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Length: 7388 (0x1cdc) Types: TextFile Names: »HELP.DAT.02«
└─⟦3b14772ef⟧ Bits:30006814 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0016 (OPERATIVSYSTEM 1/05 850619 KOPI) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.02« └─⟦5cd73ff62⟧ Bits:30006813 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0015 (OPERATOR'S SYSTEM TEXT IN ENGLISH gp) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.02« └─⟦70e1b4124⟧ Bits:30006818 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0020 (21/5-82 MAPDAT AEROTRIANGULERING COPYRIGHT VIAK A/S) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.02« └─⟦84a75cdbc⟧ Bits:30006816 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0018 (Styrediskette Basic 3.0 Rio 2.2 Hjælpeprogrammer) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.02« └─⟦efdad4bc9⟧ Bits:30006812 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0014 (OPERATIVSYSTEM DRIVE.0) └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.02«
^^^^^0200 DO command_file (parameter)* Executes commands from command_file. Substitution of the nth parameter is made for each occurence of the string '#n', where n is an integer less than or equal to the number of parameters given. Conditional expansion of the command line can be controlled by the symbol pair '[' and ']'. Any part of the command string of conditional depth greater than the number of parameters is ignored. The 'DO' command is reentrant (and has the 'force allocation' property) and may call itself. PRINT file: ACTIVATE $LPTR [COPY #1 $LPTR[;COPY #2 $LPTR[;COPY #3 $LPTR]]] DEACTIVATE $LPTR Command: %DO PRINT MYFILE Result: ACTIVATE $LPTR COPY MYFILE $LPTR DEACTIVATE $LPTR ^^^^^0210 DUMP file_name [m[ n]] Converts the referenced file into a hexadecimal/ASCII dump on unit SYSLST. Each byte of the file is displayed in hexadecimal. In addition, printable characters are displayed as ASCII symbols, while unprintable characters are displayed as '.'. If m and n are specified, the dump starts with record m and continues through record n. If m and/or n are unspecified, the dump starts with the first and continues through the last, respectively. While output is active at the console, entering a 'control S' will cause output to stop until 'control Q is entered. If the ESCape character (1BH) is entered, output will be terminated. %DUMP $MICRO.80:2/DATA Dumps the file 'DATA' from device MICRO.80, drive 2 onto the system volume output unit. ^^^^^0220 ECHO string Copies the string following the command name up to, but not including, the command terminator, to the console output device. This provides a method to send messages to the console from the command line. %ASM MYFILE;LINK $=4400 MYFILE;ECHO <control-G> Sends a control-G (bell) to the console output device after completion of the assembly and link. ^^^^^0230 ERRORS Prints a summary of the recoverable errors which have occurred since system bootstrap. %ERRORS causes this report to be printed at the console: THE FOLLOWING RECOVERABLE ERRORS HAVE OCCURRED SINCE SYSTEM RESTART 0000 SEEK ERRORS 0000 SECTOR ADDRESS ERRORS 0000 DATA TRANSFER ERRORS ^^^^^0240 EXTRACT file_name Lists record count, record length, and the number of bytes in the last record of file_name. If the file is of type procedure, the file entry point, the lowest and highest memory addresses affected by the file, and the addresses of the memory segments which make up the file are displayed. For files created by IMAGE, the segment addresses are those given in the parameter list. However, LINK provides an optimizing algorithm for segment allocation dependent on program memory utilization and file record length. Thus, EXTRACT can be used to determine the best record length for a procedure file. %EXTRACT EXTRACT RECORD COUNT = 0001 RECORD LENGTH = 0400 NO. OF BYTES IN LAST RECORD = 0400 ENTRY POINT = 4400 LOW ADDRESS = 4400 HIGH ADDRESS = 47FF STACK SIZE = 0080 SEGMENTS: 4400 45F2 ^^^^^0250 Force command parameter_list Causes all command files in the current command string to be loaded regardless of previous memory allocation. Normally, a procedure file will be loaded only if the memory space it requires is unallocated. Sometimes it is convenient to load a file into previously allocated memory space. Command overlays or recursive program calls are two examples. As an alternative to using the Force command, the properties of a file can include F (force memory allocation), which has the same effect as the Force command, but only for that file. %F FILEA,FILEB,;FILEC loads the procedure files FILEA and FILEB, but does not execute either. FILEC will be loaded (and executed) only if the memory it requires is available, i.e., the context of the Force does ^^^^^0260 FORMAT (S|D=drive|ID='disk_name'|Q=query)* Formats a diskette into 77 tracks of 32 sectors, initializes the disk allocation map and disk utilization statistics. An empty (except for one entry for itself) directory file is established. Thirteen sectors are allocated for the disk allocation map (3 sectors) and directory (10 sectors). When a system disk is formatted, an additional 64 sectors (2 tracks) are preallocated for the RIO bootstrap and RIO Debug GET/SAve package. Note: The device $FLOPPY must be active to use this command. S: System disk format is specified. If there is not a system disk on drive 0, prompts will indicate the course of action. ID='disk_name': Up to 24 characters not including a carriage return are used to identify the disk. If a single quote is to be part of the new name, it must be immediately preceeded by a per-cent (%) sign. These are written on the disk and used by ZDOS to determine the disk allocation map validity. Q=query: 'Q=N' suppresses 'READY?' query. %FORMAT D=2 S ID='RIO MCZ 1/20 SYSTEM DISK' READY?Y formats the ZDOS diskette in drive 2 as a system diskette. ^^^^^0270 IMAGE file_name (first_location last_location)+ [E=entry point] [RL=record length] [ST=stack size] Copies memory images to a specified file. The resultant file will be procedure type, subtype 0. The first and last locations of each memory segment, optional entry point address (default=0), record length (80H, 100H, 200H, 400H, 800H, or 1000H; default=80H bytes) and stack size (default=80H bytes) are given in hexadecimal. At least one but no more than 16 segments may be specified. When writing the file, the exact memory locations, including first_location and last_location, are copied for each segment. The lowest and highest memory addresses referenced by the file are saved in the descriptor record (refer to Appendix J of the RIO User's Manual) and are used by the RIO Executive when requesting memory allocation prior to loading. %IMAGE TWO.BLOCKS 4400 4425 7000 7FF0 E=7000 copies contents of memory locations 4400 to 4425 and 7000 to 7FF0 to file TWO.BLOCKS. The file will contain 21 records of 80H bytes each, with an entry point=7000 and stack size=80H. ^^^^^0280 Initialize [device_name[ parameter list]] Sends an Initialize request to the master device or to the optionally specified device (which must be active). Result is device dependent. The supplemental parameter address of the vector points to the delimiter after the command or device_name, if given. %I $MY.VIDEO.DRIVER BUFFER = C000 sends an Initialize request to MY.VIDEO.DRIVE, with a pointer to the space preceding 'BUFFER'. ^^^^^0290 LADT Lists the currently active devices, their entry points, size, and which units of the logical unit table are linked to each. %LADT DEVICE NAME ADDRESS SIZE UNITS ZDOS 2500 1A00 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CON 252B 0500 1 2 3 NULL 2140 0000 20 PCON 0BE8 0000 FLOPPY 0BFD 0000