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Rational R1000/400

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⟦22b678ceb⟧ TextFile

    Length: 94774 (0x17236)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: R1k Text-file segment


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 


with Io_Exceptions;

package Basic_Io is

    type Count is range 0 .. Integer'Last;

    subtype Positive_Count is Count range 1 .. Count'Last;

    function Get_Integer return String;

    -- Skips any leading blanks, line terminators or page
    -- terminators.  Then reads a plus or a minus sign if
    -- present, then reads according to the syntax of an
    -- integer literal, which may be based.  Stores in item
    -- a string containing an optional sign and an integer
    -- literal.
    -- The exception DATA_ERROR is raised if the sequence
    -- of characters does not correspond to the syntax
    -- escribed above.
    -- The exception END_ERROR is raised if the file terminator
    -- is read.  This means that the starting sequence of an
    -- integer has not been met.
    -- Note that the character terminating the operation must
    -- be available for the next get operation.

    function Get_Real return String;

    -- Corresponds to get_integer except that it reads according
    -- to the syntax of a real literal, which may be based.

    function Get_Enumeration return String;

    -- Corresponds to get_integer except that it reads according
    -- to the syntax of an identifier, where upper and lower
    -- case letters are equivalent to a character literal
    -- including the apostrophes.

    function Get_Item (Length : in Integer) return String;

    -- Reads a string from the current line and stores it in
    -- item.  If the remaining number of characters on the
    -- current line is less than the length then only these
    -- characters are returned.  The line terminator is not
    -- skipped.

    procedure Put_Item (Item : in String);

    -- If the length of the string is greater than the current
    -- maximum line (linelength), the exception LAYOUT_ERROR
    -- is raised.
    -- If the string does not fit on the current line a line
    -- terminator is output, then the item is output.

    -- Line and page lengths - ARM 14.3.3.

    procedure Set_Line_Length (To : in Count);

    procedure Set_Page_Length (To : in Count);

    function Line_Length return Count;

    function Page_Length return Count;

    -- Operations oncolumns, lines and pages - ARM 14.3.4.

    procedure New_Line;

    procedure Skip_Line;

    function End_Of_Line return Boolean;

    procedure New_Page;

    procedure Skip_Page;

    function End_Of_Page return Boolean;

    function End_Of_File return Boolean;

    procedure Set_Col (To : in Positive_Count);

    procedure Set_Line (To : in Positive_Count);

    function Col return Positive_Count;

    function Line return Positive_Count;

    function Page return Positive_Count;

    -- Character and string procedures defined is ARM 14.3.6.

    procedure Get_Character (Item : out Character);

    procedure Get_String (Item : out String);

    procedure Get_Line (Item : out String; Last : out Natural);

    procedure Put_Character (Item : in Character);

    procedure Put_String (Item : in String);

    procedure Put_Line (Item : in String);

    -- exceptions:

    Use_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Use_Error;
    Device_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Device_Error;
    End_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.End_Error;
    Data_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Data_Error;
    Layout_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Layout_Error;

end Basic_Io;with Io_Exceptions;

    type Element_Type is private;
package Direct_Io is

    type File_Type is limited private;

    type File_Mode is (In_File, Inout_File, Out_File);
    type Count is new Integer range 0 .. Integer'Last / Element_Type'Size;
    subtype Positive_Count is Count range 1 .. Count'Last;

    -- File management

    procedure Create (File : in out File_Type;
                      Mode : File_Mode := Inout_File;
                      Name : String := "";
                      Form : String := "");

    procedure Open (File : in out File_Type;
                    Mode : File_Mode;
                    Name : String;
                    Form : String := "");

    procedure Close (File : in out File_Type);
    procedure Delete (File : in out File_Type);
    procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type; Mode : File_Mode);
    procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type);

    function Mode (File : File_Type) return File_Mode;
    function Name (File : File_Type) return String;
    function Form (File : File_Type) return String;

    function Is_Open (File : File_Type) return Boolean;

    -- Input and output operations

    procedure Read (File : File_Type;
                    Item : out Element_Type;
                    From : Positive_Count);
    procedure Read (File : File_Type; Item : out Element_Type);

    procedure Write (File : File_Type;
                     Item : Element_Type;
                     To : Positive_Count);
    procedure Write (File : File_Type; Item : Element_Type);

    procedure Set_Index (File : File_Type; To : Positive_Count);

    function Index (File : File_Type) return Positive_Count;
    function Size (File : File_Type) return Count;

    function End_Of_File (File : File_Type) return Boolean;

    -- Exceptions

    Status_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Status_Error;
    Mode_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Mode_Error;
    Name_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Name_Error;
    Use_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Use_Error;
    Device_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Device_Error;
    End_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.End_Error;
    Data_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Data_Error;


    type File_Type is access Integer;

end Direct_Io;package Io_Exceptions is

    Status_Error : exception;
    Mode_Error : exception;
    Name_Error : exception;
    Use_Error : exception;
    Device_Error : exception;
    End_Error : exception;
    Data_Error : exception;
    Layout_Error : exception;

end Io_Exceptions;-- Source code for SEQUENTIAL_IO

pragma Page;

with Io_Exceptions;


    type Element_Type is private;

package Sequential_Io is

    type File_Type is limited private;

    type File_Mode is (In_File, Out_File);

    pragma Page;
    -- File management

    procedure Create (File : in out File_Type;  
                      Mode : in File_Mode := Out_File;  
                      Name : in String := "";  
                      Form : in String := "");

    procedure Open (File : in out File_Type;  
                    Mode : in File_Mode;  
                    Name : in String;  
                    Form : in String := "");

    procedure Close (File : in out File_Type);

    procedure Delete (File : in out File_Type);

    procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type; Mode : in File_Mode);

    procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type);

    function Mode (File : in File_Type) return File_Mode;

    function Name (File : in File_Type) return String;

    function Form (File : in File_Type) return String;

    function Is_Open (File : in File_Type) return Boolean;

    pragma Page;
    -- Input and output operations

    procedure Read (File : in File_Type; Item : out Element_Type);

    procedure Write (File : in File_Type; Item : in Element_Type);

    function End_Of_File (File : in File_Type) return Boolean;

    pragma Page;
    -- Exceptions

    Status_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Status_Error;  
    Mode_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Mode_Error;  
    Name_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Name_Error;  
    Use_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Use_Error;  
    Device_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Device_Error;  
    End_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.End_Error;  
    Data_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Data_Error;

    pragma Page;

    type File_Type is new Integer;

end Sequential_Io;with Basic_Io;
with Io_Exceptions;
package Text_Io is

    type File_Type is limited private;

    type File_Mode is (In_File, Out_File);

    type Count is range 0 .. 2147483647;
    subtype Positive_Count is Count range 1 .. Count'Last;
    Unbounded : constant Count := 0; -- line and page length

