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Length: 4224 (0x1080) Types: TextFile Names: »GRAFIK2.PAS«
└─⟦a36acda55⟧ Bits:30004633 DEMO af COMAL og Pascal samt Butlers grafikfunktioner └─ ⟦this⟧ »GRAFIK2.PAS«
PROGRAM GRAFIK;(*$A+*) const hpix=640; vpix=240; var radius,x1,y1,x2,y2,v,c1,c2,vinkel,spring: integer; xmin,xmax,xskiver,zmin,zmax,zskiver: integer; hx,hz,xstep,zstep,xoff,xfakt,yoff,ysub,yfakt: real; vrad: real; tast: byte; FUNCTION key: byte; begin repeat until keypress; key:=bdosb(6,255); end; FUNCTION esc: boolean; begin if keypress then esc:=(bdosb(6,255)=27) else esc:=false; end; PROCEDURE setpix(xnu,ynu: integer); begin if (xnu>=0) and (xnu<hpix) and (ynu>=0) and (ynu<vpix) then write(@27,'+',chr(ynu div 256),chr(ynu mod 256),chr(xnu div 256), chr(xnu mod 256)); end; PROCEDURE linjestykke(x1,y1,x2,y2: integer); var nux1,nuy1,nux2,nuy2: integer; dx,dy,absdx,absdy,signdx,signdy,count,trin: integer; onscreen: boolean; retning2,deltax,deltay: real; begin onscreen:=false; if (((x1>=0) and (x1<hpix)) or ((x2>=0) and (x2<hpix))) then if (((y1>=0) and (y1<=vpix)) or ((y2>=0) and (y2<vpix))) then onscreen:=true; if onscreen then begin nux1:=x1; nuy1:=y1; nux2:=x2; nuy2:=y2; dx:=nux2-nux1; dy:=nuy2-nuy1; absdx:=abs(dx); absdy:=abs(dy); if x2>=x1 then signdx:=1 else signdx:=-1; if y2>=y1 then signdy:=1 else signdy:=-1; if dx<>0 then deltay:=(y2-y1)/abs(x2-x1); if dy<>0 then deltax:=(x2-x1)/abs(y2-y1); if (dx=0) or (dy=0) then if (dx=0) and (dy=0) then setpix(nux1,nuy1) else if dx<>0 then if dx>0 then for count:=nux1 to nux2 do setpix(count,nuy1) else for count:=nux1 downto nux2 do setpix(count,nuy1) else if dy>0 then for count:=nuy1 to nuy2 do setpix(nux1,count) else for count:=nuy1 downto nuy2 do setpix(nux1,count) else if absdx>absdy then begin retning2:=nuy1; nux1:=nux1-signdx; repeat nux1:=nux1+signdx; setpix(nux1,round(retning2)); retning2:=retning2+deltay; until nux1=nux2; end else begin retning2:=nux1; nuy1:=nuy1-signdy; repeat nuy1:=nuy1+signdy; setpix(round(retning2),nuy1); retning2:=retning2+deltax; until nuy1=nuy2; end; end; end; PROCEDURE cirkel(c1,c2,radius: integer); begin x1:=round(c1+radius*cos(0)); y1:=round(c2+radius*sin(0)); for v:=1 to 360 do begin vrad:=v*3.14159265/180; x2:=round(c1+radius*cos(vrad)); y2:=round(c2+(radius*sin(vrad))/2); linjestykke(x1,y1,x2,y2); x1:=x2; y1:=y2; end; end; PROCEDURE korder(c1,c2,radius,vinkel,spring: integer); var t: integer; begin v:=0; t:=0; vrad:=v*3.14159265/180; x1:=round(c1+radius*cos(vrad)); y1:=round(c2+(radius*sin(vrad))/2); repeat v:=v+vinkel; t:=t+1; vrad:=(v)*3.14159265/180; x2:=round(c1+radius*cos(vrad)); y2:=round(c2+(radius*sin(vrad))/2); linjestykke(x1,y1,x2,y2); x1:=x2; y1:=y2; until t=spring; end; begin (* GRAFIK *) gotoxy(0,0);clreos; cirkel(300,109,200); gotoxy(0,0);clreos; korder(300,109,200,130,36); gotoxy(0,0);clreos; x1:=0; x2:=0; y1:=0; y2:=210; repeat linjestykke(x1,y1,x2,y2); x2:=x2+20; y1:=y1+7; until y1>210; gotoxy(0,0);clreos; xmin:=-25; xmax:=25; xskiver:=50; zmin:=-25; zmax:=25; zskiver:=20; yoff:=227; ysub:=8; yfakt:=0.9; xstep:=(xmax-xmin)/xskiver; zstep:=(zmax-zmin)/zskiver; hz:=zmin-zstep; repeat yoff:=yoff-ysub; ysub:=ysub*yfakt; hz:=hz+zstep; hx:=xmin; y1:=round(yoff-(3*50*exp(-0.015*(sqr(hx)+sqr(hz))))); xoff:=545-2.5*y1; xfakt:=(240-xoff)/27; x1:=240+round(xoff+xfakt*hx); repeat hx:=hx+xstep; x2:=240+round(xoff+xfakt*hx); y2:=round(yoff-(3*50*exp(-0.015*(sqr(hx)+sqr(hz))))); linjestykke(x1,y1,x2,y2); x1:=x2; y1:=y2; until hx>=xmax; until hz>=zmax; gotoxy(0,0); write('TRYK EN TAST '); tast:=key; gotoxy(0,0); clreos; end. «eof»