Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

top - download

⟦1f1ce6b0c⟧ TextFile

    Length: 13372 (0x343c)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: R1k Text-file segment


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 


06:04:55 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
06:04:56 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 93; new = 93 (pages)
06:18:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47898
06:18:49 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
06:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
06:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 93; new = 93 (pages)
06:48:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47899
06:48:49 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
07:18:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47900
07:18:46 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
07:48:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47901
07:48:46 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
08:18:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47902
08:18:46 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
08:31:07 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI09.S_1 Port 248
08:36:27 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI09.S2 Port 249
08:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
08:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 93; new = 93 (pages)
08:41:12 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI09.S2 Port 249
08:48:23 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI09.S_1 Port 248
08:48:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47903
08:48:51 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
09:10:53 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI08.S_1 Port 235
09:18:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47904
09:18:52 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
09:48:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47905
09:48:56 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
09:50:45 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI03.S_1 Port 236
09:57:04 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI08.S_1 Port 235
09:57:04 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI03.S_1 Port 236
10:18:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47906
10:18:55 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
10:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
10:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 93; new = 93 (pages)
10:48:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47907
10:48:48 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
11:18:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47908
11:18:46 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
11:45:02 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI03.S_1 Port 237
11:45:16 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI08.S_1 Port 238
11:47:00 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI09.S_1 Port 240
11:48:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47909
11:48:57 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
11:56:59 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS13.S_1 Port 241
12:03:36 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI17.S_1 Port 242
12:12:19 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI17.S1 Port 243
12:18:41 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47910
12:19:35 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
12:24:40 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI05.S_1 Port 244
12:28:34 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI20.S_1 Port 245
12:28:35 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI17.S1 Port 243
12:28:59 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI20.S_1 Port 245
12:30:15 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI21.S_1 Port 246
12:32:43 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS01.S_1 Port 239
12:33:17 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI06.S_1 Port 247
12:34:42 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI17.S_1 Port 242
12:35:06 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI17.S_1 Port 248
12:39:15 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
12:39:15 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 93; new = 93 (pages)
12:40:22 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI17.S_1 Port 248
12:44:41 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI17.S_1 Port 249
12:48:41 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47911
12:49:39 +++ Job_Manager New_Job_Id_Has_Active_Modules DIR_DEFINITION_VARIABLES.
             released Job_ID = 209 Count = 0
12:49:47 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
12:53:57 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI08.S_1 Port 238
12:55:58 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI17.S_1 Port 249
13:17:16 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS13.S_1 Port 241
13:18:02 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS13.S_1 Port 235
13:18:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47912
13:19:31 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
13:20:32 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI14.S_1 Port 236
13:23:16 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS06.S_1 Port 238
13:32:15 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI09.S_1 Port 240
13:35:05 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job SYNTAXE.D_GENERAL.TEST_JEU'SPEC'V(3)
              % "!USERS.LSI09.SYNTAXE.D_GENERAL".TEST_JEU, Job_ID = 193
13:37:44 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI06.S_1 Port 247
13:46:20 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI05.S_1 Port 244
13:48:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47913
13:48:44 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS07.S_1 Port 239
13:49:19 +++ Job_Manager New_Job_Id_Has_Active_Modules LSI20.WORK.
             SYNTACTIC_ANALYSER, released Job_ID = 195 Count = 2
13:49:27 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI14.S_1 Port 236
13:49:49 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS07.S_1 Port 239
13:49:55 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
13:50:43 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI03.S_1 Port 237
13:51:12 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS06.S_1 Port 238
13:51:36 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS13.S_1 Port 235
14:05:38 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI21.S_1 Port 246
14:18:19 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47914
14:18:40 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
14:30:37 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI07.S_1 Port 240
14:31:24 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI06.S_1 Port 241
14:35:26 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI06.S_1 Port 241
14:36:55 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI06.S_1 Port 242
14:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
14:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 104; new = 104 (pages)
14:44:39 +++ Terminal_243 Failed_Login Input unreadable
14:48:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47915
14:49:12 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
14:54:33 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI20.S_1 Port 245
14:54:48 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI16.S_1 Port 244
14:55:26 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI03.S_1 Port 246
15:03:51 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI20.S_1 Port 245
15:18:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47916
15:19:27 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
15:33:20 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI17.S_1 Port 247
15:48:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47917
15:49:45 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
15:53:38 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS13.S_1 Port 248
15:54:26 +++ Job_Manager New_Job_Id_Has_Active_Modules COMMON.DEFINITION,
             released Job_ID = 177 Count = 1
15:55:29 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI21.S_1 Port 249
16:15:38 +++ Job_Manager New_Job_Id_Has_Active_Modules COMMON.EDIT, released
             Job_ID = 193 Count = 1
16:18:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47918
16:19:36 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
16:32:55 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI17.S_1 Port 247
16:36:53 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI21.S_1 Port 249