    -- max. size of an integer output field 2#....#;
    subtype Field is Integer range 0 .. 255;

    subtype Number_Base is Integer range 2 .. 16;

    type Type_Set is (Lower_Case, Upper_Case);

    -- File management

    procedure Create (File : in out File_Type;
                      Mode : in File_Mode := Out_File;
                      Name : in String := "";
                      Form : in String := "");

    procedure Open (File : in out File_Type;
                    Mode : in File_Mode;
                    Name : in String;
                    Form : in String := "");

    procedure Close (File : in out File_Type);
    procedure Delete (File : in out File_Type);
    procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type; Mode : in File_Mode);
    procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type);

    function Mode (File : in File_Type) return File_Mode;
    function Name (File : in File_Type) return String;
    function Form (File : in File_Type) return String;

    function Is_Open (File : in File_Type) return Boolean;

    --control of default input and output files

    procedure Set_Input (File : in File_Type);
    procedure Set_Output (File : in File_Type);

    function Standard_Input return File_Type;
    function Standard_Output return File_Type;

    function Current_Input return File_Type;
    function Current_Output return File_Type;

    -- specification of line and page lengths

    procedure Set_Line_Length (File : in File_Type; To : in Count);
    procedure Set_Line_Length (To : in Count);

    procedure Set_Page_Length (File : in File_Type; To : in Count);

    procedure Set_Page_Length (To : in Count);

    function Line_Length (File : in File_Type) return Count;

    function Line_Length return Count;

    function Page_Length (File : in File_Type) return Count;

    function Page_Length return Count;

    --Column, Line, and Page control

    procedure New_Line (File : in File_Type; Spacing : in Positive_Count := 1);
    procedure New_Line (Spacing : in Positive_Count := 1);

    procedure Skip_Line (File : in File_Type; Spacing : in Positive_Count := 1);
    procedure Skip_Line (Spacing : in Positive_Count := 1);

    function End_Of_Line (File : in File_Type) return Boolean;
    function End_Of_Line return Boolean;

    procedure New_Page (File : in File_Type);
    procedure New_Page;

    procedure Skip_Page (File : in File_Type);
    procedure Skip_Page;

    function End_Of_Page (File : in File_Type) return Boolean;
    function End_Of_Page return Boolean;

    function End_Of_File (File : in File_Type) return Boolean;
    function End_Of_File return Boolean;

    procedure Set_Col (File : in File_Type; To : in Positive_Count);
    procedure Set_Col (To : in Positive_Count);

    procedure Set_Line (File : in File_Type; To : in Positive_Count);
    procedure Set_Line (To : in Positive_Count);

    function Col (File : in File_Type) return Positive_Count;
    function Col return Positive_Count;

    function Line (File : in File_Type) return Positive_Count;
    function Line return Positive_Count;

    function Page (File : in File_Type) return Positive_Count;
    function Page return Positive_Count;

    -- Character Input-Output

    procedure Get (File : in File_Type; Item : out Character);
    procedure Get (Item : out Character);
    procedure Put (File : in File_Type; Item : in Character);
    procedure Put (Item : in Character);

    -- String Input-Output

    procedure Get (File : in File_Type; Item : out String);
    procedure Get (Item : out String);
    procedure Put (File : in File_Type; Item : in String);
    procedure Put (Item : in String);

    procedure Get_Line
                 (File : in File_Type; Item : out String; Last : out Natural);

    procedure Get_Line (Item : out String; Last : out Natural);

    procedure Put_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : in String);
    procedure Put_Line (Item : in String);

    -- Generic Package for Input-Output of Intger Types

        type Num is range <>;
    package Integer_Io is

        Default_Width : Field := Num'Width;
        Default_Base : Number_Base := 10;

        procedure Get (File : in File_Type;
                       Item : out Num;
                       Width : in Field := 0);
        procedure Get (Item : out Num; Width : in Field := 0);

        procedure Put (File : in File_Type;
                       Item : in Num;
                       Width : in Field := 0;
                       Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base);
        procedure Put (Item : in Num;
                       Width : in Field := 0;
                       Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base);

        procedure Get (From : in String; Item : out Num; Last : out Positive);

        procedure Put (To : out String;
                       Item : in Num;
                       Base : in Number_Base := Default_Base);
    end Integer_Io;

    -- Generic Packages for Input-Output of Real Types

        type Num is digits <>;
    package Float_Io is

        Default_Fore : Field := 2;
        Default_Aft : Field := Num'Digits - 1;
        Default_Exp : Field := 3;

        procedure Get (File : in File_Type;
                       Item : out Num;
                       Width : in Field := 0);
        procedure Get (Item : out Num; Width : in Field := 0);

        procedure Put (File : in File_Type;
                       Item : in Num;
                       Fore : in Field := Default_Fore;
                       Aft : in Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp : in Field := Default_Exp);
        procedure Put (Item : in Num;
                       Fore : in Field := Default_Fore;
                       Aft : in Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp : in Field := Default_Exp);

        procedure Get (From : in String; Item : out Num; Last : out Positive);
        procedure Put (To : out String;
                       Item : in Num;
                       Aft : in Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp : in Field := Default_Exp);

    end Float_Io;

        type Num is delta <>;
    package Fixed_Io is

        Default_Fore : Field := Num'Fore;
        Default_Aft : Field := Num'Aft;
        Default_Exp : Field := 0;

        procedure Get (File : in File_Type;
                       Item : out Num;
                       Width : in Field := 0);
        procedure Get (Item : out Num; Width : in Field := 0);

        procedure Put (File : in File_Type;
                       Item : in Num;
                       Fore : in Field := Default_Fore;
                       Aft : in Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp : in Field := Default_Exp);

        procedure Put (Item : in Num;
                       Fore : in Field := Default_Fore;
                       Aft : in Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp : in Field := Default_Exp);

        procedure Get (From : in String; Item : out Num; Last : out Positive);

        procedure Put (To : out String;
                       Item : in Num;
                       Aft : in Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp : in Field := Default_Exp);
    end Fixed_Io;

