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Length: 13312 (0x3400) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body A_Strings, seg_050967
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
-- This package defines types and routines for manipulating -- varying-length character strings, as a_string (access string_rec). -- SFZ\x091/21/86 package body A_Strings is pragma Suppress (Length_Check); pragma Suppress (Range_Check); pragma Suppress (Index_Check); procedure Check_Len (Try, Bound : Integer) is begin if Try < 1 or else Try > Bound then raise Constraint_Error; end if; end Check_Len; pragma Inline_Only (Check_Len); function Allocate (Size : Integer) return A_String is begin return new String_Rec (Size); end Allocate; function To_C (S : A_String) return System.Address is With_Nul : A_String; begin if S.Len /= 0 then if S.S (S.Len) = Ascii.Nul then return S.S (1)'Address; end if; end if; With_Nul := S & Ascii.Nul; return With_Nul.S (1)'Address; end To_C; function To_A (S : String) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Result := Allocate (S'Length); Result.S := S; return Result; end To_A; function To_A (C : Character) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Result := Allocate (1); Result.S (1) := C; return Result; end To_A; function "&" (S : A_String; T : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Result := Allocate (S.Len + T.Len); Result.S := S.S & T.S; return Result; end "&"; function "&" (S : String; T : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Result := Allocate (S'Length + T.Len); Result.S := S & T.S; return Result; end "&"; function "&" (S : A_String; T : String) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Result := Allocate (S.Len + T'Length); Result.S := S.S & T; return Result; end "&"; function "&" (S : Character; T : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Result := Allocate (1 + T.Len); Result.S := S & T.S; return Result; end "&"; function "&" (S : A_String; T : Character) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Result := Allocate (1 + S.Len); Result.S := S.S & T; return Result; end "&"; function Insert (S : A_String; Into : A_String; At_Char : Natural) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Check_Len (At_Char, Into.Len); Result := Allocate (S.Len + Into.Len); Result.S := Into.S (1 .. At_Char - 1) & S.S & Into.S (At_Char .. Into.Len); return Result; end Insert; function Insert (S : String; Into : A_String; At_Char : Natural) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Check_Len (At_Char, Into.Len); Result := Allocate (S'Length + Into.Len); Result.S := Into.S (1 .. At_Char - 1) & S & Into.S (At_Char .. Into.Len); return Result; end Insert; function Insert (S : Character; Into : A_String; At_Char : Natural) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin Check_Len (At_Char, Into.Len); Result := Allocate (Into.Len + 1); Result.S := Into.S (1 .. At_Char - 1) & S & Into.S (At_Char .. Into.Len); return Result; end Insert; function Change (S : A_String; At_Char, To_Char : Natural; Into : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String; Deleted : Integer := To_Char - At_Char + 1; begin Check_Len (At_Char, S.Len); Check_Len (To_Char, S.Len); Result := Allocate (S.Len + Into.Len - Deleted); Result.S := S.S (1 .. At_Char - 1) & Into.S & S.S (To_Char + 1 .. S.Len); return Result; end Change; function Change (S : A_String; At_Char, To_Char : Natural; Into : String) return A_String is Result : A_String; Deleted : Integer := To_Char - At_Char + 1; begin Check_Len (At_Char, S.Len); Check_Len (To_Char, S.Len); Result := Allocate (S.Len + Into'Length - Deleted); Result.S := S.S (1 .. At_Char - 1) & Into & S.S (To_Char + 1 .. S.Len); return Result; end Change; function Has (Pattern, S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Integer is Len_Less_One : Integer := Pattern.Len - 1; begin for I in Start .. S.Len - Len_Less_One loop if S.S (I .. I + Len_Less_One) = Pattern.S then return I; end if; end loop; return 0; end Has; function Has (Pattern : String; S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Integer is Len_Less_One : Integer := Pattern'Length - 1; begin for I in Start .. S.Len - Len_Less_One loop if S.S (I .. I + Len_Less_One) = Pattern then return I; end if; end loop; return 0; end Has; function Has (Pattern : Character; S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Integer is begin for I in Start .. S.Len loop if S.S (I) = Pattern then return I; end if; end loop; return 0; end Has; function Next (Pattern, S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Natural is Index : Integer := Has (Pattern, S, Start); begin if Index = 0 then raise Not_Found; end if; return Index; end Next; function Next (Pattern : String; S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Natural is Index : Integer := Has (Pattern, S, Start); begin if Index = 0 then raise Not_Found; end if; return Index; end Next; function Next (Pattern : Character; S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Natural is Index : Integer := Has (Pattern, S, Start); begin if Index = 0 then raise Not_Found; end if; return Index; end Next; function Last (Pattern, S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Natural is begin return Last (Pattern.S, S, Start); end Last; function Last (Pattern : String; S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Natural is I : Integer := Start - 1; begin loop I := Next (Pattern, S, I + 1); end loop; exception when Not_Found => if I = Start - 1 then raise Not_Found; end if; return I; end Last; function Last (Pattern : Character; S : A_String; Start : Natural := 1) return Natural is begin return Last (String'(1 => Pattern), S, Start); end Last; function Substitute (For_Pattern, To_Pattern : String; S : A_String) return A_String is begin raise Program_Error; -- not yet implemented return Empty; --WARNING end Substitute; function Reverse_Order (S : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String := Allocate (S.Len); begin for I in 1 .. S.Len loop Result.S (I) := S.S (S.Len - I + 1); end loop; return Result; end Reverse_Order; function Truncate (S : A_String; At_Char : Natural) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin if At_Char > S.Len then return S; end if; Check_Len (At_Char, S.Len); Result := new String_Rec'(At_Char - 1, S.S (1 .. At_Char - 1)); return Result; end Truncate; function Trim (S : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String; begin for I in reverse 1 .. S.Len loop if S.S (I) /= ' ' then Result := Allocate (I); Result.S := S.S (1 .. I); return Result; end if; end loop; return Empty; end Trim; function Pad_Left (S : A_String; To_Length : Natural; Pad_Char : Character := ' ') return A_String is Result : A_String; begin if S.Len > To_Length then raise Constraint_Error; end if; Result := Allocate (To_Length); for I in 1 .. To_Length - S.Len loop Result.S (I) := Pad_Char; end loop; Result.S (To_Length - S.Len + 1 .. To_Length) := S.S; return Result; end Pad_Left; function Pad_Right (S : A_String; To_Length : Natural; Pad_Char : Character := ' ') return A_String is Result : A_String; begin if S.Len > To_Length then raise Constraint_Error; end if; Result := Allocate (To_Length); for I in S.Len + 1 .. To_Length loop Result.S (I) := Pad_Char; end loop; Result.S (1 .. S.Len) := S.S; return Result; end Pad_Right; function Copy (S : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String := Allocate (S.Len); begin Result.S := S.S; return Result; end Copy; function Lower_To_Upper (S : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String := Allocate (S.Len); begin for I in 1 .. S.Len loop Result.S (I) := To_Upper (S.S (I)); end loop; return Result; end Lower_To_Upper; function Upper_To_Lower (S : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String := Allocate (S.Len); begin for I in 1 .. S.Len loop Result.S (I) := To_Lower (S.S (I)); end loop; return Result; end Upper_To_Lower; function Translate (From_Old, To_New : String; S : A_String) return A_String is Result : A_String := Allocate (S.Len); Trans : array (Character) of Character; begin if From_Old'First /= To_New'First or else From_Old'Last /= To_New'Last then raise Constraint_Error; end if; for C in Character loop Trans (C) := C; end loop; for I in From_Old'Range loop Trans (From_Old (I)) := To_New (I); end loop; for I in 1 .. S.Len loop Result.S (I) := Trans (S.S (I)); end loop; return Result; end Translate; function Is_Null (S : A_String) return Boolean is begin return S = null; end Is_Null; function Is_Empty (S : A_String) return Boolean is begin return S.Len = 0; end Is_Empty; procedure Free (S : A_String) is begin null; end Free; end A_Strings;
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