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⟦83be19688⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 34816 (0x8800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package Gateway_Object, pragma Module_Name 4 3995, pragma Segmented_Heap Handle, pragma Subsystem Tools_Integration, seg_00f2a0


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Action;
with Directory;
with Io;
with Job_Segment;
with Polymorphic_Io;
with Simple_Status;
with System;

package Gateway_Object is
    package Dir renames Directory;

    -- Interface for manipulating Dtia Gateway objects
    -- A Dtia Gateway object is a file which contains a number of property
    -- values.  There may, in addition, be zero or more sub-objects
    -- under the file.
    -- A Gateway_Object.Handle can represent a number of open Dtia objects
    -- all related in some way.  There is one main object referenced
    -- by a Handle.  It is the only one that can be updated.  Other
    -- objects can be opened using the same handle, but these are always
    -- opened for read.
    -- This package contains three groups of operations.  The first is
    -- for creating Gateway classes.  A gateway class defines the
    -- properties that objects of the class will specify.  It also can
    -- define types which specify the set of values for properties of the type.
    -- The second group of operations handles the creation of Gateway objects.
    -- The final group is used to read and set the values of Gateway
    -- and Gateway class properties.

    --          Operations for creating Gateway classes

    type Handle is private;
    -- Handles are dynamically allocated on a supplied heap.  A handle can
    -- be reused after it is closed.  Thus, if you carefully declare
    -- handles, few will be allocated.

    Null_Handle : constant Handle;

    type Slot_Id is new Integer;  -- unique id for object's slot in handle
    Nil_Slot_Id : constant Slot_Id := 0;
    Main_Slot   : constant Slot_Id := 1;
    Class_Slot  : constant Slot_Id := 2;
    -- A Handle designates an open Gateway class or object.  The Handle
    -- designates one main object (which can be updated).  Additional
    -- objects can be opened for read under a single handle.  Each is
    -- opened under the same action and each has an Id associated with
    -- it.  This Id is supplied by the opener and is also supplied with
    -- each use of a Handle.  The Id identifies which object opened in
    -- the handle will actually be accessed by a given call.

    -- A Gateway class is a pattern from which other gateway objects are
    -- constructed.  The class may also contain default values that
    -- are inherited by the objects.  In addition, the class can define
    -- enumeration types that are used in objects of the class.
    -- The class defines the properties that objects of the class can
    -- specify.
    -- Each property has a type.  The type must be either a predefined type
    -- or a type defined in the class.  Each type has an Id, and this Id
    -- is used to reference the type in some contexts.  The type Id must
    -- be unique within the class, but different classes may reuse type
    -- ids.

    subtype Type_Id is Natural range 0 .. 2 ** 16 - 1;  -- Identifies a type
    Null_Type_Id : constant Type_Id := 0;  -- This value is reserved.

    -- Type_Id values are partitioned into predefined types and class-defined
    -- types.  Predefined values are allocated at the high end of the
    -- range.

    First_Predefined_Type : constant Type_Id := 65000;
    Natural_Type_Id       : constant Type_Id := 65000;
    Long_Integer_Type_Id  : constant Type_Id := 65001;
    Boolean_Type_Id       : constant Type_Id := 65002;
    String_Type_Id        : constant Type_Id := 65003;
    Date_Type_Id          : constant Type_Id := 65004;
    Script_Type_Id        : constant Type_Id := 65005;

    -- Class defined Type_Ids are stored using a contiguous vector
    -- indexed by the Type_Id.  There can be unused values, but
    -- all array elements in the range are allocated, so don't
    -- choose the Type Ids to be sparse.

    -- prefined property-type names:

    Natural_Property_Type_Name      : constant String := "Natural";
    Long_Integer_Property_Type_Name : constant String := "Long_Integer";
    Boolean_Property_Type_Name      : constant String := "Boolean";
    String_Property_Type_Name       : constant String := "String";
    Date_Property_Type_Name         : constant String := "Date";
    Script_Property_Type_Name       : constant String := "Script";

    procedure Create_Class (Class_Name : String;
                            Highest_Class_Type_Id : Type_Id;
                            H : in out Handle;
                            Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                            Heap : System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get;
                            Errors : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- Create a definition for Class_Name which will contain type definitions
    -- and property names and default values.  These are defined by
    -- calls to the Add_Type and Add_Property procedures below. Close
    -- must be called once all the properties and types are defined.
    -- If the Highest_Class_Type_Id must be changed, the class must be
    -- deleted and rebuilt.  As long as the Type_Id values defined for each
    -- type are the same, this is not a problem for objects that reference
    -- the class.
    -- If H is null, it is allocated on the specified Heap.  The Main_Slot
    -- and Class_Slot entries in the Handle both refer to the opened
    -- new class object.

