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Length: 2944 (0xb80) Types: TextFile Names: »GRUNDTAL.PAS«
└─⟦f983c2ef3⟧ Bits:30004681 Pascal opgaver (Butler) └─ ⟦this⟧ »GRUNDTAL.PAS«
PROGRAM grundtal; CONST max = 20; TYPE str30 = STRING(.30.); str2 = STRING(.2.); str = STRING(.max.); VAR cifre : str; fratal, tiltal : str30; fragrundtal, tilgrundtal : str2; frag, tilg, test, i : INTEGER; tal10 : REAL; ok : BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE til10(g : INTEGER; fra : str30; VAR talti : REAL); VAR i, faktor : INTEGER; BEGIN (* til10 *) tal10 := 0.0; FOR i := 1 TO LEN(fra) DO BEGIN IF ORD(fra(.i.)) < ORD('A') THEN faktor := ORD(fra(.i.)) - ORD('0') ELSE faktor := ORD(fra(.i.)) - ORD('A') + 10; talti := talti * g + faktor; END; END; (* til10 *) PROCEDURE fra10(g : INTEGER; talti : REAL; VAR til : str30); VAR rest : INTEGER; dividend, kvotient : REAL; BEGIN (* fra10 *) kvotient := INT(talti / g + 0.0001); rest := ROUND(talti - kvotient * g); til := cifre(.rest + 1.); WHILE kvotient > 0.1 DO BEGIN dividend := kvotient; kvotient := INT(dividend / g + 0.0001); rest := ROUND(dividend - kvotient * g); til := cifre(.rest + 1.) + til; END; END; (* fra10 *) BEGIN (* grundtal *) cifre := '0123456789'; FOR i := 11 TO max DO cifre := cifre + CHR(ORD('A') - 11 + i); WRITE(CLRHOM); REPEAT REPEAT GOTOXY(5, 1); WRITE(CLREOL); BUFLEN := 2; WRITE('Fra hvilket talsystem (2 - ', max, '): '); READLN(fragrundtal); VAL(fragrundtal, frag, test); UNTIL test = 0; UNTIL (2 <= frag) AND (frag <= max); GOTOXY(5, 3); WRITE('Cifrene i ', frag, '-talsystemet: '); FOR i := 1 TO frag DO WRITE(cifre(.i.), ' '); REPEAT GOTOXY(5, 7); WRITE(CLREOL); BUFLEN := 30; ok := TRUE; WRITE('Hvilket tal skal omformes: '); READLN(fratal); FOR i := 1 TO LEN(fratal) DO IF POS(fratal(.i.), COPY(cifre, 1, frag)) = 0 THEN ok := FALSE; UNTIL ok AND (LEN(fratal) > 0); REPEAT REPEAT GOTOXY(5, 11); WRITE(CLREOL); BUFLEN := 2; WRITE('Til hvilket talsystem (2 - ', max, '): '); READLN(tilgrundtal); VAL(tilgrundtal, tilg, test); UNTIL test = 0; UNTIL (2 <= tilg) AND (tilg <= max); GOTOXY(5, 13); WRITE('Cifrene i ', tilg, '-talsystemet: '); FOR i := 1 TO tilg DO WRITE(cifre(.i.), ' '); GOTOXY(5, 17); WRITE(frag, '-talsystemet: ', fratal); GOTOXY(5, 19); WRITE(tilg, '-talsystemet: '); til10(frag, fratal, tal10); fra10(tilg, tal10, tiltal); WRITELN(tiltal); WRITELN; END. (* grundtal *) «eof»