    -- Generic Package for Input-Output of enumeration Types

        type Enum is (<>);
    package Enumeration_Io is

        Default_Width : Field := 0;
        Default_Setting : Type_Set := Upper_Case;

        procedure Get (File : in File_Type; Item : out Enum);
        procedure Get (Item : out Enum);

        procedure Put (File : File_Type;
                       Item : in Enum;
                       Width : in Field := Default_Width;
                       Set : in Type_Set := Default_Setting);
        procedure Put (Item : in Enum;
                       Width : in Field := Default_Width;
                       Set : in Type_Set := Default_Setting);

        procedure Get (From : in String; Item : out Enum; Last : out Positive);

        procedure Put (To : out String;
                       Item : in Enum;
                       Set : in Type_Set := Default_Setting);
    end Enumeration_Io;

    -- Exceptions

    Status_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Status_Error;
    Mode_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Mode_Error;
    Name_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Name_Error;
    Use_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Use_Error;
    Device_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Device_Error;
    End_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.End_Error;
    Data_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Data_Error;
    Layout_Error : exception renames Io_Exceptions.Layout_Error;


    type File_Type is
            Ft : Integer := -1;
        end record;
    -- Unfortunately, we don't know what this is.

end Text_Io;package Calendar is

    type Time is private;

    subtype Year_Number is Integer range 1901 .. 2099;
    subtype Month_Number is Integer range 1 .. 12;
    subtype Day_Number is Integer range 1 .. 31;
    subtype Day_Duration is Duration range 0.0 .. 86_400.0;

    function Clock return Time;

    function Year (Date : Time) return Year_Number;
    function Month (Date : Time) return Month_Number;
    function Day (Date : Time) return Day_Number;
    function Seconds (Date : Time) return Day_Duration;

    procedure Split (Date : Time;
                     Year : out Year_Number;
                     Month : out Month_Number;
                     Day : out Day_Number;
                     Seconds : out Day_Duration);

    function Time_Of (Year : Year_Number;
                      Month : Month_Number;
                      Day : Day_Number;
                      Seconds : Day_Duration := 0.0) return Time;

    function "+" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time;
    function "+" (Left : Duration; Right : Time) return Time;
    function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Duration) return Time;
    function "-" (Left : Time; Right : Time) return Duration;

    function "<" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean;
    function "<=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean;
    function ">" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean;
    function ">=" (Left, Right : Time) return Boolean;

    Time_Error : exception;  -- can be raised by TIME_OF, "+" and "-"

    type Time is
            I : Integer;
        end record;
end Calendar;package Machine_Code is
end Machine_Code;package System is

    -- The order of the elements of this type is not significant.

    type Name is (S370, I80x86, I80386, Mc680x0, Vax, Transputer);

    System_Name : constant Name := I80386;

    Storage_Unit : constant := 8;

    Max_Int : constant := 2 ** 31 - 1;

    Min_Int : constant := -(2 ** 31);

    Max_Mantissa : constant := 31;

    Fine_Delta : constant := 2#1.0#E-31;

    Max_Digits : constant := 15;

    Memory_Size : constant := 2 ** 32;

    Tick : constant := 0.02;

    subtype Priority is Integer range 1 .. 28;

    type Address is private;
    Null_Address : constant Address;

    -- Converts a string to an address.	The syntax of the string and its
    -- meaning are target dependent.
    -- For the 80386 the syntax is:
    --	"OOOOOOOO"  where OOOOOOOO is an 8 digit or less hexadecimal number
    --		    representing an offset either in the data segment or in the
    --		    code segment.
    --	Example:
    --	  "00000008"
    -- The exception CONSTRAINT_ERROR is raised if the string has not the
    -- proper syntax.

    function Value (Left : in String) return Address;

    -- Converts an address to a string.	The syntax of the returned string
    -- is described in the VALUE function.

    subtype Address_String is String (1 .. 8);

    function Image (Left : in Address) return Address_String;

    -- The following routines provide support to perform address
    -- computation.  The meaning of the "+" and "-" operators is
    -- architecture dependent.  For example on a segmented machine
    -- the OFFSET parameter is added to, or subtracted from the offset
    -- part of the address, the segment remaining untouched.

    type Offset is range 0 .. 2 ** 31 - 1;

    -- The exeception ADDRESS_ERROR is raised by "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "-"
    -- if the two addresses do not have the same segment value.	This
    -- exception is never raised on a non segmented machine.
    -- The exception CONSTRAINT_ERROR can be raised by "+" and "-".

    Address_Error : exception;

    function "+" (Left : in Address; Right : in Offset) return Address;
    function "+" (Left : in Offset; Right : in Address) return Address;
    function "-" (Left : in Address; Right : in Offset) return Address;

    -- The exception ADDRESS_ERROR is raised on a segmented architecture
    -- if the two addresses do not have the same segment value.

    function "-" (Left : in Address; Right : in Address) return Offset;

    -- Perform an unsigned comparison on addresses or offset part of
    -- addresses on a segmented machine.

    function "<=" (Left, Right : in Address) return Boolean;
    function "<" (Left, Right : in Address) return Boolean;
    function ">=" (Left, Right : in Address) return Boolean;
    function ">" (Left, Right : in Address) return Boolean;

    function "mod" (Left : in Address; Right : in Positive) return Natural;

    -- Returns the given address rounded to a specific value.

    type Round_Direction is (Down, Up);

    function Round (Value : in Address;
                    Direction : in Round_Direction;
                    Modulus : in Positive) return Address;

    -- These routines are provided to perform READ/WRITE operation
    -- in memory.
    -- Warning: These routines will give unexpected results if used with
    -- unconstrained types.

        type Target is private;
    function Fetch_From_Address (A : in Address) return Target;

        type Target is private;
    procedure Assign_To_Address (A : in Address; T : in Target);

    -- Procedure to copy LENGTH storage unit starting at the address
    -- FROM to the address TO.  The source and destination may overlap.
    -- OBJECT_LENGTH designates the size of an object in storage units.

