Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 DFS Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 DFS Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦131ecee57⟧ M200

    Length: 1024 (0x400)
    Types: M200
    Names: »DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200«, »M200_DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200«


└─⟦24d56d853⟧ Bits:30000744 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_6_5 SEQ293
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »M200_DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
└─⟦9031b0687⟧ Bits:30000407 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »M200_DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
└─⟦b4205821b⟧ Bits:30000743 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_7_3 SEQ288
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »M200_DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
└─⟦b434774df⟧ Bits:30000528 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS, D_12_6_5
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »M200_DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »M200_DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 
└─⟦bc1274df5⟧ Bits:30000750 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DFS backup from PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »M200_DFS_BOOTSTRAP.M200« 


Raw from R1000.Disassembly/DFS

00054000 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00054000 ; R1000.Disassembly modules:
00054000 ;   import all
00054000 ;   import kind.bootblock
00054000 ;   import ident.131ecee574f7c0d5
00054000 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00054000 4e 71                    |Nq      |		NOP
00054002 48 e7 ff fe              |H       |		MOVEM.L	A6+A5+A4+A3+A2+A1+A0+D7+D6+D5+D4+D3+D2+D1+D0,-(A7)
00054006 4a 39 00 00 fc 00        |J9      |		TST.B	0xfc00
0005400c 6a 02                    |j       |		BPL	0x54010
0005400e 4e 40                    |N@      |		TRAP	#0
00054010 2c 4f                    |,O      |		MOVEA.L	A7,A6
00054012 0c 41 00 02              | A      |		CMPI.W	#0x0002,D1
00054016 67 46                    |gF      |		BEQ	0x5405e
00054018 0c 41 00 03              | A      |		CMPI.W	#0x0003,D1
0005401c 67 00 01 e8              |g       |		BEQ	0x54206
00054020 61 00 00 1c              |a       |		BSR	PRINT_MSG
00054024 55 6e 6b 6e 6f 77 6e 20  |Unknown |		.TXT	'Unknown boot device type'
0005403e					PRINT_MSG:
0005403e 20 57                    | W      |		MOVEA.L	(A7),A0
00054040 10 18                    |        |		MOVE.B	(A0)+,D0
00054042 67 04                    |g       |		BEQ	0x54048
00054044 61 12                    |a       |		BSR	0x54058
00054046 60 f8                    |`       |		BRA	0x54040
00054048 70 0d                    |p       |		MOVEQ.L	#0x0d,D0
0005404a 61 0c                    |a       |		BSR	0x54058
0005404c 70 0a                    |p       |		MOVEQ.L	#0x0a,D0
0005404e 61 08                    |a       |		BSR	0x54058
00054050 2e 4e                    |.N      |		MOVEA.L	A6,A7
00054052 4c df 7f ff              |L       |		MOVEM.L	(A7)+,D0+D1+D2+D3+D4+D5+D6+D7+A0+A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6
00054056 4e 75                    |Nu      |		RTS
00054058 4e f9 80 00 20 0c        |N       |		JMP	0x8000200c
0005405e 41 fa 01 36              |A  6    |		LEA.L	0x54196,A0
00054062 42 69 00 1c              |Bi      |		CLR.W	(A1+0x1c)
00054066 33 7c 00 02 00 06        |3|      |		MOVE.W	#0x2,(A1+0x6)
