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Rational R1000/400

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⟦ffc476c1f⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 4096 (0x1000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Gateway_Class, pragma Module_Name 4 3996, pragma Subsystem Tools_Integration, seg_002744


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

package Gateway_Class is

    procedure Build (Gateway_Class_Directory : String := "<IMAGE>";
                     Gateway_Text_Description : String := "Gateway_Definition";
                     Gateway_Binary_Description : String := "Gateway_Class";
                     Response : String := "<Profile>");
    -- Compile the gateway class description from "Gateway_Definition"
    -- producing the gateway class object "Gateway_Class".
    -- Gateway_Class_Directory specifies the directory in
    -- which the gateway class definitions exists.
    -- Gateway_[Text,Binary]_Description are the source/destination of
    -- the construction.
    -- In general, only the directory name need be specified since the
    -- filenames within !Machine.Gateway_Classes are standardized.
    -- Gateway_Class_Directory is evaluated relative to the context
    -- !Machine.Gateway_Classes  so that a simple name can be used
    -- for the gateway class name.

    procedure Activate (Gateway_Class_Name : String :=
                           ">>SIMPLE GATEWAY CLASS NAME<<";
                        Response           : String := "<PROFILE>");
    -- Activate the gateway class from !Machine.Gateway_Classes.<Class_Name>.
    -- This makes the gateway class available for use on the system.
    -- Open the gateway class definition file in !machine.<Class_Name>.Class.
    -- Place the pointer to it in the in-memory cache and hold the
    -- update lock on the gateway class file.
    -- Start the global server for the gateway class, if there is one.

    procedure Deactivate (Gateway_Class_Name : String :=
                             ">>SIMPLE GATEWAY CLASS NAME<<";
                          Response           : String := "<PROFILE>");
    -- Remove the active class entry and release the lock on the file.
    -- Operations on objects of inactive gateway classes are not
    -- allowed.  In addition, after the gateway class is deactivated, images
    -- of objects of that gateway classe will be removed from screens,
    -- servers for that gateway class will be terminated, and further
    -- operations disallowed until the gateway class is reactivated.

    procedure Display (Gateway_Class_Name : String := "@");
    -- Display a formatted report of registered gateway
    -- classes and information about them whose names match
    -- the specified naming expression.  The Gateway_Class_Name parameter
    -- is resolved in the context !Machine.Gateway_Classes.

    procedure Boot_Time_Initialization;
    -- Call from !Machine.Initialize.  Activates all gateway classes
    -- for which the file Activate_On_Boot is present in the gateway
    -- class directory.

    pragma Module_Name (4, 3996);
    pragma Bias_Key (29);
    pragma Subsystem (Tools_Integration);

end Gateway_Class;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=012
        [0x01] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=050
        [0x02] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=000
    tail 0x20b001392800687b12551 0x42a00088462065003