16:39:15 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
16:39:15 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 104; new = 104 (pages)
16:41:04 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI21.S_1 Port 235
16:48:41 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47919
16:49:27 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
17:02:28 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI01.S_1 Port 236
17:03:51 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI01.S_1 Port 236
17:07:15 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI16.S_1 Port 244
17:11:55 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI21.S_1 Port 235
17:18:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47920
17:19:18 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
17:43:19 +++ Terminal_237 Failed_Login Input unreadable
17:43:25 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS13.S_1 Port 248
17:43:43 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS04.S_1 Port 238
17:47:43 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI14.S_1 Port 239
17:48:10 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI08.S_1 Port 241
17:48:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47921
17:49:29 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
17:51:00 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS01.S_1 Port 243
17:55:02 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI06.S_1 Port 242
18:18:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47922
18:19:29 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
18:24:33 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI14.S_1 Port 239
18:24:37 +++ Job_Manager New_Job_Id_Has_Active_Modules LSI08.TABLE_DES_ACTIONS.
             released Job_ID = 177 Count = 0
18:25:08 +++ Login_Manager Login LSI14.S_1 Port 244
18:34:15 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS07.S_1 Port 245
18:39:15 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
18:39:15 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 104; new = 104 (pages)
18:41:48 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS07.S_1 Port 245
18:42:29 +++ Login_Manager Login DESS07.S_1 Port 247
18:44:26 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS07.S_1 Port 247
18:48:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47923
18:49:23 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
18:55:33 +++ Job_Manager New_Job_Id_Has_Active_Modules [DESS04.S_1 Command],
             released Job_ID = 181 Count = 1
18:59:54 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS04.S_1 Port 238
19:18:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47924
19:19:24 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
19:35:06 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job !USERS.DESS04.LIBRARY_SWITCHES %
             JOB.KILL, Job_ID = 161
19:35:06 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job !USERS.DESS04.OPERATION_LECTEUR'
             SPEC'V(4) % COMPILE.OPTIONS, Job_ID = 169
19:35:06 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job !USERS.DESS04.LIBRARY_SWITCHES %
             JOB.KILL, Job_ID = 175
19:35:06 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job !USERS.DESS04.LIBRARY_SWITCHES %
             JOB.KILL, Job_ID = 185
19:35:06 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job !USERS.DESS04.LIBRARY_SWITCHES %
             JOB.KILL, Job_ID = 201
19:35:06 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job !USERS.DESS04.LIBRARY_SWITCHES %
             JOB.KILL, Job_ID = 209
19:35:06 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job !USERS.DESS04.LIBRARY_SWITCHES %
             JOB.KILL, Job_ID = 216
19:35:07 +++ Job_Manager Releasing_Lost_Job !USERS.DESS04.LIBRARY_SWITCHES %
             JOB.KILL, Job_ID = 226
19:40:20 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI07.S_1 Port 240
19:48:40 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47925
19:49:10 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
20:10:49 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI14.S_1 Port 244
20:18:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47926
20:18:58 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
20:28:07 +++ Login_Manager Logout DESS01.S_1 Port 243
20:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
20:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 104; new = 104 (pages)
20:40:28 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI03.S_1 Port 246
20:48:39 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47927
20:49:02 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
20:59:30 +++ Login_Manager Logout LSI08.S_1 Port 241
21:18:19 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47928
21:18:28 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
21:48:19 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47929
21:48:26 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
22:18:19 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47930
22:18:26 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
22:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
22:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 104; new = 104 (pages)
22:48:19 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47931
22:48:27 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
23:18:19 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47932
23:18:26 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
23:48:19 +++ 94/12/13 Snapshot_Started  47933
23:48:26 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
00:18:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47934
00:18:26 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
00:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
00:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 104; new = 104 (pages)
00:48:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47935
00:48:27 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
01:18:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47936
01:18:26 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
01:48:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47937
01:48:26 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
02:18:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47938
02:18:26 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
02:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Started
02:39:14 +++ Low_Level_Action Completed old = 104; new = 104 (pages)
02:48:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47939
02:48:27 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
03:00:31 +++ Directory Started
03:05:28 +++ Directory Completed old = 8705; new = 8526 (pages)
03:06:30 +++ File Started
03:08:39 +++ File Completed old = 4985; new = 4915 (pages)
03:09:40 +++ Ada Started
03:13:42 +++ Ada Completed old = 6694; new = 6427 (pages)
03:15:14 +++ Disk Started (volume 1)
03:15:31 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47940, Retained
03:18:33 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
03:18:33 --- Disk Status (volume 1) Deleting segments
03:48:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47941
03:48:37 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
03:52:52 --- Disk Status (volume 1) Traversing to find reachable blocks
04:18:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47942
04:18:31 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
04:44:40 --- Disk Status (volume 1) Reclaiming blocks
04:45:33 --- Disk Status (volume 1) Freed 120365, total free 449949
04:45:33 --- Disk Status (volume 1) Visited 53313 segments and 844717 blocks
04:45:33 --- Disk Status (volume 1) Deleted 17972 segments, delayed  0.000
04:45:33 +++ Disk Completed (volume 1) old = 748391; new = 628026
04:46:35 +++ Disk Started (volume 2)
04:46:51 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47943, Retained
04:47:46 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
04:47:46 --- Disk Status (volume 2) Deleting segments
04:48:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47944
04:48:29 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
05:13:50 --- Disk Status (volume 2) Traversing to find reachable blocks
05:18:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47945
05:18:35 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
05:48:19 +++ 94/12/14 Snapshot_Started  47946
05:48:28 +++ Snapshot_Daemon Snapshot_Completed
05:53:55 --- Disk Status (volume 2) Reclaiming blocks
05:54:46 --- Disk Status (volume 2) Freed 60321, total free 592279
05:54:46 --- Disk Status (volume 2) Visited 37392 segments and 640870 blocks
05:54:46 --- Disk Status (volume 2) Deleted 14674 segments, delayed  0.000
05:54:46 +++ Disk Completed (volume 2) old = 577742; new = 517421