    type Object_Length is range 0 .. 2 ** 31 - 1;

    procedure Move (To : in Address;
                    From : in Address;
                    Length : in Object_Length);

    pragma Inline ("+", "-", Same_Segment);

    type Address is access String;
    Null_Address : constant Address := null;

    pragma Interface (Assembler, Move);
    pragma Interface_Name (Move, "ADA@BLOCK_MOVE");

end System;generic
    type Source is limited private;
    type Target is limited private;
function Unchecked_Conversion (S : Source) return Target;generic
    type Object is limited private;
    type Name is access Object;
procedure Unchecked_Deallocation (X : in out Name);-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO package that suspends and resumes a task.
-- See CIFO section titled "Controlling when a task executes".
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

with TASK_IDS;



   procedure SUSPEND (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID);
   function  SUSPEND (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID) 

   procedure RESUME (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID);
   function  RESUME (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID) 

   procedure PROTECT (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID);
   function  PROTECT (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID) 

   procedure UNPROTECT (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID);
   function  UNPROTECT (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID) 

   function STATUS (I : in TASK_IDS.TASK_ID) 

end DISPATCHING_CONTROL;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO "dynamic priorities" section.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

with TASK_IDS;


   type PRIORITY is range 0 .. 28;

   type URGENCY is (NOW, LATER);

                           TO       : in PRIORITY;
                           HOW_SOON : in URGENCY := NOW);


end DYNAMIC_PRIORITIES;-- "This unpublished work is protected both as a proprietary work and
-- under the Universal Copyright Convention and the US Copyright Act of
-- 1976. Its distribution and access are limited only to authorized
-- persons. Copr. (c) Alsys. Created 1990, initially licensed 1990.
-- All rights reserved.

-- Unauthorized  use (including use to prepare other works), disclosure,
-- reproduction, or distribution may violate national criminal law."

-- This module is a generic template for the EVENT_MANAGEMENT package	    --
-- required by CIFO 3.0, which is obtained by instantiating this generic.   --

--	    *********************
--	    *********************

   --	      1. Generic Parameters
   --	      2. User Visible Types
   --	      3. Event Testing
   --	      4. Signal Operations
   --	      5. Event Construction
   --	      6. Wait Operations
   --	      7. IBM SOW Declarations
   --	      13. Instantiations


--	    *************************
--	    *************************

   -- This parameter controls the maximum number of events which can be
   -- handled as part of a single COMPLEX_EVENT value, avoiding additional
   -- heap allocations. The size of a COMPLEX_EVENT depends on this value
   -- since enough space is allocated to hold an expression of this size.

   -- This parameter controls the behaviour of the system if a complex
   -- expression exceeds the threshhold specified by the MAX_EVENTS value.
   -- If the value of the parameter is FALSE, then storage for at least
   -- part of the complex event structure may be obtained from the heap.
   -- This avoids any limits on the complexity of event expressions, but
   -- can result in storage leaks. If the parameter is TRUE, then an attempt
   -- to build a complex expression exceeding the limit causes the exception
   -- MAX_EVENTS_EXCEEDED to be raised, warning the programmer that the
   -- attempted event construction may lead to storage leaks.


   -- The library contains a standard instantiations of this package:

   -- package EVENT_MANAGEMENT
   --				       SIGNAL_MAX_EXCEEDED => FALSE);

   --	This generates a package which has no limit on the complexity of
   --	complex events, but which uses the heap if the number of events
   --	exceeds 6, and may thus cause storage leaks in these cases.

--	    *************************
--	    * 2. USER VISIBLE TYPES *
--	    *************************

   type EVENT is limited private;
   -- Note: we have deliberately changed this to limited private, since the
   -- semantics of both assignment and comparison of EVENTs is obscure.

   type COMPLEX_EVENT is private;

--	    ********************
--	    * 3. EVENT TESTING *
--	    ********************

   function IS_SET (AN_EVENT	: in EVENT)	    return BOOLEAN;

      pragma INLINE (IS_SET);

--	    ************************
--	    ************************

   procedure SET    (TARGET_EVENT : in out EVENT);
   procedure RESET  (TARGET_EVENT : in out EVENT);
   procedure TOGGLE (TARGET_EVENT : in out EVENT);
   procedure PULSE  (TARGET_EVENT : in out EVENT);

--	    *************************
--	    *************************


   function "and" (LEFT, RIGHT : EVENT)                 return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "and" (LEFT : COMPLEX_EVENT; RIGHT : EVENT) return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "and" (LEFT : EVENT; RIGHT : COMPLEX_EVENT) return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "and" (LEFT, RIGHT : COMPLEX_EVENT)         return COMPLEX_EVENT;

   function "or"  (LEFT, RIGHT : EVENT)                 return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "or"  (LEFT : COMPLEX_EVENT; RIGHT : EVENT) return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "or"  (LEFT : EVENT; RIGHT : COMPLEX_EVENT) return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "or"  (LEFT, RIGHT : COMPLEX_EVENT)         return COMPLEX_EVENT;

   function "xor" (LEFT, RIGHT : EVENT)                 return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "xor" (LEFT : COMPLEX_EVENT; RIGHT : EVENT) return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "xor" (LEFT : EVENT; RIGHT : COMPLEX_EVENT) return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "xor" (LEFT, RIGHT : COMPLEX_EVENT)         return COMPLEX_EVENT;

   function "not" (AN_EVENT : EVENT)                    return COMPLEX_EVENT;
   function "not" (AN_EVENT : COMPLEX_EVENT)            return COMPLEX_EVENT;

   MAX_EVENTS_EXCEEDED : exception;

--	    **********************
--	    * 6. WAIT OPERATIONS *
--	    **********************

   procedure WAIT_ON	    (AN_EVENT : in COMPLEX_EVENT);

   procedure CANCEL_WAIT_ON (TSK : in TASK_ID);
   -- This procedure is used by the SCHEDULER. It removes a task from the
   -- event structures (if it is currently chained). It is used for functions
   -- such as task abort.

