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Rational R1000/400

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⟦74ef3052a⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 5120 (0x1400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Events, seg_021fc1


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

--      Copyright (c) 1990 Meridian Software Systems, Inc.      --
with Mac_Types;
use Mac_Types;
with Quickdraw;
package Events is

    Nullevent : constant := 0;
    Mousedown : constant := 1;
    Mouseup : constant := 2;
    Keydown : constant := 3;
    Keyup : constant := 4;
    Autokey : constant := 5;
    Updateevt : constant := 6;
    Diskevt : constant := 7;
    Activateevt : constant := 8;
    Networkevt : constant := 10;
    Driverevt : constant := 11;
    App1evt : constant := 12;
    App2evt : constant := 13;
    App3evt : constant := 14;
    App4evt : constant := 15;
    Charcodemask : constant := 16#000000FF#;
    Keycodemask : constant := 16#0000FF00#;
    Adbaddrmask : constant := 16#00FF0000#;
    Mousemovedmessage : constant := 16#FA#;
    Childdiedmessage : constant := 16#FD#;
    Suspendresumemessage : constant := 16#01#;
    Mdownmask : constant := 2;
    Mupmask : constant := 4;
    Keydownmask : constant := 8;
    Keyupmask : constant := 16;
    Autokeymask : constant := 32;
    Updatemask : constant := 64;
    Diskmask : constant := 128;
    Activmask : constant := 256;
    Networkmask : constant := 1024;
    Drivermask : constant := 2048;
    App1mask : constant := 4096;
    App2mask : constant := 8192;
    App3mask : constant := 16384;
    App4mask : constant := -32768;
    Everyevent : constant := -1;
    Activeflag : constant := 1;
    Btnstate : constant := 128;
    Cmdkey : constant := 256;
    Shiftkey : constant := 512;
    Alphalock : constant := 1024;
    Optionkey : constant := 2048;
    Controlkey : constant := 4096;

    type Eventrecord is
            What : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Message : Longint;
            Erwhen : Longint;
            Where : Point;
            Modifiers : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;

    type Keymap is array (0 .. 127) of Boolean;
    pragma Pack (Keymap);

    function Getnextevent
                (Eventmask : Mac_Types.Integer; Theevent : Eventrecord)
                return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getnextevent, "16#A970#");

    function Waitnextevent (Mask : Mac_Types.Integer;
                            Event : Eventrecord;
                            Sleep : Longint;
                            Mousergn : Quickdraw.Rgnhandle) return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Waitnextevent, "16#A860#");

    function Eventavail (Eventmask : Mac_Types.Integer; Theevent : Eventrecord)
                        return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Eventavail, "16#A971#");

    procedure Getmouse (Mouseloc : in out Point);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getmouse, "16#A972#");

    function Button return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Button, "16#A974#");

    function Stilldown return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Stilldown, "16#A973#");

    function Waitmouseup return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Waitmouseup, "16#A977#");

    procedure Getkeys (Thekeys : in out Keymap);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getkeys, "16#A976#");

    function Tickcount return Longint;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Tickcount, "16#A975#");

    function Getdbltime return Longint;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getdbltime, "16#2EB8#,16#02F0#");

    function Getcarettime return Longint;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getcarettime, "16#2EB8#,16#02F4#");

end Events;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=00e
        [0x01] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=02e
        [0x02] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=050
        [0x03] rec0=10 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=000
    tail 0x2171dcb0883906de3c804 0x42a00088462060003