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Rational R1000/400

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⟦0798cf346⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 20480 (0x5000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Variable_Table, seg_0473a6


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

with Tds, Error, Type_Table, Text_Io, Unbounded_String, Stack_Generic;

package body Variable_Table is

    package Unlimited_String is new Unbounded_String (10);

    type Context is
            Table : Tds.Object;
            Element : Natural;
        end record;

    package Type_Context_Stack is new Stack_Generic (Element => Context);

    package Type_String_Stack is
       new Stack_Generic (Element => Unlimited_String.Variable_String);

    Master_Table, Current_Table : Tds.Object;
    Last_Inserted_Variable_Name : Unlimited_String.Variable_String;
    Initialization_Context : Context;
    Context_Stack : Type_Context_Stack.Stack;
    My_String_Stack : Type_String_Stack.Stack;

    procedure Create (Variable_Name, Type_Name : in String;
                      L, C : in Natural) is  
        Source_Table, Target_Table : Tds.Object;
        Current_Table := Master_Table;  
        Source_Table := Type_Table.Get_Type (Type_Name);  
        Tds.Insert_Table_Symbol (Master_Table, Variable_Name, Type_Name, L, C);
        Target_Table := Tds.Get_Table (Master_Table, Variable_Name);
        Tds.Deep_Copy (Source_Table, Target_Table);
        Last_Inserted_Variable_Name := Unlimited_String.Value (Variable_Name);
        when Type_Table.Demanded_Type_Does_Not_Exist =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Inexistant_Type_For_Declaration);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        when Tds.Name_Does_Already_Exist =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Duplicate_Identifier_In_Variable_Table);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;  
    end Create;

    procedure Create (Variable_Name : in String;
                      Variable_Type : in Dynamic_Value.Kinds;
                      L, C : in Natural) is  
        V : Dynamic_Value.Object;
        Current_Table := Master_Table;
        case Variable_Type is
            when Dynamic_Value.Unknown =>
            when Dynamic_Value.Integer_Number =>
                Dynamic_Value.Set_Value (V, 0);
            when Dynamic_Value.Boolean_Number =>
                Dynamic_Value.Set_Value (V, False);
            when Dynamic_Value.String_Of_Characters =>
                Dynamic_Value.Set_Value (V, "");
            when Dynamic_Value.Vocabulary_Word =>
                Dynamic_Value.Set_Value (V, "", Dynamic_Value.Voca_Value);
            when Dynamic_Value.Set_Of_Words =>
        end case;
        Tds.Insert_Value_Symbol (Master_Table, Variable_Name, L, C, V);
        Last_Inserted_Variable_Name := Unlimited_String.Value (Variable_Name);  
        when Tds.Name_Does_Already_Exist =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Duplicate_Identifier_In_Variable_Table);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
    end Create;

    procedure Init_Acces_Path is
        Type_String_Stack.Make_Empty (My_String_Stack);
    end Init_Acces_Path;

    procedure Append_To_Acces_Path (Element : String) is
           (Unlimited_String.Value (Element), My_String_Stack);
    end Append_To_Acces_Path;

    function Get_Access_On (Name : in String) return Dynamic_Value.Object is
        V : Dynamic_Value.Object;
        V := Tds.Get_Access_On_Value (Current_Table, Name);  
        return V;
        when Tds.Name_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_Table |
             Tds.Name_Does_Not_Correspond_To_A_Value =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Bad_Variable_Name);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;  
    end Get_Access_On;

    function Get_Access_Through_Path return Dynamic_Value.Object is  
        V : Dynamic_Value.Object;
        My_Stack_Iterator : Type_String_Stack.Iterator;  
        Current_Element : Unlimited_String.Variable_String;
        Temporary_Table : Tds.Object;
        Temporary_Table := Current_Table;
        Current_Table := Master_Table;

        Type_String_Stack.Init (My_Stack_Iterator, My_String_Stack);
        Current_Element := Type_String_Stack.Value (My_Stack_Iterator);
        Type_String_Stack.Next (My_Stack_Iterator);

        while not (Type_String_Stack.Done (My_Stack_Iterator)) loop  
            Go_In (Unlimited_String.Image (Current_Element));
            Current_Element := Type_String_Stack.Value (My_Stack_Iterator);
            Type_String_Stack.Next (My_Stack_Iterator);
        end loop;
        V := Get_Access_On (Unlimited_String.Image (Current_Element));  
        Current_Table := Temporary_Table;
        return V;  
    end Get_Access_Through_Path;

    procedure Go_In (Variable_Name : in String) is
        T : Tds.Object;
        T := Tds.Get_Table (Current_Table, Variable_Name);
        Current_Table := T;
        when Tds.Name_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_Table |
             Tds.Name_Does_Not_Correspond_To_A_Table =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Bad_Variable_Name);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
    end Go_In;

    procedure Go_To_Top_Level is
        Current_Table := Master_Table;
    end Go_To_Top_Level;

    procedure Begin_Initialization is
        use Tds;
        Type_Context_Stack.Make_Empty (Context_Stack);
        if (Tds.Get_Kind_Of_Symbol
               (Master_Table, Unlimited_String.Image
                                 (Last_Inserted_Variable_Name)) =
            Tds.Record_Value) then
            Initialization_Context.Table :=
               Tds.Get_Table (Master_Table, Unlimited_String.Image
            if (Tds.Get_Number_Of_Symbols (Initialization_Context.Table) =
                0) then
                Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.
                raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
            end if;
            Initialization_Context.Table := Master_Table;
        end if;
        Initialization_Context.Element := 0;  
    end Begin_Initialization;

