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Length: 12416 (0x3080) Types: TextFile Names: »FUNKTION.PAS«
└─⟦a36acda55⟧ Bits:30004633 DEMO af COMAL og Pascal samt Butlers grafikfunktioner └─ ⟦this⟧ »FUNKTION.PAS«
PROGRAM FUNKTION;(*$A+*) const kfakt=0.5; decfact=3.5; antbit=8; antlin=10; vpix=240; hpix=640; maxkurver=50; type pliste=arrayÆ1..maxkurverÅ of arrayÆ1..6Å of real; navneliste=arrayÆ1..3Å of stringÆ13Å; tstreng=stringÆ10Å; const navne: navneliste=('y=Ax+B ','y=Ax^2+Bx+C ','y=A/(Bx+C) '); var p: pliste; xfakt,yfakt,dm1,dm2,rtal,test1,test2,fa,fb,fc,xfocus,yfocus:real; x1,y1,xoff,yoff,xenh,yenh,xstart,xslut: integer; xaxenh,yaxenh,ftaelle,ptaelle,ital,funr: integer; ud,kingdomcome,nytsys,gentag,talok,limits,individ,sammelim: boolean; tast,a: byte; sv: char; label UDLABEL; FUNCTION fy(x,yfakt:real; yoff:integer; fa,fb,fc:real; funr:integer): integer; var y: real; begin if funr=1 then y:=fa*x+fb else if funr=2 then y:=fa*sqr(x)+fb*x+fc else if fb*x+fc=0 then y:=30000/yfakt else y:=fa/(fb*x+fc); (* nedenstående sætning kan evt. udelades *) if abs(yoff+y*yfakt)>32700 then y:=(32700-yoff)/yfakt; fy:=vpix-(round(yoff+y*yfakt)); end; FUNCTION key: byte; begin repeat until keypress; key:=bdosb(6,255); end; FUNCTION esc: boolean; begin if keypress then esc:=(bdosb(6,255)=27) else esc:=false; end; PROCEDURE laestal(ttype,xp,yp:byte; var rtal:real; var ital:integer); var tbuf1,tbuf2: tstreng; tpos,tast,bagest: byte; kar: char; slut,sidste: boolean; fejl: integer; begin fejl:=1;tbuf1:=' ';tpos:=1;rtal:=0;ital:=0; while fejl>0 do begin slut:=false; while not slut do begin gotoxy(xp+tpos,yp); tast:=key;kar:=chr(tast); if kar in Æ'.','0'..'9','+','-','E','e',@8,@12,@13,@27,@32,@127,@31Å then case tast of 13,27: slut:=true; 8,12: begin if tast=8 then tpos:=tpos-1 else tpos:=tpos+1; if tpos>10 then tpos:=10; if tpos<1 then tpos:=1; end; 31,127: begin if tast=31 then insert(' ',tbuf1,tpos) else begin delete(tbuf1,tpos,1); tbuf1:=tbuf1+' '; end; gotoxy(xp+1,yp);write(tbuf1); end otherwise tbuf1ÆtposÅ:=chr(tast); if tpos<10 then tpos:=tpos+1; write(chr(tast)); end; end; bagest:=10;sidste:=false; while not sidste do begin if tbuf1ÆbagestÅ=' ' then bagest:=bagest-1 else sidste:=true; if bagest=0 then begin bagest:=1;sidste:=true; end; end; tbuf2:=copy(tbuf1,1,bagest); if ttype=1 then val(tbuf2,ital,fejl) else val(tbuf2,rtal,fejl); if fejl>0 then begin tpos:=fejl;gotoxy(xp+12,yp);write('FEJL I TAL'); end; end; end; PROCEDURE setpix(xnu,ynu: integer); var ok: boolean; xk1,xk2,yk1,yk2: byte; begin ok:=(xnu>=0) and (xnu<hpix) and (ynu>=0) and (ynu<vpix); if ok then begin xk1:=xnu div 256; xk2:=xnu mod 256; yk1:=ynu div 256; yk2:=ynu mod 256; write(@27,'+',chr(yk1),chr(yk2),chr(xk1),chr(xk2)); end; end; PROCEDURE AKSER; var yax,xay,xe,ye,et,xk,yk:integer; a:integer; begin yax:=(xoff div antbit)+1; xay:=((vpix-yoff) div antlin)+1; if xoff>=0 then if xoff<hpix then for a:=0 to vpix-1 do begin setpix(xoff,a); end; if yoff>=0 then if yoff<vpix then for a:=0 to hpix-1 do begin setpix(a,vpix-yoff); end; ye:=vpix-(round(yfakt)+yoff); if ye>=0 then if ye<vpix then for et:=-2 to 2 do begin if et+xoff>=0 then if et+xoff<hpix then setpix(et+xoff,ye); end; if xenh+xoff>0 then if xenh+xoff<hpix then for et:=-2 to 2 do begin if vpix-(et+yoff)>0 then if vpix-(et+yoff)<vpix then