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Rational R1000/400

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⟦17663d3c2⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 21504 (0x5400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Expression_Utilities, seg_004628


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Io;
with Diana;
with Declarations;
with Ada_Program;  
with Universal;
with Names_And_Expressions;
package body Expression_Utilities is
    package Expressions renames Names_And_Expressions;

    function Static_Value (Expression : Ada_Program.Expression)
                          return Long_Integer is
        Exp : Diana.Tree := Ada_Program.Conversion.Convert (Expression);
        Li  : Long_Integer;
        case Diana.Kind (Diana.Sm_Value (Exp)) is
            when Diana.Integer_Valued =>
                Li := Universal.Convert (Diana.Integer_Value
                                            (Diana.Sm_Value (Exp)));
                return Li;
            when others =>
                raise Not_Static;
        end case;
        when others =>
            raise Not_Static;
    end Static_Value;

    function Integer_Value (Integer_Expression : Ada_Program.Expression)
                           return Long_Integer s

        Referenced_Decl : Ada_Program.Element;
        Op_Kind         : Operator_Kind;

        Name_Reference_Value : Long_Integer;
        Has_A_Value          : Boolean;

        case Expressions.Kind (Integer_Expression) is

            when Expressions.An_Integer_Literal =>
                return Expressions.Static_Value (Integer_Expression);

            when Expressions.A_Simple_Name | Expressions.A_Selected_Component =>
                Referenced_Decl := Ada_Program.Definition (Integer_Expression);
                case Declarations.Kind (Referenced_Decl) is
                    when Declarations.A_Constant_Declaration |
                         Declarations.An_Integer_Number_Declaration =>
                        return Integer_Value (Declarations.Initial_Value
                    when others =>
                        Non_Static_Value (Integer_Expression,
                                          Name_Reference_Value, Has_A_Value);
                        if Has_A_Value then
                            return Name_Reference_Value;
                            raise Not_Static;
                        end if;
                end case;
            when Expressions.A_Function_Call =>
                Op_Kind := Expression_Operator (Integer_Expression);
                case Op_Kind is
                    when Unary_Minus =>
                        return -Integer_Value (Left_Operand
                    when Unary_Plus =>
                        return Integer_Value (Left_Operand
                    when Plus =>
                        return Integer_Value (Left_Operand
                                                 (Integer_Expression)) +
                               Integer_Value (Right_Operand
                    when Minus =>
                        return Integer_Value (Left_Operand
                                                 (Integer_Expression)) -
                               Integer_Value (Right_Operand
                    when Times =>
                        return Integer_Value (Left_Operand
                                                 (Integer_Expression)) *
                               Integer_Value (Right_Operand
                    when Divide =>
                        return Integer_Value (Left_Operand
                                                 (Integer_Expression)) /
                               Integer_Value (Right_Operand
                    when others =>
                        raise Not_Static;
                end case;
            when others =>
                raise Not_Static;
        end case;
        when others =>
            raise Not_Static;
    end Integer_Value;

    function Float_Value
                (Float_Expression : Ada_Program.Expression) return Float is
        Referenced_Decl : Ada_Program.Element;
        Op_Kind         : Operator_Kind;

        Name_Reference_Value : Float;
        Has_A_Value          : Boolean;
        case Expressions.Kind (Float_Expression) is

            when Expressions.A_Real_Literal =>
                return Expressions.Static_Value (Float_Expression);
            when Expressions.A_Simple_Name | Expressions.A_Selected_Component =>
                Referenced_Decl := Ada_Program.Definition (Float_Expression);
                case Declarations.Kind (Referenced_Decl) is
                    when Declarations.A_Constant_Declaration |
                         Declarations.A_Real_Number_Declaration =>
                        return Float_Value (Declarations.Initial_Value
                    when others =>
                        Non_Static_Value (Float_Expression,
                                          Name_Reference_Value, Has_A_Value);
                        if Has_A_Value then
                            return Name_Reference_Value;
                            raise Not_Static;
                        end if;
                end case;
            when Expressions.A_Function_Call =>
                Op_Kind := Expression_Operator (Float_Expression);
                case Op_Kind is
                    when Unary_Minus =>
                        return -Float_Value (Left_Operand (Float_Expression));
                    when Unary_Plus =>
                        return Float_Value (Left_Operand (Float_Expression));
                    when Plus =>
                        return Float_Value (Left_Operand (Float_Expression)) +
                                  Float_Value (Right_Operand
                    when Minus =>
                        return Float_Value (Left_Operand (Float_Expression)) -
                                  Float_Value (Right_Operand

                    when Times =>
                        return Float_Value (Left_Operand (Float_Expression)) *
                                  Float_Value (Right_Operand

                    when Divide =>
                        return Float_Value (Left_Operand (Float_Expression)) /
                                  Float_Value (Right_Operand

                    when others =>
                        raise Not_Static;
                end case;
            when others =>
                raise Not_Static;
        end case;
        when others =>
            raise Not_Static;
    end Float_Value;

    function String_Value
                (String_Expression : Ada_Program.Expression) return String is
        Referenced_Decl : Ada_Program.Element;
        Op_Kind         : Operator_Kind;

