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Length: 17408 (0x4400) Types: TextFile Names: »DATABASE.PAS«
└─⟦c96461903⟧ Bits:30002787 SW1602 COMPAS Pascal Version 3.07 Release 1.1 └─ ⟦this⟧ »DATABASE.PAS«
PROGRAM DATABASE; (*$A+,C-,R-,V-*) (****************************************************************) (* *) (* C-FILE Version 1.00 *) (* *) (* DATABASE Example *) (* *) (* Copyright (C) 1984 by *) (* Poly-Data microcenter ApS *) (* *) (****************************************************************) (* DATABASE demonstrates how to use C-FILE to create and main- *) (* tain a simple customer data base. DATABASE allows you to *) (* add, find, view, edit, delete and list customers of a pre- *) (* defined type (see the CUSTREC type definition below). *) (* DATABASE maintains three files: A data file (CUST.DAT), a *) (* customer code index (CUST.IXC) and a name index (CUST.IXN). *) (* The customer code index does not allow duplicate keys, *) (* whereas the name index does. When DATABASE is run for the *) (* first time, it will automatically create an empty data base. *) (* The main menu offers three functions: U)pdate, L)ist and *) (* Q)uit. U)pdate is used to add, find, view, edit and delete *) (* customers. L)ist is used to list customers, and Q)uit is *) (* used to terminate the program. *) (* On the U)pdate menu, The A)dd function is used to add new *) (* customers. F)ind is used to locate a customer, either by *) (* customer code or by last (and first) name. To search for a *) (* specific customer code, simply enter it when the cursor *) (* moves to the customer code field. If it is found, the custo- *) (* mer's data is displayed and you may, if you wish, E)dit or *) (* D)elete it. To search for a name, enter an empty customer *) (* code. Then enter the last name and optionally the first *) (* name. Note that if a first name is specified, the first 15 *) (* characters of the last name must be entered in full. The *) (* scan will locate the first customer of the specified name or *) (* the first customer that follows the specified name if no *) (* exact match occurs. You may then use N)ext and P)revious to *) (* move forwards and backwards in alphabetical order. Once you *) (* have located the wanted customer, enter Q)uit. You may then *) (* E)dit or D)elete the record shown on the screen, or simply *) (* leave it unchanged. *) (* L)ist is used to list customers. Listings will show the cus- *) (* tomer code, the name and the company. They may be output to *) (* the P)rinter or to the S)creen, and they may be U)nsorted or *) (* sorted by customer C)ode or N)ame. *) (* For further comments, read through this source code. *) LABEL STOP; CONST (* Data record size definition *) CRSIZE = 342; (* Customer record size *) (* C-FILE constants *) MAXRSIZE = CRSIZE; (* Max record size *) MAXKSIZE = 25; (* Max key size *) NODESIZE = 16; (* Node size *) NODEHALF = 8; (* Half node size *) NBUFSIZE = 5; (* Node buffer size *) MAXDEPTH = 5; (* Max