0005406c 33 7c fe df 00 02        |3|      |		MOVE.W	#0xfedf,(A1+0x2)
00054072 33 48 00 04              |3H      |		MOVE.W	A0,(A1+0x4)
00054076 32 bc 00 39              |2  9    |		MOVE.W	#0x39,(A1)
0005407a 4a 29 00 0b              |J)      |		TST.B	(A1+0xb)
0005407e 6a fa                    |j       |		BPL	0x5407a
00054080 4a 11                    |J       |		TST.B	(A1)
00054082 6a 1c                    |j       |		BPL	0x540a0
00054084 61 b8                    |a       |		BSR	PRINT_MSG
00054086 65 72 72 6f 72 20 72 65  |error re|		.TXT	'error reading disk label'
000540a0 0c 68 7f ed 00 00        | h      |		CMPI.W	#0x7fed,(A0+0x0)
000540a6 67 16                    |g       |		BEQ	0x540be
000540a8 61 94                    |a       |		BSR	PRINT_MSG
000540aa 64 69 73 6b 20 6c 61 62  |disk lab|		.TXT	'disk label invalid'
000540be 42 69 00 1c              |Bi      |		CLR.W	(A1+0x1c)
000540c2 33 7c 00 04 00 06        |3|      |		MOVE.W	#0x4,(A1+0x6)
000540c8 33 7c ff fa 00 02        |3|      |		MOVE.W	#0xfffa,(A1+0x2)
000540ce 33 48 00 04              |3H      |		MOVE.W	A0,(A1+0x4)
000540d2 32 bc 02 39              |2  9    |		MOVE.W	#0x239,(A1)
000540d6 4a 29 00 0b              |J)      |		TST.B	(A1+0xb)
000540da 6a fa                    |j       |		BPL	0x540d6
000540dc 4a 11                    |J       |		TST.B	(A1)
000540de 6b a4                    |k       |		BMI	0x54084
000540e0 0c 68 7f ed 00 02        | h      |		CMPI.W	#0x7fed,(A0+0x2)
000540e6 66 c0                    |f       |		BNE	0x540a8
000540e8 2e 3c 00 02 00 00        |.<      |		MOVE.L	#0x20000,D7
000540ee 61 1e                    |a       |		BSR	0x5410e
000540f0 2e 3c 00 01 00 00        |.<      |		MOVE.L	#0x10000,D7
000540f6 28 03                    |(       |		MOVE.L	D3,D4
000540f8 61 14                    |a       |		BSR	0x5410e
000540fa 7e 00                    |~       |		MOVEQ.L	#0x00,D7
000540fc 28 02                    |(       |		MOVE.L	D2,D4
000540fe 61 0e                    |a       |		BSR	0x5410e
00054100 4c df 7f ff              |L       |		MOVEM.L	(A7)+,D0+D1+D2+D3+D4+D5+D6+D7+A0+A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6
00054104 2e 78 00 00              |.x      |		MOVEA.L	0x0,A7
00054108 4e f0 01 e1 00 04        |N       |		JMP	((#0x4))		;  LEW=01e1
0005410e 7c 07                    ||       |		MOVEQ.L	#0x07,D6
00054110 24 7c a1 00 00 00        |$|      |		MOVEA.L	#0xa1000000,A2
00054116 26 47                    |&G      |		MOVEA.L	D7,A3
00054118 7a 7f                    |z       |		MOVEQ.L	#0x7f,D5
0005411a 24 cb                    |$       |		MOVE.L	A3,(A2)+
0005411c 47 eb 04 00              |G       |		LEA.L	(A3+0x400),A3
00054120 51 cd ff f8              |Q       |		DBF	D5,0x5411a
00054124 45 ea 02 00              |E       |		LEA.L	(A2+0x200),A2
00054128 51 ce ff ec              |Q       |		DBF	D6,0x54116
0005412c 42 69 00 04              |Bi      |		CLR.W	(A1+0x4)
00054130 ed 8c                    |        |		LSL.L	#0x6,D4
00054132 42 87                    |B       |		CLR.L	D7
00054134 3e 30 48 26              |>0H&    |		MOVE.W	(A0+D4.L+#0x26),D7
00054138 de 87                    |        |		ADD.L	D7,D7
0005413a 42 85                    |B       |		CLR.L	D5
0005413c 1a 28 00 0b              | (      |		MOVE.B	(A0+0xb),D5
00054140 8e c5                    |        |		DIVU.W	D5,D7
00054142 3a 07                    |:       |		MOVE.W	D7,D5
00054144 42 86                    |B       |		CLR.L	D6
00054146 1c 28 00 0a              | (      |		MOVE.B	(A0+0xa),D6