    procedure Add_Type (Class_Handle         : in out Handle;
                        Id                   :        Type_Id;
                        Type_Name            :        String;
                        Enumeration_Literals :        String;
                        Errors               : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- Add a type to the open class Class_Handle which was created with
    -- Create_Class.  Type_Id must be <= Highest_Class_Type_Id
    -- and not already defined.  The Enumeration_Literals list
    -- is a comma-separated list of legal Ada identifiers (which can
    -- be empty).

    procedure Add_Property (Class_Handle   : in out Handle;
                            Property_Name  :        String;
                            Property_Type  :        String;
                            Property_Value :        String;
                            Is_Constant    :        Boolean;
                            Editable       :        Boolean;
                            Non_Display    :        Boolean;
                            Never_Display  :        Boolean;
                            No_Inherit     :        Boolean;
                            No_Eval        :        Boolean;
                            Edit_Acl_From  :        String;
                            Help_Text      :        String;
                            Errors         : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- Add a property to the already-open class designated by Class_Handle.
    -- The name, type, etc. of the property are specified by the parameters.
    --      Property_Type   Must be a predefined type or a type whose name
    --                      is already defined in the class.
    --      Property_Value  will be the default value for the property
    --                      in gateway objects of this class.
    --      Is_Constant     implies that the value is not changeable in the
    --                      gateway object once inherited.
    --      Editable        implies that the value is editable using the
    --                      Gateway OE.  Does not affect programmatic
    --                      update of the object.
    --      Non_Display     implies that the Gateway OE will not display
    --                      this property by default.
    --      Never_Display   implies that the Gateway OE will never
    --                      display the property.
    --      No_Inherit      implies that, when an object is created, this
    --                      property will not be inherited from the class.
    --      No_Eval         implies that this property's value will not be
    --                      evaluated as a possible indirection specification,
    --                      but will be used as is.
    --      Edit_Acl_From   names a file whose acl is used to control update
    --                      of the property from the editor or as is desired.
    --                      W access to the file is required to
    --                      update the property value.
    --                      If null, no acl check is performed (other than
    --                      normal update (W) access to the object itself).
    --                      If a file is named but does not exist or cannot
    --                      be located, this is equivalent to not having W
    --                      access which prevents the property update.
    --      Help_Text       A structured string that is displayed when help
    --                      is requested for the property in the Gateway OE.
    --                      *** work to be done here: specify structure
    -- Error if Class_Handle does not designate a class, or any of the
    -- property values are illegal in some way.

    --          Operations for creating Gateway objects

    procedure Create (Name          :        String;
                      H             : in out Handle;
                      Dir_Class     :        String         := "File";
                      Dir_Subclass  :        String         := "";
                      Gateway_Class :        String;
                      Action_Id     :        Action.Id      := Action.Null_Id;
                      Heap          :        System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get;
                      Errors        : in out Simple_Status.Condition);

    -- Create a Gateway object.  Dir_Class and Dir_Subclass indicates the
    -- kind of object.  Currently, Dir_Class must be "File" and Dir_Subclass
    -- can be any legal Gateway file subclass.  If the Gateway_Class has a
    -- property "Directory_Subclass", then the parameter Dir_Subclass may
    -- be null and the subclass will be taken from the Gateway class
    -- property.
    -- The Gateway_Class may specify that subobjects be created.  If so, they
    -- will be created as part of this operation.
    -- Property definitions will be inherited from the Gateway_Class.
    -- If the class includes default values for properties, these will
    -- also be inherited.
    -- The new Gateway object is left open with H as its handle.  It must
    -- be closed at some point to complete the creation (see Close below).
    -- Once created, the object is open and additional property values
    -- can be assigned or interrogated.
    -- The Main_Slot entry in the handle is set for the new object.  The
    -- Class_Slot entry is set for the object's gateway class.

