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Rational R1000/400

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⟦d6d88acfd⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 11264 (0x2c00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package Packages, seg_021fd5


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

--      Copyright (c) 1990 Meridian Software Systems, Inc.      --
with Mac_Types;
use Mac_Types;
with Dialogs;
with Osutils;
with Events;
package Packages is

    Listmgr : constant := 0;
    Dskinit : constant := 2;
    Stdfile : constant := 3;
    Flpoint : constant := 4;
    Trfunc : constant := 5;
    Intutil : constant := 6;
    Bdconv : constant := 7;
    Putdlgid : constant := -3999;
    Putsave : constant := 1;
    Putcancel : constant := 2;
    Puteject : constant := 5;
    Putdrive : constant := 6;
    Putname : constant := 7;
    Getdlgid : constant := -4000;
    Getopen : constant := 1;
    Getcancel : constant := 3;
    Geteject : constant := 5;
    Getdrive : constant := 6;
    Getnmlist : constant := 7;
    Getscroll : constant := 8;
    Currsymlead : constant := 16;
    Currnegsym : constant := 32;
    Currtrailingz : constant := 64;
    Currleadingz : constant := 128;
    Zerocycle : constant := 1;
    Longday : constant := 0;
    Longweek : constant := 1;
    Longmonth : constant := 2;
    Longyear : constant := 3;
    Supday : constant := 1;
    Supweek : constant := 2;
    Supmonth : constant := 4;
    Supyear : constant := 8;
    Dayldingz : constant := 32;
    Mntldingz : constant := 64;
    Century : constant := 128;
    Secleadingz : constant := 32;
    Minleadingz : constant := 64;
    Hrleadingz : constant := 128;
    Mdy : constant := 0;
    Dmy : constant := 1;
    Ymd : constant := 2;
    Myd : constant := 3;
    Dym : constant := 4;
    Ydm : constant := 5;
    Verus : constant := 0;
    Verfrance : constant := 1;
    Verbritain : constant := 2;
    Vergermany : constant := 3;
    Veritaly : constant := 4;
    Vernetherlands : constant := 5;
    Verbelgiumlux : constant := 6;
    Versweden : constant := 7;
    Verspain : constant := 8;
    Verdenmark : constant := 9;
    Verportugal : constant := 10;
    Verfrcanada : constant := 11;
    Vernorway : constant := 12;
    Verisrael : constant := 13;
    Verjapan : constant := 14;
    Veraustralia : constant := 15;
    Verarabia : constant := 16;
    Verfinland : constant := 17;
    Verfrswiss : constant := 18;
    Vergrswiss : constant := 19;
    Vergreece : constant := 20;
    Vericeland : constant := 21;
    Vermalta : constant := 22;
    Vercyprus : constant := 23;
    Verturkey : constant := 24;
    Veryugoslavia : constant := 25;
    Verireland : constant := 50;
    Verkorea : constant := 51;
    Verchina : constant := 52;
    Vertaiwan : constant := 53;
    Verthailand : constant := 54;
    Mincountry : constant := Verus;
    Maxcountry : constant := Verthailand;

    type Dateform is (Shortdate, Longdate, Abbrevdate);

    type Sfreply is
            Good : Boolean;
            Copy : Boolean;
            Ftype : Ostype;
            Vrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Version : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Fname : Str63;
        end record;

    type Sftypelist is array (0 .. 3) of Ostype;

    type Array1_4char is array (1 .. 4) of Char;
    type Intl0rec is
            Decimalpt : Char;
            Thoussep : Char;
            Listsep : Char;
            Currsym1 : Char;
            Currsym2 : Char;
            Currsym3 : Char;
            Currfmt : Byte;
            Dateorder : Byte;
            Shrtdatefmt : Byte;
            Datesep : Char;
            Timecycle : Byte;
            Timefmt : Byte;
            Mornstr : Array1_4char;
            Evestr : Array1_4char;
            Timesep : Char;
            Time1suff : Char;
            Time2suff : Char;
            Time3suff : Char;
            Time4suff : Char;
            Time5suff : Char;
            Time6suff : Char;
            Time7suff : Char;
            Time8suff : Char;
            Metricsys : Byte;
            Intl0vers : Mac_Types.Integer;
        end record;
    type Intl0ptr is access Intl0rec;
    type Intl0hndl is access Intl0ptr;

