Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Zilog MCZ Floppy Disks

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⟦95ff33a5a⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7987 (0x1f33)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »HELP.DAT.03«


└─⟦3b14772ef⟧ Bits:30006814 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0016 (OPERATIVSYSTEM 1/05 850619 KOPI)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.03« 
└─⟦5cd73ff62⟧ Bits:30006813 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0015 (OPERATOR'S SYSTEM TEXT IN ENGLISH gp)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.03« 
└─⟦70e1b4124⟧ Bits:30006818 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0020 (21/5-82 MAPDAT AEROTRIANGULERING COPYRIGHT VIAK A/S)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.03« 
└─⟦84a75cdbc⟧ Bits:30006816 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0018 (Styrediskette Basic 3.0 Rio 2.2 Hjælpeprogrammer)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.03« 
└─⟦efdad4bc9⟧ Bits:30006812 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0014 (OPERATIVSYSTEM DRIVE.0)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.03« 


      MASTER [device_name]

Displays the current master device or, optionally, makes another
currently active device the default source for unqualified files.  This
provides the user with the potential to easily utilize multiple file
systems concurrently without the burden of always fully specifying file

       Makes NEW.DOS the default device for unqualified file names.
      MOVE (match_string|T=type|P=props|F=format|D=destination_device|

The directory on the source_device is searched and files which match
the specified option are copied from the source_device to the
destination_device.  Default destination and source devices for MCZ are
master device, drive 2, and master device, drive 0, respectively.  For
ZDS, the defaults are drive 1 and drive 0, respectively.
match_string: Fully- or partially-specified file name (possibly using
              the arbitrary character string symbol '*').
format: Specifies long (F=L) listing format.
listing_disposition: Output file or device (default=SYSLST).
DATE^date: Date of last modification--'^' is any of the relational
           operators '=', '<>', '>', '<', '>=', '<='.
CDATE^date: Date of creation--'^' is any of the aforementioned
            relational operators.
      %MOVE T=P SYS* L=$LPRINTER S=2 D=0 DATE>=780615
       will copy all procedure files whose names start with 'SYS' and
       that were last modified on or after June 15, 1978 from the
       master device, drive 2, to the master device, drive 0.  The
       listing will be sent to the device LPRINTER.

Issues successive Read Status requests to unit 1 (CONIN) until either
the ESCape Pending flag or the Temporary Input Buffer full flag is
active (see section 3.4.3 of the RIO User's Manual).  If a character is
ready to be input, it is absorbed and the program executes a normal
return.  If an ESCape is pending, subsequent commands in the command
string are ignored.

      Result:   %DO MOVE.IT          ;MOVE is loaded
                INSERT DISKETTES     ;ECHO is loaded and executed
                                     ;PAUSE waits for one character
                                     ;(not ESC) to be entered and then
                                     ;MOVE is executed (MCZ address).
                                     ;Entering ESC would have resulted
                                     ;in direct return to RIO without
                                     ;executing MOVE
      PRINT file_name
Copies an ASCII-type file to the SYSLST unit.  The file name may be
fully or partially qualified.  Entering the ESCape character (ASCII
1BH) at the console will terminate output.
       copies REPORT.FILE on drive 0 of the master device to SYSLST.

Memory required for procedure file loading is allocated immediately
preceding execution, and deallocated after program completion.  In the
case where a file is loaded but no external file is executed (for
example, after examination with the Debugger), it may be necessary to
deallocate the space it occupies.  This command deallocates any memory
allocated as a result of procedure file loading since the last
execution of an external command.


      659 SECTORS USED
      RENAME (oldfile newfile|device:drive ID='new_disk_name')*

For each sequence "oldfile newfile", changes the name of "oldfile" to
"newfile" on the disk drive specified by oldfile.  If in Verbose mode,
the following message will be printed for each name change:
For each sequence, "device:drive ID='new_disk_name'", the name of the
disk in the specified drive is changed to "new_disk_name".  The device
must be either $FLOPPY for diskettes or $DISK for hard disks; no
psuedonyms for these devices may be used.  The "new_disk_name" may be
up to 24 characters for $FLOPPY or 100 characters for $DISK, and may
include any character except carriage return or semicolon.  If a single
quote is to be part of the new name, it must be immediately Preceeded by
a per-cent (%) sign.  The disk is renamed by first initializing the
allocation maps, reading directly from the disk (via the floppy or hard
disk driver) the map sector in which the disk ID is saved, altering it,
and rewriting the sector.  A second initialization is then made to
update the disk name in memory.
       generates Assign and Rename requests for device MYDOS changing
       name of FILE.X to FILE.Y.
      RESTORE_TABS file_name
Replaces the current 134-character console tabbing environment with the
tabs in the specified file.  The file_name may be fully or partially
qualified.  The referenced file must have been previously created by the
SAVE_TABS command.
       replaces the current console tabbing environment with the tabs
       in the file TAB.ASM on device MYDOS.
      SAVE_TABS file_name
Stores the current 134-character tabbing environment into the specified
file for possible later retrieval by the RESTORE_TABS command.  The
file_name may be fully or partially qualified; if the file all ready
exists, it is deleted and recreated.
       stores the current console tabbing environment into the file
       LETTER.TABS on the master device, drive 0.
    SET option_list   Sets a variety of system parameters.  Any combination of
the following option list can be given in any order with each command entry. 
CHRDEL=c:   Character delete symbol
LINDEL=c:   Line delete symbol
NULLCT=n:   Null character count after carriage return
SPEED=nn:   Serial communication port baud rate
LFCNT=n:   Line feed count after carriage return
TABSIZE=n:   Redefines all tab settings to be every n columns
PROPERTIES OF file_name TO plist:   Sets properties of file_name
SUBTYPE OF file_name TO subtype:   Sets the file subtype of file_name
TYPE OF file_name TO type:   Sets file type of file_name
LOW_ADDRESS OF file_name TO nn:  Sets low address of file_name
HIGH_ADDRESS OF file_name TO nn:  Sets high address of file_name
STACK_SIZE OF file_name TO nn:   Size of the user stack
BYTE_COUNT OF file_name TO nn:  Number of bytes in last record
ENTRY_POINT OF file_name TO nn:   Entry point of procedure file
ECHO ON|OFF:   Input character echo mode in CON
AUTOLF ON|OFF:   Automatic line feed insertion mode in CON
           %SET LINDEL=! CHRDEL=@
sets the line delete character to '!', character delete to '@'.
Properties of more than one file at a time may be set by a single command:
           sets the properties of FILEA, BFILE AND CFILE TO write protect.
      STATUS [0|1...6|7]

Lists statistics on how much of the ZDOS diskette on the specified
drive has been used and how much of it remains available for new files.
The default lists statistics on all drives which are ready.  In the
event that the number of free sectors and the number of allocated
sectors do not sum up to the number of sectors on the disk, the message
is printed.  If the total number of sectors marked as unallocated in
the sector map does not equal the free sector count, then the following
message is printed:
These errors generally indicate reformatting of the diskette.  However,
it may still be possible to read all files from the diskette and avoid
loss of data.

      %STATUS 0

      659 SECTORS USED