index depth *) (* Include C-FILE modules *) (*$I DATMAN*) (*$I NPFKEY*) (*$I ADDKEY*) (*$I DELKEY*) TYPE (* Various string types *) STR5 = STRINGÆ5Å; STR10 = STRINGÆ10Å; STR15 = STRINGÆ15Å; STR25 = STRINGÆ25Å; STR80 = STRINGÆ80Å; ANYSTR = STRINGÆ255Å; (* Character set type *) CHARSET = SET OF CHAR; (* Customer record definition *) CUSTREC = RECORD STATUS: INTEGER; (* Status *) CCODE: STRINGÆ15Å; (* Customer code *) CDATE: STRINGÆ8Å; (* Entry date *) FNAME: STRINGÆ15Å; (* First name *) LNAME: STRINGÆ30Å; (* Last name *) CMPNY: STRINGÆ40Å; (* Company *) ADDR1: STRINGÆ40Å; (* Address 1 *) ADDR2: STRINGÆ40Å; (* Address 2 *) PHONE: STRINGÆ15Å; (* Phone number *) PEXTN: STRINGÆ5Å; (* Extension *) RMRK1: STRINGÆ40Å; (* Remarks 1 *) RMRK2: STRINGÆ40Å; (* Remarks 2 *) RMRK3: STRINGÆ40Å; (* Ramarks 3 *) END; VAR (* Global variables *) DATF: DATAFILE; IDXC,IDXN: INDEXFILE; CH: CHAR; (* CAP converts a character to upper case *) FUNCTION CAP(CH: CHAR): CHAR; BEGIN IF (CH>='a') AND (CH<='z') THEN CAP:=CHR(ORD(CH)-32) ELSE CAP:=CH; END; (* CPAS converts a string to upper case *) FUNCTION CAPS(S: STR80): STR80; VAR P: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR P:=1 TO LEN(S) DO SÆPÅ:=CAP(SÆPÅ); CAPS:=S; END; (* CSTR returns a string with N characters of value C *) FUNCTION CSTR(C: CHAR; N: INTEGER): STR80; VAR S: STRINGÆ80Å; BEGIN IF N<0 THEN N:=0; SÆ0Å:=CHR(N); FILL(SÆ1Å,N,C); CSTR:=S; END; (* BEEP sounds the terminal's bell or beeper *) PROCEDURE BEEP; BEGIN WRITE(^G); END; (* INPSTR is a generalized string input routine which supports *) (* on-screen editing. S is any string variable. L is the maxi- *) (* mum input length. X and Y are the display coordinates. TERM *) (* is a set of valid terminator characters, and TC returns the *) (* character that terminated the input. On entry, S is display- *) (* ed at X,Y on the screen, padded to the right with undersco- *) (* res. The string may then be edited using standard control *) (* keys: ^S and ^D for left and right, ^A and ^F for beginning *) (* and end of line, ^G to delete the character under the cur- *) (* sor, ^H or DEL to backspace, and ^Y to delete to end of the *) (* line. When a character is typed, it is inserted at the cur- *) (* sor at the remainder of the line is moved to the right. When *) (* a terminator character is typed, the trailing underscors are *) (* removed, and INPSTR returns with the edited string in S and *) (* the terminator character in TC. *) PROCEDURE INPSTR(VAR S: ANYSTR; L,X,Y: INTEGER; TERM: CHARSET; VAR TC: CHAR); CONST FC = '_'; VAR P: INTEGER; CH: CHAR; BEGIN GOTOXY(X,Y); WRITE(S,CSTR(FC,L-LEN(S))); P:=0; REPEAT GOTOXY(X+P,Y); READ(KBD,CH); CASE CH OF @32..