Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

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⟦044b2a274⟧ TextFile

    Length: 19636 (0x4cb4)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: R1k Text-file segment


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 


--with My_Functions;
with Bit_Utilities;
with Defined_Type;
with Vme;
with System;

-- *********************************
-- **** instanced object : VSIP ****
-- *********************************
package body Vsip is

    Base_Address_Vsip : System.Address;
    Plugged_Module : array (1 .. 4) of Defined_Type.Module_Vsip;

    -- **************************************************
    -- **** internal procedure : VSIP register setup ****
    -- **************************************************
--    procedure Initialize (Mask_Register1 : in Defined_Type.Octet) is
    procedure Initialize (Mask_Register1 : in Defined_Type.Byte) is
--        Register_1 : Defined_Type.Octet;
        Register_1 : Defined_Type.Byte;
--        Register_2 : Defined_Type.Octet;
        Register_2 : Defined_Type.Byte;
        Address_Register_1 : constant System.Address :=
           System."+" (Base_Address_Vsip, 1);
        Address_Register_2 : constant System.Address :=
           System."+" (Base_Address_Vsip, 3);
        for Register_1 use at Address_Register_1;
        for Register_2 use at Address_Register_2;
        Register_1 := Mask_Register1; -- module initializing
        Register_2 := 0;  
    end Initialize;

    -- ********************
    -- **** VSIP setup ****
    -- ********************
    procedure Setup is
--        Vsip_Mask_Register1 : Defined_Type.Octet;
        Vsip_Mask_Register1 : Bit_Utilities.Byte;
--        Index : My_Functions.Data;
        Index : Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number;
        use Defined_Type;
        -- **** VSIP initialization ****
        Plugged_Module (1) := Scim_0;
        Plugged_Module (2) := Scim_1;
        Plugged_Module (3) := Scim_2;
        Plugged_Module (4) := Scim_3;
--        Vsip_Mask_Register1 := 0;
        Vsip_Mask_Register1 := Bit_Utilities.Null_Byte;

        -- **** build the VSIP register 1 configuration word ****
--        Index := My_Functions.Data'First;
        Index := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'First;
        for I in Plugged_Module'Range loop
            if Defined_Type."/=" (Plugged_Module (I), No_Module) then
--                Vsip_Mask_Register1 := My_Functions.Set_Bit
--                                          (Vsip_Mask_Register1, Index);
                   (Of_Byte => Vsip_Mask_Register1, The_Bit => Index);
--                Index := My_Functions.Data'Succ (Index);
                Index := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Succ (Index);
            end if;
        end loop;

        -- **** calculate the VSIP real address ****
        Base_Address_Vsip := System."+"
                                (Base_Address, Vme.Addressing (Vme_Position));
--        Initialize (Vsip_Mask_Register1);
        Initialize (Bit_Utilities.To_Number (The_Array => Vsip_Mask_Register1));
    end Setup;

    -- ***************************************
    -- **** return the VSIP configuration ****
    -- ***************************************
    function Status (Register : Integer; Number : Positive)
                    return Defined_Type.Byte is
--                    return Defined_Type.Octet is
--        Register_1 : Defined_Type.Octet;
        Register_1 : Defined_Type.Byte;
--        Register_2 : Defined_Type.Octet;
        Register_2 : Defined_Type.Byte;
        Address_Register_1 : constant System.Address :=
           System."+" (Base_Address_Vsip, 1);
        Address_Register_2 : constant System.Address :=
           System."+" (Base_Address_Vsip, 3);
        for Register_1 use at Address_Register_1;
        for Register_2 use at Address_Register_2;
        case Number is
            when 1 =>
                return Register_1;
            when 2 =>
                return Register_2;
            when others =>
                raise Default_Reference_Register;
        end case;
    end Status;

    -- ***********************************
    -- **** instanced object : MOD101 ****
    -- ***********************************
    package body Mod101 is

