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Rational R1000/400

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⟦61b25b589⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 4096 (0x1000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Os_Time, seg_05098f


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with System;
use System;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
package Os_Time is
    pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
    pragma Suppress (Exception_Tables);
    pragma Not_Elaborated;

    -- SUN4 time types

    type Timeval_T is
            Tv_Sec : Integer; -- time in seconds
            Tv_Usec : Integer; -- microseconds
        end record;
    type A_Timeval_T is access Timeval_T;
    pragma Local_Access (A_Timeval_T);
    function To_A_Timeval_T is new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, A_Timeval_T);

    type Timezone_T is
            Tz_Minuteswest : Integer;
            Tz_Dsttime : Integer;
        end record;
    type A_Timezone_T is access Timezone_T;
    pragma Local_Access (A_Timezone_T);
    function To_A_Timezone_T is
       new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, A_Timezone_T);

    subtype Time_T is Integer;
    type A_Time_T is access Time_T;
    pragma Local_Access (A_Time_T);
    function To_A_Time_T is new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, A_Time_T);

    -- SCO-specific definition
    type Timeb_T is
            Time : Time_T;
            Millitm : Short_Integer;
            Timezone : Short_Integer;
            Dstflag : Short_Integer;
        end record;
    type A_Timeb_T is access Timeb_T;
    pragma Local_Access (A_Timeb_T);
    function To_A_Timeb_T is new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, A_Timeb_T);

    type Itimerval_T is
            It_Interval : Timeval_T;
            It_Value : Timeval_T;
        end record;
    type A_Itimerval_T is access Itimerval_T;
    pragma Local_Access (A_Itimerval_T);
    function To_A_Itimerval_T is
       new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, A_Itimerval_T);

    -- Names of the interval timers, and structure
    -- defining a timer setting.
    type Timercode_T is (Itimer_Real, Itimer_Virtual, Itimer_Prof);
    for Timercode_T'Size use 32;
    for Timercode_T use
       (Itimer_Real => 0, Itimer_Virtual => 1, Itimer_Prof => 2);

    function Gettimeofday
                (Tim : A_Timeval_T; Zone : A_Timezone_T) return Integer;
    pragma Interface (C, Gettimeofday);

    function Time (Tim : A_Time_T) return Time_T;
    pragma Interface (C, Time);

    function Setitimer (Which : Timercode_T; Value, Ovalue : A_Itimerval_T)
                       return Integer;
    pragma Interface (C, Setitimer);

    -- SCO-specific declaration
    procedure Ftime (Tim : A_Timeb_T);
    pragma Interface (C, Ftime);

end Os_Time;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=25 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=014
        [0x01] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=02e
        [0x02] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=000
    tail 0x217580190878e793268c2 0x42a00088462060003