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Length: 16384 (0x4000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Mail, package body Operations, package body Reply_Operations, seg_020b50
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Set_Generic; with Unchecked_Deallocation; with Unchecked_Conversions; with String_Utilities; package body Mail is Data_Error : exception; package Subscriptions is new Set_Generic (Mailbox); package Su renames String_Utilities; Number_Generator : Natural := 0; All_Boxes : Post_Office.Map; Subscription_List : Subscriptions.Set; procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Box, Mailbox); procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Raw_Message, Message_Pointer); task Semaphore is entry Unique_Number (N : out Natural); end Semaphore; task body Semaphore is separate; task body Box is separate; function Generate_Unique_Natural return Natural is separate; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function Register (Name : String) return Mailbox is New_Box : Mailbox := new Box; begin Post_Office.Define (The_Map => All_Boxes, D => Su.Upper_Case (Su.Strip (Name)), R => New_Box, Trap_Multiples => True); return New_Box; exception when Post_Office.Multiply_Defined => Free (New_Box); raise Duplicate_Mailbox; end Register; procedure Add (Box : Mailbox; To : in out List) is begin To := List (Box_List.Make (Box, Box_List.List (To))); end Add; function Look_Up (Name : String) return Mailbox is begin return Post_Office.Eval (All_Boxes, Su.Upper_Case (Su.Strip (Name))); exception when Post_Office.Undefined => raise Undefined_Mailbox; end Look_Up; function Get_Kind (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Kind is begin return The_Message.Msg_Kind; end Get_Kind; function Get_Transaction_Id (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Transaction_Id is begin return The_Message.Msg_Transaction_Id; end Get_Transaction_Id; function Is_A_Reply (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Boolean is begin return The_Message.Is_A_Reply; end Is_A_Reply; function Is_Empty (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Boolean is begin return The_Message.Is_Empty; end Is_Empty; function Response_Is_Required (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Boolean is begin return The_Message.Response_Is_Required; end Response_Is_Required; function Get_Response_Kind (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Kind is begin return The_Message.Response_Kind; end Get_Response_Kind; function Get_Priority (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Priority is begin return The_Message.Msg_Priority; end Get_Priority; function Wait (Box : Mailbox) return Raw_Message is Msg : Message_Pointer; begin Box.Retrieve (Msg); declare Answer : constant Raw_Message := Msg.all; begin Free (Msg); return Answer; end; end Wait; function Conditional_Read (Box : Mailbox) return Raw_Message is Empty_Message : constant Raw_Message := Raw_Message'(Length => 0, Msg_Kind => 0, Response_Kind => 0, Msg_Priority => 0, Msg_Transaction_Id => Transaction_Id'(Id => Integer'Last, Source_Box => null, Destination_Box => null), Is_Empty => True, Is_A_Reply => False, Response_Is_Required => False, Msg => (others => 0)); Msg : Message_Pointer; begin Box.Conditional_Retrieve (Msg); if Msg = null then return Empty_Message; else declare Answer : constant Raw_Message := Msg.all; begin Free (Msg); return Answer; end; end if; end Conditional_Read; package body Operations is function To_Byte_String is new Unchecked_Conversions.Convert_To_Byte_String (Message); function From_Byte_String is new Unchecked_Conversions.Convert_From_Byte_String (Message); procedure Send_With_Delivery_Completion (The_Message : Message; Message_Priority : Priority := Default_Priority; Destination : Mailbox) is Blob : constant System.Byte_String := To_Byte_String (The_Message); M : Raw_Message (Blob'Length) := Raw_Message'(Length => Blob'Length, Msg_Kind => Message_Kind, Response_Kind => Kind'Last, Msg_Priority => Message_Priority, Msg_Transaction_Id => Null_Transaction, Is_Empty => False, Is_A_Reply => False, Response_Is_Required => False, Msg => Blob); begin Destination.Deliver (M); end Send_With_Delivery_Completion; package