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Length: 76800 (0x12c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, Long Ada Source, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Xlbp_Hint, seg_004f6b
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Atom_Defs; use Xlbt_Atom_Defs; with Xlbt_Basic; use Xlbt_Basic; with Xlbt_Hint3; use Xlbt_Hint3; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbt_Window; use Xlbt_Window; with Xlbp_Atom; use Xlbp_Atom; with Xlbp_U_Char_Converters; use Xlbp_U_Char_Converters; with Xlbp_Window_Property; use Xlbp_Window_Property; with Xlbit_Hint2; use Xlbit_Hint2; with Xlbip_Internal; use Xlbip_Internal; with Xlbmp_Environment; use Xlbmp_Environment; package body Xlbp_Hint is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Hints - Window Manager Hints -- -- Xlbp_Hint - Support for the various Window Manager properties of a window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. -- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, -- Cambridge, Massachusetts. -- Copyright 1988 - 1988 by Wyse Technology, Inc., San Jose, Ca., -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital, MIT, Rational, or -- Wyse not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of -- the software without specific, written prior permission. -- -- Digital, MIT, Rational, and Wyse disclaim all warranties with regard to this -- software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, -- in no event shall Digital, MIT, Rational, or Wyse be liable for any special, -- indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from -- loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence -- or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or -- performance of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\x0c procedure X_Get_Class_Hint (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Class_Hint : out X_Class_Hint; Status : out X_Status) is Hint : X_Class_Hint; Actual_Type : X_Atom; Actual_Format : U_Char; N_Items : S_Natural; Leftover : S_Natural; Buff : U_Char_List; Succ : X_Status; begin ----Get the property. X_Get_Window_Property (Display, Window, Xa_Wm_Class, 0, S_Long'Last - 4, False, Xa_String, Actual_Type, Actual_Format, N_Items, Leftover, Buff, Succ); ----We must have it and it must be in the right format. if Succ = Successful and then Actual_Type = Xa_String and then Actual_Format = 8 then ----Search for the separating null. for I in Buff'Range loop if Buff (I) = 0 then Hint.Res_Name := new X_String (1 .. I - 1); From_Uca (Hint.Res_Name.all, Buff (1 .. I - 1)); if I = Buff'Last then ----If the Res_Class is empty then there may -- only be one string. Hint.Res_Class := new X_String'(Hint.Res_Name.all); elsif Buff (Buff'Last) = 0 then Hint.Res_Class := new X_String (1 .. Buff'Last - I - 1); From_Uca (Hint.Res_Class.all, Buff (I + 1 .. Buff'Last - 1)); else Hint.Res_Class := new X_String (1 .. Buff'Last - I); From_Uca (Hint.Res_Class.all, Buff (I + 1 .. Buff'Last)); end if; Free_U_Char_List (Buff); Class_Hint := Hint; Status := Successful; return; end if; end loop; end if; ----We come here if the property is missing or bad. Free_U_Char_List (Buff); Class_Hint := None_X_Class_Hint; Status := Failed; exception when others => Free_X_String_Pointer (Hint.Res_Name); Free_X_String_Pointer (Hint.Res_Class); raise; end X_Get_Class_Hint; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Class_Hint (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Class_Hint : X_Class_Hint; Status : out X_Status) is Llen : S_Natural := Class_Hint.Res_Name'Length; Clen : S_Natural := Class_Hint.Res_Class'Length; Uca : U_Char_Array (1 .. 