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Rational R1000/400

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⟦533ad101a⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 9216 (0x2400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Fonts, seg_021fc5


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

--      Copyright (c) 1990 Meridian Software Systems, Inc.      --
with Mac_Types;
use Mac_Types;
with Quickdraw;
package Fonts is

    Systemfont : constant := 0;
    Applfont : constant := 1;
    Newyork : constant := 2;
    Geneva : constant := 3;
    Monaco : constant := 4;
    Venice : constant := 5;
    London : constant := 6;
    Athens : constant := 7;
    Sanfran : constant := 8;
    Toronto : constant := 9;
    Cairo : constant := 11;
    Losangeles : constant := 12;
    Times : constant := 20;
    Helvetica : constant := 21;
    Courier : constant := 22;
    Symbol : constant := 23;
    Mobile : constant := 24;
    Commandmark : constant := 17;
    Checkmark : constant := 18;
    Diamondmark : constant := 19;
    Applemark : constant := 20;
    Propfont : constant := 36864;
    Prpfnth : constant := 36865;
    Prpfntw : constant := 36866;
    Prpfnthw : constant := 36867;
    Fixedfont : constant := 45056;
    Fxdfnth : constant := 45057;
    Fxdfntw : constant := 45058;
    Fxdfnthw : constant := 45059;
    Fontwid : constant := 44208;

    type Fminput is
            Family : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Size : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Face : Quickdraw.Style;
            Needbits : Boolean;
            Device : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Numer : Point;
            Denom : Point;
        end record;

    type Fmoutput is
            Errnum : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fonthandle : Handle;
            Bold : Byte;
            Italic : Byte;
            Uloffset : Byte;
            Ulshadow : Byte;
            Ulthick : Byte;
            Shadow : Byte;
            Extra : Signedbyte;
            Ascent : Byte;
            Descent : Byte;
            Widmax : Byte;
            Leading : Signedbyte;
            Unused : Byte;
            Numer : Point;
            Denom : Point;
        end record;
    type Fmoutptr is access Fmoutput;

    type Fontrec is
            Fonttype : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Firstchar : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Lastchar : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Widmax : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Kernmax : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Ndescent : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Frectwidth : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Frectheight : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Owtloc : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Ascent : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Descent : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Leading : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Rowwords : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Fmetricrec is
            Ascent : Fixed;
            Descent : Fixed;
            Leading : Fixed;
            Widmax : Fixed;
            Wtabhandle : Handle;
        end record;

    type Widentry is
            Widstyle : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Widtable is
            Numwidths : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Asscentry is
            Fontsize : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fontstyle : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fontid : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Fontassoc is
            Numassoc : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Array0_47signedbyte is array (0 .. 47) of Signedbyte;
    type Styletable is
            Fontclass : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Offset : Longint;
            Reserved : Longint;
            Indexes : Array0_47signedbyte;
        end record;

    type Nametable is
            Stringcount : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Basefontname : Str255;
        end record;

    type Kernpair is
            Kernfirst : Char;
            Kernsecond : Char;
            Kernwidth : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Kernentry is
            Kernlength : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Kernstyle : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Kerntable is
            Numkerns : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Array0_256fixed is array (1 .. 256) of Fixed;
    type Widthtable is
            Tabdata : Array0_256fixed;
            Tabfont : Handle;
            Sextra : Longint;
            Style : Longint;
            Fid : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fsize : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Face : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Device : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Innumer : Point;
            Indenom : Point;
            Afid : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fhand : Handle;
            Usedfam : Boolean;
            Aface : Byte;
            Voutput : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Houtput : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Vfactor : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Hfactor : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Asize : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Tabsize : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Array1_9integer is array (1 .. 9) of Mac_Types.Integer;
    type Array1_2integer is array (1 .. 2) of Mac_Types.Integer;
    type Famrec is
            Ffflags : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fffamid : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fffirstchar : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fflastchar : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Ffascent : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Ffdescent : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Ffleading : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Ffwidmax : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Ffwtaboff : Longint;
            Ffkernoff : Longint;
            Ffstyloff : Longint;
            Ffproperty : Array1_9integer;
            Ffintl : Array1_2integer;
            Ffversion : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    procedure Initfonts;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Initfonts, "16#A8FE#");

    procedure Getfontname (Familyid : Mac_Types.Integer;
                           Thename : in out Str255);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getfontname, "16#A8FF#");

    procedure Getfnum (Thename : Str255; Familyid : in out Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getfnum, "16#A900#");

    function Realfont (Fontnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Size : Mac_Types.Integer)
                      return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Realfont, "16#A902#");

    procedure Setfontlock (Lockflag : Boolean);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setfontlock, "16#A903#");

    function Fmswapfont (Inrec : Fminput) return Fmoutptr;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Fmswapfont, "16#A901#");

    procedure Setfscaledisable (Fscaledisable : Boolean);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setfscaledisable, "16#A834#");

    procedure Fontmetrics (Themetrics : Fmetricrec);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Fontmetrics, "16#A835#");

    procedure Setfractenable (Fractenable : Boolean);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setfractenable, "SETFRACTENABLE");

end Fonts;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=22 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=026
        [0x01] rec0=23 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=01a
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        [0x03] rec0=27 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=014
        [0x04] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=050
        [0x05] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=03e
        [0x06] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=00c
        [0x07] rec0=03 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=000
    tail 0x2151d44a483906deb8f31 0x42a00088462060003