    --      Operations for accessing Gateway Objects and values

    function Is_Gateway_Object (The_Object : Dir.Object) return Boolean;
    -- true if gateway_object

    procedure Open_Main_Object (Object    : String;
                                H         : in out Handle;
                                Update    : Boolean := False;
                                Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                                Heap      : System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get;
                                Errors    : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- Open the named object which must be a Gateway object or class
    --  as the handle's main object.  Also opens the Gateway object's class
    --  in the handle's class slot.
    --      Update      indicates that the object is opened for update.
    --                  Update access to property values is further
    --                  controlled by the Edit_Acl_From mechanism.
    -- If H is null, it is allocated on the specified Heap.
    -- The object is opened using the Main_Slot entry in the handle.

    procedure Open_Main_Object (Object    : Dir.Object;
                                H         : in out Handle;
                                Update    : Boolean := False;
                                Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                                Heap      : System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get;
                                Errors    : in out Simple_Status.Condition);

    -- Same as above Open_Main_Object, except takes a Dir.Object
    -- instead of a name

    procedure Open_Unactivated_Class (Class_Object_Name : String;
                                      H : in out Handle;
                                      Update : Boolean := False;
                                      Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                                      Heap : System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get;
                                      Errors : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- Open the named object which must be a class object that is not
    --  currently activated as the handle's main object.
    --      Update      indicates that the object is opened for update.
    --                  Update access to property values is further
    --                  controlled by the Edit_Acl_From mechanism.
    -- If H is null, it is allocated on the specified Heap.
    -- The object is opened using the Main_Slot entry in the handle.

    procedure Re_Open_Main_Object_For_Update
                 (H : in out Handle; Errors : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- If the handle's main slot's object was open but not for update, close
    -- it and re-open it for update.  No-op if it was already opened for update.
    -- An error will result if no object is open, or the object could not
    -- be re-opened.

    procedure Open (Object    :        String;  
                    Slot      :        Slot_Id;
                    H         : in out Handle;
                    Action_Id :        Action.Id      := Action.Null_Id;
                    Heap      :        System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get;
                    Errors    : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- Open the named object which must be a Gateway object or class.
    --  The object may then be referenced by H and Slot.
    -- The handle H may already designate one or more open objects.
    -- The new one is placed in the specified slot which must not already
    -- be in use.
    -- If H is null, it is allocated on the specified Heap.

    procedure Open_Object (Object    :        String;  
                           Slot      :        Slot_Id;
                           H         :        Handle;
                           Action_Id :        Action.Id := Action.Null_Id;
                           Errors    : in out Simple_Status.Condition);

    -- Exactly identical to Open, but with H as an "in" parameter and
    -- already allocated. Modifies H's data because Handle is an access type.

    --    Operations to read and update Gateway property values.

    function Value (H             : Handle;
                    Property_Name : String;
                    Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot;
                    Subobject     : String  := "") return String;
    -- Return the value of the named property (Name) from the designated
    -- gateway object (H).  If Subobject /= "", then the property of the
    -- thus-named subobject is returned.  The value returned is the "raw"
    -- value stored in the object; it is not processed (to resolve
    -- indirection or other value conventions).  To read processed
    -- values, use package Gateway_Property.

    -- H may have more than one open object in it.  The value is read from the
    -- one designated by Slot.

    -- Exceptions raised:
    -- Undefined_Property_Name if the property is undefined;
    -- No_Open_Object if the handle's Slot specifies no open object.

    No_Open_Object          : exception;
    Undefined_Property_Name : exception;

    procedure Set_Value (H             : Handle;  
                         Property_Name : String;
                         Subobject     : String := "";
                         New_Value     : String);
    -- Set the value of property Name in gateway object H to New_Value.
    -- If Subobject /= "", then set the value of property Name for the
    -- specified subobject.  The New_Value is placed into the object
    -- as is for a string value or New_Value is illegal for the property's type,
    -- or with some processing depending on the object's type.

    -- H may have more than one open object in it.  Only the main object
    -- can be updated.  It must have been opened for update for this operation
    -- to be successful.

    -- Does NOT do access checking; this must be done by the caller.