2 + Llen + Clen); Ucai : S_Natural := 0; begin for I in Class_Hint.Res_Name'Range loop Ucai := Ucai + 1; Uca (Ucai) := X_Character'Pos (Class_Hint.Res_Name (I)); end loop; Ucai := Ucai + 1; Uca (Ucai) := 0; for I in Class_Hint.Res_Class'Range loop Ucai := Ucai + 1; Uca (Ucai) := X_Character'Pos (Class_Hint.Res_Class (I)); end loop; Ucai := Ucai + 1; Uca (Ucai) := 0; X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Xa_Wm_Class, Representation => Xa_String, Format => 8, Mode => Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Uca); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Class_Hint; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Wm_Colormap_Windows (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Windows : out X_Window_List; Status : out X_Status) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- W - Specifies the window to use. -- Windows - Receives None_X_Window_List or a list of windows -- Status - Receives Successful if we succeeded; Failed if not. -- -- Called to fetch the list of window identifiers stored in the -- WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property on the specified window. Returns Failed if -- a) the property has never been set, b) the property is set but it does not -- have the correct type, format, or size. The list must be freed after use -- with the Free_X_Window_List routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data : U_Char_List; Actual_Type : X_Atom; Actual_Format : U_Char; Leftover : S_Natural; Nitems : S_Natural; Succ : X_Status; Wins : X_Window_List; begin ----Initialize out parameters. Windows := None_X_Window_List; ----Make sure we have the internal atom that we need to do this. if Display.Atoms.Wm_Colormap_Windows = None_X_Atom then Actual_Type := X_Intern_Atom (Display, "WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS", False); if Actual_Type = None_X_Atom then Status := Failed; return; end if; Lock_Display (Display); Display.Atoms.Wm_Colormap_Windows := Actual_Type; Unlock_Display (Display); end if; ----Get the property and make sure we really got it. X_Get_Window_Property (Display, Window, Display.Atoms.Wm_Colormap_Windows, 0, 1_000_000, False, Xa_Window, Actual_Type, Actual_Format, Nitems, Leftover, Data, Succ); if Succ /= Successful then Status := Failed; return; end if; ----Make sure that we have the correct format. if Actual_Type /= Xa_Window or else Actual_Format /= 32 then Free_U_Char_List (Data); Status := Failed; return; end if; ----Convert the data into a window array. Wins := new X_Window_Array (1 .. Nitems); From_Uca (Wins.all, Data.all); Free_U_Char_List (Data); Windows := Wins; Status := Successful; exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Data); Free_X_Window_List (Wins); raise; end X_Get_Wm_Colormap_Windows; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Colormap_Windows (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Windows : X_Window_Array; Status : out X_Status) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- W - Specifies the window to use. -- Windows - Specifies the window list. -- Status - Receives Successful if we succeeded; Failed if not. -- -- Sets the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property for the spcified window. The -- property is set to have a type of WINDOW and a format of 32. -- -- WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS type: WINDOW format:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A : X_Atom; Data : U_Char_Array (1 .. X_Window'Size / U_Char'Size * Windows'Length); begin ----Make sure that our internal atom exists. if Display.Atoms.Wm_Colormap_Windows = None_X_Atom then A := X_Intern_Atom (Display, "WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS", False); if A = None_X_Atom then Status := Failed; return; end if; Lock_Display (Display); Display.Atoms.Wm_Colormap_Windows := A; Unlock_Display (Display); end if; ----Convert and send the data. To_Uca (Data, Windows); X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Display.Atoms.Wm_Colormap_Windows, Representation => Xa_Window, Format => 32, Mode => Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Data); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Wm_Colormap_Windows; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Rgb_Colormaps (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Colormaps : out X_Standard_Colormap_List; Property : X_Atom; Status : out X_Status) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- W - Specifies the window to use. -- Stdcmap - Receives the color map(s) associated with the Property. -- Property - Specifies