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Length: 12288 (0x3000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Text_Io_8, seg_05c1db, seg_05c2b1
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Duart_2661; with Duart_68681; with Low_Level_Io_8; with Low_Level_Io_2; package body Text_Io_8 is type Name_Supported (Hw : Hw_Supported := Io_2) is record case Hw is when Io_2 => Name_2 : Duart_68681.Port_Name; when Io_8 => Name_8 : Low_Level_Io_8.Port_Nb; end case; end record; type Internal (Hw : Hw_Supported := Io_2) is record case Hw is when Io_2 => Port_2 : Low_Level_Io_2.Object; when Io_8 => Port_8 : Low_Level_Io_8.Object; end case; end record; Current_Output_File, Current_Input_File : File_Type := null; procedure Get_Params (Form : in String; S : out Duart_2661.Stop_Bit; P : out Duart_2661.Parity; C : out Duart_2661.Car_Length; B : out Duart_2661.Baud_Rate) is begin if Form = "" then S := Duart_2661.Stop_Bit_1; P := Duart_2661.Parity_None; C := Duart_2661.Car_Length_8_Bit; B := Duart_2661.Baud_Rate_9600; else null; -- traiter plus tard la forme : -- form => "9600 8 1 N" (exemple) end if; end Get_Params; procedure Get_Params (Form : in String; S : out Duart_68681.Stop_Bit; P : out Duart_68681.Parity; C : out Duart_68681.Car_Length; B : out Duart_68681.Baud_Rate) is begin if Form = "" then S := Duart_68681.Stop_Bit_1; P := Duart_68681.Parity_None; C := Duart_68681.Car_Length_8_Bit; B := Duart_68681.Baud_Rate_9600; else null; -- traiter plus tard la forme : -- form => "9600 8 1 N" (exemple) end if; end Get_Params; procedure Get_Hw (Name : in String; Id : out Name_Supported) is Id_2 : Duart_68681.Port_Name; Id_8 : Low_Level_Io_8.Port_Nb; Found : Boolean := False; begin begin Id_8 := Low_Level_Io_8.Port_Nb'Value (Name); Id := (Hw => Io_8, Name_8 => Id_8); Found := True; exception when Constraint_Error => Found := False; end; if not Found then begin Id_2 := Duart_68681.Port_Name'Value ("Port_" & Name); Id := (Hw => Io_2, Name_2 => Id_2); exception when Constraint_Error => raise; end; end if; end Get_Hw; procedure Open (File : in out File_Type; Name : in String; Form : in String := "") is S8 : Duart_2661.Stop_Bit; P8 : Duart_2661.Parity; C8 : Duart_2661.Car_Length; B8 : Duart_2661.Baud_Rate; S2 : Duart_68681.Stop_Bit; P2 : Duart_68681.Parity; C2 : Duart_68681.Car_Length; B2 : Duart_68681.Baud_Rate; Port_8 : Low_Level_Io_8.Object; Port_2 : Low_Level_Io_2.Object; Name_8 : Low_Level_Io_8.Port_Nb; Name_2 : Duart_68681.Port_Name; Id : Name_Supported; begin Get_Hw (Name => Name, Id => Id); if Id.Hw = Io_8 then Get_Params (Form => Form, S => S8, P => P8, C => C8, B => B8); Port_8 := Low_Level_Io_8.Open (Nb => Id.Name_8, S => S8, P => P8, C => C8, B => B8); File := new Internal'(Hw => Io_8, Port_8 => Port_8); elsif Id.Hw = Io_2 then Get_Params (Form => Form, S => S2, P => P2, C => C2, B => B2); Port_2 := Low_Level_Io_2.Open (Name => Id.Name_2, S => S2, P => P2, C => C2, B => B2); File := new Internal'(Hw => Io_2, Port_2 => Port_2); end if; end Open; procedure Set_Input (File : in File_Type) is begin Current_Input_File := File; end Set_Input; procedure Set_Output (File : in File_Type) is begin Current_Output_File := File; end Set_Output; procedure New_Line (File : in File_Type; Spacing : in Positive_Count := 1) is begin for I in 1 .. Spacing loop Put (File => File, Item => Ascii.Cr); Put (File => File, Item => Ascii.Lf); end loop; end New_Line; procedure New_Line (Spacing : in Positive_Count := 1) is begin New_Line (File => Current_Output_File, Spacing => Spacing); end New_Line; procedure Get (File : in File_Type; Item : out Character) is Local_Echo : Character; begin case File.Hw is when Io_8 => Local_Echo := Character'Val (Low_Level_Io_8.Receive (Port => File.Port_8)); when Io_2 => Local_Echo := Character'Val (Low_Level_Io_2.Receive (Port => File.Port_2)); end case; Put (File => File, Item => Local_Echo); Item := Local_Echo; end Get; procedure Get (Item : out Character) is begin Get (File => Current_Input_File, Item => Item); end Get; procedure Put (File : in File_Type; Item : in Character) is begin case File.Hw is when Io_8 => Low_Level_Io_8.Send (Port => File.Port_8, Car => Character'Pos (Item)); when Io_2 => Low_Level_Io_2.Send (Port => File.Port_2, Car => Character'Pos (Item)); end case; end Put; procedure Put (Item : in Character) is begin Put (File => Current_Output_File, Item => Item); end Put; procedure Get (File : in File_Type; Item : out String) is begin for I in Item'Range loop Get (File => File, Item => Item (I)); end loop; end Get; procedure Get (Item : out String) is begin Get (File => Current_Input_File, Item => Item); end Get; procedure Put (File : in File_Type; Item : in String) is begin for I in Item'Range loop Put (File => File, Item => Item (I)); end loop; end Put; procedure Put (Item : in String) is begin Put (File => Current_Output_File, Item => Item); end Put; procedure Get_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : out String; Last : out Natural) is L : Natural := 0; Car : Character := 'a'; begin Get (File => File, Item => Car); while Car /= Ascii.Cr loop L := L + 1; Item (L) := Car; Get (File => File, Item => Car); end loop; Last := L; end Get_Line; procedure Get_Line (Item : out String; Last : out Natural) is begin Get_Line (File => Current_Input_File, Item => Item, Last => Last); end Get_Line; procedure Put_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : in String) is begin Put (File => File, Item => Item); New_Line (File => File); end Put_Line; procedure Put_Line (Item : in String) is begin Put_Line (File => Current_Output_File, Item => Item); end Put_Line; end Text_Io_8;
nblk1=b nid=0 hdr6=16 [0x00] rec0=21 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=026 [0x01] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=01e [0x02] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=04a [0x03] rec0=02 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=028 [0x04] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=012 [0x05] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=002 [0x06] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=010 [0x07] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=00e [0x08] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=00c [0x09] rec0=23 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=00c [0x0a] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=001 tail 0x2176b8b74895a7aead46d 0x42a00088462060003