--	    ***************************
--	    ***************************

   -- This section contains renamings and additional declarations required
   -- by the IBM statement of work for the Lynx project. This SOW introduces
   -- slightly different names, apparently taken from some intermediate
   -- version of CIFO, between the 2.0 and 3.0 documents.


      renames IS_SET;

      renames COMPLEX_EVENT_OF;

   procedure INITIALIZE (TARGET_EVENT : in out EVENT;
			 VALUE	      : in BOOLEAN := FALSE);

      pragma INLINE (INITIALIZE);


--	    **********************
--	    * 13. INSTANTIATIONS *
--	    **********************


			      SIGNAL_MAX_EXCEEDED => FALSE);-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO section titled "Asynchronous Entry Call".
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- The CIFO documents ask for:
-- generic
--    type PARAMETER is limited private;
--    with procedure ENTRY_TO_BE_CALLED (PARAM : in PARAMETER);
-- Instead we provide:

   type PARAMETER is private;
   with procedure ENTRY_TO_BE_CALLED (PARAM : in PARAMETER);
package ENTRY_CALLER is

-- It is used in much the same way as the one in the CIFO 
-- document, but its instantiation is different.  Instead of:
--       procedure MY_CALL(I:INTEGER) 
--          is new NON_WAITING_ENTRY_CALL(INTEGER, T.E);
--       MY_CALL(100);
-- a program does
--       package CALLER is new ENTRY_CALLER(INTEGER, T.E);
--       MY_CALL(100);-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO preemption control package.
-- See CIFO section titled "Nonpreemptible Sections".
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------




   function PREEMPTIBLE return BOOLEAN;


procedure CALL_NONPREEMPTIBLE_SECTION;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO HAL/S scheduling package.
-- See CIFO section titled "Synchronous and Asynchronous Task Scheduling",
-- or chapter 12 of "Programming in HAL/S" by Ryer.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------


package SCHEDULER is





      case INITIATION is
	 when AT_TIME =>
	    T : TIME;
	 when AFTER_DELAY =>
	    D : DURATION;
	 when ON_EVENT =>
      end case;
   end record;

      case REPETITION is
	 when NONE =>
	    D : DURATION;
      end case;
   end record;

      case COMPLETION is
	 when NONE =>
	 when UNTIL_TIME =>
	    T : TIME;
      end case;
   end record;

                       PRIORITY       : in DYNAMIC_PRIORITIES.PRIORITY;
                       INITIATION     : in INITIATION_INFO;
                       REPETITION     : in REPETITION_INFO;
                       COMPLETION     : in COMPLETION_INFO;
		       OVERRUN        : in EVENT := TASK_OVERRUN);



end SCHEDULER;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- POSIX 1003.4 semaphores
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

package SEMAPHORE is

   type SEMAPHORE_VALUE is private;



                               SEMAPHORE_FREE : out BOOLEAN);

   -- Semaphores are scarce system resources.  One is allocated whenever
   -- a program declares an object of type SEMAPHORE_VALUE.  They can
   -- run out, depending on the operating system limit.  If one is declared 
   -- and there are no more left in the system, STORAGE_ERROR is raised.  
   -- CLOSE may be called to free one if it will no longer be used.

   procedure CLOSE (SEMAPHORE : in out SEMAPHORE_VALUE);

end SEMAPHORE;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO shared data protection.
-- See CIFO section titled "Mutually Exclusive Access to Shared Data".
-- (CIFO V2 specification)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------


   type ITEM_TYPE is private;


   type SHARED_DATA is limited private;

   procedure WRITE (TO_OBJECT : in out SHARED_DATA;
                    NEW_VALUE : in ITEM_TYPE);



end SHARED_DATA_GENERIC;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO Task identifiers.  Used by all the other packages.
-- See CIFO section titled "Task Identifiers".
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

package TASK_IDS is

   -- CIFO V3 names:

   subtype TASK_ID is TID.TASK_ID;

   TASK_ID_ERROR : exception;

   function NULL_TASK return TASK_ID;

   function SELF return TASK_ID;

   function MASTER_TASK (I : TASK_ID := SELF) return TASK_ID;

   function CALLER      (I : TASK_ID := SELF) return TASK_ID;

   function CALLABLE    (I : TASK_ID := SELF) return BOOLEAN;

   function TERMINATED  (I : TASK_ID := SELF) return BOOLEAN;

   -- CIFO V2 names:

      type TASK_TYPE is limited private;
   function ID_OF  (T : TASK_TYPE) return TASK_ID;

   function PARENT (I : TASK_ID := SELF) return TASK_ID;

end TASK_IDS;generic
    with procedure Nonpreemptible_Section;
procedure Call_Nonpreemptible_Section;-- "This unpublished work is protected both as a proprietary work and
-- under the Universal Copyright Convention and the US Copyright Act of
-- 1976. Its distribution and access are limited only to authorized
-- persons. Copr. (c) Alsys. Created 1990, initially licensed 1990.
-- All rights reserved.

-- Unauthorized  use (including use to prepare other works), disclosure,
-- reproduction, or distribution may violate national criminal law."

-- This module is a generic template for the EVENT_MANAGEMENT package	    --
-- required by CIFO 3.0, which is obtained by instantiating this generic.   --

--	    *********************
--	    *********************

--	      1. Generic Parameters
--	      2. User Visible Types
--	      3. Event Testing
--	      4. Signal Operations
--	      5. Event Construction
--	      6. Wait Operations
--	      7. IBM SOW Declarations
--	      13. Instantiations


--	    *************************
--	    *************************

    Max_Events : Integer;
    -- This parameter controls the maximum number of events which can be
    -- handled as part of a single COMPLEX_EVENT value, avoiding additional
    -- heap allocations. The size of a COMPLEX_EVENT depends on this value
    -- since enough space is allocated to hold an expression of this size.

    Signal_Max_Exceeded : Boolean := False;
    -- This parameter controls the behaviour of the system if a complex
    -- expression exceeds the threshhold specified by the MAX_EVENTS value.
    -- If the value of the parameter is FALSE, then storage for at least
    -- part of the complex event structure may be obtained from the heap.
    -- This avoids any limits on the complexity of event expressions, but
    -- can result in storage leaks. If the parameter is TRUE, then an attempt
    -- to build a complex expression exceeding the limit causes the exception
    -- MAX_EVENTS_EXCEEDED to be raised, warning the programmer that the
    -- attempted event construction may lead to storage leaks.

package Cifo_Event_Management is

    -- The library contains a standard instantiations of this package:

    -- package EVENT_MANAGEMENT
    --				       SIGNAL_MAX_EXCEEDED => FALSE);

    --	This generates a package which has no limit on the complexity of
    --	complex events, but which uses the heap if the number of events
    --	exceeds 6, and may thus cause storage leaks in these cases.