the property to query. -- Status - Receives Successful if we succeeded; Failed if not. -- -- Used to obtain the color map definition(s) associated with the standard -- color map property specified. -- -- If the property exists, is of type RGB_COLOR_MAP, is of format 32, and is -- long enough to contain a colormap definition we allocate and fill in the -- space for the returned colormaps and returns Status = Successful. -- -- If the Visual_Id of a colormap is not present then we assume the default -- visual for the screen. If the Kill_Id is not present then None is used; -- meaning that the resources cannot be released. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data : U_Char_List; Actual_Type : X_Atom; -- how the prop was actually stored Actual_Format : U_Char; -- ditto Leftover : S_Natural; -- how much was left over Nitems : S_Natural; -- number of 32bits read Ncmaps : S_Natural; -- number of structs this makes Old_Style : Boolean := False; -- if was too short Def_Visual : X_Visual_Id := None_X_Visual_Id;-- visual if prop short Cmaps : X_Standard_Colormap_List; -- our return value Sp : X_Screen; Succ : X_Status; Cmap_Size : constant S_Natural := X_Standard_Colormap'Size / U_Char'Size; begin ----Initialize our out parameters. Colormaps := None_X_Standard_Colormap_List; ----Get the window property and see if we really got it. X_Get_Window_Property (Display, Window, Property, 0, 1_000_000, False, Xa_Rgb_Color_Map, Actual_Type, Actual_Format, Nitems, Leftover, Data, Succ); if Succ /= Successful then Status := Failed; return; end if; ----If it is the wrong type, the wrong format, or too small for us, then punt. if Actual_Type /= Xa_Rgb_Color_Map or else Actual_Format /= 32 or else Nitems < Cmap_Size - 8 then Free_U_Char_List (Data); Status := Failed; return; end if; ----See how many properties were found; if pre-ICCCM size then assume default -- visual and a kill id of None. if Nitems < Cmap_Size then ----Old style; pre-ICCCM. Ncmaps := 1; Old_Style := True; if Nitems < Cmap_Size - 1 then Sp := Internal_X_Screen_Of_Window (Display, Window); if Sp = None_X_Screen then Free_U_Char_List (Data); Status := Failed; return; end if; Def_Visual := Sp.Root_Visual.Visual_Id; end if; ----New style; post-ICCCM. Make sure we have an integral number of colormaps. else Ncmaps := Nitems / Cmap_Size; if Ncmaps * Cmap_Size /= Nitems then Free_U_Char_List (Data); Status := Failed; return; end if; end if; ---Allocate the result array. Cmaps := new X_Standard_Colormap_Array (1 .. Ncmaps); ----And fill it in, handling compatibility with pre-ICCCM short stdcmaps. declare Map : S_Natural := Cmaps'First; Prop : S_Natural := Data'First; begin for I in 1 .. Ncmaps loop if Old_Style then From_Uca (Cmaps (Map), Data (Prop .. Prop + Cmap_Size - 1 - 8) & (1 .. 8 => 0)); Cmaps (Map).Kill_Id := None_X_Id; else From_Uca (Cmps (Map), Data (Prop .. Prop + Cmap_Size - 1)); end if; if Def_Visual /= None_X_Visual_Id then Cmaps (Map).Visual_Id := Def_Visual; end if; Map := Map + 1; Prop := Prop + Cmap_Size; -- Only every 1 small/old cmap. end loop; end; Free_U_Char_List (Data); Colormaps := Cmaps; Status := Successful; exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Data); Free_X_Standard_Colormap_List (Cmaps); raise; end X_Get_Rgb_Colormaps; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Rgb_Colormaps (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Colormaps : X_Standard_Colormap_Array; Property : X_Atom; Status : out X_Status) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- W - Specifies the window to use. -- Stdcmap - Specifies the Colormap(s) to use. -- Property - Specifies the property to set. -- -- Used by window managers to create standard color map properties. -- -- The colormap(s) are stored with type RGB_COLOR_MAP and a format of 32. -- -- It is the caller's responsibility to honor the ICCCM restriction that only -- RGB_DEFAULT_MAP contain more than one definition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cmap_Size : constant S_Natural := X_Standard_Colormap'Size / U_Char'Size; Data : U_Char_Array (1 .. Colormaps'Length * Cmap_Size); begin if