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Length: 24576 (0x6000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Interface_Analysis, seg_020bcf
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Lrm_Utilities; with Compilation_Units; with Type_Information; package body Interface_Analysis is procedure Analyze (Declarations_In_Package : String := "<SELECTION>"; Db : in out Database) is Comp_Unit : Ada_Program.Compilation_Unit := Compilation_Units.Parent_Compilation_Unit (Ada_Program.Conversion.Resolve (Declarations_In_Package)); Decls : Ada_Program.Element_Iterator := Declarations.Visible_Part_Declarations (Comp_Unit); A_Decl : Ada_Program.Declaration; A_Global_State : Global_State := False; Sub_Iter : Subprogram_Iterator; Param_Iter : Parameter_Iterator; begin Rpc_Decls.Initialize (Db.Decls); Unique_Types.Initialize (Db.Types); while not Ada_Program.Done (Decls) loop A_Decl := Ada_Program.Value (Decls); case Declarations.Kind (A_Decl) is when Declarations.A_Function_Declaration | Declarations.A_Procedure_Declaration | Declarations.An_Exception_Declaration => Rpc_Decls.Add (The_Declaration => A_Decl, To => Db.Decls, Global => A_Global_State); when others => null; end case; Ada_Program.Next (Decls); end loop; Init (Db, Sub_Iter); while not Done (Sub_Iter) loop if Kind (Sub_Iter) = A_Function then Unique_Types.Add (The_Declaration => Return_Type_Decl (Iter => Sub_Iter), To => Db.Types, Global => A_Global_State); end if; Param_Iter := Parameters (Sub_Iter); while not Done (Param_Iter) loop Unique_Types.Add (The_Declaration => Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration (Element => Type_Information.Base_Type (Type_Def => Declarations.Type_Specification (Type_Declaration_Or_Id => Formals_Type_Decl (Iter => Param_Iter)))), To => Db.Types, Global => A_Global_State); Next (Param_Iter); end loop; Next (Sub_Iter); end loop; end Analyze; procedure Add_Other_Exceptions (Declaration_List : String := ">>WILDCARD REFERENCE<<"; Db : in out Database) is Decls : Ada_Program.Element_List := Ada_Program.Conversion.Resolve (Declaration_List, Look_Through_Stubs => False); A_Decl : Ada_Program.Declaration; A_Global_State : Global_State := False; begin while not Ada_Program.Done (Decls) loop A_Decl := Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration (Ada_Program.Value (Decls)); if not Declarations.Is_In_Private_Part (A_Decl) then case Declarations.Kind (A_Decl) is when Declarations.An_Exception_Declaration => Rpc_Decls.Add (The_Declaration => A_Decl, To => Db.Decls, Global => A_Global_State); when others => null; end case; end if; Ada_Program.Next (Decls); end loop; end Add_Other_Exceptions; procedure Init (From_Db : Database; Iter : in out Reference_Iterator) is begin Rpc_Decls.Init (From_Db.Decls, Iter.Decl_Iter); Unique_Types.Init (From_Db.Types, Iter.Types_Iter); end Init; function Done (Iter : Reference_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Rpc_Decls.Done (Iter.Decl_Iter) and then Unique_Types.Done (Iter.Types_Iter); end Done; function Referenced_Unit (Iter : Reference_Iterator) return Ada_Program.Compilation_Unit is begin if not Rpc_Decls.Done (Iter.Decl_Iter) then return Rpc_Decls.Parent (Iter.Decl_Iter); else return Unique_Types.Parent (Iter.Types_Iter); end if; end Referenced_Unit; function Reference (Iter : Reference_Iterator) return String is begin if not Rpc_Decls.Done (Iter.Decl_Iter) then return Rpc_Decls.Simple_Name (Iter.Decl_Iter); else return Unique_Types.Simple_Name (Iter.Types_Iter); end if; end Reference; procedure Next (Iter : in out Reference_Iterator) is begin if not Rpc_Decls.Done (Iter.Decl_Iter) then Rpc_Decls.Next (Iter.Decl_Iter); else Unique_Types.Next (Iter.Types_Iter); end if; end Next; function Done (Iter : Id_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Ada_Program.Done (Ada_Program.Element_List (Iter)); end Done; function Reference (Iter : Id_Iterator) return String is begin return Lrm_Utilities.Qualified_Reference (Ada_Program.Value (Ada_Program.Element_List (Iter))); end Reference; function Name (Iter : Id_Iterator) return String is begin return Declarations.Name (Ada_Program.Value (Ada_Program.Element_List (Iter))); end Name; procedure Next (Iter : in out Id_Iterator) is begin Ada_Program.Next (Ada_Program.Element_List (Iter)); end Next; procedure Init (From_Db : Database; Iter : in out Exception_Iterator) is State : Decl_State; begin Rpc_Decls.Init (From_Db.Decls, Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); case State.Kind is when An_Exception => null; when A_Procedure | A_Function => Next (Iter); end case; end Init; function Done (Iter : Exception_Iterator) return Boolean is Local : Exception_Iterator := Iter; State : Decl_State; begin if Rpc_Decls.Done (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)) then return True; else State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); case State.Kind is when An_Exception => return False; when A_Procedure | A_Function => Next (Local); end case; return Rpc_Decls.Done (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Local)); end if; end Done; function Names (Iter : Exception_Iterator) return Id_Iterator is The_Decl : Ada_Program.Element := Rpc_Decls.Declaration (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); Id_List : Ada_Program.Element_List := Declarations.Identifiers (The_Decl); begin return Id_Iterator (Id_List); end Names; function Unique_Name (Iter : Exception_Iterator) return String is begin return Rpc_Decls.Unique_Simple_Name (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end Unique_Name; function Reference (Iter : Exception_Iterator) return String is begin return Lrm_Utilities.Qualified_Reference (Rpc_Decls.Declaration (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter))); end Reference; procedure Next (Iter : in out Exception_Iterator) is State : Decl_State; begin Rpc_Decls.Next (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); while not Rpc_Decls.Done (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)) loop State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); case State.Kind is when An_Exception => exit; when A_Procedure | A_Function => null; end case; Rpc_Decls.Next (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end loop; end Next; function Name (Of_Type : Type_Decl) return String is begin return Declarations.Name (Of_Type); end Name; function Kind (Of_Type : Type_Decl) return Type_Kind is begin return Type_Information.Kind (Declarations.Object_Type (Of_Type)); end Kind; function Done (Iter : Parameter_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Ada_Program.Done (Ada_Program.Element_Iterator (Iter)); end Done; function Names (Iter : Parameter_Iterator) return Id_Iterator is begin return Id_Iterator (Declarations.Identifiers (Ada_Program.Value (Ada_Program.Element_Iterator (Iter)))); end Names; function Formals_Image (Iter : Parameter_Iterator) return String is begin return Declarations.Name (Ada_Program.Value (Ada_Program.Element_Iterator (Iter))); end Formals_Image; function Formals_Type_Decl (Iter : Parameter_Iterator) return Type_Decl is Param : Ada_Program.Element; Type_Def : Ada_Program.Element; begin Param := Ada_Program.Value (Ada_Program.Element_Iterator (Iter)); Type_Def := Declarations.Type_Mark (Param); return Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration (Ada_Program.Definition (Type_Def)); end Formals_Type_Decl; function Mode (Iter : Parameter_Iterator) return Parameter_Mode is begin return Declarations.Subprogram_Parameter_Kind (Ada_Program.Value (Ada_Program.Element_Iterator (Iter))); end Mode; function Initial_Expression (Iter : Parameter_Iterator) return String is Value : Ada_Program.Element := Declarations.Initial_Value (Ada_Program.Value (Ada_Program.Element_Iterator (Iter))); begin if Ada_Program.Is_Nil (Value) then return ""; else return Ada_Program.Image (Value); end if; end Initial_Expression; function Image (Iter : Parameter_Iterator) return String is begin return Ada_Program.Image (Ada_Program.Value (Ada_Program.Element_Iterator (Iter))); end Image; procedure Next (Iter : in out Parameter_Iterator) is begin Ada_Program.Next (Ada_Program.Element_Iterator (Iter)); end Next; procedure Init (From_Db : Database; Iter : in out Subprogram_Iterator) is State : Decl_State; begin Rpc_Decls.Init (From_Db.Decls, Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); case State.Kind is when An_Exception => Next (Iter); when A_Procedure | A_Function => null; end case; end Init; function Done (Iter : Subprogram_Iterator) return Boolean is Local : Subprogram_Iterator := Iter; State : Decl_State; begin if Rpc_Decls.Done (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)) then return True; else State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); case State.Kind is when An_Exception => Next (Local); when A_Procedure | A_Function => return False; end case; return Rpc_Decls.Done (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Local)); end if; end Done; function Name (Iter : Subprogram_Iterator) return String is begin return Rpc_Decls.Simple_Name (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end