@126: IF P<L THEN BEGIN IF LEN(S)=L THEN DELETE(S,L,1); P:=P+1; INSERT(CH,S,P); WRITE(COPY(S,P,L)); END ELSE BEEP; ^S: IF P>0 THEN P:=P-1 ELSE BEEP; ^D: IF P<LEN(S) THEN P:=P+1 ELSE BEEP; ^A: P:=0; ^F: P:=LEN(S); ^G: IF P<LEN(S) THEN BEGIN DELETE(S,P+1,1); WRITE(COPY(S,P+1,L),FC); END; ^H,@127: IF P>0 THEN BEGIN DELETE(S,P,1); WRITE(^H,COPY(S,P,L),FC); P:=P-1; END ELSE BEEP; ^Y: BEGIN WRITE(CSTR(FC,LEN(S)-P)); DELETE(S,P+1,L); END; OTHERWISE IF NOT(CH IN TERM) THEN BEEP; END; UNTIL CH IN TERM; P:=LEN(S); GOTOXY(X+P,Y); WRITE('':L-P); TC:=CH; END; (* SELECT display the prompt string PR on line 22, and waits *) (* until the user enters a character which is contained in the *) (* TERM character set. The character is then returned in TC. *) PROCEDURE SELECT(PR: STR80; TERM: CHARSET; VAR TC: CHAR); VAR CH: CHAR; BEGIN GOTOXY(0,22); WRITE(PR,'? ',CLREOL); REPEAT READ(KBD,CH); TC:=CAP(CH); IF NOT(TC IN TERM) THEN BEEP; UNTIL TC IN TERM; WRITE(CH); END; (* CLRFRAME clears the display frame, i.e. lines 3 to 20 *) PROCEDURE CLRFRAME; VAR I: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR I:=3 TO 20 DO BEGIN GOTOXY(0,I); WRITE(CLREOL); END; END; (* OUTFORM displays the entry form on the screen *) PROCEDURE OUTFORM; BEGIN GOTOXY(6,4); WRITE('Code:'); GOTOXY(28,4); WRITE('Date:'); GOTOXY(0,6); WRITE('First Name:'); GOTOXY(28,6); WRITE('Last Name:'); GOTOXY(3,8); WRITE('Company:'); GOTOXY(1,9); WRITE('Address 1:'); GOTOXY(1,10); WRITE('Address 2:'); GOTOXY(5,12); WRITE('Phone:'); GOTOXY(28,12); WRITE('Extension:'); GOTOXY(1,14); WRITE('Remarks 1:'); GOTOXY(1,15); WRITE('Remarks 2:'); GOTOXY(1,16); WRITE('Remarks 3:'); END; (* CLRFORM clears all fields in the entry form *) PROCEDURE CLRFORM; BEGIN GOTOXY(12,4); WRITE('':15); GOTOXY(34,4); WRITE(CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,6); WRITE('':15); GOTOXY(39,6); WRITE(CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,8); WRITE(CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,9); WRITE(CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,10); WRITE(CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,12); WRITE('':15); GOTOXY(39,12); WRITE(CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,14); WRITE(CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,15); WRITE(CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,16); WRITE(CLREOL); END; (* INPCUST is used for inputting customer records. The routine *) (* assumes that the entry form is already displayed and filled *) (* in with the default data contained in CUSTREC. Apart from *) (* the control characters supported by INPSTR, the user may *) (* type ^E to move to the previous field, RETURN, ^I or ^X to *) (* move to the next field. INPCUST returns when the user types *) (* ^Z or RETURN when the cursor is in the last field. *) PROCEDURE INPCUST(VAR CUST: CUSTREC); CONST TERM: CHARSET = Æ^E,^I,^M,^X,^ZÅ; VAR L: INTEGER; TC: CHAR; BEGIN L:=1; WITH CUST DO REPEAT CASE L OF 1: INPSTR(CCODE,15,12,4,TERM,TC); 2: INPSTR(CDATE,8,34,4,TERM,TC); 3: INPSTR(FNAME,15,12,6,TERM,TC); 4: INPSTR(LNAME,30,39,6,TERM,TC); 5: INPSTR(CMPNY,40,12,8,TERM,TC); 6: INPSTR(ADDR1,30,12,9,TERM,TC); 7: INPSTR(ADDR2,30,12,10,TERM,TC); 8: INPSTR(PHONE,15,12,12,TERM,TC); 9: INPSTR(PEXTN,5,39,12,TERM,TC); 10: INPSTR(RMRK1,40,12,14,TERM,TC); 11: