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Rational R1000/400

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⟦1651014f9⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 12288 (0x3000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package Generic_Kbs, seg_03b8de


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

with Generic_Expression;
with Generic_Fact_Base;
with Generic_Rule_Base;
with Generic_Predicate;  
with Slot;

    Max_Slots                      : Positive := 20;
    Max_Condition_Elements_By_Rule : Positive := 10;  
    Max_Condition_Elements         : Positive := 200;
    Max_Rules                      : Positive := 50;

    type Class_Names is (<>);
    Null_Class_Name : Class_Names := Class_Names'Last;

    type User_Defined_Expression_Operators is (<>);

    with function User_Defined_Unary_Evaluate
                     (Using_Operator : User_Defined_Expression_Operators;
                      Right          : Slot.Object) return Slot.Object is <>;

    with function User_Defined_Binary_Evaluate
                     (Using_Operator : User_Defined_Expression_Operators;
                      Left, Right    : Slot.Object) return Slot.Object is <>;

    with function User_Defined_Image
                     (Op : User_Defined_Expression_Operators) return String is

    type User_Defined_Predicate_Operators is (<>);

    with function User_Defined_Unary_Match
                     (Using_Operator : User_Defined_Predicate_Operators;
                      Value          : Slot.Object) return Boolean is <>;

    with function User_Defined_Binary_Match
                     (Using_Operator : User_Defined_Predicate_Operators;
                      Value          : Slot.Object;
                      Against        : Slot.Object) return Boolean is <>;

    with function User_Defined_Image
                     (Op : User_Defined_Predicate_Operators) return String is

    type Rule_Bundles is (<>);

package Generic_Kbs is

    package Expression is  
       new Generic_Expression
              (User_Defined_Operators => User_Defined_Expression_Operators,
               User_Defined_Unary_Evaluate => User_Defined_Unary_Evaluate,
               User_Defined_Binary_Evaluate => User_Defined_Binary_Evaluate,
               User_Defined_Image => User_Defined_Image);

    package Predicate is new Generic_Predicate
                                (User_Defined_Operators =>
                                     => User_Defined_Unary_Match,
                                     => User_Defined_Binary_Match,
                                 User_Defined_Image     => User_Defined_Image,
                                 Expression_Object      => Expression.Object,
                                 Slot_Object_Expression => Expression.Value,
                                 Alias_Expression       => Expression.Value,
                                 Evaluate               => Expression.Evaluate,
                                 Put                    => Expression.Put);

    package Fact_Base is  
       new Generic_Fact_Base
              (Class_Names                => Class_Names,
               Null_Class_Name            => Class_Names'Last,
               Max_Slots                  => Max_Slots,
               Predicate_Object           => Predicate.Object,
               Null_Predicate             => Predicate.Null_Predicate,
               Predicate_Objects          => Predicate.Objects,
               Predicate_Collection       => Predicate.Collection,
               Predicate_Get_Collection   => Predicate.Get,
               Predicate_Get_Expression   => Predicate.Get,
               Predicate_Get_Conjunction  => Predicate.Get,
               Isa_Collection_Predicate   => Predicate.Is_A_Collection,
               Isa_And_Predicate          => Predicate.Is_A_Conjunction,
               Isa_Is_Equal_Predicate     => Predicate.Is_A_Is_Equal,
               Isa_Is_Different_Predicate => Predicate.Is_A_Is_Different,
               Isa_Is_Any_Predicate       => Predicate.Is_A_Is_Any,
               Isa_Define_As_Predicate    => Predicate.Is_A_Define_As,
               Predicate_Match            => Predicate.Match,
               Predicate_Put              => Predicate.Put,
               Expression_Object          => Expression.Object,
               Slot_Object_Expression     => Expression.Value,
               Alias_Expression           => Expression.Value,
               Expression_Evaluate        => Expression.Evaluate,
               Expression_Put             => Expression.Put);

    package Rule_Base is
              (Max_Rules => Max_Rules,
               Max_Condition_Elements_By_Rule =>  
               Max_Condition_Elements => Max_Condition_Elements,  
               Rule_Bundles => Rule_Bundles,
               Fact_Name => Fact_Base.Class.User_Object,
               Fact_Collection => Fact_Base.Class.User_Objects,
               Empty_Fact_Collection => Fact_Base.Class.No_User_Objects,
               Fact_Put => Fact_Base.Class.Default_Put,
               Fact_Query => Fact_Base.Query.Object,
               Null_Fact_Query => Fact_Base.Query.Null_Query,
               Fact_Queries => Fact_Base.Query.Objects,
               Null_Premiss => Fact_Base.Query.Null_Queries,
               Retrieve => Fact_Base.Working_Memory.Retrieve,
               Queries_Put => Fact_Base.Query.Put);

    subtype Fact_Query      is Fact_Base.Query.Object;
    subtype Fact_Queries    is Fact_Base.Query.Objects;
    subtype Fact_Name       is Fact_Base.Class.User_Object;
    subtype Fact_Collection is Fact_Base.Class.User_Objects;
    subtype Rule_Id         is Rule_Base.Rule_Id;

    Empty_Fact_Collection : constant Fact_Collection :=
    No_Rule               : Rule_Id renames Rule_Base.No_Rule;

end Generic_Kbs;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=068
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        [0x07] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=01e
        [0x08] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=000
        [0x09] rec0=06 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=000
        [0x0a] rec0=87 rec1=5d rec2=d0 rec3=000
    tail 0x21738df2a8526790b172e 0x42a00088462063c03
Free Block Chain:
  0x6: 0000  00 08 00 08 80 05 5f 49 73 5f 44 05 20 3d 3e 20  ┆      _Is_D  => ┆
  0x8: 0000  00 00 00 1a 80 17 20 20 6e 65 77 20 47 65 6e 65  ┆        new Gene┆