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Zilog MCZ Floppy Disks

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⟦cc2c77e17⟧ TextFile

    Length: 5252 (0x1484)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »HELP.DAT.04«


└─⟦3b14772ef⟧ Bits:30006814 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0016 (OPERATIVSYSTEM 1/05 850619 KOPI)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.04« 
└─⟦5cd73ff62⟧ Bits:30006813 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0015 (OPERATOR'S SYSTEM TEXT IN ENGLISH gp)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.04« 
└─⟦70e1b4124⟧ Bits:30006818 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0020 (21/5-82 MAPDAT AEROTRIANGULERING COPYRIGHT VIAK A/S)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.04« 
└─⟦84a75cdbc⟧ Bits:30006816 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0018 (Styrediskette Basic 3.0 Rio 2.2 Hjælpeprogrammer)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.04« 
└─⟦efdad4bc9⟧ Bits:30006812 8" ZilogMCZ floppy NThun_0014 (OPERATIVSYSTEM DRIVE.0)
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »HELP.DAT.04« 



Enter Verbose mode.  Echo command strings as interpreted.  Some
commands test this mode before printing non-essential messages.  See
Brief command.

      Xeq [*|nn[ parameter_list]]

Begin execution of last loaded command with optional parameter list, or
begin execution at location nn with optional parameter list.

      %X 5600 p1 p2
       jumps to address 5600H with INPTR referencing the delimiter
       after '5600'.
      : expression

Evaluates hex constant expression left to right and prints result.
Allowable operators are +, -, *, and /.  Overflow is not detected.

      %: FD00-4400/80
      HELP ASCII ['ASCII_character|*]

The hexadecimal representation of ASCII_character is printed.  A
preceding backslash ('\') may be used to input verbatim special
characters.  If the optional argument is *, the hexadecimal
representations of all ASCII characters are displayed.  If the argument
is omitted, this description of the 'HELP ASCII' command is printed.

      %HELP ASCII 'A
       prints '41H' on the console display.
      HELP CHAR [hex_digit[hex_digit][H]|*]

The ASCII character representation of the hexadecimal number consisting
of the hex_digit(s) is printed.  If the optional argument is *, all
ASCII characters are displayed with their hexadecimal representations.
If the argument is omitted, this description of the 'HELP CHAR' command
is printed.
      %HELP CHAR 41
       prints 'A' on the console display.

Enters the RIO PROM debugger (See the RIO PROM User's Manual).  A 'Q'
command in the debugger will return directly to OS while an 'OS'
command will first bootstrap (and reinitialize) the system.  The PROM
contains a bootstrap loader which will bring in the disk-resident Debug
commands, as well as the full operating system.  See the description of
Debug in Chapter 5 of the RIO User's Manual for RIO/ZDOS/DFS
considerations.  The Debug GET/SAVE commands require that the system
disk in drive 0 not be write-protected.

      >BREAK 5500               ;set a breakpoint
      >Q                        ;return to RIO

See also:
      HELP Debug GET
      HELP Debug SAve
      HELP Debug [debug_command|*]

Prints a description of debug_command.  If the optional argument is *,
this description of the HELP Debug command is displayed.  If the
argument is omitted, a description of the RIO Debug command is printed.

debug_command:   GET
                 SAVE (or SA)
      %HELP D GET
       prints a description of the Debug GET command.
GET filename

Loads a memory image into memory and stores its starting execution
address in the user PC.  A memory image file can be created by the SAve
command or by the IMAGE or LINK commands.  The GET command can handle
files of up to five segments of memory, but the segments may be of any
size.  If more than five segments are in the file, only the first five
will be loaded.  If any segment contains information in the range 0-
1400H, the message 'MEMORY PROTECTION' will be printed and the load
will be aborted.  If any disk I/O errors occur, the message 'FIL ERR
code' is output, where code is one of the I/O error codes used in the
operating system.

      >GET 0/OS                 ;Get the RIO executive
      >D                        ;Display system flag
      140E 84 80 Q              ;Turn off external initialization flag
      >SAVE 0/OS 1400 2BFF E=17DE RL=400
                                ;See: HELP Debug SAVE
      >OS                       ;Must rebootstrap after getting OS
SAve filename (starting_address ending_address)+ [E=entry]

The SAve command will copy segments of memory to disk so that they may
later be restored.  Segments are saved beginning at the
starting_address and terminating on a record boundary.  Up to five
segments may be saved, by repeating the starting-address,
ending-address pair.  If no entry address is specified, 0 is assumed.
If the entry and record length parameters are both given, they must be
in the order shown.  Any error in the syntax of the command will result
in a question mark and return to Debug.  Any disk I/O error will result
in the message 'FILE ERR code' where code is one of the I/O error codes
used by OS, except for the D3 message which is reported as 'DISK FULL'.

      >GET 0/OS                 ;Get the RIO executive
                                ;See: HELP Debug GET
      >D                        ;Display system flag
      140E 84 80 Q              ;Turn off external initialization flag
      >SA 0/OS 1400 2BFF E=17DE RL=400
      >OS                       ;Must rebootstrap after getting OS.
      (ERROR|HELP ERROR) [error_code|*]
Prints the meaning of error_code when returned by RIO or a device as a
completion code.  If the optional argument is '*', all error code
meanings are displayed.  If the argument is omitted, this description
of the ERROR or HELP ERROR command is printed.
      ERROR C4
       prints 'C4: SECTOR ADDRESS ERROR' on the console display.
       prints 'C4: SECTOR ADDRESS ERROR' on the console display.