body Reply_Operations is function To_Byte_String is new Unchecked_Conversions.Convert_To_Byte_String (Reply); function From_Byte_String is new Unchecked_Conversions.Convert_From_Byte_String (Reply); function Send_Blocked_With_Application_Reply (The_Message : Message; Message_Priority : Priority := Default_Priority; Destination : Mailbox) return Reply is Response_Id : Response_Ids; Reply_Pointer : Message_Pointer; Blob : constant System.Byte_String := To_Byte_String (The_Message); M : Raw_Message (Blob'Length) := Raw_Message'(Length => Blob'Length, Msg_Kind => Message_Kind, Response_Kind => Reply_Kind, Msg_Priority => Message_Priority, Msg_Transaction_Id => (Generate_Unique_Natural, null, Destination), Is_A_Reply => False, Is_Empty => False, Response_Is_Required => True, Msg => Blob); begin Destination.Deliver_With_Reply (M, Response_Id); Destination.Accept_Response (Response_Id) (Reply_Pointer); declare Answer : constant Reply := From_Byte_String (Reply_Pointer.Msg); begin Free (Reply_Pointer); return Answer; end; end Send_Blocked_With_Application_Reply; function Send_Nonblocked_With_Application_Reply (The_Message : Message; Message_Priority : Priority := Default_Priority; Source : Mailbox; Destination : Mailbox) return Transaction_Id is Blob : constant System.Byte_String := To_Byte_String (The_Message); M : Raw_Message (Blob'Length) := Raw_Message'(Length => Blob'Length, Msg_Kind => Message_Kind, Response_Kind => Reply_Kind, Msg_Priority => Message_Priority, Msg_Transaction_Id => (Generate_Unique_Natural, Source, Destination), Is_A_Reply => False, Is_Empty => False, Response_Is_Required => True, Msg => Blob); begin Destination.Deliver (M); return M.Msg_Transaction_Id; end Send_Nonblocked_With_Application_Reply; function Receive (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Reply is begin if The_Message.Msg_Kind /= Reply_Kind then raise Data_Error; else return From_Byte_String (The_Message.Msg); end if; end Receive; procedure Nonblocked_Reply (The_Reply : Reply; Transaction : Transaction_Id) is Blob : constant System.Byte_String := To_Byte_String (The_Reply); M : Raw_Message (Blob'Length) := Raw_Message'(Length => Blob'Length, Msg_Kind => Reply_Kind, Response_Kind => Kind'Last, Msg_Priority => Default_Priority, Msg_Transaction_Id => Transaction, Is_A_Reply => True, Is_Empty => False, Response_Is_Required => False, Msg => Blob); begin -- two cases: blocked or nonblocked sender if Transaction.Source_Box = null then -- blocked case -- reply to my task queue, so that it may in turn -- reply to the sender who is waiting Transaction.Destination_Box.Respond (M); else -- unblocked case -- return the reply to the sender's mailbox Transaction.Source_Box.Deliver (M); end if; end Nonblocked_Reply; end Reply_Operations; procedure Multicast (The_Message : Message; Message_Priority : Priority := Default_Priority; Destinations : List) is Iter : Box_List.Iterator; begin Box_List.Init (Iter, Box_List.List (Destinations)); while not Box_List.Done (Iter) loop Send_With_Delivery_Completion (The_Message => The_Message, Message_Priority => Message_Priority, Destination => Box_List.Value (Iter)); Box_List.Next (Iter); end loop; end Multicast; procedure Broadcast (The_Message : Message; Message_Priority : Priority := Default_Priority) is Iter : Subscriptions.Iterator; begin Subscriptions.Init (Iter => Iter, S => Subscription_List); while not Subscriptions.Done (Iter) loop Send_With_Delivery_Completion (The_Message => The_Message, Message_Priority => Message_Priority, Destination => Subscriptions.Value (Iter)); Subscriptions.Next (Iter); end loop; end Broadcast; procedure Subscribe (Box : Mailbox) is begin Subscriptions.Add (S => Subscription_List, X => Box); end Subscribe; procedure Cancel_Subscription (Box : Mailbox) is begin Subscriptions.Delete (S => Subscription_List, X => Box); end Cancel_Subscription; function Receive (The_Message : Raw_Message) return Message is begin if The_Message.Msg_Kind /= Message_Kind then raise Data_Error; else return From_Byte_String (The_Message.Msg); end if; end Receive; end Operations; begin Post_Office.Initialize (All_Boxes); Subscriptions.Initialize (Subscription_List); end Mail;
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