        Base_Address_Mod101 : System.Address;
        Base_Address_Mod101_1 : System.Address;
        Protection : Boolean := False;
        type Fonction is (Input, Output, Other);
        type Pin is
                Groupe_Number : Group := No_Group;
--                Signal_Title : My_Functions.Data;
                Signal_Title : Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number;
                Pin_Function : Fonction := Other;
            end record;
        Connector : array (1 .. 50) of Pin;
        Pointer_Group_0 : array (1 .. 8) of Pin_No;
        Pointer_Group_1 : array (1 .. 8) of Pin_No;
        Pointer_Group_2 : array (1 .. 8) of Pin_No;
        Pointer_Group_3 : array (1 .. 8) of Pin_No;
        Pointer_Group_4 : array (1 .. 8) of Pin_No;
--        use My_Functions;
        use Bit_Utilities;

        -- **************************************
        -- **** configure the instanced VSIP ****
        -- **************************************
        procedure Setup is
            -- **** set the MOD101 board address ****
            Base_Address_Mod101 :=
               System."+" (Base_Address_Module, Vme.Addressing (Vme_Position));
            Base_Address_Mod101_1 := System."+" (Base_Address_Mod101, 1);
        end Setup;

        -- ***************************************************
        -- **** enable the pin I/O type control operation ****
        -- ***************************************************
        procedure Protection_On is
            Protection := True;
        end Protection_On;

        -- ****************************************************
        -- **** disable the pin I/O type control operation ****
        -- ****************************************************
        procedure Protection_Off is
            Protection := False;
        end Protection_Off;

        -- **********************************
        -- **** initialize the connector ****
        -- **********************************
        procedure Initialize_Connector is
--            Tampon : Data;
            Tampon : Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number;
            for I in Pointer_Group_0'Range loop
                Pointer_Group_0 (I) := (I + 2);
            end loop;
            for I in Pointer_Group_1'Range loop
                Pointer_Group_1 (I) := (I + 12);
            end loop;
            for I in Pointer_Group_2'Range loop
                Pointer_Group_2 (I) := (I + 22);
            end loop;
            for I in Pointer_Group_3'Range loop
                Pointer_Group_3 (I) := (I + 32);
            end loop;
            for I in 4 .. Pointer_Group_4'Last loop
                Pointer_Group_4 (I) := (I + 38);
            end loop;
            Pointer_Group_4 (1) := 12;
            Pointer_Group_4 (2) := 22;
            Pointer_Group_4 (3) := 32;

--            Tampon := Data'First;
            Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'First;
            for Index in Pointer_Group_0'Range loop
                Connector (Pointer_Group_0 (Index)) := (Group0, Tampon, Input);
--                if Tampon /= Data'Last then
                if Tampon /= Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Last then
--                    Tampon := Data'Succ (Tampon);
                    Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Succ (Tampon);
                end if;
            end loop;

--            Tampon := Data'First;
            Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'First;
            for Index in Pointer_Group_1'Range loop
                Connector (Pointer_Group_1 (Index)) := (Group1, Tampon, Input);
--                if Tampon /= Data'Last then
                if Tampon /= Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Last then
--                    Tampon := Data'Succ (Tampon);
                    Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Succ (Tampon);
                end if;
            end loop;

--            Tampon := Data'First;
            Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'First;
            for Index in Pointer_Group_2'Range loop
                Connector (Pointer_Group_2 (Index)) := (Group2, Tampon, Input);
--                if Tampon /= Data'Last then
                if Tampon /= Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Last then
--                    Tampon := Data'Succ (Tampon);
                    Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Succ (Tampon);
                end if;
            end loop;

--            Tampon := Data'First;
            Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'First;
            for Index in Pointer_Group_3'Range loop
                Connector (Pointer_Group_3 (Index)) := (Group3, Tampon, Input);
--                if Tampon /= Data'Last then
                if Tampon /= Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Last then
--                    Tampon := Data'Succ (Tampon);
                    Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Succ (Tampon);
                end if;
            end loop;

--            Tampon := Data'First;
            Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'First;
            for Index in Pointer_Group_4'Range loop
                Connector (Pointer_Group_4 (Index)) := (Group4, Tampon, Input);
--                if Tampon /= Data'Last then
                if Tampon /= Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Last then
--                    Tampon := Data'Succ (Tampon);
                    Tampon := Bit_Utilities.Bit_Number'Succ (Tampon);
                end if;
            end loop;
        end Initialize_Connector;