Name; function Unique_Name (Iter : Subprogram_Iterator) return String is begin return Rpc_Decls.Unique_Simple_Name (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end Unique_Name; function Reference (Iter : Subprogram_Iterator) return String is begin return Lrm_Utilities.Qualified_Reference (Rpc_Decls.Declaration (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter))); end Reference; function Kind (Iter : Subprogram_Iterator) return Subprogram_Kind is State : Decl_State; begin State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); case State.Kind is when An_Exception => raise Program_Error; when A_Function => return A_Function; when A_Procedure => return A_Procedure; end case; end Kind; function Return_Type_Decl (Iter : Subprogram_Iterator) return Type_Decl is State : Decl_State; begin State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); case State.Kind is when An_Exception => raise Program_Error; when A_Function => return State.Return_Type; when A_Procedure => raise Program_Error; end case; end Return_Type_Decl; function Parameters (Iter : Subprogram_Iterator) return Parameter_Iterator is State : Decl_State; begin State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); return State.Parameters; end Parameters; procedure Next (Iter : in out Subprogram_Iterator) is State : Decl_State; begin Rpc_Decls.Next (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); while not Rpc_Decls.Done (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)) loop State := Rpc_Decls.Analysis (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); case State.Kind is when A_Procedure | A_Function => exit; when An_Exception => null; end case; Rpc_Decls.Next (Rpc_Decls.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end loop; end Next; procedure Init (From_Db : Database; Iter : in out Unique_Type_Iterator) is begin Unique_Types.Init (From_Db.Types, Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end Init; function Done (Iter : Unique_Type_Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Unique_Types.Done (Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end Done; function Name (Iter : Unique_Type_Iterator) return String is begin return Unique_Types.Simple_Name (Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end Name; function Decl (Iter : Unique_Type_Iterator) return Type_Decl is begin return Unique_Types.Declaration (Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end Decl; function Kind (Iter : Unique_Type_Iterator) return Type_Kind is begin return Unique_Types.Analysis (Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)). Kind; end Kind; function Reference (Iter : Unique_Type_Iterator) return String is Is_In_Standard : Boolean := Unique_Types.Analysis (Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)). Is_Standard; begin if Is_In_Standard then return Unique_Types.Simple_Name (Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); else return Lrm_Utilities.Qualified_Reference (Unique_Types.Declaration (Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter))); end if; end Reference; procedure Next (Iter : in out Unique_Type_Iterator) is begin Unique_Types.Next (Unique_Types.Declaration_Iterator (Iter)); end Next; procedure Update_State (Decl : Ada_Program.Declaration; S : in out Decl_State; Global : in out Global_State) is begin case Declarations.Kind (Decl) is when Declarations.A_Procedure_Declaration => S.Kind := A_Procedure; S.Parameters := Parameter_Iterator (Declarations.Subprogram_Parameters (Decl)); S.Return_Type := Ada_Program.Nil_Element; when Declarations.A_Function_Declaration => S.Kind := A_Function; S.Parameters := Parameter_Iterator (Declarations.Subprogram_Parameters (Decl)); S.Return_Type := Ada_Program.Parent (Ada_Program.Definition (Declarations.Return_Type (Decl))); S.Return_Type_Kind := Type_Information.Kind (Declarations.Type_Specification (S.Return_Type)); when Declarations.An_Exception_Declaration => S.Kind := An_Exception; when others => null; end case; end Update_State; procedure Update_State (Decl : Ada_Program.Declaration; S : in out Type_State; Global : in out Global_State) is Type_Def : Declarations.Type_Definition := Declarations.Type_Specification (Decl); begin S.Is_Standard := Type_Information.Is_Predefined (Type_Def); S.Kind := Type_Information.Kind (Type_Def); end Update_State; function Reference (Of_Type : Type_Decl) return String is begin return Lrm_Utilities.Qualified_Reference (Of_Type); end Reference; end Interface_Analysis;
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