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Rational R1000/400

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⟦3b207a03b⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 30720 (0x7800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package Exe_100, seg_00555a


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

with Xlbt_String;  
use Xlbt_String;

package Exe_100 is
-- Test Procedure Variables - for Procedure types
-- Utility code for the other Exe_100/200/300 series tests.

    Executed_Real_Op : Boolean;

    procedure Assert (Hypothesis : Boolean);

    function Value                  return X_String;  
    function Value (Arg : X_String) return Boolean;

    type Access_Type is access Boolean;

    function Value                         return Access_Type;  
    function Out_Value                     return Access_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Access_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Access_Type) return Boolean;

    type Enumeration_Type is (Red, Blue, Green);

    function Value return Enumeration_Type;  
    function Out_Value return Enumeration_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Enumeration_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Enumeration_Type) return Boolean;

    type Boolean_Type is new Boolean;

    function Value                          return Boolean_Type;  
    function Out_Value                      return Boolean_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Boolean_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Boolean_Type) return Boolean;

    type Fixed_Type is new Duration;

    function Value                        return Fixed_Type;  
    function Out_Value                    return Fixed_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Fixed_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Fixed_Type) return Boolean;

    type Float_Type is new Float;

    function Value                        return Float_Type;  
    function Out_Value                    return Float_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Float_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Float_Type) return Boolean;

    type Constrained_Record_Type is  
            S : String (1 .. 10);  
        end record;

    function Value return Constrained_Record_Type;  
    function Out_Value return Constrained_Record_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Constrained_Record_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Constrained_Record_Type) return Boolean;

    type Unconstrained_Record_Type (D : Integer) is  
            S : String (1 .. D);  
        end record;

    function Value return Unconstrained_Record_Type;  
    function Out_Value return Unconstrained_Record_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Unconstrained_Record_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Unconstrained_Record_Type) return Boolean;

    type Constrained_String_Type is new String (1 .. 10);

    function Value return Constrained_String_Type;  
    function Out_Value return Constrained_String_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Constrained_String_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Constrained_String_Type) return Boolean;

    type Unconstrained_String_Type is new String;

    function Value return Unconstrained_String_Type;  
    function Out_Value return Unconstrained_String_Type;  
    function Value     (Arg : Unconstrained_String_Type) return Boolean;  
    function Out_Value (Arg : Unconstrained_String_Type) return Boolean;

        type Argument_Type is private;

        Arg1 : in out Argument_Type;

        with function Value     return Argument_Type is <>;  
        with function Out_Value return Argument_Type is <>;

        with function Value     (Arg : Argument_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Out_Value (Arg : Argument_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
    package Test_Proc_Inout is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Proc_Inout;

        type Argument_Type is private;

        with function Value return Argument_Type is <>;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
    package Test_Proc_In is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Proc_In;

        type Argument1_Type is private;  
        type Argument2_Type is private;

        with function Value return Argument1_Type is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument2_Type is <>;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument1_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument2_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
    package Test_Proc_In_In is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Proc_In_In;

        type Argument1_Type is private;  
        type Argument2_Type is private;  
        type Argument3_Type is private;

        with function Value return Argument1_Type is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument2_Type is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument3_Type is <>;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument1_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument2_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument3_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
    package Test_Proc_In_In_In is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Proc_In_In_In;

        type Argument1_Type is private;  
        type Argument2_Type is private;  
        type Argument3_Type is private;  
        type Argument4_Type is private;

        with function Value return Argument1_Type is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument2_Type is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument3_Type is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument4_Type is <>;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument1_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument2_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument3_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument4_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
    package Test_Proc_In_In_In_In is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Proc_In_In_In_In;

        type Argument1_Type  is private;  
        type Argumen2_Type  is private;  
        type Argument3_Type  is private;  
        type Argument4_Type  is private;  
        type Argument5_Type  is private;  
        type Argument6_Type  is private;  
        type Argument7_Type  is private;  
        type Argument8_Type  is private;  
        type Argument9_Type  is private;  
        type Argument10_Type is private;

        with function Value return Argument1_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument2_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument3_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument4_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument5_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument6_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument7_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument8_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument9_Type  is <>;  
        with function Value return Argument10_Type is <>;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument1_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument2_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument3_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument4_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument5_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument6_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument7_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument8_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument9_Type)  return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument10_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
    package Test_Proc_In10 is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Proc_In10;

        type Argument1_Type is private;  
        type Argument2_Type is private;  
        type Argument3_Type is private;  
        type Argument4_Type is private;  
        type Argument5_Type is private;