        Name_Reference_Value : String (1 .. 1024);
        Last : Positive;
        Has_A_Value : Boolean;
        case Expressions.Kind (String_Expression) is

            when Expressions.A_String_Literal =>
                return Expressions.Static_Value (String_Expression);
            when Expressions.A_Simple_Name | Expressions.A_Selected_Component =>
                Referenced_Decl := Ada_Program.Definition (String_Expression);
                case Declarations.Kind (Referenced_Decl) is
                    when Declarations.A_Constant_Declaration =>
                        return String_Value (Declarations.Initial_Value
                    when others =>
                        Non_Static_Value (String_Expression,
                                          Last, Has_A_Value);
                        if Has_A_Value then
                            return Name_Reference_Value
                                      (Name_Reference_Value'First .. Last);
                            raise Not_Static;
                        end if;
                end case;
            when Expressions.A_Function_Call =>
                Op_Kind := Expression_Operator (String_Expression);
                case Op_Kind is
                    when Concatenate =>
                        return String_Value (Left_Operand (String_Expression)) &
                                  String_Value (Right_Operand

                    when others =>
                        raise Not_Static;
                end case;
            when others =>
                raise Not_Static;
        end case;
        when others =>
            raise Not_Static;
    end String_Value;

    function Number_Of_Parameters (Node : Diana.Tree) return Natural is
        Count  : Natural := 0;
        Params : Diana.Seq_Type;

        Params := Diana.As_List (Diana.As_Param_Assoc_S (Node));
        while not Diana.Is_Empty (Diana.Head (Params)) loop
            Count  := Count + 1;
            Params := Diana.Tail (Params);
        end loop;
        return Count;
        when others =>
            return 0;
    end Number_Of_Parameters;

    function Expression_Operator
                (Expr : Ada_Program.Expression) return Operator_Kind is
        Local            : Diana.Tree := Ada_Program.Conversion.Convert (Expr);
        Number_Of_Params : Natural    := Number_Of_Parameters (Local);
        if Number_Of_Params = 0 then
            return Not_An_Operator_Expression;
        end if;
            case Diana.Kind (Local) is
                when Diana.Dn_Function_Call =>
                    Local := Diana.As_Name (Local);
                when Diana.Dn_Used_Bltn_Op =>
                        Name : constant String := Diana.Image
                                                     (Diana.Lx_Symrep (Local));
                        if Name = "&" then
                            return Concatenate;
                        elsif Name = "+" then
                            if Number_Of_Params = 1 then
                                return Unary_Plus;
                                return Plus;
                            end if;
                        elsif Name = "-" then
                            if Number_Of_Params = 1 then
                                return Unary_Minus;
                                return Minus;
                            end if;
                        elsif Name = "*" then
                            return Times;
                        elsif Name = "/" then
                            return Divide;
                            return Other_Operator;
                        end if;
                when others =>
                    return Not_An_Operator_Expression;
            end case;
        end loop;

    end Expression_Operator;

    function Left_Operand (Expr : Ada_Program.Expression)
                          return Ada_Program.Expression is
        Params : Diana.Seq_Type :=
           Diana.As_List (Diana.As_Param_Assoc_S
                             (Ada_Program.Conversion.Convert (Expr)));
        return Ada_Program.Conversion.Convert (Diana.Head (Params));
    end Left_Operand;

    function Right_Operand (Expr : Ada_Program.Expression)
                           return Ada_Program.Expression is
        Params : Diana.Seq_Type :=
           Diana.As_List (Diana.As_Param_Assoc_S
                             (Ada_Program.Conversion.Convert (Expr)));
        return Ada_Program.Conversion.Convert
                  (Diana.Head (Diana.Tail (Params)));
    end Right_Operand;
    function Is_Expression (Elem : Ada_Program.Element) return Boolean is
        return Names_And_Expressions.Kind (Elem) in
                  Names_And_Expressions.A_Simple_Name ..
    end Is_Expression;
end Expression_Utilities;

E3 Meta Data

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