--	    *************************
--	    * 2. USER VISIBLE TYPES *
--	    *************************

    type Event is limited private;
    -- Note: we have deliberately changed this to limited private, since the
    -- semantics of both assignment and comparison of EVENTs is obscure.

    type Complex_Event is private;

--	    ********************
--	    * 3. EVENT TESTING *
--	    ********************

    function Is_Set (An_Event : in Event) return Boolean;
    function Is_Set (Expression : in Complex_Event) return Boolean;

    pragma Inline (Is_Set);

--	    ************************
--	    ************************

    procedure Set (Target_Event : in out Event);
    procedure Reset (Target_Event : in out Event);
    procedure Toggle (Target_Event : in out Event);
    procedure Pulse (Target_Event : in out Event);

--	    *************************
--	    *************************

    function Complex_Event_Of (Simple_Event : Event) return Complex_Event;

    function "and" (Left, Right : Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "and" (Left : Complex_Event; Right : Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "and" (Left : Event; Right : Complex_Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "and" (Left, Right : Complex_Event) return Complex_Event;

    function "or" (Left, Right : Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "or" (Left : Complex_Event; Right : Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "or" (Left : Event; Right : Complex_Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "or" (Left, Right : Complex_Event) return Complex_Event;

    function "xor" (Left, Right : Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "xor" (Left : Complex_Event; Right : Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "xor" (Left : Event; Right : Complex_Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "xor" (Left, Right : Complex_Event) return Complex_Event;

    function "not" (An_Event : Event) return Complex_Event;
    function "not" (An_Event : Complex_Event) return Complex_Event;

    Max_Events_Exceeded : exception;

--	    **********************
--	    * 6. WAIT OPERATIONS *
--	    **********************
    -- JRG Added this type for semantic consistency to allow
    -- compilation on Rational. 9/20/91 Also added private
    -- part.
    type Task_Id is private;          -- Bogus Declaration

    procedure Wait_On (An_Event : in Complex_Event);

    procedure Cancel_Wait_On (Tsk : in Task_Id);
    -- This procedure is used by the SCHEDULER. It removes a task from the
    -- event structures (if it is currently chained). It is used for functions
    -- such as task abort.

--	    ***************************
--	    ***************************

    -- This section contains renamings and additional declarations required
    -- by the IBM statement of work for the Lynx project. This SOW introduces
    -- slightly different names, apparently taken from some intermediate
    -- version of CIFO, between the 2.0 and 3.0 documents.

    subtype Event_Expression is Complex_Event;

    function Value_Of (An_Event : in Complex_Event) return Boolean
        renames Is_Set;

    function Expression_Of (Simple_Event : Event) return Complex_Event
        renames Complex_Event_Of;

    procedure Initialize (Target_Event : in out Event;
                          Value : in Boolean := False);

    pragma Inline (Initialize);

    -- JRG Created Private Part for Compilation Closure
    -- On Rational. Added the following three types to the
    -- private part on 9/20/91.
    type Event is new Boolean;            -- Bogus Declaration
    type Complex_Event is new Boolean;    -- Bogus Declaration
    type Task_Id is new Boolean;          -- Bogus Declaration
end Cifo_Event_Management;

--	    **********************
--	    * 13. INSTANTIATIONS *
--	    **********************-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO package that suspends and resumes a task.
-- See CIFO section titled "Controlling when a task executes".
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

with Task_Ids;

package Dispatching_Control is

    type Task_Suspension_Status is (Protected, Suspended, Untouched);

    procedure Suspend (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id);
    function Suspend (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id) return Task_Suspension_Status;

    procedure Resume (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id);
    function Resume (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id) return Task_Suspension_Status;

    procedure Protect (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id);
    function Protect (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id) return Task_Suspension_Status;

    procedure Unprotect (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id);
    function Unprotect (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id) return Task_Suspension_Status;

    function Status (I : in Task_Ids.Task_Id) return Task_Suspension_Status;

end Dispatching_Control;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO "dynamic priorities" section.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

with Task_Ids;

package Dynamic_Priorities is

    type Priority is range 0 .. 28;

    type Urgency is (Now, Later);

    procedure Set_Priority (Of_Task : in Task_Ids.Task_Id;
                            To : in Priority;
                            How_Soon : in Urgency := Now);

    function Priority_Of (The_Task : Task_Ids.Task_Id) return Priority;

end Dynamic_Priorities;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO section titled "Asynchronous Entry Call".
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- The CIFO documents ask for:
-- generic
--    type PARAMETER is limited private;
--    with procedure ENTRY_TO_BE_CALLED (PARAM : in PARAMETER);
-- Instead we provide:

    type Parameter is private;
    with procedure Entry_To_Be_Called (Param : in Parameter);
package Entry_Caller is
    procedure Non_Waiting_Entry_Call (Param : Parameter);
end Entry_Caller;

-- It is used in much the same way as the one in the CIFO
-- document, but its instantiation is different.  Instead of:
--       procedure MY_CALL(I:INTEGER)
--          is new NON_WAITING_ENTRY_CALL(INTEGER, T.E);
--       MY_CALL(100);
-- a program does
--       package CALLER is new ENTRY_CALLER(INTEGER, T.E);
--       MY_CALL(100);with Cifo_Event_Management;

package Event_Management is
   new Cifo_Event_Management (Max_Events => 6, Signal_Max_Exceeded => False);-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO preemption control package.
-- See CIFO section titled "Nonpreemptible Sections".
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Preemption_Control is

    procedure Disable_Preemption;

    procedure Enable_Preemption;

    function Preemptible return Boolean;

end Preemption_Control;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO HAL/S scheduling package.
-- See CIFO section titled "Synchronous and Asynchronous Task Scheduling",
-- or chapter 12 of "Programming in HAL/S" by Ryer.
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

with Task_Ids, Dynamic_Priorities, Event_Management, Calendar;
use Task_Ids, Dynamic_Priorities, Event_Management, Calendar;

package Scheduler is

    type Task_Id is new Boolean; -- Bogus Declaration

    Task_Overrun : Event;

    type Task_Initiations is (Immediately, At_Time, After_Delay, On_Event);