    type Array1_7str15 is array (1 .. 7) of Str15;
    type Array1_12str15 is array (1 .. 12) of Str15;
    type Array0_0integer is array (0 .. 0) of Mac_Types.Integer;
    type Intl1rec is
            Days : Array1_7str15;
            Months : Array1_12str15;
            Suppressday : Byte;
            Lngdatefmt : Byte;
            Dayleading0 : Byte;
            Abbrlen : Byte;
            St0 : Array1_4char;
            St1 : Array1_4char;
            St2 : Array1_4char;
            St3 : Array1_4char;
            St4 : Array1_4char;
            Intl1vers : Mac_Types.Integer;
            Localrtn : Array0_0integer;
        end record;
    type Intl1ptr is access Intl1rec;
    type Intl1hndl is access Intl1ptr;

    procedure Initpack (Packid : Mac_Types.Integer);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Initpack, "16#A9E5#");

    procedure Initallpacks;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Initallpacks, "16#A9E6#");

    function Iugetintl (Theid : Mac_Types.Integer) return Handle;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iugetintl, "IUGETINTL");

    procedure Iusetintl (Refnum : Mac_Types.Integer;
                         Theid : Mac_Types.Integer;
                         Intlparam : Handle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iusetintl, "IUSETINTL");

    procedure Iudatestring (Datetime : Longint;
                            Longflag : Dateform;
                            Result : in out Str255);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iudatestring, "IUDATESTRING");

    procedure Iudatepstring (Datetime : Longint;
                             Longflag : Dateform;
                             Result : in out Str255;
                             Intlparam : Handle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iudatepstring, "IUDATEPSTRING");

    function Iumetric return Boolean;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iumetric, "IUMETRIC");

    procedure Iutimepstring (Datetime : Longint;
                             Wantseconds : Boolean;
                             Result : in out Str255;
                             Intlparam : Handle);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iutimepstring, "IUTIMEPSTRING");

    function Iumagstring (Aptr : Ptr;
                          Bptr : Ptr;
                          Alen : Mac_Types.Integer;
                          Blen : Mac_Types.Integer) return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iumagstring, "IUMAGSTRING");

    procedure Iutimestring (Datetime : Longint;
                            Wantseconds : Boolean;
                            Result : in out Str255);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iutimestring, "IUTIMESTRING");

    function Iumagidstring (Aptr : Ptr;
                            Bptr : Ptr;
                            Alen : Mac_Types.Integer;
                            Blen : Mac_Types.Integer) return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iumagidstring, "IUMAGIDSTRING");

    function Iucompstring (Astr : Str255; Bstr : Str255)
                          return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iucompstring, "IUCOMPSTRING");

    function Iuequalstring (Astr : Str255; Bstr : Str255)
                           return Mac_Types.Integer;
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Iuequalstring, "IUEQUALSTRING");

    procedure Sfgetfile (Where : Point;
                         Prompt : Str255;
                         Filefilter : Procptr;
                         Numtypes : Mac_Types.Integer;
                         Typelist : Sftypelist;
                         Dlghook : Procptr;
                         Reply : in out Sfreply);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sfgetfile, "SFGETFILE");

    procedure Stringtonum (Thestring : Str255; Thenum : in out Longint);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Stringtonum, "STRINGTONUM");

    procedure Sfpgetfile (Where : Point;
                          Prompt : Str255;
                          Filefilter : Procptr;
                          Numtypes : Mac_Types.Integer;
                          Typelist : Sftypelist;
                          Dlghook : Procptr;
                          Reply : in out Sfreply;
                          Dlgid : Mac_Types.Integer;
                          Filterproc : Procptr);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sfpgetfile, "SFPGETFILE");

    procedure Numtostring (Thenum : Longint; Thestring : in out Str255);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Numtostring, "NUMTOSTRING");

    procedure Sfpputfile (Where : Point;
                          Prompt : Str255;
                          Origname : Str255;
                          Dlghook : Procptr;
                          Reply : in out Sfreply;
                          Dlgid : Mac_Types.Integer;
                          Filterproc : Procptr);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sfpputfile, "SFPPUTFILE");

    procedure Sfputfile (Where : Point;
                         Prompt : Str255;
                         Origname : Str255;
                         Dlghook : Procptr;
                         Reply : in out Sfreply);
    pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sfputfile, "SFPUTFILE");

        with function Routine (Item : Mac_Types.Integer;
                               Thedialog : Dialogs.Dialogptr)
                              return Mac_Types.Integer;
    procedure Userdialogroutine;

        with function Routine (Paramblock : Osutils.Parmblkptr) return Boolean;
    procedure Userfilefilterroutine;

        with function Routine (Thedialog : Dialogs.Dialogptr;
                               Theevent : Events.Eventrecord;
                               Itemhit : Varinteger) return Boolean;
    procedure Userfilterroutine;

end Packages;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x05] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=05c
        [0x06] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=08e
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        [0x08] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=050
        [0x09] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=000
    tail 0x2151d44c083906e0a2557 0x42a00088462060003