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Length: 8769 (0x2241) Types: TextFile Names: »HELP.DAT.01«
└─⟦3b14772ef⟧ Bits:30006814 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0016 (OPERATIVSYSTEM 1/05 850619 KOPI) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.01« └─⟦5cd73ff62⟧ Bits:30006813 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0015 (OPERATOR'S SYSTEM TEXT IN ENGLISH gp) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.01« └─⟦70e1b4124⟧ Bits:30006818 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0020 (21/5-82 MAPDAT AEROTRIANGULERING COPYRIGHT VIAK A/S) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.01« └─⟦84a75cdbc⟧ Bits:30006816 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0018 (Styrediskette Basic 3.0 Rio 2.2 Hjælpeprogrammer) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.01« └─⟦efdad4bc9⟧ Bits:30006812 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0014 (OPERATIVSYSTEM DRIVE.0) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.01«
^^^^^0100 COPYSD file_name Copies a single ZDOS file from one diskette to another using a single disk drive. The file_name may be fully or partially qualified. The source and destination diskettes are inserted as many times as necessary to copy the file. When either of the prompts: INSERT SOURCE DISK. TYPE ANY KEY TO CONTINUE, ESCAPE TO ABORT: INSERT DESTINATION DISK. TYPE ANY KEY TO CONTINUE, ESCAPE TO ABORT: is sent to the console device, the user must place the source or destination diskette, as specified in the prompt, into the drive. If the user wishes to abort the command, the ESCape character (ASCII 1BH) is entered from the console device at this time; otherwise, any other character is entered. The file is created on the destination diskette with the same name and attributes that it has on the source diskette. %COPYSD DATA.FILE INSERT SOURCE DISK. TYPE ANY KEY TO CONTINUE, ESCAPE TO ABORT:G INSERT DESTINATION DISK. TYPE ANY KEY TO CONTINUE, ESCAPE TO ABORT:G % copies the file DATA.FILE from the source diskette to the destination diskette. ^^^^^0110 DATE [yymmdd] Displays and optionally sets the date field which is used as the date of creation or date of last modification by the file system(s). Digits 'yy' specify the year, 'mm' the month, and 'dd' the day. The DATE command is part of the standard RIO external initialization command file OS.INIT. Editing the file manually is required to change the date set at system initialization. %DATE 780601 JULY 1, 1978 sets and displays current system date. ^^^^^0120 DEACTIVATE device_name Deletes device_name from the Active Device Table (ADT) and thus makes it unknown to RIO. A Close I/O request is generated for units linked to the deactivated device and a Deactivate I/O request is generated for the device itself. If the ADT size entry is non-null ( >0), the space allocated to the device handler is deallocated. Deactivation is inhibited for the last active device, since there would be no source for further external commands and therefore no method to activate other device files. Likewise, the master device cannot be deactivated. %DEACTIVATE $MYDOS Removes MYDOS from Active Device Table and generates Close request for all units linked to MYDOS. A Deactivate request is sent to MYDOS and the space allocated to it deallocated (if ADT size entry > 0). ^^^^^0130 DEAllocate block_address block_size Marks the block_size segment starting at block_address as unallocated in the system memory map. If any affected blocks were not previously allocated, the message MEMORY PROTECT VIOLATION is given. Block_address will first be rounded down to an integral multiple of 80H, and block_size will be rounded up to a multiple of 80H. %DEA 502F 13B5 deallocates the 1400H (13B5H rounded up) block starting at address 5000H (502F rounded down). This block must have been previously allocated. ^^^^^0140 DEFINE (unit file_name|unit device name|unit *|*)+ [A|O|U|I|NF| NO] Links a logical unit (referenced by an integer from 1 to 20) to a currently active device or restores unit to the default established at system initialization (bootstrap). (Units 1, 2, 3 may be referenced by the mnemonics CONIN, CONOUT, and SYSLST, respectively.) If the unit was previously defined, a Close request is generated. A file name may optionally be associated with the unit. Assign and Open requests may be generated for the unit. See Chapters 6 and 7 of the RIO User's Manual for ZDOS and DFS open types (default=U). %DEFINE 12 $YOUR.DOS/YOURFILE NO Links unit 12 to the device YOUR.DOS (which must be active). An Assign I/O request is then generated with YOURFILE as the filename, but no Open request. ^^^^^0150 DELETE (match_string|T=type|P=props|D=drive|Q=query|DATE^date| CDATE^date)* Deallocates all records and deletes name from file directory of files which match the specified options. Given without option, all (non- secret) files in each active unit are deleted. Where options other than match_strings are specified more than once, the last entered is used. As matches are made, a prompt is made of the form: DELETE drive/filename (Y/N/A/Q)? One character is accepted as input and must be one of the following: 'Y': Yes, delete the named file. 