setpix(xenh+xoff,vpix-(et+yoff)); end; xk:=((xoff-2) div antbit); yk:=(ye div antlin)+1; if xay<>yk then if xk>0 then if xk<=80 then if yk>0 then if yk<=24 then begin gotoxy(xk-1,yk-1); write('1'); end; xk:=((xenh+xoff) div antbit)+1; yk:=((vpix-yoff) div antlin)+2; if yax<>xk then if xk>0 then if xk<80 then if yk>0 then if yk<=24 then begin gotoxy(xk-1,yk-1); write('1'); end; end; PROCEDURE linjestykke; label UDLABEL; var x,y,x2,y2,nux1,nuy1,nux2,nuy2: integer; dx,dy,absdx,absdy,signdx,signdy,count,trin: integer; onscreen: boolean; tast: byte; begin for x:=xstart+1 to xslut do begin onscreen:=false; x2:=x+xoff; y2:=fy(xfakt*x,yfakt,yoff,fa,fb,fc,funr); if (((x1>=0) and (x1<hpix)) or ((x2>=0) and (x2<hpix))) then if (((y1>=0) and (y1<=vpix)) or ((y2>=0) and (y2<vpix))) then onscreen:=true; if onscreen then begin nux1:=x1; nuy1:=y1; nux2:=x2; nuy2:=y2; dx:=nux2-nux1; dy:=nuy2-nuy1; absdx:=abs(dx); absdy:=abs(dy); if x2>=x1 then signdx:=1 else signdx:=-1; if y2>=y1 then signdy:=1 else signdy:=-1; if (dx=0) or (dy=0) then if (dx=0) and (dy=0) then setpix(nux1,nuy1) else if dx<>0 then if dx>0 then for count:=nux1 to nux2 do setpix(count,nuy1) else for count:=nux1 downto nux2 do setpix(count,nuy1) else if dy>0 then for count:=nuy1 to nuy2 do setpix(nux1,count) else for count:=nuy1 downto nuy2 do setpix(nux1,count) else if absdx>absdy then begin trin:=abs(round(dx/dy)); nux1:=nux1-signdx; repeat count:=0; repeat count:=count+1; nux1:=nux1+signdx; setpix(nux1,nuy1); until (count=trin) or (nux1=nux2); nuy1:=nuy1+signdy; until nux1=nux2; end else begin trin:=abs(round(dy/dx)); nuy1:=nuy1-signdy; repeat count:=0; repeat count:=count+1; nuy1:=nuy1+signdy; setpix(nux1,nuy1); until (count=trin) or (nuy1=nuy2); nux1:=nux1+signdx; until nuy1=nuy2; end; end; x1:=x2; y1:=y2; if esc then goto UDLABEL; if ud then goto UDLABEL; end; UDLABEL: end; PROCEDURE gentagelse(gtaelle:integer; p: pliste); begin portÆ136Å:=10;portÆ137Å:=32; for a:=1 to gtaelle do begin fa:=pÆa,2Å; fb:=pÆa,3Å; fc:=pÆa,4Å; funr:=round(pÆa,1Å); dm1:=pÆa,5Å; dm2:=pÆa,6Å; if dm1*xenh+xoff<0 then xstart:=-xoff else xstart:=round(dm1*xenh); if dm2*xenh>hpix-xoff then xslut:=hpix-xoff else xslut:=round(dm2*xenh); x1:=xstart+xoff; y1:=fy(xfakt*xstart,yfakt,yoff,fa,fb,fc,funr); linjestykke; end; end; begin (* FUNKTION *) kingdomcome:=false;nytsys:=true;ud:=false;gentag:=false;sammelim:=false; gotoxy(0,0);clreos; while not kingdomcome do begin if nytsys then begin if not gentag or not sammelim then begin ftaelle:=0;limits:=false;individ:=false; repeat gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write('Definitionsmængde: Nej/Fælles/Individuelt ? N/F/I: '); read(sv); until sv in Æ'f','n','i','I','F','N'Å; if (sv='f') or (sv='F') or (sv='i') or (sv='I') then limits:=true; if (sv='i') or (sv='I') then individ:=true; end; gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write('Angiv focuspunkts x-værdi (reelt tal): '); laestal(0,38,23,rtal,ital); xfocus:=rtal; gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write('Angiv focuspunkts y-værdi (reelt tal): '); laestal(0,38,23,rtal,ital); yfocus:=rtal; gotoxy(0,23);clreol; repeat gotoxy(0,23); talok:=true; write('Angiv enhed på x-aksen i mm (helt tal): '); laestal(1,39,23,rtal,ital); test1:=decfact*ital; if test1>32000 then talok:=false; if not talok then begin gotoxy(39,23);clreol; gotoxy(51,23);write(' Enhed