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Length: 20480 (0x5000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Compilation_Extensions, seg_0211c0
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Calendar; with Compilation_Interface; with Extensions_Support; with Log; with Object_Class; with Profile; with Utilities; package body Compilation_Extensions is package Ci renames Compilation_Interface; package Du renames Utilities.Directory_Utilities; package Es renames Extensions_Support; package Naming renames Directory.Naming; package Rsu renames Utilities.Rci_Switch_Utilities; package Ss renames Simple_Status; package Tdi renames Target_Dependent_Interface; Debugging : Boolean := False; function Qt (Str : String) return String is begin return " => """ & Str & """"; end Qt; procedure Promote_Preprocess (Host_Unit : Directory.Object; Remote_Unit_Name : String; Remote_Library : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Pre_Options : String; Post_Options : String; Options_Separator : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Is_Secondary : Boolean; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is Prereqs : constant Ci.Unit_List := Ci.Promotion_Prerequisites (The_Unit => Host_Unit, Response => Profile.Nil); With_List : constant Ci.Unit_List := Es.Discard_Units_From_Same_View (Prereqs, Host_Unit); -- This is a list of all units in other views that the current host -- unit depends upon. Unit_Obj : Directory.Object; Current_View_Obj : Directory.Object := Du.Get_View (Host_Unit, Profile.Get); Trace_On : constant Boolean := Rsu.Trace_On (Current_View_Obj); begin if Trace_On then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Promote_Preprocess (Host_Unit => " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Host_Unit) & ", Remote_Unit_Name" & Qt (Remote_Unit_Name) & ", Remote_Library" & Qt (Remote_Library) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ", Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", Pre_Options" & Qt (Pre_Options) & ", Post_Options" & Qt (Post_Options) & ", Option_Separator" & Qt (Options_Separator) & ", Is_Secondary => " & Boolean'Image (Is_Secondary) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); end if; if not Directory."=" (Directory.Get_Class (Host_Unit), Object_Class.Ada) then -- Skip any non-Ada objects (like secondarys). Actually we won't -- have been able to get their Promotion_Prerequisites above. return; end if; if Rsu.Is_Host_Only (Current_View_Obj) then -- No action if view is Host_Only. Ss.Create_Condition (Status, "", "", Ss.Normal); return; end if; -- -- For each unit U that is in the compilation closure of the unit that -- is being compiled, enter a link to the corresponding remote unit -- into the current remote library. if Ss.Error (Prereqs.Condition) then Status := Prereqs.Condition; return; end if; if Trace_On then -- Print the names of the prerequisite units. for Index in Prereqs.Data'First .. Prereqs.Data'Last loop Unit_Obj := Prereqs.Data (Index); Log.Put_Line ("#~~ Prereqs" & Integer'Image (Index) & ": " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Unit_Obj), Profile.Note_Msg); end loop; end if; if Ss.Error (With_List.Condition) then Status := With_List.Condition; return; end if; -- Set the unit's download time to be the current time. Es.Set_Download_Time (Host_Unit, Calendar.Clock); if With_List.Size /= 0 then -- Import each of the prerequisite units into Host_Unit's remote -- directory. Es.Import_Units (Imported_Units => With_List, Into_View => Current_View_Obj, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_On); end if; exception when others => Es.Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Promote_Preprocess"); end Promote_Preprocess; procedure Promote_Postprocess (Host_Unit : Directory.Object; Remote_Unit_Name : String; Remote_Library : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Pre_Options : String; Post_Options : String; Options_Separator : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Is_Secondary : Boolean; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is begin if Debugging then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Promote_Postprocess (Host_Unit => " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Host_Unit) & ", Remote_Unit_Name" & Qt (Remote_Unit_Name) & ", Remote_Library" & Qt (Remote_Library) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ", Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", Pre_Options" & Qt (Pre_Options) & ", Post_Options" & Qt (Post_Options) & ", Option_Separator" & Qt (Options_Separator) & ", Is_Secondary => " & Boolean'Image (Is_Secondary) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); end if; Simple_Status.Create_Condition (Status, "", "", Simple_Status.Normal); end Promote_Postprocess; procedure Demote_Preprocess (Host_Unit : Directory.Object; Remote_Unit_Name : String; Remote_Library : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is begin if Debugging then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Demote_Preprocess (Host_Unit => " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Host_Unit) & ", Remote_Unit_Name" & Qt (Remote_Unit_Name) & ", Remote_Library" & Qt (Remote_Library) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ", Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); end if; Simple_Status.Create_Condition (Status, "", "", Simple_Status.Normal); end Demote_Preprocess; procedure