    procedure Go_In_Inherited is
        Name : Unlimited_String.Variable_String;
        use Tds;
        if (Tds.Get_Number_Of_Symbols (Initialization_Context.Table) <
            Initialization_Context.Element) then  
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Too_Many_Parameters_For_Initialization);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        end if;
        if (Initialization_Context.Element = 0) then
            Initialization_Context.Element := 1;
        end if;
        Name := Unlimited_String.Value
                   (Tds.Get_Name (Initialization_Context.Table,
        if (Tds.Get_Kind_Of_Symbol
               (Initialization_Context.Table, Unlimited_String.Image (Name)) /=
            Tds.Record_Value) then  
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        end if;
        Type_Context_Stack.Push (Initialization_Context, Context_Stack);
        Initialization_Context.Table :=
           Tds.Get_Table (Initialization_Context.Table,
                          Unlimited_String.Image (Name));
        Initialization_Context.Element := 1;  
    end Go_In_Inherited;

    procedure Go_Out_Of_Inherited is
        Initialization_Context := Type_Context_Stack.Top (Context_Stack);
        Type_Context_Stack.Pop (Context_Stack);  
        Initialization_Context.Element := Initialization_Context.Element + 1;  
        when Type_Context_Stack.Underflow =>  
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Too_Many_Parameters_For_Initialization);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
    end Go_Out_Of_Inherited;

    procedure Initialize_With (V : in Dynamic_Value.Object) is
        Value : Dynamic_Value.Object;
        Name : Unlimited_String.Variable_String;  
        use Tds;
        if (Tds.Get_Kind_Of_Symbol
               (Master_Table, Unlimited_String.Image
                                 (Last_Inserted_Variable_Name)) =
            Record_Value) then
            if (Initialization_Context.Element = 0) then  
                Initialization_Context.Element := 1;  
                Initialization_Context.Table :=
                   Tds.Get_Table (Master_Table,
            end if;
            Name := Unlimited_String.Value
                       (Tds.Get_Name (Initialization_Context.Table,
            Value := Tds.Get_Access_On_Value (Initialization_Context.Table,
                                              Unlimited_String.Image (Name));  
            Dynamic_Value.Deep_Copy (V, Value);
            Initialization_Context.Element :=
               Initialization_Context.Element + 1;  
            Name := Unlimited_String.Value (Unlimited_String.Image
            Value := Tds.Get_Access_On_Value (Initialization_Context.Table,
                                              Unlimited_String.Image (Name));  
            Dynamic_Value.Deep_Copy (V, Value);
            Initialization_Context.Element :=
               Initialization_Context.Element + 1;  
        end if;
        when Tds.Name_Does_Not_Correspond_To_A_Value =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;  
        when Tds.Id_Does_Not_Exist_In_This_Table =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Too_Many_Parameters_For_Initialization);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        when Dynamic_Value.Integer_Expected =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Integer_Was_Expected);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        when Dynamic_Value.Boolean_Expected =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Boolean_Was_Expected);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        when Dynamic_Value.String_Expected =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.String_Was_Expected);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        when Dynamic_Value.Set_Expected =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Set_Was_Expected);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        when Dynamic_Value.Word_Expected =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.Word_Was_Expected);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
        when Dynamic_Value.Word_Or_String_Expected =>
            Error.Set_Type_Error (Error.String_Or_Word_Was_Expected);
            raise Error.Excep_Semantic_Error;
    end Initialize_With;

    procedure Print is
        Text_Io.Put (" VARIABLES  ");
        Tds.Print (Master_Table);
    end Print;

end Variable_Table;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=044
        [0x01] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=01a
        [0x02] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=006
        [0x03] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=00c
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        [0x05] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=036
        [0x06] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=04a
        [0x07] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=048
        [0x08] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=046
        [0x09] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=02a
        [0x0a] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=04e
        [0x0b] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=000
        [0x0c] rec0=05 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=01a
        [0x0d] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=022
        [0x0e] rec0=02 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=000
        [0x0f] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=000
        [0x10] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=000
        [0x11] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=000
        [0x12] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=000
    tail 0x21544317286537983531d 0x42a00088462060003
Free Block Chain:
  0xb: 0000  00 0d 00 bc 80 0c 69 61 6c 69 7a 65 5f 57 69 74  ┆      ialize_Wit┆
  0xd: 0000  00 0f 03 fc 80 23 65 5f 54 61 62 6c 65 2c 20 54  ┆     #e_Table, T┆
  0xf: 0000  00 09 00 0b 80 02 65 3b 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 47  ┆      e;       G┆
  0x9: 0000  00 02 00 76 80 2e 49 6e 69 74 69 61 6c 69 7a 65  ┆   v .Initialize┆
  0x2: 0000  00 04 00 09 80 06 6f 5f 41 5f 54 61 06 20 43 72  ┆      o_A_Ta  Cr┆
  0x4: 0000  00 08 00 f1 80 19 74 5f 43 6f 72 72 65 73 70 6f  ┆      t_Correspo┆
  0x8: 0000  00 00 00 06 80 03 65 61 6e 03 04 05 06 07 08 09  ┆      ean       ┆