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Length: 18432 (0x4800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Sort_Sup, seg_0581d9
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
-- UNIT: procedure sort_sup_b.a -- FILES: sort.a, sort_sup.a, sort_sup_b.a -- COMPILE: ada sort_sup.a sort_sup_b.a -- ada -o sort sort.a -- PURPOSE: To provide a demo for self targets , -- as well as a useful demo for performance analysis. -- Of course with a few generics the support routines -- would provide a fine addition to a general sort library. -- DESCRIPTION: This is a menu driven demo that provides examples of -- four popular sorts: the bubble sort, the shell sort, -- the quick sort, and the quick sort with an inline swap. -- -- Menu options allow output control, random data -- generation, and selection of sorting options. -- USAGE: sort -- -- .......................................................................... -- with System, Sort_Sup, Text_Io, V_I_Bits; use System, Sort_Sup, Text_Io; package body Sort_Sup is Wait_Time : constant Integer := 10000; Show_Result : Boolean := False; procedure Pause is W : Integer := 1; begin for I in 1 .. Wait_Time loop W := W * 3; W := W / 3; end loop; end Pause; procedure Initialize is begin -- -- set initial values -- Input_Valid := False; Output_Valid := False; Num_Of_Data := 8; Put_Line ("<<< VADS/NWIS Performance Analyzer Demonstration >>>"); end Initialize; function Make_Random (Seed : Integer) return Integer is use V_I_Bits; Rand_Num1 : Integer := Seed; Rand_Num2 : Integer := Rand_Num1; Rand_Num3 : Integer := Rand_Num1; Ret_Val : Integer := 0; begin -- seed >> 4 Rand_Num1 := Rand_Num1 / (2 ** 4); -- seed << 10 Rand_Num2 := Rand_Num2 * (2 ** 10); -- seed >> 3 Rand_Num3 := Rand_Num3 / (2 ** 3); Ret_Val := Bit_Or (Rand_Num2, Rand_Num3); Ret_Val := Ret_Val + Rand_Num1; Ret_Val := Bit_And (Ret_Val, Bit_Mask); return Ret_Val; end Make_Random; procedure Gen_Pseudo_Random_Data (A : in out Sort_Data; N : Integer; Seed : Integer) is Seed_Clone : Integer := Seed; begin for I in 0 .. (N - 1) loop A (I) := Make_Random (Seed_Clone); Seed_Clone := A (I); end loop; end Gen_Pseudo_Random_Data; procedure Gen_Random_Data (A : in out Sort_Data; N, Seed : Integer) is begin -- -- no cross-compiled C code for a real interface -- Gen_Pseudo_Random_Data (A, N, Seed); end Gen_Random_Data; procedure Gen_Ascending_Data (A : in out Sort_Data; N : Integer) is begin for I in 0 .. (N - 1) loop A (I) := I mod 256; end loop; end Gen_Ascending_Data; procedure Gen_Descending_Data (A : in out Sort_Data; N : Integer) is begin for I in 0 .. (N - 1) loop A (I) := 255 - (I mod 256); end loop; end Gen_Descending_Data; procedure Read_User_Data (A : out Sort_Data; N : Integer) is begin Put_Line ("read_user_data is not yet implemented"); end Read_User_Data; procedure Show_Data is begin Put_Line (" "); if (Input_Valid or Output_Valid) then for I in 1 .. Num_Of_Data loop if (Input_Valid) then Put (" Input data [" & Integer'Image (I)); Put_Line ("] = " & Integer'Image (Input_Data (I - 1))); end if; if (Output_Valid) then Put (" Output data [" & Integer'Image (I)); Put_Line ("] = " & Integer'Image (Output_Data (I - 1))); end if; end loop; end if; Put_Line (" "); if ((Num_Of_Data < 1) or ((not Input_Valid) and (not Output_Valid))) then Put_Line (" Input and Output data not available."); else if (not Output_Valid) then Put_Line (" Output data not available."); end if; end if; Pause; end Show_Data; procedure Draw_Front_Page is begin Put_Line ("draw_front_page is not yet implemented"); end Draw_Front_Page; procedure Copy (Copy_Size : in out Integer) is begin for I in 0 .. (Copy_Size - 1) loop Output_Data (I) := Input_Data (I); end loop; Output_Valid := Input_Valid; end Copy; procedure Swap (X, Y : in out Integer) is Temp : Integer; begin Temp := X; X := Y; Y := Temp; end Swap; procedure Show_Output (T : Integer) is begin if Show_Result then Put_Line ("Sorted data:"); for I in 0 .. (T - 1) loop Put_Line (Integer'Image (Output_Data (I))); end loop; Pause; end if; end Show_Output; procedure Bubble_Sort (A : in out Sort_Data; N : Integer) is Temp : Integer; begin for I in reverse 1 .. (N - 1) loop for T in 0 .. (I - 1) loop if (A (T) > A (T + 1)) then Swap (A (T), A (T + 1)); end if; end loop; end loop; end Bubble_Sort; procedure Shell_Sort (A : in out Sort_Data; N : Integer) is K1 : Integer := 0; K2 : Integer := 0; Gap : Integer := N / 2; Temp : Integer; begin while (Gap > 0) loop for I in Gap .. (N - 1) loop K1 := I - Gap; while (K1 > -1) loop K2 := K1 + Gap; if (A (K1) <= A (K2)) then K1 := -1; else Swap (A (K1), A (K2)); end if; K1 := K1 - Gap; end loop; end loop; Gap := Gap / 2; end loop; end Shell_Sort; procedure Rquick (Lo : in out Integer; Hi : in out Integer) is Temp : Integer; I, J : Integer := 0; begin if (Lo < Hi) then Pivot := Output_Data ((Lo + Hi) / 2); I := Lo; J := Hi; while (I <= J) loop while (Output_Data (I) < Pivot) loop I := I + 1; end loop; while (Output_Data (J) > Pivot) loop J := J - 1; end loop; if (I <= J) then Swap (Output_Data (I), Output_Data (J)); I := I + 1; J := J - 1; end if; end loop; if ((J - Lo) < (Hi - I)) then Rquick (Lo, J); Rquick (I, Hi); else Rquick (I, Hi); Rquick (Lo, J); end if; end if; end Rquick; procedure Quick_Sort (A : in out Sort_Data; N : Integer) is T : Integer := 0; S : Integer := N - 1; begin Rquick (T, S); end Quick_Sort; procedure Rquick_Inline (Lo : in out Integer; Hi : in out Integer) is Temp : Integer := 0; I, J : Integer := 0; begin if (Lo < Hi) then Pivot := Output_Data ((Lo + Hi) / 2); I := Lo; J := Hi; while (I <= J) loop while (Output_Data (I) < Pivot) loop I := I + 1; end loop; while (Output_Data (J) > Pivot) loop J := J - 1; end loop; if (I <= J) then Temp := Output_Data (I); Output_Data (I) := Output_Data (J); Output_Data (J) := Temp; I := I + 1; J := J - 1; end if; end loop; if ((J - Lo) < (Hi - I)) then Rquick_Inline (Lo, J); Rquick_Inline (I, Hi); else Rquick_Inline (I, Hi); Rquick_Inline (Lo, J); end if; end if; end Rquick_Inline; procedure Quick_Sort_Inline (A : in out Sort_Data; N : Integer) is T : Integer := 0; S : Integer := N - 1; begin Rquick_Inline (T, S); end Quick_Sort_Inline; procedure Change_Number_Of_Data_Points is begin Num_Of_Data := 0; Put_Line (" "); while ((Num_Of_Data < 2) or (Num_Of_Data > Max_Num_Of_Data)) loop Put (" Enter number of data points ( 2 - "); Put (Integer'Image (Max_Num_Of_Data)); Put (" ): "); Int_Io.Get (Num_Of_Data); end loop; Put_Line (" "); end Change_Number_Of_Data_Points; function Get_Option return Integer is I : Integer; begin Put_Line (""); Put_Line (" ----------- MENU ----------- "); Put_Line (""); Put (" 1 - Change number of data points ["); Put_Line (Integer'Image (Num_Of_Data) & "]"); Put (" 2 - Display results ["); if Show_Result then Put_Line ("TRUE]"); else Put_Line ("FALSE]"); end if; Put_Line (""); Put_Line (" 3 - Generate random input data "); Put_Line (" 4 - Generate pseudo random input data"); Put_Line (" 5 - Generate ascending input data"); Put_Line (" 6 - Generate descending input data"); Put_Line (" 7 - Take input data from the user"); Put_Line (""); Put_Line (" 8 - Bubble sort"); Put_Line (" 9 - Shell sort"); Put_Line ("10 - Quick sort"); Put_Line ("11 - Quick sort ( inline swap )"); Put_Line ("12 - Continuous data sort"); Put_Line ("13 - Show input and output data"); Put_Line (""); Put_Line (" OTHERWISE - Exit to O/S"); Put_Line (""); Put_Line (""); Put (" Enter the choice number: "); Int_Io.Get (I); Put_Line (" "); if ((I < 1) or (I > Max_Menu_Entry)) then I := 0; end if; return I; end Get_Option; procedure Sort_Loop is Loop_Last : constant Integer := 6; Test_Max : constant Integer := 320; Seed : Integer := 1372; Sort_Size : Integer := 5; Loops_Needed : Integer; begin Gen_Random_Data (Input_Data, Test_Max, Seed); Put (" How many iterations would you like to perform: "); Int_Io.Get (Loops_Needed); Put_Line (" "); for T in 1 .. Loops_Needed loop -- -- endless loop for scrolling through sorts -- for I in 1 .. Loop_Last loop -- -- use 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 elements for sort -- Copy (Sort_Size); Put ("Bubble sort with " & Integer'Image (Sort_Size)); Put_Line (" elements"); Bubble_Sort (Output_Data, Sort_Size); Show_Output (Sort_Size); Copy (Sort_Size); Put ("Quick sort with " & Integer'Image (Sort_Size)); Put_Line (" elements"); Quick_Sort (Output_Data, Sort_Size); Show_Output (Sort_Size); Sort_Size := Sort_Size * 2; end loop; Pause; Sort_Size := 5; Put_Line (" "); end loop; end Sort_Loop; procedure Change_Display_Default is begin if Show_Result then Show_Result := False; else Show_Result := True; end if; end Change_Display_Default; procedure Do_Choice is Seed : Integer := 8765; begin Choice := Get_Option; while (Choice /= 0) loop case Choice is when 1 => Change_Number_Of_Data_Points; when 2 => Change_Display_Default; when 3 => if (Num_Of_Data > 0) then Put ("enter a seed value: "); Int_Io.Get (Seed); Gen_Random_Data (Input_Data, Num_Of_Data, Seed); Input_Valid := True; end if; when 4 => if (Num_Of_Data > 0) then Put ("enter a seed value: "); Int_Io.Get (Seed); Gen_Pseudo_Random_Data (Input_Data, Num_Of_Data, Seed); Input_Valid := True; end if; when 5 => if (Num_Of_Data > 0) then Gen_Ascending_Data (Input_Data, Num_Of_Data); Input_Valid := True; end if; when 6 => if (Num_Of_Data > 0) then Gen_Descending_Data (Input_Data, Num_Of_Data); Input_Valid := True; end if; when 7 => if (Num_Of_Data > 0) then Read_User_Data (Input_Data, Num_Of_Data); end if; when 8 => Copy (Num_Of_Data); if (Output_Valid) then Bubble_Sort (Output_Data, Num_Of_Data); Show_Output (Num_Of_Data); end if; when 9 => Copy (Num_Of_Data); if (Output_Valid) then Shell_Sort (Output_Data, Num_Of_Data); Show_Output (Num_Of_Data); end if; when 10 => Copy (Num_Of_Data); if (Output_Valid) then Quick_Sort (Output_Data, Num_Of_Data); Show_Output (Num_Of_Data); end if; when 11 => Copy (Num_Of_Data); if (Output_Valid) then Quick_Sort_Inline (Output_Data, Num_Of_Data); Show_Output (Num_Of_Data); end if; when 12 => Sort_Loop; when 13 => Show_Data; when others => null; end case; Choice := Get_Option; end loop; end Do_Choice; end Sort_Sup;
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