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Rational R1000/400

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⟦bf86947ff⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 13312 (0x3400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Errno, seg_04b92b


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

package Errno is
    --\x09Error codes for unix functions
    type Error_Codes is
       (Error_0, Eperm,            --  1: Not owner
        Enoent,           --  2: No such file or directory
        Esrch,            --  3: No such process
        Eintr,            --  4: Interrupted system call
        Eio,              --  5: I/O error
        Enxio,            --  6: No such device or address
        E2big,            --  7: Arg list too long
        Enoexec,          --  8: Exec format error
        Ebadf,            --  9: Bad file number
        Echild,           -- 10: No child processes
        Eagain,           -- 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
        Enomem,           -- 12: Not enough space
        Eacces,           -- 13: Permission denied
        Efault,           -- 14: Bad address
        Enotblk,          -- 15: Block device required
        Ebusy,            -- 16: Device busy
        Eexist,           -- 17: File exists
        Exdev,            -- 18: Cross-device link
        Enodev,           -- 19: No such device
        Enotdir,          -- 20: Not a directory
        Eisdir,           -- 21: Is a directory
        Einval,           -- 22: Invalid argument
        Enfile,           -- 23: File table overflow
        Emfile,           -- 24: Too many open files
        Enotty,           -- 25: Not a typewriter
        Etxtbsy,          -- 26: Text file busy
        Efbig,            -- 27: File too large
        Enospc,           -- 28: No space left on device
        Espipe,           -- 29: Illegal seek
        Erofs,            -- 30: Read-only file system
        Emlink,           -- 31: Too many links
        Epipe,            -- 32: Broken pipe
        Edom,             -- 33: Argument out of domain
        Erange,           -- 34: Result too large
        Enomsg,           -- 35: No message of desired type
        Eidrm,            -- 36: Identifier removed
        Echrng,           -- 37: Channel number out of range
        El2nsync,         -- 38: Level 2 not synchronized
        El3hlt,           -- 39: Level 3 halted
        El3rst,           -- 40: Level 3 reset
        Elnrng,           -- 41: Link number out of range
        Eunatch,          -- 42: Protocol driver not attached
        Enocsi,           -- 43: No CSI structure available
        El2hlt,           -- 44: Level 2 halted
        Edeadlk,          -- 45: Deadlock condition if locked
        Enotready,        -- 46: Device not ready
        Ewrprotect,       -- 47: Write-protected media
        Eformat,          -- 48: Unformatted or incompatible media
        Enolck,           -- 49: No locks available
        Enoconnect,       -- 50: Cannot Establish Connection
        Error_51, Estale,           -- 52: Missing file or filesystem
        Edist,            -- 53: Requests blocked by Administrator
        Error_54, Einprogress,      -- 55: Operation now in progress
        Ealready,         -- 56: Operation already in progress
        Enotsock,         -- 57: Socket operation on non-socket
        Edestaddrreq,     -- 58: Destination address required
        Emsgsize,         -- 59: Message too long
        Eprototype,       -- 60: Protocol wrong type for socket
        Enoprotoopt,      -- 61: Protocol not available
        Eprotonosupport,  -- 62: Protocol not supported
        Esocktnosupport,  -- 63: Socket type not supported
        Eopnotsupp,       -- 64: Operation not supported on socket
        Epfnosupport,     -- 65: Protocol family not supported
        Eafnosupport,     -- 66: Addr not supprtd by protocol family
        Eaddrinuse,       -- 67: Address already in use
        Eaddrnotavail,    -- 68: Can't assign requested address
        Enetdown,         -- 69: Network is down
        Enetunreach,      -- 70: Network is unreachable
        Enetreset,        -- 71: Network dropped connection on reset
        Econnaborted,     -- 72: Software caused connection abort
        Econnreset,       -- 73: Connection reset by peer
        Enobufs,          -- 74: No buffer space available
        Eisconn,          -- 75: Socket is already connected
        Enotconn,         -- 76: Socket is not connected
        Eshutdown,        -- 77: Can't send after socket shutdown
        Etimedout,        -- 78: Connection timed out
        Econnrefused,     -- 79: Connection refused
        Ehostdown,        -- 80: Host is down
        Ehostunreach,     -- 81: No route to host
        Ecloneme,         -- 82: Restart the system call
        Eproclim,         -- 83: Too many processes
        Eusers,           -- 84: Too many users
        Eloop,            -- 85: Too many levels of symbolic links
        Enametoolong,     -- 86: File name too long
        Error_87, Edquot,           -- 88: Disk quota exceeded
        Error_89, Error_90, Error_91, Error_92,
        Eremote,          -- 93: Item is not local to host
        Error_94, Error_95, Error_96, Error_97, Error_98, Error_99, Error_100,
        Error_101, Error_102, Error_103, Error_104, Error_105, Error_106,
        Error_107, Error_108, Enosys,           -- 109: Function not implemented
        Emedia,           -- 110: Media surface error
        Esoft,            -- 111: I/O completed, but needs relocation
        Enoattr,          -- 112: No attribute found
        Esad,             -- 113: Security Authentication Denied
        Enotrust,         -- 114: Not a Trusted ProgramToo many references: can't splice
        Etoomanyrefs,     -- 115: Invalid wide character
        Eilseq,           -- 116: Asynchronous I/O cancelled
        Ecanceled,        -- 117: Out of STREAMS resources
        Enosr,            -- 118: System call timed out
        Etime,            -- 119: Next message has wrong type
        Ebadmsg,          -- 120: Error in protocol
        Eproto,           -- 121: No message on stream head read q
        Enodata,          -- 122: fd not associated with a stream
        Enostr            -- 123:

    for Error_Codes'Size use 32;

    for Error_Codes use (Error_0 => 0,
                         Eperm => 1,
                         Enoent => 2,
                         Esrch => 3,
                         Eintr => 4,
                         Eio => 5,
                         Enxio => 6,
                         E2big => 7,
                         Enoexec => 8,
                         Ebadf => 9,
                         Echild => 10,
                         Eagain => 11,
                         Enomem => 12,
                         Eacces => 13,
                         Efault => 14,
                         Enotblk => 15,
                         Ebusy => 16,
                         Eexist => 17,
                         Exdev => 18,
                         Enodev => 19,
                         Enotdir => 20,
                         Eisdir => 21,
                         Einval => 22,
                         Enfile => 23,
                         Emfile => 24,
                         Enotty => 25,
                         Etxtbsy => 26,
                         Efbig => 27,
                         Enospc => 28,
                         Espipe => 29,
                         Erofs => 30,
                         Emlink => 31,
                         Epipe => 32,
                         Edom => 33,
                         Erange => 34,
                         Enomsg => 35,
                         Eidrm => 36,
                         Echrng => 37,
                         El2nsync => 38,
                         El3hlt => 39,
                         El3rst => 40,
                         Elnrng => 41,
                         Eunatch => 42,
                         Enocsi => 43,
                         El2hlt => 44,
                         Edeadlk => 45,
                         Enotready => 46,
                         Ewrprotect => 47,
                         Eformat => 48,
                         Enolck => 49,
                         Enoconnect => 50,
                         Error_51 => 51,
                         Estale => 52,
                         Edist => 53,
                         Error_54 => 54,
                         Einprogress => 55,
                         Ealready => 56,
                         Enotsock => 57,
                         Edestaddrreq => 58,
                         Emsgsize => 59,
                         Eprototype => 60,
                         Enoprotoopt => 61,
                         Eprotonosupport => 62,
                         Esocktnosupport => 63,
                         Eopnotsupp => 64,
                         Epfnosupport => 65,
                         Eafnosupport => 66,
                         Eaddrinuse => 67,
                         Eaddrnotavail => 68,
                         Enetdown => 69,
                         Enetunreach => 70,
                         Enetreset => 71,
                         Econnaborted => 72,
                         Econnreset => 73,
                         Enobufs => 74,
                         Eisconn => 75,
                         Enotconn => 76,
                         Eshutdown => 77,
                         Etimedout => 78,
                         Econnrefused => 79,
                         Ehostdown => 80,
                         Ehostunreach => 81,
                         Ecloneme => 82,
                         Eproclim => 83,
                         Eusers => 84,
                         Eloop => 85,
                         Enametoolong => 86,
                         Error_87 => 87,
                         Edquot => 88,
                         Error_89 => 89,
                         Error_90 => 90,
                         Error_91 => 91,
                         Error_92 => 92,
                         Eremote => 93,
                         Error_94 => 94,
                         Error_95 => 95,
                         Error_96 => 96,
                         Error_97 => 97,
                         Error_98 => 98,
                         Error_99 => 99,
                         Error_100 => 100,
                         Error_101 => 101,
                         Error_102 => 102,
                         Error_103 => 103,
                         Error_104 => 104,
                         Error_105 => 105,
                         Error_106 => 106,
                         Error_107 => 107,
                         Error_108 => 108,
                         Enosys => 109,
                         Emedia => 110,
                         Esoft => 111,
                         Enoattr => 112,
                         Esad => 113,
                         Enotrust => 114,
                         Etoomanyrefs => 115,
                         Eilseq => 116,
                         Ecanceled => 117,
                         Enosr => 118,
                         Etime => 119,
                         Ebadmsg => 120,
                         Eproto => 121,
                         Enodata => 122,
                         Enostr => 123);

    Ewouldblock : constant Error_Codes := Eagain;
    Erestart : constant Error_Codes := Ecloneme;
    Enotempty : constant Error_Codes := Eexist;

    function Errno return Error_Codes;
    pragma Inline (Errno);
    function Get_Errno return Error_Codes;
    pragma Inline (Get_Errno);
    procedure Put_Errno (Val : Error_Codes);
    pragma Inline (Put_Errno);

end Errno;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=058
        [0x01] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=018
        [0x02] rec0=10 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=088
        [0x03] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=024
        [0x04] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=05a
        [0x05] rec0=0f rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=07a
        [0x06] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=00e
        [0x07] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=04e
        [0x08] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=048
        [0x09] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=050
        [0x0a] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=022
        [0x0b] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=000
    tail 0x21750b804868434c30be1 0x42a00088462060003