    -- Exceptions raised:
    -- No_Open_Object if the handle specifies no open object;
    -- Not_Open_For_Update if the object was opened with update := false;
    -- Property_Cant_Be_Changed if the property was defined to be constant.
    -- Undefined_Property_Name if the property is undefined;

    Not_Open_For_Update      : exception;
    Property_Cant_Be_Changed : exception;
    Illegal_Property_Value   : exception;

    function Class_Name (H : Handle; Slot : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return String;
    -- Returns the gateway class name of the object opened in the handle's
    -- specified slot; raises No_Open_Object if none

    function Action_Id (H : Handle) return Action.Id;
    -- Returns the action_id current in use by H

    function Object_Name
                (H : Handle; Slot : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return String;
    -- Returns name of the object opened in the handle's specified slot;
    -- "" if none

    function Directory_Object
                (H : Handle; Slot : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Dir.Object;
    -- Returns the object opened in the handle's specified slot;
    -- Dir.Nil if none

    function Slot_For_Object (H : Handle; Object : Dir.Object) return Slot_Id;
    -- If Object is open in one or more of handle's slots, return the id of
    -- the first slot containing object; else, return Null_Slot

    function Is_Object_Open
                (H : Handle; Slot : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Boolean;
    -- Returns true iff an object is open in the handle's specified slot

    function Is_Main_Object_Open_For_Update (H : Handle) return Boolean;
    -- Returns true iff the handle's main slot's object is open for update

    function Is_Class_Object
                (H : Handle; Slot : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Boolean;
    -- Returns true iff the object in the specified slot is a class object

    procedure Get_Class_Id
                 (H : Handle; Index : out Natural; Serial_Number : out Natural);
    -- Return the class id numbers of the class of the main object in
    -- handle H.  This is mainly of use by internal packages.

        with procedure Visit (Property_Name : String;
                              Subobject     : String;
                              Property_Type : Type_Id;
                              Value         : String);
        -- Each call to Visit specifies the property's name, subobject,
        -- value, and type.
    procedure Traverse (H : Handle; Slot : Slot_Id := Main_Slot);
    -- Call Visit for each of the property values defined in H's specified slot.

    -- iterators for reading all enumeration types for a class:

    type Enumeration_Type_Iterator is limited private;

    procedure Init (Iter : out Enumeration_Type_Iterator; H : Handle);
    -- Starts iterating over enumeration types for class of main object opened
    -- in handle.  Done (Iter) will be true if error occurred.

    procedure Next (Iter : in out Enumeration_Type_Iterator);

    function Value (Iter : Enumeration_Type_Iterator) return Type_Id;

    function Done (Iter : Enumeration_Type_Iterator) return Boolean;

    -- iterators for reading all enumeration literals for a enumeration type:

    type Enumeration_Literal_Iterator is limited private;

    procedure Init (Iter : out Enumeration_Literal_Iterator;
                    H    :     Handle;
                    Id   :     Type_Id);
    -- Starts iterating over enumeration literals for enumeration type id of
    -- main object opened in handle.  Done (Iter) will be true if error occurred.

    procedure Next (Iter : in out Enumeration_Literal_Iterator);

    function Value (Iter : Enumeration_Literal_Iterator) return String;
    -- enumeration literal, capitalized with no punctuation

    function Done (Iter : Enumeration_Literal_Iterator) return Boolean;

    function Type_Info (H             : Handle;
                        Property_Name : String;
                        Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot;
                        Subobject     : String  := "") return Type_Id;
    -- Return the type of the specified property in the specified object
    -- in the handle.

    function Property_Options_Image (H : Handle;
                                     Property_Name : String;
                                     Slot : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return String;
    -- return an image of the property options for the specified
    -- property in the specified object in the handle.

    -- queries for individual options:

    function Is_Constant (H             : Handle;
                          Property_Name : String;
                          Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Boolean;
    -- Return the IS_CONSTANT option for the specified property in the handle's
    -- specified object.

    function Editable (H             : Handle;
                       Property_Name : String;
                       Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Boolean;
    -- Return the EDITABLE option for the specified property in the handle's
    -- specified object.

    function Non_Display (H             : Handle;
                          Property_Name : String;
                          Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Boolean;
    -- Return the NON_DISPLAY option for the specified property in the handle's
    -- specified object.

    function Never_Display (H : Handle;
                            Property_Name : String;
                            Slot : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Boolean;
    -- Return the NEVER_DISPLAY option for the specified property in the handle's
    -- specified object.