0005414a 8a c6                    |        |		DIVU.W	D6,D5
0005414c 33 45 00 1c              |3E      |		MOVE.W	D5,(A1+0x1c)
00054150 48 47                    |HG      |		SWAP.W	D7
00054152 48 45                    |HE      |		SWAP.W	D5
00054154 e1 4d                    | M      |		LSL.W	#0x8,D5
00054156 8a 47                    | G      |		OR.W	D7,D5
00054158 33 45 00 06              |3E      |		MOVE.W	D5,(A1+0x6)
0005415c 3e 30 48 24              |>0H$    |		MOVE.W	(A0+D4.L+#0x24),D7
00054160 e1 4f                    | O      |		LSL.W	#0x8,D7
00054162 e3 4f                    | O      |		LSL.W	#0x1,D7
00054164 44 47                    |DG      |		NEG.W	D7
00054166 33 47 00 02              |3G      |		MOVE.W	D7,(A1+0x2)
0005416a 32 bc 00 39              |2  9    |		MOVE.W	#0x39,(A1)
0005416e 4a 29 00 0b              |J)      |		TST.B	(A1+0xb)
00054172 6a fa                    |j       |		BPL	0x5416e
00054174 4a 11                    |J       |		TST.B	(A1)
00054176 6b 02                    |k       |		BMI	0x5417a
00054178 4e 75                    |Nu      |		RTS
0005417a 61 00 fe c2              |a       |		BSR	PRINT_MSG
0005417e 64 69 73 6b 20 65 72 72  |disk err|		.TXT	'disk error reading file'
00054196 00 00                    |        |		.XXX[0x2]
00054198 d0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  |        |		.XXX[0x28]
000541a0 c2 08 00 01 00 00 00 00  |        |
000541a8 c0 04 00 18 00 02 00 08  |        |
000541b0 00 20 00 02 00 0e 00 c0  |        |
000541b8 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00  |        |
000541c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |        |		.BLANK	00[0x40]
00054200 00 00 00 00 00 00        |        |		.XXX[0x6]
00054206 41 fa ff 90              |A       |		LEA.L	0x54198,A0
0005420a 22 08                    |"       |		MOVE.L	A0,D1
0005420c d3 68 00 12              | h      |		ADD.W	D1,(A0+0x12)
00054210 d3 68 00 18              | h      |		ADD.W	D1,(A0+0x18)
00054214 4a 29 00 03              |J)      |		TST.B	(A1+0x3)
00054218 6a fa                    |j       |		BPL	0x54214
0005421a 45 e8 00 12              |E       |		LEA.L	(A0+0x12),A2
0005421e 32 8a                    |2       |		MOVE.W	A2,(A1)
00054220 4a 29 00 03              |J)      |		TST.B	(A1+0x3)
00054224 6a fa                    |j       |		BPL	0x54220
00054226 08 29 00 02 00 02        | )      |		BTST.B	#0x2,(A1+0x2)
0005422c 67 22                    |g"      |		BEQ	0x54250
0005422e 61 00 fe 0e              |a       |		BSR	PRINT_MSG
00054232 77 72 69 74 65 20 63 68  |write ch|		.TXT	'write characteristics failed'
00054250 45 e8 00 0a              |E       |		LEA.L	(A0+0xa),A2
00054254 32 8a                    |2       |		MOVE.W	A2,(A1)
00054256 4a 29 00 03              |J)      |		TST.B	(A1+0x3)
0005425a 6a fa                    |j       |		BPL	0x54256
0005425c 70 00                    |p       |		MOVEQ.L	#0x00,D0
0005425e 22 3c 00 00 fc 00        |"<      |		MOVE.L	#0xfc00,D1
00054264 61 20                    |a       |		BSR	0x54286
00054266 20 3c 00 01 00 00        | <      |		MOVE.L	#0x10000,D0
0005426c 22 3c 00 01 00 00        |"<      |		MOVE.L	#0x10000,D1
00054272 61 12                    |a       |		BSR	0x54286
00054274 20 3c 00 02 00 00        | <      |		MOVE.L	#0x20000,D0
0005427a 22 3c 00 02 00 00        |"<      |		MOVE.L	#0x20000,D1
00054280 61 04                    |a       |		BSR	0x54286
00054282 60 00 fe 7c              |`  |    |		BRA	0x54100
00054286 31 7c 00 40 00 06        |1| @    |		MOVE.W	#0x40,(A0+0x6)
