Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦c8056a105⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 16384 (0x4000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Fact, seg_02ae3b


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

with Condition;
package Fact is

    Max_Slots : constant := 20;

    type Name is private;
    Null_Name : constant Name;

    type Collection is array (Positive range <>) of Name;

    subtype Slot_Names is Positive range 1 .. Max_Slots;

    type Frame is array (Slot_Names range <>) of Integer;

    type Pattern is array (Slot_Names range <>) of Condition.Object;

    type Query_Qualifier is (Find, Check_No);
    type Query (Size : Natural := 0) is
            Kind  : Query_Qualifier;
            Value : Pattern (1 .. Size);
        end record;

    Null_Query : constant Query :=
       Query'(Size => 0, Kind => Find, Value => (others => Condition.Is_Any));

    type Join_Descriptor is array (Positive range <>) of Query;
    Null_Premiss : constant Join_Descriptor := (1 .. 0 => Null_Query);

    Overflow : exception;

    function Get (The_Fact : Name)                    return Frame;
    function Get (The_Fact : Name; Slot : Slot_Names) return Integer;

    function Empty_Collection                    return Collection;
    function Find     (Filter : Pattern)         return Name;
    function Find     (Filter : Pattern)         return Collection;
    function Retrieve (Filter : Join_Descriptor) return Collection;

    procedure Add    (The_Fact : Frame);
    procedure Delete (The_Fact : Name);
    procedure Change (The_Fact : Name; Value : Frame);
    procedure Change (The_Fact : Name;
                      The_Slot : Slot_Names;
                      To_Value : Integer);

    procedure Put (The_Fact : Name);
    procedure Put (The_Collection : Collection);

    type Name is new Natural;
    Null_Name : constant Name := 0;
end Fact;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=22 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=044
        [0x01] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=000
        [0x02] rec0=05 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=000
        [0x03] rec0=02 rec1=2a rec2=ae rec3=442
        [0x04] rec0=c0 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=100
        [0x05] rec0=41 rec1=e6 rec2=a7 rec3=0f6
        [0x06] rec0=b8 rec1=6c rec2=00 rec3=002
        [0x07] rec0=08 rec1=3c rec2=d4 rec3=71e
        [0x08] rec0=f6 rec1=36 rec2=80 rec3=000
        [0x09] rec0=41 rec1=07 rec2=9a rec3=4e3
        [0x0a] rec0=dc rec1=ab rec2=50 rec3=000
        [0x0b] rec0=08 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=000
        [0x0c] rec0=24 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=2b5
        [0x0d] rec0=40 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=002
        [0x0e] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=019
    tail 0x215232f5683e583fba56d 0x42a00088462063c03
Free Block Chain:
  0x2: 0000  00 09 03 fc 80 21 20 43 6f 6c 6f 75 72 20 3d 3e  ┆     ! Colour =>┆
  0x9: 0000  00 08 00 2f 80 08 69 6c 74 65 72 29 29 3b 08 00  ┆   /  ilter));  ┆
  0x8: 0000  00 0c 03 fc 80 1a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  ┆                ┆
  0xc: 0000  00 07 03 fc 80 0f 20 20 20 20 20 20 65 6e 64 20  ┆            end ┆
  0x7: 0000  00 05 00 17 80 0f 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 65 6e  ┆              en┆
  0x5: 0000  00 06 00 11 80 0e 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  ┆                ┆
  0x6: 0000  00 04 03 fc 00 1e 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  ┆                ┆
  0x4: 0000  00 03 00 0a 80 07 42 61 6c 6c 20 3d 3e 07 20 20  ┆      Ball =>   ┆
  0x3: 0000  00 0a 03 fc 80 30 20 20 54 68 65 5f 42 61 6c 6c  ┆     0  The_Ball┆
  0xa: 0000  00 0d 03 fc 00 1f 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  ┆                ┆
  0xd: 0000  00 0b 00 08 80 05 6f 74 20 3d 3e 05 00 00 00 00  ┆      ot =>     ┆
  0xb: 0000  00 0e 03 fc 80 08 3e 20 48 65 61 70 29 2c 08 00  ┆      > Heap),  ┆
  0xe: 0000  00 00 00 09 80 06 74 61 74 65 20 3d 06 00 00 00  ┆      tate =    ┆