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Length: 18432 (0x4800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, procedure Build_Interchange_Package_Body, seg_020c15, separate Rpc_Io
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Map_Generic; with Lrm_Utilities; separate (Rpc_Io) procedure Build_Interchange_Package_Body (From_Db : Analysis.Database; Named_With_Root : String; In_File : Io.File_Type) is use Rpc_Conventions; Iter : Analysis.Unique_Type_Iterator; Decl : Analysis.Type_Decl; package Ada_Decl_Maps is new Map_Generic (Size => 1024, Domain_Type => Ada.Declaration, Range_Type => Boolean, Hash => Lrm_Utilities.Hash); Type_Decls_Table : Ada_Decl_Maps.Map; function Stream_Formal_Name (Kind : Interchange_Kind) return String is begin case Kind is when Put => return "Into"; when Get => return "From"; end case; end Stream_Formal_Name; procedure Register (This_Type_Decl : Ada.Declaration) is Range_Variable : Boolean := False; begin Ada_Decl_Maps.Define (The_Map => Type_Decls_Table, D => This_Type_Decl, R => Range_Variable, Trap_Multiples => False); end Register; function Is_New (This_Type_Decl : Ada.Declaration) return Boolean is Found : Boolean; Range_Variable : Boolean := False; begin Ada_Decl_Maps.Find (The_Map => Type_Decls_Table, D => This_Type_Decl, R => Range_Variable, Success => Found); return not Found; end Is_New; procedure Put (Line : String; Line_Feeds : Natural := 0) is begin Io.Put (In_File, Line); if Line_Feeds > 0 then Io.New_Line (File => In_File, Spacing => Io.Positive_Count (Line_Feeds)); end if; end Put; procedure Put_Body_Start (Decl : Ada.Element; Make_Null : Boolean := False; Kind : Interchange_Kind; Internal_Comment : String := "") is procedure Put_Guts is begin Put (Ada_Io.Make_Begin); if Internal_Comment /= "" then Put (" -- " & Internal_Comment, 2); end if; if Make_Null then Put ("[statement]", 1); end if; end Put_Guts; begin case Kind is when Put => Put (Ascii.Lf & Ascii.Lf & Ada_Io.Make_Procedure (Name => "Put", Kind => Ada_Io.Body_Part, Parameters_Image => "Into : Transport_Stream.Stream_Id; " & Ascii.Lf & "Data : " & Analysis.Reference (Decl))); Put_Guts; when Get => if Is_Constrained (Decl) then Put (Ascii.Lf & Ascii.Lf & Ada_Io.Make_Procedure (Name => "Get", Kind => Ada_Io.Body_Part, Parameters_Image => "From : Transport_Stream.Stream_Id; " & Ascii.Lf & "Data : out " & Analysis.Reference (Decl))); Put_Guts; else Put (Ascii.Lf & Ascii.Lf & Ada_Io.Make_Function (Name => "Get", Kind => Ada_Io.Body_Part, Parameters_Image => "From : Transport_Stream.Stream_Id", Return_Expression => Analysis.Reference (Decl))); Put_Guts; end if; end case; end Put_Body_Start; procedure Put_Null_Bodies (Decl : Ada.Element; Internal_Comment : String := "") is begin for Kind in Interchange_Kind loop Put_Body_Start (Decl, True, Kind, Internal_Comment); Put (Ada_Io.Make_End, 1); end loop; end Put_Null_Bodies; function Discrete_Root (Decl : Ada.Declaration) return String is begin return "Discrete_" & Analysis.Name (Decl); end Discrete_Root; function Discrete_Instance (Decl : Ada.Declaration) return String is begin return Rpc_Names.Interchange_Package (Root => Discrete_Root (Decl)); end Discrete_Instance; procedure Traverse (Type_Decl : Ada.Declaration); procedure Put_Code_For_Array_Type (Array_Type_Decl : Ada.Declaration; Array_Type_Def : Ada.Element) is separate; procedure Traverse (Type_Decl : Ada.Declaration) is Type_Def : Ada.Element := Decls.Type_Specification (Type_Decl); Ground_Type_Def : Ada.Element := Types.Ground_Type (Type_Def); Base_Type_Decl : Ada.Declaration := Decls.Enclosing_Declaration (Types.Base_Type (Decls.Type_Specification (Type_Decl))); Base_Type_Def : Ada.Element := Decls.Type_Specification (Base_Type_Decl); Comp_Iter : Ada.Element_Iterator; Component : Ada.Element; Comp_Type : Ada.Element; begin if Is_New (Base_Type_Decl) and not Is_Predefined (Base_Type_Decl) then Register (Base_Type_Decl); case Types.Kind (Base_Type_Def) is when Types.A_Subtype_Indication | Types.An_Integer_Type_Definition | Types.A_Float_Type_Definition => raise Program_Error; when Types.An_Enumeration_Type_Definition => Put (Ascii.Lf & "package " & Discrete_Instance (Base_Type_Decl) & " is new Transport_Interchange.Discrete (" & Analysis.Reference (Base_Type_Decl) & ");", 2); for Kind in Interchange_Kind loop Put_Body_Start (Base_Type_Decl, Kind => Kind, Internal_Comment => ""); Put (Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => "Data", Data_Conversion => "", Stream_Name => Stream_Formal_Name (Kind), Root_Name => Discrete_Root (Base_Type_Decl), Data_Type => Base_Type_Decl, Kind => Kind), 1); Put (Ada_Io.Make_End); end loop; when Types.An_Array_Type_Definition => Put_Code_For_Array_Type (Array_Type_Decl => Base_Type_Decl, Array_Type_Def => Base_Type_Def); when Types.A_Record_Type_Definition => Comp_Iter := Types.Record_Components (Base_Type_Def); if Types.Is_Discriminated (Base_Type_Def) then Put_Null_Bodies (Base_Type_Decl, Internal_Comment => "Interchange of discriminated record types not yet implemented"); else Comp_Iter := Types.Record_Components (Base_Type_Def); while not Ada.Done (Comp_Iter) loop Component := Ada.Value (Comp_Iter); Comp_Type := Decls.Enclosing_Declaration (Ada.Definition (Decls.Object_Type (Component))); Traverse (Comp_Type); Ada.Next (Comp_Iter); end loop; Ada.Reset (Comp_Iter); for Kind in Interchange_Kind loop Put_Body_Start (Base_Type_Decl, Kind => Kind, Internal_Comment => ""); while not Ada.Done (Comp_Iter) loop Component := Ada.Value (Comp_Iter); Comp_Type := Decls.Enclosing_Declaration (Ada.Definition (Decls.Object_Type (Component))); if Is_Constrained (Comp_Type) or Kind = Put then Put (Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => "Data." & Decls.Name (Component), Data_Conversion => Predefined_Interchange_Conversion (Comp_Type), Stream_Name => Stream_Formal_Name (Kind), Root_Name => Named_With_Root, Data_Type => Comp_Type, Kind => Kind), 1); else Put (Ada_Io.Make_Assignment (Name => "Data." & Decls.Name (Component), Expression => Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => "Data." & Decls.Name (Component), Data_Conversion => Predefined_Interchange_Conversion (Comp_Type), Stream_Name => Stream_Formal_Name (Kind), Root_Name => Named_With_Root, Data_Type => Comp_Type, Kind => Kind))); end if; Ada.Next (Comp_Iter); end loop; Put (Ada_Io.Make_End); Ada.Reset (Comp_Iter); end loop; end if; when Types.A_Derived_Type_Definition => Traverse (Decls.Enclosing_Declaration (Ground_Type_Def)); for Kind in Interchange_Kind loop Put_Body_Start (Base_Type_Decl, Kind => Kind, Internal_Comment => ""); Put (Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => "Data", Data_Conversion => Analysis.Reference (Decls.Enclosing_Declaration (Ground_Type_Def)), Stream_Name => Stream_Formal_Name (Kind), Root_Name => Named_With_Root, Data_Type => Base_Type_Decl, Kind => Kind), 1); Put (Ada_Io.Make_End); end loop; when Types.A_Fixed_Type_Definition => Put_Null_Bodies (Base_Type_Decl, Internal_Comment => "Interchange of fixed types not yet implemented"); when Types.A_Task_Type_Definition => Put_Null_Bodies (Base_Type_Decl, Internal_Comment => "Interchange of task types may be impossible"); when Types.An_Access_Type_Definition => Put_Null_Bodies (Base_Type_Decl, Internal_Comment => "Interchange of access types may not be possible"); when Types.A_Private_Type_Definition .. Types.A_Limited_Private_Type_Definition => Put_Null_Bodies (Base_Type_Decl, Internal_Comment => "Interchange of private types requires special attention"); when Types.Not_A_Type_Definition => raise Program_Error; end case; end if; end Traverse; begin Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause ("Interchange")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause ("Transport_Interchange")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Package (Rpc_Names.Interchange_Package (Named_With_Root), Ada_Io.Body_Part), 1); Analysis.Init (From_Db, Iter); Ada_Decl_Maps.Initialize (Type_Decls_Table); while not Analysis.Done (Iter) loop Decl := Analysis.Decl (Iter); Traverse (Decl); Analysis.Next (Iter); end loop; Put (Ada_Io.Make_End); end Build_Interchange_Package_Body;
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