'N': No, do not delete the named file. 'A': Yes, delete the named file and all other files without further query. 'Q': No, do not delete the named file and discontinue searching for file matches. match_string: See: HELP CAT query: 'Q=N' suppresses queries DATE^date and CDATE^date: See: HELP CAT %DELETE D=2 P=R *.BASIC Q=N deletes without query all random files on drive 2 whose names end in '.BASIC'. ^^^^^0160 DISK.FORMAT (S|D=drive|ID='disk_name'|Q=query)* Formats a hard disk cartridge or hard disk fixed platter, initializes the disk allocation map and utilization statistics. A directory file is established. When a system disk is formatted, sectors are preallocated for the bootstrap. S: System disk format is specified. If there is not a system disk on drive 0, prompts will indicate the course of action. ID='disk_name': Up to 100 characters not including a carriage return are used to identify the disk. These are written on the disk and used by DFS to determine the disk allocation map validity. Q=query: 'Q=N' suppresses 'READY?' query. %DISK.FORMAT D=5 S ID='RIO MCZ 1/35 SYSTEM DISK' READY?Y formats the hard disk in DFS drive 5 as a system disk. ^^^^^0170 DISK.REPAIR level_number DFS_drive_number Attempts to recover lost file data due to disk failure or abnormal disk access interruption. Three increasingly drastic levels of repair have been implemented: Levels 1, 2, and C. The repair is attempted on the disk in DFS drive DFS_drive_number. If the Level 1 Repair command is effective in retrieving data, the message: n SECTORS REMOVED FROM FREE CHAIN is sent to the console device, where n is the decimal number of sectors the command retrieved from the free chain, restored to a file, and marked as allocated. If the disk appears to be undamaged, the message: FREE CHAIN UNMODIFIED is displayed. If the disk damage is beyond the repair capability of level 1, the message: LEVEL 1 REPAIR NOT SUFFICIENT FOR THIS DRIVE is displayed. Level 2 repair reconstructs the free chain from scratch. This is useful for retrieving sectors that have been allocated, but are on the free chain and not in the unallocated sector list. Level 2 requires 7 minutes to run. Level C counts the number of free sectors and reports the count to the user. When that number differs significantly from the number of free sectors listed by a DISK.STATUS, it may be wise to perform a Level 2 repair. %DISK.REPAIR L=1 D=3 6 SECTORS REMOVED FROM FREE CHAIN Level 1 repair is performed on the disk in drive 3; 6 sectors are placed back into their proper files. ^^^^^0180 DISK.STATUS [0|1...6|7] Lists statistics on how much of the DFS disk on the specified drive has been used and how much of it remains available for new files. The default lists statistics on all drives which are ready. If there were any unavailable sectors detected during formatting, the message n SECTORS UNAVAILABLE will be sent to the console device, where n is the number of unusable hard disk sectors. In the event that the number of free and allocated sectors do not sum up to the number of sectors on the disk, the message WARNING: DISK STATISTICS ARE INCONSISTENT is printed. If the number of unallocated sectors in the sector map is not the same as the free sector count, the following message is printed: WARNING: ALLOCATION IS INCONSISTENT These errors generally indicated reformatting of the disk. However, it may still be possible to read all files from the disk and avoid loss of data. %DISK.STATUS 0 DRIVE 0 RIO MCZ 1/35 SYSTEM DISK 6638 SECTORS USED 3105 SECTORS AVAILABLE ^^^^^0190 DISPLAY Displays the current state of the memory allocation map on the system console. The memory allocation display is a matrix with one horizontal row for each 1000H bytes of memory. The point corresponding to each 80H byte segment of memory is either marked with 'A' if the segment is allocated, or '.' if it is free. %DISPLAY displays the current allocation of memory.