Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Zilog MCZ Floppy Disks

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⟦8c4dda39c⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7492 (0x1d44)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »HELP.DAT.00«


└─⟦3b14772ef⟧ Bits:30006814 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0016 (OPERATIVSYSTEM 1/05 850619 KOPI)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.00« 
└─⟦5cd73ff62⟧ Bits:30006813 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0015 (OPERATOR'S SYSTEM TEXT IN ENGLISH gp)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.00« 
└─⟦70e1b4124⟧ Bits:30006818 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0020 (21/5-82 MAPDAT AEROTRIANGULERING COPYRIGHT VIAK A/S)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.00« 
└─⟦84a75cdbc⟧ Bits:30006816 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0018 (Styrediskette Basic 3.0 Rio 2.2 Hjælpeprogrammer)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.00« 
└─⟦efdad4bc9⟧ Bits:30006812 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0014 (OPERATIVSYSTEM DRIVE.0)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.00« 


HELP is available for the following:

RIO Commands:
ACTIVATE     Allocate     Brief        CAT          Close
DEACTIVATE   DEAllocate   Debug        DEFINE       DELETE
DUMP         ECHO         ERROR        ERRORS       EXTRACT
Force        FORMAT       IMAGE        Initialize   LADT
MASTER       MOVE         PAUSE        PRINT        Release
Verbose      Xeq          : expression

ASCII        CHAR         ERROR
      HELP (key_word|*)*

Prints a description of key_word(s).  If the final argument is *, a
list of valid key_words that can be used as further modifiers of the
preceding key_words is displayed.  If the final argument is omitted, a 
general description of the use of the preceding modifying key_words is

      %HELP *
       prints a list of all initial key_words for which there is HELP.
      ACTIVATE device_name [address]

Make a device known to the system by including it in the Active Device
Table (ADT).  It can thereafter be used as a device name in qualified
file names.  If the optional address is omitted, the file name
referenced by the device_name will be located on the appropriate device
and loaded if it is a device file (procedure type, subtype 1), has a
non-null entry point, and does not overlay protected memory.  The
amount of memory allocated as a result of loading the file is kept as
the SIZE field of the ADT entry for possible later use by the DEACTIVATE
command.  If the optional address is given, the file is assumed to have
been previously loaded in memory.  In this case the address parameter
is taken as the device entry point.  Since the memory bounds are
unknown, the SIZE field of the ADT entry is set to a null value (0).
In either case, an Initialize I/O request is sent to the device to
allow preparation for subsequent request handling.

       locates file 'MY.VIDEO.DRIVER' on device 'MYDOS', drive 4.  It
       is then loaded, an Initialize request sent, and an Active Device
       Table entry created.
      Allocate low_boundary high_boundary block_size

Attempts to allocate block_size bytes (rounded up to a multiple of 80H
bytes) of memory.  The search begins at address low_boundary (rounded
down modulo 80H), and the first block large enough and not extending
beyond high boundary (rounded up to the next multiple of 80H - 1) is
marked as allocated in the system memory map.  If allocation is not
possible, the message INSUFFICIENT MEMORY is given.

      %A 7400 8000 380
       a search is made for a 400H byte (380H bytes rounded up to a
       multiple of 80H) memory segment in the address range 7400H-807FH
       (8000H rounded up).

Enters console Brief mode.  Commands are not echoed on the console
output device as interpreted and some command files suppress execution
messages.  See Verbose command.

      CAT (match_string|T=type|P=props|D=drive|F=format|

Prints a catalog of entries in the file system directories which match
the specified options.  Given without options, all (non-secret) files
in each active drive directory are listed.  Where options other than
match_strings are specified more than once, the last one entered is
match_string: Fully- or partially-specified file name (possibly using
              the arbitrary character string symbol '*').
format: Specifies long (F=L) listing format.
listing_disposition: Output file or device (default=SYSLST).
DATE^date: Date of last modification--'^' is any of the relational
           operators '=', '<>', '>', '<', '>=', '<='.
CDATE^date: Date of creation--'^' is any of the aforementioned
            relational operators.

      %CAT F=L *.S *.L P=E& L=CAT.LIST CDATE<780901
       lists all files (long format) which end with either '.S' or '.L',
       are at least erase protected, and were created before September
       1, 1978.  Listing goes to file CAT.LIST on the master device.
      Close *|unit
Generates a Close I/O request for a logical unit (expressed in hexadec-
imal).  If the parameter is '*', all logical units are Closed.  Error
messages are suppressed.
      %CLOSE 5
       generates a Close I/O request for logical unit 5.
      %C *
       generates a Close I/O request for all logical units.
      COMPARE file_1 file_2

Performs a comparison of the contents of file_1 and file_2 (excluding
the descriptor record).  If the file contents are identical, no message
is given.  For each byte comparison that fails, a message of the form

FILE 1:  BYTE 01FC RECORD 0003 = B6     FILE 2: BYTE 01FC RECORD 0003 = A6

is given.  Pressing the escape key will terminate command execution.
Note that file_1 and file_2 may not be the same physical file.

       MYFILE and YOURFILE are read and compared.  No message implies
       the files are identical.
      COPY file_1 file_2 (A|U|O|RL=record length|T=type)*

Copies file_1 (using a READ BINARY request) to file_2 (using a WRITE
BINARY request).  If the A (append) option is specified, file_1 is
copied (using a READ CURRENT request) to file_2 (using a WRITE CURRENT
request) so that the first byte of file_1 is positioned immediately
after the last byte of file_2. Except for this difference, the command
proceeds as before.  Either file_1 or file_2 may be devices or fully
qualified names.  FILE attributes of file_1 are transferred to file_2
with the exception of the creation date in the event file_2 is created.
The options A (Append), U (Update), and O (Output) are used to specify
the type of open request performed on the destination file, file_2.
THE A (Append) option should only be used for ASCII type files.
See Chapter 6 of the RIO User's Manual for details.  The default record
length and type of file_2 will be the same as file_1.  These attributes
can be overridden by specifying one of 80, 100, 200, 400, 800 or 1000
for record length, or one of D (directory), B (binary), A (ASCII) or P
(procedure) for type.  If necessary, the message WARNING: RECORD LENGTH
CHANGED will be issued and the default attributes of the destination
device will be used.

       copies THE.FILE on drive 2 of ZDOS to OTHER.FILE on device
       $MYDOS, default drive search.  The record length of the
       destination file is 400H and its previous contents (if any) will
       be erased.
      COPY.DISK [s-drive TO d_drive] [V]

Copies the diskette in ZDOS drive s_drive (default=0) to the diskette
in ZDOS drive d_drive (default=2 (MCZ) or 1 (ZDS)).  Starting prompt:
Response other than 'Y' will abort the command.  It is not necessary
that the destination diskette be formatted.  The copy operation is
followed by a verification pass.
indicates a successful verify operation.
      *** 0016 VERIFICATION ERRORS(S) ***
indicates the number of compare errors found during the verification
attempt.  The 'V' option skips the copy cycle.

      %COPY.DISK 3 TO 7 V
       verifies the diskette in drive 3 is identical to the diskette in
       drive 7.