Colormaps'Length < 1 then return; end if; To_Uca (Data, Colormaps); X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Property, Representation => Xa_Rgb_Color_Map, Format => 32, Mode => Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Data); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Rgb_Colormaps; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Command (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Arg_V : X_String_Pointer_Array; Status : out X_Status) is N_Bytes : S_Natural; begin ----Count the number of characters we need to include in the property. N_Bytes := 0; for I in Arg_V'Range loop if Arg_V (I) /= None_X_String_Pointer then N_Bytes := N_Bytes + Arg_V (I)'Length + 1; else N_Bytes := N_Bytes + 1; end if; end loop; ----Create the uca version of the property and then set it. declare Bp : U_Char_Array (1 .. N_Bytes); Bpi : S_Natural := 1; Sp : X_String_Pointer; begin for I in Arg_V'Range loop Sp := Arg_V (I); if Sp /= None_X_String_Pointer then To_Uca (Bp (Bpi .. Bpi + Sp'Length - 1), Arg_V (I).all); Bpi := Bpi + Sp'Length; end if; Bp (Bpi) := 0; Bpi := Bpi + 1; end loop; X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Xa_Wm_Command, Representation => Xa_String, Format => 8, Mode => Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Bp); end; Status := Successful; end X_Set_Command; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Command (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Arg_V : out X_String_Pointer_List; Status : out X_Status) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Window - Specifies the window to ask about -- -- Called to fetch the command arguments which were used in a call to -- X_Set_Class_Hint. Returns an empty array if a) the WM_COMMAND property -- has never been set, b) the original command list was empty as well, c) -- the property is set but it does not have the correct type, format, or size. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tp : X_Text_Property; Stat : X_Status; begin X_Get_Text_Property (Display, Window, Tp, Xa_Wm_Command, Stat); if Stat /= Successful then Status := Failed; return; end if; ----Ignore trailing <NUL> if present since a UNIX WM_COMMAND is nul-terminated. if Tp.N_Items > 0 and then Tp.Value (Tp.N_Items - 1) = 0 then Tp.N_Items := Tp.N_Items - 1; end if; ----Create a string list and return if successful. X_Text_Property_To_String_List (Tp, Arg_V, Status); Free_X_Text_Property (Tp); exception when others => Free_X_Text_Property (Tp); raise; end X_Get_Command; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Icon_Sizes (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; List : out X_Icon_Size_List; Status : out X_Status) is Succ : X_Status; Actual_Type : X_Atom; Actual_Format : U_Char; Leftover : S_Natural; N_Items : S_Natural; Buff : U_Char_List; New_List : X_Icon_Size_List; begin ----Ask for the property. X_Get_Window_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Xa_Wm_Icon_Size, Offset => 0, Maximum_Length => 1_000_000, Delete => False, Representation => Xa_Wm_Icon_Size, Actual_Type => Actual_Type, Actual_Format => Actual_Format, N_Items => N_Items, Bytes_After => Leftover, Data => Buff, Status => Succ); ----Make sure we have what we wanted. if Succ = Failed or else Actual_Type /= Xa_Wm_Icon_Size or else N_Items < X_Icon_Size'Size / 32 or else N_Items rem X_Icon_Size'Size / 32 /= 0 or else Actual_Format /= 32 then Status := Failed; ----Convert the bytes to an array and return it. else New_List := new X_Icon_Size_Array (1 .. N_Items / (X_Icon_Size'Size / S_Natural (Actual_Format))); From_Uca (New_List.all, Buff.all); List := New_List; Status := Successful; end if; Free_U_Char_List (Buff); exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Buff); Free_X_Icon_Size_List (New_List); raise; end X_Get_Icon_Sizes; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Icon_Sizes (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; List : X_Icon_Size_Array; Status : out X_Status) is Data : U_Char_Array (1 .. X_Icon_Size'Size / U_Char'Size * List'Length); begin To_Uca (Data, List); X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Xa_Wm_Icon_Size, Representation => Xa_Wm_Icon_Size, Format => 32, Mode => Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Data); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Icon_Sizes; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Wm_Name (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Name : out X_Text_Property; Status : out X_Status) is begin X_Get_Text_Property (Display, Window, Name, Xa_Wm_Name, Status); end X_Get_Wm_Name; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Wm_Icon_Name (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Name : out X_Text_Property; Status : out X_Status) is begin X_Get_Text_Property (Display, Window, Name, Xa_Wm_Icon_Name, Status); end X_Get_Wm_Icon_Name; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Icon_Name (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Icon_Name : X_Text_Property; Status : out X_Status) is begin X_Set_Text_Property (Display, Window, Icon_Name, Xa_Wm_Icon_Name); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Wm_Icon_Name; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Name (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Name : X_Text_Property; Status : out X_Status) is begin X_Set_Text_Property (Display, Window, Name, Xa_Wm_Name); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Wm_Name; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Wm_Normal_Hints (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Hints : out X_Size_Hints; Status : out X_Status) is begin X_Get_Wm_Size_Hints (Display, Window, Xa_Wm_Normal_Hints, Hints, Status); end X_Get_Wm_Normal_Hints; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Normal_Hints (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Hints : X_Size_Hints; Status : out X_Status) is begin X_Set_Wm_Size_Hints (Display, Window, Xa_Wm_Normal_Hints, Hints, Status); end X_Set_Wm_Normal_Hints; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Wm_Protocols (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Protocols : out X_Atom_List; Status : out X_Status) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- W - Specifies the window to use. -- Protocols - Receives the window protocols list. -- Status - Returns Successful if we succeeded; Failed if not. -- -- Fetches the protocol list for the window. -- -- Called to fetch the protocol list which was used in a call to -- X_Set_Class_Hint. Returns Failed if a) the WM_PROTOCOLS property -- has never been set, b) the property is set but it does not have the correct -- type, format, or size. -- -- Free the list with Free_X_Atom_List after use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data : U_Char_List; Actual_Type : X_Atom; Actual_Format : U_Char; Leftover : S_Natural; Nitems : S_Natural; Atoms : X_Atom_List; Succ : X_Status; begin Protocols := None_X_Atom_List; if Display.Atoms.Wm_Protocols = None_X_Atom then Actual_Type := X_Intern_Atom (Display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); if Actual_Type = None_X_Atom then Status := Failed; return; end if; Lock_Display (Display); Display.Atoms.Wm_Protocols := Actual_Type; Unlock_Display (Display); end if; ----Get the property. X_Get_Window_Property (Display, Window, Display.Atoms.Wm_Protocols, 0, 1_000_000, False, Xa_Atom, Actual_Type, Actual_Format, Nitems, Leftover, Data, Succ); if Succ /= Successful then Status := Failed; return; end if; if Actual_Type /= Xa_Atom or else Actual_Format /= 32 then Free_U_Char_List (Data); Status := Failed; return; end if; Atoms := new X_Atom_Array (1 .. Nitems); From_Uca (Atoms.all, Data.all); Free_U_Char_List (Data); Status := Successful; exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Data); Free_X_Atom_List (Atoms); raise; end X_Get_Wm_Protocols; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Protocols (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Protocols : X_Atom_Array; Status : out X_Status) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- W - Specifies the window to use. -- Protocols - Specifies the protocols to be set for this window. -- Status - Returns Successful if we succeeded; Failed if not. -- -- Sets the protocol list for a window. -- -- The property is stored with a type of XA_ATOM and a format of 32. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A : X_Atom; Data : U_Char_Array (1 .. X_Atom'Size / U_Char'Size * Protocols'Length); begin if Display.Atoms.Wm_Protocols = None_X_Atom then A := X_Intern_Atom (Display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); if A = None_X_Atom then Status := Failed; return; end if; Lock_Display (Display); Display.Atoms.Wm_Protocols := A; Unlock_Display (Display); end if; To_Uca (Data, Protocols); X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Display.Atoms.Wm_Protocols, Representation => Xa_Atom, Format => 32, Mode => Xlbt_Window.Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Data); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Wm_Protocols; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Wm_Size_Hints (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Property : X_Atom; Hints : out X_Size_Hints; Status : out X_Status) is Phints : X_Size_Hints_Protocol; Actual_Type : X_Atom; Actual_Format : U_Char; Leftover : S_Natural; N_Items : S_Natural; Succ : X_Status; Buff : U_Char_List; Hsize : constant S_Natural := X_Size_Hints_Protocol'Size / U_Char'Size; begin ----Request the property from the server. X_Get_Window_Property (Display, Window, Property, 0, S_Long (X_Size_Hints'Size / 32), False, Xa_Wm_Size_Hints, Actual_Type, Actual_Format, N_Items, Leftover, Buff, Succ); ----See if we got a positive reply. If the data is not of the expected form -- or size or format then we simply reject it and return. if Succ = Failed or else Actual_Type /= Xa_Wm_Size_Hints or else (N_Items /= X_Size_Hints_Protocol'Size / 32 and then N_Items /= X_Size_Hints_Protocol'Size / 32 - 3) or else Actual_Format /= 32 then Free_U_Char_List (Buff); Hints := None_X_Size_Hints; Status := Failed; return; end if; ----If the data is of the new form then convert it one way. If the data is -- of the old (shorter) from then convert it after appending some extra -- zeroes to make it the expected length. Turn off any bogus flags that -- may be accidentally turned on by an old server or whatever. if N_Items >= X_Size_Hints_Protocol'Size / 32 then From_Uca (Phints, Buff (Buff'First .. Buff'First + Hsize- 1)); Phints.Flags := Phints.Flags and X_Size_Hints_Flags' (U_S_Position | U_S_Size | P_Position | P_Size | P_Min_Size | P_Max_Size | P_Resize_Inc | P_Aspect | P_Base_Size | P_Win_Gravity => True, others => False); else From_Uca (Phints, Buff.all & (1 .. (3 * 32) / U_Char'Size => 0)); Phints.Flags := Phints.Flags and X_Size_Hints_Flags' (U_S_Position | U_S_Size | P_Position | P_Size | P_Min_Size | P_Max_Size | P_Resize_Inc | P_Aspect => True, others => False); end if; ----Return the data to the user (after re-representing it). We do it this -- way because we cannot rely upon Ada compilers to implement rep-spec's at -- all so Hints and PHints are different types rather than the same type with -- different rep's. Otherwise we could just do Hints := PHints and let Ada -- rules do the rest. Hints := (Flags => Phints.Flags, X => Phints.X, Y => Phints.Y, Width => Phints.Width, Height => Phints.Height, Min_Width => Phints.Min_Width, Min_Height => Phints.Min_Height, Max_Width => Phints.Max_Width, Max_Height => Phints.Max_Height, Width_Inc => Phints.Width_Inc, Height_Inc => Phints.Height_Inc, Min_Aspect => Phints.Min_Aspect, Max_Aspect => Phints.Max_Aspect, Base_Width => Phints.Base_Width, Base_Height => Phints.Base_Height, Win_Gravity => X_Window_Gravity'Val (X_Size_Hints_Gravity'Pos (Phints.Win_Gravity)) ); Status := Successful; end X_Get_Wm_Size_Hints; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Size_Hints (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Property : X_Atom; Hints : X_Size_Hints; Status : out X_Status) is Phints : X_Size_Hints_Protocol; Uca : U_Char_Array (1 .. X_Size_Hints_Protocol'Size / U_Char'Size); begin Phints := (Flags => Hints.Flags, X => Hints.X, Y => Hints.Y, Width => Hints.Width, Height => Hints.Height, Min_Width => Hints.Min_Width, Min_Height => Hints.Min_Height, Max_Width => Hints.Max_Width, Max_Height => Hints.Max_Height, Width_Inc => Hints.Width_Inc, Height_Inc => Hints.Height_Inc, Min_Aspect => Hints.Min_Aspect, Max_Aspect => Hints.Max_Aspect, Base_Width => Hints.Base_Width, Base_Height => Hints.Base_Height, Win_Gravity => X_Size_Hints_Gravity'Val (X_Window_Gravity'Pos (Hints.Win_Gravity)) ); To_Uca (Uca, Phints); X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Property, Representation => Xa_Wm_Size_Hints, Format => 32, Mode => Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Uca); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Wm_Size_Hints; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Properties (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Window_Name : X_String; Icon_Name : X_String; Arg_V : X_String_Pointer_Array; Normal : X_Size_Hints; Wm : X_Wm_Hints; Class : X_Class_Hint; Status : out X_Status) is Win : X_Text_Property; Icn : X_Text_Property; begin X_String_To_Text_Property (Window_Name, Win); X_String_To_Text_Property (Icon_Name, Icn); X_Set_Wm_Properties (Display, Window, Win, Icn, Arg_V, Normal, Wm, Class, Status); Free_X_Text_Property (Win); Free_X_Text_Property (Icn); exception when others => Free_X_Text_Property (Win); Free_X_Text_Property (Icn); raise; end X_Set_Wm_Properties; --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Set_WM_Properties sets the following properties: -- WM_NAME type: TEXT format: varies? -- WM_ICON_NAME type: TEXT format: varies? -- WM_HINTS type: WM_HINTS format: 32 -- WM_COMMAND type: TEXT format: varies? -- WM_CLIENT_MACHINE type: TEXT format: varies? -- WM_NORMAL_HINTS type: WM_SIZE_HINTS format: 32 -- WM_CLASS type: STRING/STRING format: 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure X_Set_Wm_Properties (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Window_Name : X_Text_Property; Icon_Name : X_Text_Property; Arg_V : X_String_Pointer_Array; Normal : X_Size_Hints; Wm : X_Wm_Hints; Class : X_Class_Hint; Status : out X_Status) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- W - Specifies the window to decorate. -- Name - Specifies the name of the window. -- Icon_String - Specifies the name of the window's icon. -- Icon_Pixmap - Specifies the pixmap to be used for the icon; or None_Pixmap. -- Arg_V - Specifies the command arguments used to start the application. -- Normal - Specifies a series of window manager sizing hints. -- Wm - Specifies a series of window manager control hints. -- Class - Specifies a application name/class hint -- -- Provides a way to specify a minimum set of properties that describe the -- "quickie" application to a window manager. -- -- If Window_Name = "" then the WM_NAME property is not set. -- -- If Icon_Name = "" then the WM_ICON_NAME property is not set. -- -- If Arg_V'Length = 0 then the WM_COMMAND property is not set. -- -- If Normal = None_X_Size_Hints then the WM_NORMAL_HINTS property -- -- If Wm = None_X_Wm_Hints then the WM_HINTS property is not set. -- -- If Class = None_X_Class_hints then the WM_CLASS property is not set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prop : X_Text_Property; Host : constant X_String := X_Env_Get_Host_Name; Succ : X_Status; begin if Window_Name /= None_X_Text_Property then X_Set_Wm_Name (Display, Window, Window_Name, Succ); end if; if Icon_Name /= None_X_Text_Property then X_Set_Wm_Icon_Name (Display, Window, Icon_Name, Succ); end if; if Arg_V'Length /= 0 then X_Set_Command (Display, Window, Arg_V, Succ); end if; X_String_To_Text_Property (Host, Prop); X_Set_Wm_Client_Machine (Display, Window, Prop, Succ); Free_X_Text_Property (Prop); if Normal /= None_X_Size_Hints then X_Set_Wm_Normal_Hints (Display, Window, Normal, Succ); end if; if Wm /= None_X_Wm_Hints then X_Set_Wm_Hints (Display, Window, Wm, Succ); end if; declare Cl : X_Class_Hint := Class; Set : Boolean := False; begin if Cl.Res_Name = None_X_String_Pointer then Set := True; Cl.Res_Name := X_Env_Get_Environment_Variable ("RESOURCE_NAME"); end if; if Cl.Res_Class = None_X_String_Pointer then Cl.Res_Class := Cl.Res_Name; end if; if Cl = None_X_Class_Hint then if Arg_V'Length > 0 then Set := True; Cl.Res_Name := new