DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: RegneCentralen RC700 "Piccolo" |
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See our Wiki for more about RegneCentralen RC700 "Piccolo" Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software. |
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Length: 4992 (0x1380) Types: TextFile Names: »MINPADDE.BAK«
└─⟦037dced94⟧ Bits:30003312 Elevopgave i styring af skildpadde til Piccolo └─ ⟦this⟧ »MINPADDE.BAK«
program MinPadde; type index = 1..5000; modevektor = array(.index.) of integer; var mode : modevektor; nr,antal,vent,tid,test,fart: integer; tilstand,steptal : integer; str1: string(.1.); ch,ch2,ch3,ch1:char; (*-------------------------------------*) procedure nulstil; begin for nr := 1 to 5000 do mode(.nr.) := 0; steptal := 1; end; (*-------------------------------------*) procedure flyt(var tilstand : integer); begin port(.17.) := tilstand; mode(.steptal.) := tilstand; steptal := steptal + 1; gotoxy(1,1);write('Step nr. ',steptal); port(.17.) := 0; end; (*-------------------------------------*) procedure tempo; begin gotoxy(1,1);write(clrhom); gotoxy(35,4);write('TEMPOVALG:'); gotoxy(35,5);write('_________'); gotoxy(25,12);write('Indtast et tal mellem 1 og 5.'); gotoxy(25,13);write('1 er på forhånd valgt af pro-'); gotoxy(25,14);write('grammet, det er langsomt.'); gotoxy(47,4); repeat read(kbd,ch3); until ch3 in (.'1','2','3','4','5'.); val(ch3,fart,test); gotoxy(47,4);write(fart); tid := (8-fart)*2; for nr := 1 to 20000 do end; (*-------------------------------------*) procedure undervis; begin gotoxy(1,1);write(clrhom); gotoxy(34,4 );write('UNDERVISNING.'); gotoxy(34,5 );write('____________ '); gotoxy(25,8 );write('Du kan nu vælge at:'); gotoxy(25,10);write('Køre frem tast F'); gotoxy(25,11);write('Køre tilbage tast B'); gotoxy(25,12);write('Dreje til højre tast H'); gotoxy(25,13);write('Dreje til venstre tast V'); gotoxy(25,14);write('Holde pause tast P'); gotoxy(25,15);write('Standse tast S'); gotoxy(45,8); nulstil; repeat read(kbd,ch2); if (ch2 <> 'Q') and (ch2 <> 'q') then begin case ch2 of 'F','f': tilstand := 15; 'B','b': tilstand := 5; 'H','h': tilstand := 13; 'V','v': tilstand := 7; 'P','p': tilstand := 42; otherwise tilstand:=0; end; flyt(tilstand); end; until (ch2 = 'S') or (ch2 = 's') or (steptal > 4999); end; (*-------------------------------------*) procedure gentag; begin gotoxy(1,1);write(clrhom); gotoxy(30,10);write(chr(130),'********************',chr(128)); gotoxy(31,11);write('NU GENTAGES DET HELE'); gotoxy(30,12);write(chr(130),'********************',chr(128)); for nr := 1 to steptal do begin port(.17.) := mode(.nr.); for vent := 1 to tid do gotoxy(1,1);write('Step nr. ',nr); port(.17.) := 0; end; end; (*-------------------------------------*) procedure forklar; begin gotoxy(1,1);write(clrhom); gotoxy(17, 4);write(' F O R K L A R I N G '); gotoxy(17, 5);write(' ___________________ '); gotoxy(17, 7);write('Skildpaddens to motorer skal være tilsluttet de '); gotoxy(17, 8);write('2 udgange på interfacet mærket 1 og 2. Hvis den '); gotoxy(17, 9);write('viser sig at virke omvendt, skal motorstikkene '); gotoxy(17,10);write('blot byttes om. '); gotoxy(17,11);write('Skildpadden kan kun "huske" 5000 instrukser, så '); gotoxy(17,12);write('lad være med at lave turen for lang. '); gotoxy(17,13);write('De små ryk, som skildpadden giver under indlæ- '); gotoxy(17,14);write('ringsprocessen skyldes at PICCOLOENs taster er '); gotoxy(17,15);write('repetitive. Rykkene er væk ved gentagelsespro- '); gotoxy(17,16);write('cessen. '); gotoxy(28,24);write('Tryk MELLEMRUM for at fortsætte...'); repeat read(kbd,ch); until ch=' '; end; (*-------------------Her begynder det egentlige program----------------*) begin port(.19.):=255; port(.19.):=192; nulstil; tid := 14; repeat gotoxy(1,1);write(clrhom); gotoxy(25,4 );write('S K I L D P A D D E S T Y R I N G'); gotoxy(24,5 );write(chr(130),'*********************************',chr(128)); gotoxy(20,8 );write('Du har nu følgende valg:'); gotoxy(20,9 );write('_______________________ '); gotoxy(20,11);write('Du kan indtaste et tempo tast T'); gotoxy(20,13);write('Du kan undervise tast U'); gotoxy(20,15);write('Skildpadden kan gentage tast G'); gotoxy(20,17);write('Du kan få forklaring tast F'); gotoxy(20,19);write('Hvis du vil standse, så tast Q'); gotoxy(20,21);write('NB!!! Hele turen bliver SLETTET !!!'); gotoxy(45,8); repeat read(kbd,ch1); case ch1 of 'T','t': tempo; 'U','u': undervis; 'G','g': gentag; 'F','f': forklar; end; until ch1 in (.'T','t','U','u','G','g','F','f','Q','q'.); until (ch1 = 'Q') or (ch1 = 'q'); gotoxy(1,1);write(clrhom); end. «eof»