        -- ****************************************************************
        -- **** are we working with an pin I/O type control operation? ****
        -- ****************************************************************
        function Is_Protection_On return Boolean is
            return Protection;
        end Is_Protection_On;

        -- ***************************************
        -- **** set the wished pin as a input ****
        -- ***************************************
        procedure Set_Input_Pin (Pin : in Pin_No) is
            if (Connector (Pin).Pin_Function /= Other) then
                Connector (Pin).Pin_Function := Input;
                raise Pin_Error;
            end if;
        end Set_Input_Pin;

        -- ****************************************
        -- **** set the wished pin as a output ****
        -- ****************************************
        procedure Set_Output_Pin (Pin : in Pin_No) is
            if (Connector (Pin).Pin_Function /= Other) then
                Connector (Pin).Pin_Function := Output;
                raise Pin_Error;
            end if;
        end Set_Output_Pin;

        function Is_Pin_Output (Pin : Pin_No) return Boolean is
            return (Connector (Pin).Pin_Function = Output);
        end Is_Pin_Output;

        -- ********************************
        -- **** turn the MOD101 led on ****
        -- ********************************
        procedure Led_On is
            Pointer_1 : Defined_Type.Byte;
            for Pointer_1 use at Base_Address_Mod101;
            Pointer_1 := 16#81#;
        end Led_On;

        -- *********************************
        -- **** turn the MOD101 led off ****
        -- *********************************
        procedure Led_Off is
            Pointer_1 : Defined_Type.Byte;
            for Pointer_1 use at Base_Address_Mod101;
            Pointer_1 := 16#80#;
        end Led_Off;

        function Is_Led_On return Boolean is
            return False;
        end Is_Led_On;

        -- *************************************
        -- **** read a pin of the connector ****
        -- *************************************
        function Read_Pin (Pin : Pin_No) return Boolean is
--            Value_Group : Defined_Type.Octet;
            Value_Group : Defined_Type.Byte;
--            Pin_Type : Data;
            Pin_Type : Bit_Number;
            if (Connector (Pin).Pin_Function /= Other) then
                Value_Group := Read_Group (Gp =>
                                              (Connector (Pin).Groupe_Number));
--                return My_Functions.Test_Bit (Value_Group,
--                                              Connector (Pin).Signal_Title);
                return Bit_Utilities.Test_Bit
                          (Number => Connector (Pin).Signal_Title,
                           Of_Byte => Bit_Utilities.To_Array (Value_Group));
                raise Pin_Error;
            end if;
        end Read_Pin;

        -- ***************************************
        -- **** read a group of the connector ****
        -- ***************************************
--        function Read_Group (Gp : Group) return Defined_Type.Octet is
        function Read_Group (Gp : Group) return Defined_Type.Byte is
--            Pointer_1 : Defined_Type.Octet;
            Pointer_1 : Defined_Type.Byte;
            for Pointer_1 use at Base_Address_Mod101;
--            Pointer_2 : Defined_Type.Octet;
            Pointer_2 : Defined_Type.Byte;
            for Pointer_2 use at Base_Address_Mod101_1;
            case Gp is
                when No_Group =>
                    raise Group_Error;
                when Group0 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 0;
                when Group1 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 1;
                when Group2 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 2;
                when Group3 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 3;
                when Group4 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 4;
            end case;

            return Pointer_2;
        end Read_Group;

        -- ********************************
        -- **** internal group writing ****
        -- ********************************
--        procedure Write (To_Group : Group; Value_Gp : Defined_Type.Octet) is
        procedure Write (To_Group : Group; Value_Gp : Defined_Type.Byte) is
--            Pointer_1 : Defined_Type.Octet;
            Pointer_1 : Defined_Type.Byte;
            for Pointer_1 use at Base_Address_Mod101;
--            Pointer_2 : Defined_Type.Octet;
            Pointer_2 : Defined_Type.Byte;
            for Pointer_2 use at Base_Address_Mod101_1;
            case To_Group is
                when No_Group =>
                    raise Group_Error;
                when Group0 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 0;
                when Group1 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 1;
                when Group2 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 2;
                when Group3 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 3;
                when Group4 =>
                    Pointer_1 := 4;
            end case;
            Pointer_2 := Value_Gp;