X_String'(X_Env_Strip_Program_Name (Arg_V (Arg_V'First).all)); Cl.Res_Class := Cl.Res_Name; end if; end if; if Cl /= None_X_Class_Hint then X_Set_Class_Hint (Display, Window, Cl, Succ); if Set then Free_X_String_Pointer (Cl.Res_Name); end if; end if; exception when others => if Set then Free_X_String_Pointer (Cl.Res_Name); end if; raise; end; Status := Successful; end X_Set_Wm_Properties; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Transient_For_Hint (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Parent : out X_Window; Status : out X_Status) is Actual_Type : X_Atom; Actual_Format : U_Char; N_Items : S_Natural; Leftover : S_Natural; Buff : U_Char_List; Succ : X_Status; begin ----Get the property. X_Get_Window_Property (Display, Window, Xa_Wm_Transient_For, 0, X_Window'Size / 32, False, Xa_Window, Actual_Type, Actual_Format, N_Items, Leftover, Buff, Succ); ----See if we got what we asked for. if Succ /= Failed and then Actual_Type = Xa_Window and then N_Items >= X_Window'Size / 32 and then Actual_Format = 32 then From_Uca (Parent, Buff.all); Status := Successful; ----We got garbage. else Parent := None_X_Window; Status := Failed; end if; ----Free up storage and return. Free_U_Char_List (Buff); exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Buff); raise; end X_Get_Transient_For_Hint; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Transient_For_Hint (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Parent : X_Window; Status : out X_Status) is Uca : U_Char_Array (1 .. X_Window'Size / U_Char'Size); begin To_Uca (Uca, Parent); X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Xa_Wm_Transient_For, Representation => Xa_Window, Format => 32, Mode => Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Uca); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Transient_For_Hint; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Wm_Hints (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Wm_Hints : out X_Wm_Hints; Status : out X_Status) is Actual_Type : X_Atom; Actual_Format : U_Char; Leftover : S_Natural; N_Items : S_Natural; Succ : X_Status; Buff : U_Char_List; begin X_Get_Window_Property (Display, Window, Xa_Wm_Hints, 0, S_Long (X_Wm_Hints'Size / 32), False, Xa_Wm_Hints, Actual_Type, Actual_Format, N_Items, Leftover, Buff, Succ); if Succ = Failed or else Actual_Type /= Xa_Wm_Hints or else N_Items < X_Wm_Hints'Size / 32 - 1 or else Actual_Format /= 32 then Wm_Hints := None_X_Wm_Hints; Status := Failed; return; end if; ----Some X servers prior to X11R3 forgot to send the last full-word -- of the X_Wm_Hints; this is the Window_Group field. We -- allow the N_Items to be as-much-as 1 word smaller than the real -- complete record. if N_Items = X_Wm_Hints'Size / 32 - 1 then From_Uca (Wm_Hints, Buff.all & (1 .. 4 => 0)); else From_Uca (Wm_Hints, Buff (Buff'First .. Buff'First + X_Wm_Hints'Size / U_Char'Size - 1)); end if; Free_U_Char_List (Buff); Status := Successful exception when others => Free_U_Char_List (Buff); raise; end X_Get_Wm_Hints; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Hints (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Wm_Hints : X_Wm_Hints; Status : out X_Status) is Uca : U_Char_Array (1 .. X_Wm_Hints'Size / U_Char'Size); begin To_Uca (Uca, Wm_Hints); X_Change_Property (Display => Display, Window => Window, Property => Xa_Wm_Hints, Representation => Xa_Wm_Hints, Format => 32, Mode => Prop_Mode_Replace, Data => Uca); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Wm_Hints; --\x0c procedure X_Get_Wm_Client_Machine (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Machine : out X_Text_Property; Status : out X_Status) is begin X_Get_Text_Property (Display, Window, Machine, Xa_Wm_Client_Machine, Status); end X_Get_Wm_Client_Machine; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Wm_Client_Machine (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; Machine : X_Text_Property; Status : out X_Status) is begin X_Set_Text_Property (Display, Window, Machine, Xa_Wm_Client_Machine); Status := Successful; end X_Set_Wm_Client_Machine; --\x0c end Xlbp_Hint;
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