    function No_Inherit (H             : Handle;
                         Property_Name : String;
                         Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Boolean;
    -- Return the NO_INHERIT option for the specified property in the handle's
    -- specified object.

    function No_Eval (H             : Handle;
                      Property_Name : String;
                      Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return Boolean;
    -- Return the NO_EVAL option for the specified property in the handle's
    -- specified object.

    function Edit_Acl_From (H             : Handle;
                            Property_Name : String;
                            Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return String;
    -- Return the EDIT_ACL_FROM option for the specified property in the
    -- handle's specified object.

    function Help_Text (H             : Handle;
                        Property_Name : String;
                        Slot          : Slot_Id := Main_Slot) return String;
    -- Return the HELP_TEXT option for the specified property in the
    -- handle's specified object.

    function Type_Def (H : Handle; Id : Type_Id) return String;
    -- Return an image of the type information for the specified type, as
    -- defined for the gateway class of H's main slot's object.
    -- Raise Undefined_Type_Id if Id is out-of-range or not defined in the
    -- class.

    function Type_Name (H : Handle; Id : Type_Id) return String;
    -- Return the name for the specified type, as defined for the gateway
    -- class of H's main slot's object.
    -- Raise Undefined_Type_Id if Id is out-of-range or not defined in the
    -- class.

    Undefined_Type_Id : exception;

    function Property_Value_Image (H             : Handle;
                                   Property_Name : String;
                                   Id            : Type_Id;
                                   Image         : String) return String;
    -- Returns Image formatted for its type.
    -- Raises Undefined_Type_Id if Id not defined in the class designated by H.
    -- Raises Illegal_Property_Value if invalid image for type.
    -- uses property_name in semantic checking of indirections

    -- Returns Image formatted for its type.
    -- Raises Undefined_Type_Id if Id not defined in the class designated by H.
    -- Raises Illegal_Property_Value if invalid image for type.

    procedure Close (H : Handle);
    -- Changes do not become permanent until the object is closed or committed.
    -- If you know that only objects placed into the handle via the
    -- Make_... procedures contain changes, then you can commit those
    -- objects and not bother with this call, but this is not advised.

    procedure Close (H : Handle; Errors : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- same as above close, but returns status

    procedure Commit (H                  :        Handle;
                      Re_Open_For_Update :        Boolean;
                      Errors             : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- Commits and closes all opened objects in the handle and re-opens them.
    -- If Re_Open_For_Update, opens the main object for update.

    procedure Release_Slot (H      :        Handle;
                            Slot   :        Slot_Id;
                            Errors : in out Simple_Status.Condition);
    -- Closes the object in just the specified slot and release it.
    -- Implementation actually closes all the handle's objects and re-opens
    -- all but the one in slot.

    -- If Object is open in one of handle's slots, return the slot's id;
    -- else, return Null_Slot

    pragma Subsystem (Tools_Integration);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 3995);
    pragma Bias_Key (29);
    type Handle_Data;
    type Handle is access Handle_Data;
    pragma Segmented_Heap (Handle);

    -- type Handle_Data is roughly:
    --  handles : array (1..max) of polymorphic_io.handle;
    --  opens : 0..max

    Null_Handle : constant Handle := null;

    type Enumeration_Type_Iterator_Value;
    type Enumeration_Type_Iterator    is access Enumeration_Type_Iterator_Value;
    type Enumeration_Literal_Iterator_Value;
    type Enumeration_Literal_Iterator is
       access Enumeration_Literal_Iterator_Value;

end Gateway_Object;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=030
        [0x01] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=066
        [0x02] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=21 rec3=006
        [0x03] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=02e
        [0x04] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=02c
        [0x05] rec0=03 rec1=00 rec2=20 rec3=012
        [0x06] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=068
        [0x07] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=1f rec3=018
        [0x08] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=028
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        [0x0a] rec0=10 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=026
        [0x0b] rec0=0e rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=036
        [0x0c] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=00e
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        [0x10] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=060
        [0x11] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=00c
        [0x12] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=068
        [0x13] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=04a
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        [0x15] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=014
        [0x16] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=088
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        [0x18] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=042
        [0x19] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=038
        [0x1a] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=052
        [0x1b] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=060
        [0x1c] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=084
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        [0x1f] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=07e
        [0x20] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=000
    tail 0x2170bb36e822a62acfe68 0x42a00088462065003