0005428c 45 e8 00 2e              |E  .    |		LEA.L	(A0+0x2e),A2
00054290 31 4a 00 02              |1J      |		MOVE.W	A2,(A0+0x2)
00054294 31 7c 00 02 00 04        |1|      |		MOVE.W	#0x2,(A0+0x4)
0005429a 45 e8 00 02              |E       |		LEA.L	(A0+0x2),A2
0005429e 32 8a                    |2       |		MOVE.W	A2,(A1)
000542a0 4a 29 00 03              |J)      |		TST.B	(A1+0x3)
000542a4 6a fa                    |j       |		BPL	0x542a0
000542a6 24 3c 00 00 20 00        |$<      |		MOVE.L	#0x2000,D2
000542ac b2 82                    |        |		CMP.L	D2,D1
000542ae 6c 02                    |l       |		BGE	0x542b2
000542b0 24 01                    |$       |		MOVE.L	D1,D2
000542b2 31 42 00 06              |1B      |		MOVE.W	D2,(A0+0x6)
000542b6 7c 07                    ||       |		MOVEQ.L	#0x07,D6
000542b8 24 7c a1 00 00 00        |$|      |		MOVEA.L	#0xa1000000,A2
000542be 26 40                    |&@      |		MOVEA.L	D0,A3
000542c0 7a 7f                    |z       |		MOVEQ.L	#0x7f,D5
000542c2 24 cb                    |$       |		MOVE.L	A3,(A2)+
000542c4 47 eb 04 00              |G       |		LEA.L	(A3+0x400),A3
000542c8 51 cd ff f8              |Q       |		DBF	D5,0x542c2
000542cc 45 ea 02 00              |E       |		LEA.L	(A2+0x200),A2
000542d0 51 ce ff ec              |Q       |		DBF	D6,0x542be
000542d4 2a 00                    |*       |		MOVE.L	D0,D5
000542d6 02 45 03 ff              | E      |		ANDI.W	#0x03ff,D5
000542da 31 45 00 02              |1E      |		MOVE.W	D5,(A0+0x2)
000542de 42 68 00 04              |Bh      |		CLR.W	(A0+0x4)
000542e2 45 e8 00 02              |E       |		LEA.L	(A0+0x2),A2
000542e6 32 8a                    |2       |		MOVE.W	A2,(A1)
000542e8 4a 29 00 03              |J)      |		TST.B	(A1+0x3)
000542ec 6a fa                    |j       |		BPL	0x542e8
000542ee 3a 29 00 02              |:)      |		MOVE.W	(A1+0x2),D5
000542f2 4a 45                    |JE      |		TST.W	D5
000542f4 6a 5e                    |j^      |		BPL	0x54354
000542f6 02 45 00 0e              | E      |		ANDI.W	#0x000e,D5
000542fa 59 45                    |YE      |		SUBQ.W	#0x4,D5
000542fc 67 1c                    |g       |		BEQ	0x5431a
000542fe 61 00 fd 3e              |a  >    |		BSR	PRINT_MSG
00054302 74 61 70 65 20 65 72 72  |tape err|		.TXT	'tape error reading file'
0005431a 3a 28 00 26              |:( &    |		MOVE.W	(A0+0x26),D5
0005431e 4a 45                    |JE      |		TST.W	D5
00054320 6b 56                    |kV      |		BMI	0x54378
00054322 08 05 00 0e              |        |		BTST.L	#0xe,D5
00054326 66 28                    |f(      |		BNE	0x54350
00054328 61 00 fd 14              |a       |		BSR	PRINT_MSG
0005432c 75 6e 65 78 70 65 63 74  |unexpect|		.TXT	'unexpected END condition from tape'
00054350 94 68 00 24              | h $    |		SUB.W	(A0+0x24),D2
00054354 d0 82                    |        |		ADD.L	D2,D0
00054356 92 82                    |        |		SUB.L	D2,D1
00054358 6c 00 ff 4c              |l  L    |		BGE	0x542a6
0005435c 61 00 fc e0              |a       |		BSR	PRINT_MSG
00054360 50 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20  |Program |		.TXT	'Program image too long'
00054378 4e 75                    |Nu      |		RTS
0005437a 48 61 72 64 77 61 72 65  |Hardware|		.TXT	'Hardware and Software provided by Wayne Meretsky, Gary Davidian, and Nick Epperson.'
000543ce 00 00                    |        |		.XXX[0x2]
000543d0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |        |		.BLANK	00[0x30]