for stor!'); end; if ital<1 then begin talok:=false; gotoxy(39,23);clreol; end; until talok; xaxenh:=ital; gotoxy(0,23);clreol; repeat gotoxy(0,23); talok:=true; write('Angiv enhed på y-aksen i mm (helt tal): '); laestal(1,39,23,rtal,ital); test1:=decfact*ital;test2:=207-yfocus*decfact*ital; if test1>32000 then talok:=false; if (test2<-32000) or (test2>32000) then talok:=false; if not talok then begin gotoxy(39,23);clreol; gotoxy(51,23);write(' Enhed for stor!'); end; if ital<1 then begin talok:=false; gotoxy(39,23);clreol; end; until talok; yaxenh:=ital; end; if not gentag then begin repeat gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write('Funktionstype? 1 Linje 2 Parabel 3 Hyperbel 1/2/3: '); laestal(1,54,23,rtal,ital); funr:=ital; until funr in Æ1,2,3Å; ftaelle:=ftaelle+1; end; gotoxy(0,23);clreol; if not sammelim then if limits then begin if (individ or nytsys) then begin write('Angiv DM nedre grænse (reelt tal): '); laestal(0,34,23,rtal,ital); dm1:=rtal; gotoxy(0,23);clreol; repeat gotoxy(0,23); write('Angiv DM øvre grænse (reelt tal): '); laestal(0,33,23,rtal,ital); if rtal<=dm1 then begin gotoxy(34,23);clreol; gotoxy(45,23);write(' Nedre grænse = ',dm1:15:8); end; until rtal>dm1; dm2:=rtal; end; end else begin dm1:=round(xfocus-(hpix/(2*decfact*xaxenh))); dm2:=round(xfocus+(hpix/(2*decfact*xaxenh))); end; if not gentag then begin gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write(navneÆfunrÅ,'Angiv parameter A: '); laestal(0,31,23,rtal,ital); fa:=rtal; gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write(navneÆfunrÅ,'Angiv parameter B: '); laestal(0,31,23,rtal,ital); fb:=rtal; if funr=1 then fc:=0 else begin gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write(navneÆfunrÅ,'Angiv parameter C: '); laestal(0,31,23,rtal,ital); fc:=rtal; end; pÆftaelle,1Å:=funr; pÆftaelle,2Å:=fa; pÆftaelle,3Å:=fb; pÆftaelle,4Å:=fc; pÆftaelle,5Å:=dm1; pÆftaelle,6Å:=dm2; end; gotoxy(0,23);clreol; xenh:=xaxenh; yenh:=yaxenh; xenh:=round(decfact*xenh); yenh:=round(decfact*yenh); (* mm - korrektion *) xfakt:=1/xenh; yfakt:=yenh; xoff:=round(hpix/2-xfocus*xenh); yoff:=round(vpix-yfocus*yfakt); yfakt:=yfakt*kfakt; yoff:=round(yoff*kfakt); (* skærmkorrektion *) if nytsys then begin gotoxy(0,0); clreos; ud:=false; portÆ136Å:=10; portÆ137Å:=32; akser; if esc then goto UDLABEL; nytsys:=false; end; if dm1*xenh+xoff<0 then xstart:=-xoff else xstart:=round(dm1*xenh); if dm2*xenh>hpix-xoff then xslut:=hpix-xoff else xslut:=round(dm2*xenh); if not gentag then begin x1:=xstart+xoff; y1:=fy(xfakt*xstart,yfakt,yoff,fa,fb,fc,funr); portÆ136Å:=10; portÆ137Å:=32; linjestykke; end else gentagelse(ftaelle,p); UDLABEL: gotoxy(0,0); portÆ136Å:=10; portÆ137Å:=96; tast:=key; if tast=27 then kingdomcome:=true; if not kingdomcome then begin gentag:=false; repeat gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write('Stop - Fortsætte - Nyt koordinat-system S/F/N: '); read(sv); until (sv in Æ's','n','S','N'Å) or ((sv in Æ'f','F'Å) and (ftaelle<50)); if (sv='s') or (sv='S') then kingdomcome:=true else if (sv='n') or (sv='N') then nytsys:=true; if nytsys then begin repeat gotoxy(0,23);clreol; write('De samme grafer? J/N: '); read(sv); until sv in Æ'j','n','J','N'Å; if (sv='j') or (sv='J') then begin gentag:=true;sammelim:=true; end else sammelim:=false; end; end; end; end. «eof»