INPSTR(RMRK2,40,12,15,TERM,TC); 12: INPSTR(RMRK3,40,12,16,TERM,TC); END; IF (TC=^I) OR (TC=^M) OR (TC=^X) THEN IF L=12 THEN L:=1 ELSE L:=L+1 ELSE IF TC=^E THEN IF L=1 THEN L:=12 ELSE L:=L-1; UNTIL (TC=^M) AND (L=1) OR (TC=^Z); END; (* OUTCUST displays the customer data contained in CUST *) PROCEDURE OUTCUST(VAR CUST: CUSTREC); BEGIN WITH CUST DO BEGIN GOTOXY(12,4); WRITE(CCODE,'':15-LEN(CCODE)); GOTOXY(34,4); WRITE(CDATE,CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,6); WRITE(FNAME,'':15-LEN(FNAME)); GOTOXY(39,6); WRITE(LNAME,CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,8); WRITE(CMPNY,CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,9); WRITE(ADDR1,CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,10); WRITE(ADDR2,CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,12); WRITE(PHONE,'':15-LEN(PHONE)); GOTOXY(39,12); WRITE(PEXTN,CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,14); WRITE(RMRK1,CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,15); WRITE(RMRK2,CLREOL); GOTOXY(12,16); WRITE(RMRK3,CLREOL); END; END; (* KEYN converts a last name and a first name to a key string. *) (* The key string consists of the first 15 characters of the *) (* last name (padded with blanks if required) followed by the *) (* first 10 characters of the first name. *) FUNCTION KEYN(LN: STR15; FN: STR10): STR25; CONST BLANKS = ' '; BEGIN KEYN:=CAPS(LN)+COPY(BLANKS,1,15-LEN(LN))+CAPS(FN); END; (* UPDATE is used to update the data base *) PROCEDURE UPDATE; VAR CH: CHAR; (* ADD is used to add customers *) PROCEDURE ADD; VAR D: INTEGER; CC: STRINGÆ15Å; KN: STRINGÆ25Å; CUST: CUSTREC; BEGIN WITH CUST DO BEGIN FILL(CUST,SIZE(CUST),0); REPEAT INPCUST(CUST); CC:=CCODE; FINDKEY(IDXC,D,CC); IF OK THEN BEGIN GOTOXY(5,18); WRITE('ERROR: DUPLICATE CUSTOMER CODE'); BEEP; END; UNTIL NOT OK; ADDREC(DATF,D,CUST); ADDKEY(IDXC,D,CCODE); KN:=KEYN(LNAME,FNAME); ADDKEY(IDXN,D,KN); GOTOXY(5,18); WRITE(CLREOL); END; END; (* FIND is used to find, edit and delete customers *) PROCEDURE FIND; VAR D,L,I: INTEGER; CH,TC: CHAR; CC,PC,FN: STRINGÆ15Å; KN,PN: STRINGÆ25Å; LN: STRINGÆ30Å; CUST: CUSTREC; BEGIN IF USEDRECS(DATF)>0 THEN BEGIN CC:=''; REPEAT INPSTR(CC,15,12,4,Æ^M,^ZÅ,TC); IF CC<>'' THEN BEGIN FINDKEY(IDXC,D,CC); IF OK THEN BEGIN GETREC(DATF,D,CUST); OUTCUST(CUST); END ELSE BEGIN GOTOXY(5,18); WRITE('ERROR: CUSTOMER CODE NOT FOUND'); BEEP; END; END; UNTIL OK OR (CC=''); GOTOXY(5,18); WRITE(CLREOL); IF CC='' THEN BEGIN L:=1; FN:=''; LN:=''; REPEAT CASE L OF 1: INPSTR(FN,15,12,6,Æ^I,^M,^ZÅ,TC); 2: INPSTR(LN,30,39,6,Æ^I,^M,^ZÅ,TC); END; IF (TC=^I) OR (TC=^M) THEN L:=3-L; UNTIL (TC=^M) AND (L=1) OR (TC=^Z); KN:=KEYN(LN,FN); SEARCHKEY(IDXN,D,KN); IF NOT OK THEN PREVKEY(IDXN,D,KN); REPEAT GETREC(DATF,D,CUST); OUTCUST(CUST); SELECT('Find: N)ext, P)revious, Q)uit',Æ'N','P','Q'Å,CH); CASE CH OF 'N': REPEAT NEXTKEY(IDXN,D,KN) UNTIL OK; 'P': REPEAT PREVKEY(IDXN,D,KN) UNTIL OK; END; UNTIL CH='Q'; END; SELECT('Find: E)dit, D)elete, Q)uit',Æ'E','D','Q'Å,CH); WITH