        Arg4 : in out Argument4_Type;  
        Arg5 : in out Argument5_Type;

        with function Value     return Argument1_Type is <>;  
        with function Value     return Argument2_Type is <>;  
        with function Value     return Argument3_Type is <>;  
        with function Value     return Argument4_Type is <>;  
        with function Value     return Argument5_Type is <>;  
        with function Out_Value return Argument4_Type is <>;  
        with function Out_Value return Argument5_Type is <>;

        with function Value     (Arg : Argument1_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value     (Arg : Argument2_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value     (Arg : Argument3_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Out_Value (Arg : Argument4_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Out_Value (Arg : Argument5_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
    package Test_Proc_In_In_In_Out_Out is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Proc_In_In_In_Out_Out;

        type Argument1_Type is private;  
        type Argument2_Type is private;  
        type Argument3_Type is private;  
        type Argument4_Type is private;

        Arg3 : in out Argument3_Type;  
        Arg4 : in out Argument4_Type;

        with function Value     return Argument1_Type is <>;  
        with function Value     return Argument2_Type is <>;  
        with function Value     return Argument3_Type is <>;  
        with function Value     return Argument4_Type is <>;  
        with function Out_Value return Argument3_Type is <>;  
        with function Out_Value return Argument4_Type is <>;

        with function Value     (Arg : Argument1_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Value     (Arg : Argument2_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Out_Value (Arg : Argument3_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
        with function Out_Value (Arg : Argument4_Type) return Boolean is <>;  
    package Test_Proc_In_In_Out_Out is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Proc_In_In_Out_Out;

        type Argument_Type is private;  
        type Result_Type   is private;

        with function Value return Argument_Type;  
        with function Value return Result_Type;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Result : Result_Type) return Boolean;  
    package Test_Func_In is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Func_In;

        type Argument_Type is private;

        with function Value return Argument_Type;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument_Type) return Boolean;  
    package Test_Func_In_X_String is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Func_In_X_String;

        type Argument1_Type is private;  
        type Argument2_Type is private;  
        type Argument3_Type is private;

        with function Value return Argument1_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument2_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument3_Type;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument1_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument2_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument3_Type) return Boolean;  
    package Test_Func_In_In_In_X_String is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Func_In_In_In_X_String;

        type Argument1_Type is private;  
        type Argument2_Type is private;  
        type Argument3_Type is private;  
        type Result_Type    is private;

        with function Value return Argument1_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument2_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument3_Type;  
        with function Value return Result_Type;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument1_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument2_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument3_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Result : Result_Type) return Boolean;  
    package Test_Func_In_In_In is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Func_In_In_In;

        type Argument1_Type is private;  
        type Argument2_Type is private;  
        type Argument3_Type is private;  
        type Argument4_Type is private;  
        type Argument5_Type is private;  
        type Result_Type    is private;

        with function Value return Argument1_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument2_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument3_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument4_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument5_Type;  
        with function Value return Result_Type;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument1_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument2_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument3_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument4_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument5_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Result : Result_Type) return Boolean;  
    package Test_Func_In5 is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Func_In5;

        type Argument1_Type  is private;  
        type Argument2_Type  is private;  
        type Argument3_Type  is private;  
        type Argument4_Type  is private;  
        type Argument5_Type  is private;  
        type Argument6_Type  is private;  
        type Argument7_Type  is private;  
        type Argument8_Type  is private;  
        type Argument9_Type  is private;  
        type Argument10_Type is private;  
        type Result_Type     is private;

        with function Value return Argument1_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument2_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument3_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument4_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument5_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument6_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument7_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument8_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument9_Type;  
        with function Value return Argument10_Type;  
        with function Value return Result_Type;

        with function Value (Arg : Argument1_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument2_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument3_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument4_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument5_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument6_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument7_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument8_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument9_Type)  return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Arg : Argument10_Type) return Boolean;  
        with function Value (Result : Result_Type)  return Boolean;  
    package Test_Func_In10 is  
        procedure Zot;  
    end Test_Func_In10;

end Exe_100;  

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=008
        [0x01] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=1d rec3=00a
        [0x02] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=018
        [0x03] rec0=05 rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=022
        [0x04] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=03e
        [0x05] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=018
        [0x06] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=00a
        [0x07] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=018
        [0x08] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=018
        [0x09] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=028
        [0x0a] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=002
        [0x0b] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=016
        [0x0c] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=022
        [0x0d] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=036
        [0x0e] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=012
        [0x0f] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=024
        [0x10] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=008
        [0x11] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=052
        [0x12] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=030
        [0x13] rec0=21 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=022
        [0x14] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=006
        [0x15] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=078
        [0x16] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=006
        [0x17] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=024
        [0x18] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=006
        [0x19] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=058
        [0x1a] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=004
        [0x1b] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=008
        [0x1c] rec0=08 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=001
    tail 0x21500a24e81978bb1d1f8 0x42a00088462063203