            -- **** output enabled ****
            Pointer_1 := 16#90#;
            -- **** for the following group ****
--           case To_Group is
--                when No_Group =>
--                   raise Group_Error;
--                when Group0 =>
--                    Pointer_2 := 1;
--                when Group1 =>
--                    Pointer_2 := 2;
--                when Group2 =>
--                    Pointer_2 := 4;
--                when Group3 =>
--                    Pointer_2 := 8;
--                when Group4 =>
--                    Pointer_2 := 16;
--            end case;
            Pointer_2 := 16#1F#;
        end Write;

        -- *****************************************
        -- **** write to a pin of the connector ****
        -- *****************************************
        procedure Write_Pin (Pin : in Pin_No; Status : in Boolean) is
--            Value_Group : Defined_Type.Octet;
            Value_Group : Defined_Type.Byte;
            Array_Group : Bit_Utilities.Byte;
            if (Connector (Pin).Pin_Function = Output) or not Protection then
                Value_Group := Read_Group (Gp => Connector (Pin).Groupe_Number);
                Array_Group := Bit_Utilities.To_Array (The_Byte => Value_Group);
                if Status then
--                    Value_Group :=
--                       My_Functions.Set_Bit
--                          (Value_Group, Connector (Pin).Signal_Title);
                    Set_Bit_To_1 (Of_Byte => Array_Group,
                                  The_Bit => Connector (Pin).Signal_Title);
--                    Value_Group :=
--                       My_Functions.Reset_Bit
--                          (Value_Group, Connector (Pin).Signal_Title);
                    Set_Bit_To_0 (Of_Byte => Array_Group,
                                  The_Bit => Connector (Pin).Signal_Title);
                end if;
                Value_Group := Bit_Utilities.To_Number
                                  (The_Array => Array_Group);
                Write (To_Group => Connector (Pin).Groupe_Number,
                       Value_Gp => Value_Group);
                raise Pin_Error;
            end if;
        end Write_Pin;

        -- *******************************************
        -- **** write to a group of the connector ****
        -- *******************************************
--        procedure Write_Group (Gp : in Group; Value : in Defined_Type.Octet) is
        procedure Write_Group (Gp : in Group; Value : in Defined_Type.Byte) is
            Authorized : Boolean;
            Index : Positive;
            Authorized := True;
            if Protection then
                Index := 1;
                case Gp is
                    when No_Group =>
                        raise Group_Error;
                    when Group0 =>
                        while Index in Pointer_Group_0'Range and Authorized loop
                            Authorized := (Connector (Pointer_Group_0 (Index)).
                                           Pin_Function = Output);
                            Index := Index + 1;
                        end loop;
                    when Group1 =>
                        while Index in Pointer_Group_1'Range and Authorized loop
                            Authorized := (Connector (Pointer_Group_1 (Index)).
                                           Pin_Function = Output);
                            Index := Index + 1;
                        end loop;
                    when Group2 =>
                        while Index in Pointer_Group_2'Range and Authorized loop
                            Authorized := (Connector (Pointer_Group_2 (Index)).
                                           Pin_Function = Output);
                            Index := Index + 1;
                        end loop;
                    when Group3 =>
                        while Index in Pointer_Group_3'Range and Authorized loop
                            Authorized := (Connector (Pointer_Group_3 (Index)).
                                           Pin_Function = Output);
                            Index := Index + 1;
                        end loop;
                    when Group4 =>
                        while Index in Pointer_Group_4'Range and Authorized loop
                            Authorized := (Connector (Pointer_Group_4 (Index)).
                                           Pin_Function = Output);
                            Index := Index + 1;
                        end loop;
                end case;
            end if;
            if Authorized then
                Write (To_Group => Gp, Value_Gp => Value);
                raise Group_Error;
            end if;
        end Write_Group;
    end Mod101;
end Vsip