (set by CLINK)
cccsiz:	equ cccorg+17h	;size of C.CCC for use by CLINK only
codend:	equ cccorg+19h	;address of byte following last byte of program code
			; (set by CLINK)
freram:	equ cccorg+1bh	;first free address after external area
			; (set by CLINK)

arg1:	equ args	;these are just convenient names for 
arg2:	equ args+2	;the words in the "args" area
arg3:	equ args+4
arg4:	equ args+6
arg5:	equ args+8
arg6:	equ args+10
arg7:	equ args+12

tmp:	equ room	;some scratch data areas used by library
tmp1:	equ room+1	;functions.
tmp2:	equ room+2
tmp2a:	equ room+4
ungetl:	equ room+6
unused:	equ room+7
curusr:	equ room+8
usrnum:	equ room+9

			;Stuff for CIO.CSM package:

mode:	equ room+10	; console I/O mode byte (see bit masks below)
freeze:	equ room+11	; console I/O output frozen
pending: equ room+12	; console I/O input character pending
pendch:	equ room+13	; if pending is true, this holds the character
quitc:	equ room+14	; standard abort character (normally control-C)

echo:	equ 1		;masks for "mode" byte...echo mode
quit:	equ 2		;quit enabled
flow:	equ 4		;X-ON/X-OFF protocol
strip:	equ 8		;strip parity
expand:	equ 16		;expand 'Øn' into CR-LF on output
swap:	equ 32		;switch CR and LF on input (so CR means newline)

; BDOS call codes:

	if cpm
conin:	equ 1		;get a character from console
conout:	equ 2		;write a character to console
lstout:	equ 5		;write a character to list device
dconio:	equ 6		;direct console I/O (only for CP/M 2.0)
pstrng:	equ 9		;print string (terminated by '$')
getlin:	equ 10		;get buffered line from console
cstat:	equ 11		;get console status
select:	equ 14		;select disk
openc:	equ 15		;open a file
closec:	equ 16		;close a file
delc:	equ 19		;delete a file
reads:	equ 20		;read a sector (sequential)
;writs:	equ 21		;write a sector (sequential)
creatc:	equ 22		;make a file
renc:	equ 23		;rename file
sdma:	equ 26		;set dma
gsuser:	equ 32		;get/set user code
readr:	equ 33		;read random sector
writr:	equ 34		;write random sector
cfsizc:	equ 35		;compute file size
srrecc:	equ 36		;set random record