    type Task_Repetitions is (None, Repeat_Every, Repeat_After);

    type Task_Completions is (None, Until_Time, While_Event, Until_Event);

    type Initiation_Info (Initiation : Task_Initiations := Immediately) is
            case Initiation is
                when Immediately =>
                when At_Time =>
                    T : Time;
                when After_Delay =>
                    D : Duration;
                when On_Event =>
                    E : Event_Expression;
            end case;
        end record;

    type Repetition_Info (Repetition : Task_Repetitions := None) is
            case Repetition is
                when None =>
                when Repeat_Every | Repeat_After =>
                    D : Duration;
            end case;
        end record;

    type Completion_Info (Completion : Task_Completions := None) is
            case Completion is
                when None =>
                when Until_Time =>
                    T : Time;
                when While_Event | Until_Event =>
                    E : Event_Expression;
            end case;
        end record;

    procedure Schedule (Scheduled_Task : in Task_Id;
                        Report_Overrun : in Boolean := False;
                        Priority : in Dynamic_Priorities.Priority;
                        Initiation : in Initiation_Info;
                        Repetition : in Repetition_Info;
                        Completion : in Completion_Info;
                        Overrun : in Event := Task_Overrun);

    procedure Wait_For_Schedule (Completed : out Boolean);

    procedure Deschedule (Scheduled_Task : in Task_Id);

end Scheduler;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- POSIX 1003.4 semaphores
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Semaphore is

    type Semaphore_Value is private;

    procedure Wait (Semaphore : in Semaphore_Value);

    procedure Post (Semaphore : in Semaphore_Value);

    procedure Conditional_Wait (Semaphore : in Semaphore_Value;
                                Semaphore_Free : out Boolean);

    -- Semaphores are scarce system resources.  One is allocated whenever
    -- a program declares an object of type SEMAPHORE_VALUE.  They can
    -- run out, depending on the operating system limit.  If one is declared
    -- and there are no more left in the system, STORAGE_ERROR is raised.
    -- CLOSE may be called to free one if it will no longer be used.

    procedure Close (Semaphore : in out Semaphore_Value);

    -- Private Part added by JRG for compilation on 9/20/91
    type Semaphore_Value is new Boolean;  -- Bogus implementation

end Semaphore;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO shared data protection.
-- See CIFO section titled "Mutually Exclusive Access to Shared Data".
-- (CIFO V2 specification)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------


    type Item_Type is private;

package Shared_Data_Generic is

    type Shared_Data is limited private;

    procedure Write (To_Object : in out Shared_Data; New_Value : in Item_Type);

    function Value_Of (Object : Shared_Data) return Item_Type;

    function Initialized (Object : Shared_Data) return Boolean;

    type Shared_Data is new Boolean; -- Bogus Declaration

end Shared_Data_Generic;-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CIFO Task identifiers.  Used by all the other packages.
-- See CIFO section titled "Task Identifiers".
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

package Task_Ids is

    -- CIFO V3 names:

    --subtype Task_Id is Tid.Task_Id;
    -- Declaration above commented out by JRG on 9/19/91 for
    -- Rational Compilation. Replaced with the following decl.
    subtype Task_Id is Boolean;  -- Bogus Declaration

    Task_Id_Error : exception;

    function Null_Task return Task_Id;

    function Self return Task_Id;

    function Master_Task (I : Task_Id := Self) return Task_Id;

    function Caller (I : Task_Id := Self) return Task_Id;

    function Callable (I : Task_Id := Self) return Boolean;

    function Terminated (I : Task_Id := Self) return Boolean;

    -- CIFO V2 names:

        type Task_Type is limited private;
    function Id_Of (T : Task_Type) return Task_Id;

    function Parent (I : Task_Id := Self) return Task_Id;

end Task_Ids;package Implem_Def is

    Id_Job_Control : Boolean := True;
    Id_Saved_Ids : Boolean := False;
    Id_Change_Owner_Restricted : Boolean := True;
    Id_No_Truncation : Boolean := True;

    Id_Argument_Bytes : constant := 65536;  -- EXECARGLEN
    Id_Child_Processes : constant := 98;  -- (NPROC-2)
    Id_Groups : constant := 8;  -- NGROUPS

    Id_Open_Files : constant := 20;  -- USR_NFDS

    Id_Link_Limit_Range_Last : constant := 32767;  -- LINK_MAX
    Id_Input_Line_Limit_Range_Last : constant := 256;   -- LINELEN
    Id_Input_Queue_Limit_Range_Last : constant := 512;  -- (LINELEN*2)
    Id_Filename_Limit_Range_Last : constant := 255;  -- NAME_MAX
    Id_Pathname_Limit_Range_Last : constant := 1024;   -- PATH_MAX
    Id_Pipe_Limit_Range_Last : constant := 4096;  -- PIPESIZE

end Implem_Def;with System;

package Local_Procs is

    -- Convert a C string, which is a pointer to a null-terminated
    -- character array, into an Ada string:
    function C_String_To_Ada (C_String : in System.Address) return String;

end Local_Procs;with System;
with Implem_Def;

package Posix is

-- Symbolic constants

    Job_Control : constant Boolean := Implem_Def.Id_Job_Control;
    Saved_Ids : constant Boolean := Implem_Def.Id_Saved_Ids;
    Change_Owner_Restricted : constant Boolean :=
    No_Truncation : constant Boolean := Implem_Def.Id_No_Truncation;

    Portable_Argument_Bytes : constant := 4096;
    Argument_Bytes : constant := Implem_Def.Id_Argument_Bytes;

    Portable_Child_Processes : constant := 6;
    Child_Processes : constant := Implem_Def.Id_Child_Processes;

    Portable_Groups : constant := 0;
    Groups : constant := Implem_Def.Id_Groups;

    Portable_Open_Files : constant := 16;
    Open_Files : constant := Implem_Def.Id_Open_Files;

    Portable_Link_Limit : constant := 8;
    subtype Link_Limit_Range is
       Natural range 0 .. Implem_Def.Id_Link_Limit_Range_Last;

    Portable_Input_Line_Limit : constant := 255;
    subtype Input_Line_Limit_Range is
       Natural range 0 .. Implem_Def.Id_Input_Line_Limit_Range_Last;

