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Length: 10880 (0x2a80) Types: TextFile Names: »CROSSREF.PAS«
└─⟦c96461903⟧ Bits:30002787 SW1602 COMPAS Pascal Version 3.07 Release 1.1 └─ ⟦this⟧ »CROSSREF.PAS«
PROGRAM CROSSREF; (*$R-,K-*) (* This program will generate a cross reference map of any *) (* COMPAS Pascal program, i.e. a map that lists all identifiers *) (* used within the program as well as the line numbers of all *) (* lines that contain references to the identifiers. Optional- *) (* ly, a source listing with line numbers may be output. *) (* On processing the input file, all identifiers are extracted *) (* and compared with the reserved words of COMPAS Pascal. If an *) (* identifier is not a reserved word, it is entered into a *) (* binary tree. Each entry in the binary tree contains a poin- *) (* ter to the identifier, and a left node and a right node *) (* pointer to subsequent entries (or NIL if no entries follow). *) (* Furthermore, an entry contains a pointer to the first re- *) (* cord in a line number reference chain, and a pointer to the *) (* last record in that chain. When an identifier is entered *) (* into the tree for the first time, the program allocates both *) (* a new identifier record and a line number reference record. *) (* Subsequent references to that identifier will then expand *) (* the line number reference chain, provided that the line num- *) (* ber is not the same as that of the last reference. *) (* When all lines have been processed, the program traverses *) (* the binary tree, printing all identifiers along with the *) (* numbers of the lines within which they are referenced. *) CONST (* Various constants. *) MAXDOTS = 50; (* Max number of dots per line on CRT *) NOFRWORDS = 44; (* Number of reserved words *) FORMFEED = ^L; (* Form-feed character *) (* Table of reserved words. *) RWORDS: ARRAYÆ1..NOFRWORDSÅ OF STRINGÆ9Å = ( 'AND','ARRAY','AT','BEGIN','CASE','CODE','CONST','DIV','DO', 'DOWNTO','ELSE','END','EXOR','EXTERNAL','FILE','FOR','FORWARD', 'FUNCTION','GOTO','IF','IN','LABEL','MOD','NIL','NOT','OF', 'OR','OTHERWISE','PACKED','PROCEDURE','PROGRAM','RECORD', 'REPEAT','SET','SHL','SHR','STRING','THEN','TO','TYPE','UNTIL', 'VAR','WHILE','WITH'); TYPE (* Identifier types. The maximum length is 64 characters. *) IDENTPTR = ^IDENT; IDENT = STRINGÆ64Å; (* Line record types. Each line record contains the number of a *) (* line, within which a given identifier is referenced, and a *) (* pointer to the next line record. *) LINERECPTR = ^LINEREC; LINEREC = RECORD NUMBER: INTEGER; NEXT: LINERECPTR; END; (* Identifier record types. Each identifier record contains a *) (* pointer to the identifier string, a pointer to the first and *) (* the last line record in the reference chain, and a left node *) (* and a right node pointer to subsequent entries in the binary *) (* tree. *) IDENTRECPTR = ^IDENTREC; IDENTREC = RECORD ID: IDENTPTR; FIRSTLINE,LASTLINE: LINERECPTR; LEFT,RIGHT: IDENTRECPTR; END; (* Source line type. The maximum length of a source line is 127 *) (* characters. *) SOURCELINE = STRINGÆ127Å; (* Reserved word table pointers type. Each element points to *) (* the first reserved word, that starts with the character gi- *) (* ven by the index. *) RWORDTP = ARRAYÆ'A'..'Z'Å OF INTEGER; VAR (* Global variables. *) LINENUMBER, (* Current line number *) NOFIDENTS, (* Number of identifiers processed *) POS, (* Position within current line *) LINELEN: INTEGER; (* Length of current line *) CH: CHAR; (* Current character *) LISTING, (* True if source listing requested *) ERROR: BOOLEAN; (* Error flag *) LINE: SOURCELINE; (* Current source line *) IDTREE: IDENTRECPTR; (* Root of cross reference tree *) FIRSTRWORD: RWORDTP; (* Pointers to reserved word table *) INFILE, (* Input file *) OUTFILE: TEXT; (* Output file *) (* FREEMEM returns the number of bytes available on the heap. *) (* The result type is real to allow for values outside the in- *) (* teger range. *) FUNCTION FREEMEM: REAL; BEGIN IF MEMAVAIL>0 THEN FREEMEM:=MEMAVAIL*16.0 ELSE FREEMEM:=65536.0-MEMAVAIL*16.0; END; (* NEXTCH reads the next character from the input file into CH. *) (* If a source listing was requested, NEXTCH lists input lines *) (* to the output file as they are read. Otherwise, a dot is *) (* printed on the console for each line read. A ^Z character is *) (* returned on reaching the end of the input file. *) PROCEDURE NEXTCH; VAR P,T: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (POS<=LINELEN) THEN BEGIN CH:=LINEÆPOSÅ; POS:=POS+1; IF (CH>='a') AND (CH<='z') THEN CH:=CHR(ORD(CH)-32); END ELSE IF NOT EOF(INFILE) THEN BEGIN READLN(INFILE,LINE); LINENUMBER:=LINENUMBER+1; IF LISTING THEN BEGIN WRITE(OUTFILE,'<',LINENUMBER:5,'> '); T:=8; FOR P:=1 TO LEN(LINE) DO IF LINEÆPÅ<>^I THEN BEGIN WRITE(OUTFILE,LINEÆPÅ); T:=T-1; IF T=0 THEN T:=8; END ELSE BEGIN WRITE(OUTFILE,'':T); T:=8; END; WRITELN(OUTFILE); END ELSE BEGIN WRITE('.'); IF LINENUMBER MOD MAXDOTS=0 THEN WRITELN; END; LINELEN:=LEN(LINE); POS:=1; CH:=' '; END ELSE CH:=^Z; END; (* INITIALIZE is used to initialize input and output files and *) (* all global variables. *) PROCEDURE INITIALIZE; VAR I: INTEGER; MATCH: BOOLEAN; INNAME,OUTNAME: STRINGÆ14Å; LISTYN: STRINGÆ1Å; BEGIN ERROR:=FALSE; WRITELN; WRITELN(' COMPAS PASCAL CROSS REFERENCE GENERATOR'); WRITELN; WRITELN(' Version 1.1'); WRITELN; WRITELN(' Copyright (C) 1983 by'); WRITELN(' Poly-Data microcenter ApS'); WRITELN; WRITELN; WRITE('Input file name? '); READLN(INNAME); WRITE('Output file name (default printer)? '); READLN(OUTNAME); WRITE('Print source listing (Y/N)? '); READLN(LISTYN); WRITELN; ASSIGN(INFILE,INNAME); (*$I-*) RESET(INFILE) (*$I+*); IF IORES>0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN('INPUT FILE ERROR'); ERROR:=TRUE; EXIT; END; IF OUTNAME='' THEN OUTNAME:='LST:'; ASSIGN(OUTFILE,OUTNAME); (*$I-*) REWRITE(OUTFILE) (*$I+*); IF IORES>0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN('OUTPUT FILE ERROR'); ERROR:=TRUE; EXIT; END; LISTING:=(LISTYN='Y') OR (LISTYN='y'); IDTREE:=NIL; I:=1; FOR CH:='A' TO 'Z' DO BEGIN FIRSTRWORDÆCHÅ:=I; MATCH:=TRUE; WHILE (I<=NOFRWORDS) AND MATCH DO BEGIN MATCH:=RWORDSÆIÅÆ1Å=CH; IF MATCH THEN I:=I+1; END; END; LINENUMBER:=0; NOFIDENTS:=0; POS:=1; LINELEN:=0; NEXTCH; END; (* PROCESSFILE processes the input file, creating a cross refe- *) (* rence binary tree. *) PROCEDURE PROCESSFILE; VAR IFREE: REAL; (* GETSYMBOL reads the next symbol from the input file. If the *) (* symbol is an identifier, it is processed using PROCESSIDENT *) (* below. *) PROCEDURE GETSYMBOL; CONST ALPHANUMS: SET OF '0'..'Z' = Æ'0'..'9','A'..'Z'Å; HEXDIGITS: SET OF '0'..'F' = Æ'0'..'9','A'..'F'Å; (* PROCESSIDENT reads an identifier and enters it into the *) (* cross reference binary tree, provided that it is not a re- *) (* served word. *) PROCEDURE PROCESSIDENT; VAR I,MAX: INTEGER; NOTFOUND: BOOLEAN; NEWID: IDENT; X: LINERECPTR; (* ENTERID enters NEWID into the cross reference binary tree. *) (* Note that an identifier record is allocated only if the *) (* identifier is not already within the tree. Also note the use *) (* of the ALLOCATE procedure to allocate only the required num- *) (* ber of bytes for the identifier instead of the full maximum *) (* length. *) PROCEDURE ENTERID(VAR ROOT: IDENTRECPTR); BEGIN IF ROOT=NIL THEN BEGIN NOFIDENTS:=NOFIDENTS+1; NEW(ROOT); WITH ROOT^ DO BEGIN ALLOCATE(ID,LEN(NEWID)+1); ID^:=NEWID; NEW(FIRSTLINE); FIRSTLINE^.NUMBER:=LINENUMBER; FIRSTLINE^.NEXT:=NIL; LASTLINE:=FIRSTLINE; LEFT:=NIL; RIGHT:=NIL; END; END ELSE IF NEWID<ROOT^.ID^ THEN ENTERID(ROOT^.LEFT) ELSE IF NEWID>ROOT^.ID^ THEN ENTERID(ROOT^.RIGHT) ELSE WITH ROOT^ DO BEGIN IF LINENUMBER<>LASTLINE^.NUMBER THEN BEGIN NEW(X); X^.NUMBER:=LINENUMBER; X^.NEXT:=NIL; LASTLINE^.NEXT:=X; LASTLINE:=X; END; END; END; BEGIN (*PROCESSIDENT*) IF CH='_' THEN BEGIN I:=NOFRWORDS; MAX:=NOFRWORDS; END ELSE BEGIN I:=FIRSTRWORDÆCHÅ; IF CH<'Z' THEN MAX:=FIRSTRWORDÆSUCC(CH)Å ELSE MAX:=NOFRWORDS; END; NEWID:=''; REPEAT NEWID:=NEWID+CH; NEXTCH; UNTIL NOT(CH IN ALPHANUMS); NOTFOUND:=TRUE; WHILE (I<MAX) AND NOTFOUND DO BEGIN NOTFOUND:=NEWID<>RWORDSÆIÅ; I:=I+1; END; IF NOTFOUND THEN ENTERID(IDTREE); END; BEGIN (*GETSYMBOL*) CASE CH OF 'A'..'Z','_': PROCESSIDENT; '''': REPEAT REPEAT NEXTCH UNTIL (CH='''') OR (CH=^Z); NEXTCH; UNTIL CH<>''''; '$': REPEAT NEXTCH UNTIL NOT(CH IN HEXDIGITS); 'æ': BEGIN REPEAT NEXTCH UNTIL (CH='å') OR (CH=^Z); NEXTCH; END; '(': BEGIN NEXTCH; IF CH='*' THEN BEGIN REPEAT REPEAT NEXTCH UNTIL (CH='*') OR (CH=^Z); NEXTCH; UNTIL (CH=')') OR (CH=^Z); NEXTCH; END; END; OTHERWISE NEXTCH; END; END; BEGIN (*PROCESSFILE*) IFREE:=FREEMEM; WHILE (CH<>^Z) AND (FREEMEM>100.0) DO GETSYMBOL; IF NOT LISTING THEN BEGIN IF (LINENUMBER MOD MAXDOTS<>0) THEN WRITELN; WRITELN; END; IF (FREEMEM<=100.0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('SYMBOL TABLE OVERFLOW'); ERROR:=TRUE; END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN(LINENUMBER,' lines read from input file.'); WRITELN(NOFIDENTS,' identifiers processed.'); WRITELN(IFREE-FREEMEM:0:0,' bytes used, ',FREEMEM:0:0,' free.'); IF LISTING THEN WRITE(OUTFILE,FORMFEED); END; END; (* PRINTXREF outputs the cross reference map. *) PROCEDURE PRINTXREF; VAR N: INTEGER; X: LINERECPTR; (* TRAVERSE traverses the binary tree from "left" to "right", *) (* printing all identifiers and the numbers of the lines within *) (* which they are referenced. *) PROCEDURE TRAVERSE(ROOT: IDENTRECPTR); BEGIN IF ROOT<>NIL THEN BEGIN TRAVERSE(ROOT^.LEFT); WITH ROOT^ DO BEGIN WRITE(OUTFILE,ID^); X:=FIRSTLINE; N:=1; REPEAT IF N MOD 8=1 THEN WRITELN(OUTFILE); WRITE(OUTFILE,X^.NUMBER:8); X:=X^.NEXT; N:=N+1; UNTIL X=NIL; WRITELN(OUTFILE); END; TRAVERSE(ROOT^.RIGHT); END; END; BEGIN (*PRINTXREF*) TRAVERSE(IDTREE); WRITE(OUTFILE,FORMFEED); END; (* Main program. *) BEGIN INITIALIZE; IF NOT ERROR THEN PROCESSFILE; IF NOT ERROR THEN PRINTXREF; END. «eof»