Demote_Postprocess (Host_Unit : Directory.Object; Remote_Unit_Name : String; Remote_Library : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is begin if Debugging then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Demote_Postprocess (Host_Unit => " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Host_Unit) & ", Remote_Unit_Name" & Qt (Remote_Unit_Name) & ", Remote_Library" & Qt (Remote_Library) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ", Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); end if; Simple_Status.Create_Condition (Status, "", "", Simple_Status.Normal); end Demote_Postprocess; procedure Retrieve_Associated_Files_Preprocess (Host_Unit : Directory.Object; Remote_Unit_Name : String; Remote_Library : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; The_Retrieve_Condition : Target_Dependent_Interface.Retrieve_Condition; Phases : Target_Dependent_Interface.Phase_Map; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is begin if Debugging then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Retrieve_Associated_Files_Preprocess (Host_Unit => " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Host_Unit) & ", Remote_Unit_Name" & Qt (Remote_Unit_Name) & ", Remote_Library" & Qt (Remote_Library) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ", Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", The_Retrieve_Condition => " & Tdi.Retrieve_Condition'Image (The_Retrieve_Condition) & ", Phases => " & Boolean'Image (Phases (Tdi.Promote)) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); end if; Simple_Status.Create_Condition (Status, "", "", Simple_Status.Normal); end Retrieve_Associated_Files_Preprocess; procedure Retrieve_Associated_Files_Postprocess (Host_Unit : Directory.Object; Remote_Unit_Name : String; Remote_Library : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; The_Retrieve_Condition : Target_Dependent_Interface.Retrieve_Condition; Phases : Target_Dependent_Interface.Phase_Map; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is begin if Debugging then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Retrieve_Associated_Files_Postprocess (Host_Unit => " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Host_Unit) & ", Remote_Unit_Name" & Qt (Remote_Unit_Name) & ", Remote_Library" & Qt (Remote_Library) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ", Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", The_Retrieve_Condition => " & Tdi.Retrieve_Condition'Image (The_Retrieve_Condition) & ", Phases => " & Boolean'Image (Phases (Tdi.Promote)) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); end if; Simple_Status.Create_Condition (Status, "", "", Simple_Status.Normal); end Retrieve_Associated_Files_Postprocess; function Build_Default_Target_Name (Host_Unit : Directory.Object; Suffix_Type : Target_Dependent_Interface.Suffix_Type; Serial_Number : Positive) return String is begin if Debugging then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Build_Default_Target_Name (Host_Unit => " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Host_Unit) & ", Suffix_Type => " & Tdi.Suffix_Type'Image (Suffix_Type) & ", Serial_Number =>" & Integer'Image (Serial_Number) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); end if; return ""; end Build_Default_Target_Name; procedure Change_Remote_Context_Preprocess (Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Library : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is Exists : Boolean := True; begin Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Change_Remote_Context_Preprocess (Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", Remote_Library" & Qt (Remote_Library) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); -- Make sure that the remote context exists. This will use the -- "test -d" command, which will fail on the Lynx if -- Remote_Directory doesn't exist. In the LynxOS shell (dlsh), -- the set-context command "cd" won't necessarily fail in that -- case, because it backs up through subdirectories (with the -- message "...trying . . . ") until it finds one that exists -- (which isn't at all what we want). Remote_Command_Interface.File_Exists (The_File => Remote_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Exists => Exists, Trace_Command => Debugging); if not Ss.Error (Status) then if not Exists then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Can't set the remote context to """ & Remote_Directory & """. That directory doesn't exist", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg); Es.Set_Status ("Remote directory """ & Remote_Directory & """ does not exist", Status); end if; end if; exception when others => Es.Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Change_Remote_Context_Preprocess"); end Change_Remote_Context_Preprocess; procedure Change_Remote_Context_Postprocess (Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Library : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is begin if Debugging then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~~Change_Remote_Context_Postprocess (Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", Remote_Library" & Qt (Remote_Library) & ")", Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); end if; Simple_Status.Create_Condition (Status, "", "", Simple_Status.Normal); end Change_Remote_Context_Postprocess; end Compilation_Extensions;
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