CUST DO CASE CH OF 'E': BEGIN PC:=CCODE; PN:=KEYN(LNAME,FNAME); REPEAT INPCUST(CUST); IF CCODE=PC THEN OK:=FALSE ELSE BEGIN CC:=CCODE; FINDKEY(IDXC,I,CC); IF OK THEN BEEP; END; UNTIL NOT OK; PUTREC(DATF,D,CUST); IF CCODE<>PC THEN BEGIN DELETEKEY(IDXC,D,PC); ADDKEY(IDXC,D,CCODE); END; KN:=KEYN(LNAME,FNAME); IF KN<>PN THEN BEGIN DELETEKEY(IDXN,D,PN); ADDKEY(IDXN,D,KN); END; END; 'D': BEGIN DELETEKEY(IDXC,D,CCODE); KN:=KEYN(LNAME,FNAME); DELETEKEY(IDXN,D,KN); DELETEREC(DATF,D); END; END; END ELSE BEEP; END; BEGIN (*UPDATE*) OUTFORM; REPEAT SELECT('Update: A)dd, F)ind, Q)uit',Æ'A','F','Q'Å,CH); CASE CH OF 'A': ADD; 'F': FIND; END; IF CH<>'Q' THEN BEGIN GOTOXY(59,1); WRITE(USEDRECS(DATF):5); CLRFORM; END; UNTIL CH='Q'; END; (* LIST is used to list customers *) PROCEDURE LIST; LABEL ESCAPE; VAR D,L,LD: INTEGER; CH,CO,CS: CHAR; CC: STRINGÆ15Å; KN: STRINGÆ25Å; NAME: STRINGÆ35Å; CUST: CUSTREC; BEGIN SELECT('Output Device: P)rinter, S)creen',Æ'P','S'Å,CO); SELECT('Sort By: C)ode, N)ame, U)nsorted',Æ'C','N','U'Å,CS); GOTOXY(0,22); WRITE('Press <ESC> to abort',CLREOL); CLEARKEY(IDXC); CLEARKEY(IDXN); D:=0; LD:=FILELEN(DATF)-1; L:=3; REPEAT IF KEYPRESS THEN BEGIN READ(KBD,CH); IF CH=@27 THEN GOTO ESCAPE; END; CASE CS OF 'C': NEXTKEY(IDXC,D,CC); 'N': NEXTKEY(IDXN,D,KN); 'U': BEGIN OK:=FALSE; WHILE (D<LD) AND NOT OK DO BEGIN D:=D+1; GETREC(DATF,D,CUST); OK:=CUST.STATUS=0; END; END; END; IF OK THEN WITH CUST DO BEGIN IF CS<>'U' THEN GETREC(DATF,D,CUST); NAME:=LNAME; IF FNAME<>'' THEN NAME:=NAME+', '+FNAME; IF CO='P' THEN BEGIN WRITE(LST,CCODE,'':16-LEN(CCODE)); WRITE(LST,NAME,'':36-LEN(NAME)); WRITELN(LST,COPY(CMPNY,1,25)); END ELSE BEGIN IF L=21 THEN BEGIN GOTOXY(0,22); WRITE('Press <RETURN> to continue or <ESC> to abort',CLREOL); REPEAT READ(KBD,CH) UNTIL (CH=^M) OR (CH=@27); IF CH=@27 THEN GOTO ESCAPE; GOTOXY(0,22); WRITE('Press <ESC> to abort',CLREOL); CLRFRAME; L:=3; END; GOTOXY(0,L); WRITE(CCODE); GOTOXY(16,L); WRITE(NAME); GOTOXY(52,L); WRITE(COPY(CMPNY,1,25)); L:=L+1; END; END; UNTIL NOT OK; IF CO='S' THEN BEGIN GOTOXY(0,22); WRITE('Press <RETURN>',CLREOL); REPEAT READ(KBD,CH) UNTIL CH=^M; END; ESCAPE: END; (* Main program *) BEGIN WRITELN(CLRHOM,CSTR('-',79)); WRITELN('C-FILE Customer Data Base'); WRITELN(CSTR('-',79)); GOTOXY(0,21); WRITELN(CSTR('-',79)); WRITELN; WRITE(CSTR('-',79)); GOTOXY(0,3); INITINDEX; OPENFILE(DATF,'CUST.DAT',CRSIZE); IF OK THEN OPENINDEX(IDXC,'CUST.IXC',15,0); IF OK THEN OPENINDEX(IDXN,'CUST.IXN',25,1); IF NOT OK THEN BEGIN SELECT('Data files missing. Create new files (Y/N)',Æ'Y','N'Å,CH); IF CH='Y' THEN BEGIN MAKEFILE(DATF,'CUST.DAT',CRSIZE); MAKEINDEX(IDXC,'CUST.IXC',15,0); MAKEINDEX(IDXN,'CUST.IXN',25,1); END ELSE GOTO STOP; END; GOTOXY(59,1); WRITE(USEDRECS(DATF):5,' Records In Use'); REPEAT SELECT('Select: U)pdate, L)ist, Q)uit',Æ'U','L','Q'Å,CH); CASE CH OF 'U': UPDATE; 'L': LIST; END; IF CH<>'Q' THEN CLRFRAME; UNTIL CH='Q'; CLOSEFILE(DATF); CLOSEINDEX(IDXC); CLOSEINDEX(IDXN); STOP: WRITE(CLRHOM); END. «eof»