    Portable_Input_Queue_Limit : constant := 255;
    subtype Input_Queue_Limit_Range is
       Natural range 0 .. Implem_Def.Id_Input_Queue_Limit_Range_Last;

    Portable_Filename_Limit : constant := 14;
    subtype Filename_Limit_Range is
       Positive range 1 .. Implem_Def.Id_Filename_Limit_Range_Last;

    Portable_Pathname_Limit : constant := 255;
    subtype Pathname_Limit_Range is
       Positive range 1 .. Implem_Def.Id_Pathname_Limit_Range_Last;

    Portable_Pipe_Limit : constant := 512;
    subtype Pipe_Limit_Range is
       Natural          -- why NATURAL ??
          range 0 .. Implem_Def.Id_Pipe_Limit_Range_Last;

-- Characters and Strings

    type Posix_Character is new Character;
    --        (' ','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',
    --         'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M',
    --         'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',
    --         'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
    --         'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z',
    --         '.','_','-','/'
    --         @P<other characters are implementation defined>
    --        );

    type Posix_String is array (Positive range <>) of Posix_Character;

    function To_String (Str : Posix_String) return String;

    function To_Posix_String (Str : String) return Posix_String;

    function To_Posix_String (Addr : System.Address) return Posix_String;

    function "&" (L : String; R : Posix_String) return Posix_String;
    function "&" (L : Character; R : Posix_String) return Posix_String;
    function "&" (L : Posix_String; R : String) return Posix_String;
    function "&" (L : Posix_String; R : Character) return Posix_String;
    -- these should come for free
    --  function "&" (l : POSIX_String; r : POSIX_Character)
    --      return POSIX_STRING;
    --  function "&" (l :POSIX_Character; r : POSIX_Character)
    --      return POSIX_STRING;

    function Is_Filename (Str : String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Filename (Str : Posix_String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Pathname (Str : String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Pathname (Str : Posix_String) return Boolean;

    function Is_Portable_Filename (Str : String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Portable_Filename (Str : Posix_String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Portable_Pathname (Str : String) return Boolean;
    function Is_Portable_Pathname (Str : Posix_String) return Boolean;

-- String Lists

    type Posix_String_List is limited private;

    Empty_String_List : constant Posix_String_List;

    procedure Make_Empty (List : in out Posix_String_List);

    procedure Append (List : in out Posix_String_List;
                      String : in Posix_String);

        with procedure Action (S : in Posix_String);
    procedure For_Every_Member (List : in Posix_String_List);

    function Length (List : Posix_String_List) return Natural;

    function Value (List : Posix_String_List; Index : Natural)
                   return Posix_String;

-- Exceptions 			C errno equivalent
    Arg_List_Too_Long,    -- E2BIG
    Bad_Address,     -- EFAULT
    Bad_File_Descriptor,    -- EBADF
    Broken_Pipe,     -- EPIPE
    Directory_Not_Empty,    -- ENOTEMPTY
    Domain_Error,    -- EDOM
    Exec_Format_Error,    -- ENOEXEC
    File_Exists,     -- EEXIST
    File_Too_Big,    -- EFBIG
    Filename_Too_Long,    -- ENAMETOOLONG
    Function_Not_Implemented,   -- ENOSYS
    Improper_Link,    -- EXDEV
    Inappropriate_Io_Control_Operation,  -- ENOTTY
    Input_Output_Error,    -- EIO
    Interrupted_Operation,   -- EINTR
    Invalid_Argument,    -- EINVAL
    Invalid_Seek,    -- ESPIPE
    Is_A_Directory,    -- EISDIR
    No_Child_Process,    -- ECHILD
    No_Locks_Available,    -- ENOLCK
    No_Space_Left_On_Device,   -- ENOSPC
    No_Such_Device,    -- ENODEV
    No_Such_Device_Or_Address,   -- ENXIO
    No_Such_File_Or_Directory,   -- ENOENT
    No_Such_Process,    -- ESRCH
    Not_A_Directory,    -- ENOTDIR
    Not_Enough_Space,    -- ENOMEM
    Operation_Not_Permitted,   -- EPERM
    Permission_Denied,    -- EACCES
    Read_Only_File_System,   -- EROFS
    Resource_Busy,    -- EBUSY
    Resource_Deadlock_Avoided,   -- EDEADLK
    Resource_Temporarily_Unavailable,  -- EAGAIN
    Result_Too_Large,    -- ERANGE
    Too_Many_Links,    -- EMLINK
    Too_Many_Open_Files,    -- EMFILE
    Too_Many_Open_Files_In_System  -- ENFILE
        : exception;


    type String_Ptr is access Posix_String;
    type List_Elem is
            Current : String_Ptr;
            Next : Posix_String_List;
        end record;

    type Posix_String_List is access List_Elem;
    Empty_String_List : constant Posix_String_List := null;
    pragma Inline (To_String);
    pragma Inline (To_Posix_String);
    pragma Inline ("&");

end Posix;package Posix_Current_Exception is

    -- The Lynx values for errno, see /usr/include/errno.h

    No_Error : constant := 0;
    Eperm : constant := 1;
    Enoent : constant := 2;
    Esrch : constant := 3;
    Eintr : constant := 4;
    Eio : constant := 5;
    Enxio : constant := 6;
    E2big : constant := 7;
    Enoexec : constant := 8;
    Ebadf : constant := 9;
    Echild : constant := 10;
    Eagain : constant := 11;
    Enomem : constant := 12;
    Eacces : constant := 13;
    Efault : constant := 14;
    Enotblk : constant := 15;
    Ebusy : constant := 16;
    Eexist : constant := 17;
    Exdev : constant := 18;
    Enodev : constant := 19;
    Enotdir : constant := 20;
    Eisdir : constant := 21;
    Einval : constant := 22;
    Enfile : constant := 23;
    Emfile : constant := 24;
    Enotty : constant := 25;
    Etxtbsy : constant := 26;
    Efbig : constant := 27;
    Enospc : constant := 28;
    Espipe : constant := 29;
    Erofs : constant := 30;
    Emlink : constant := 31;
    Epipe : constant := 32;
    Edom : constant := 33;
    Erange : constant := 34;
    Einprogress : constant := 36;
    Ealready : constant := 37;
    Enotsock : constant := 38;
    Edestaddrreq : constant := 39;
    Emsgsize : constant := 40;
    Eprototype : constant := 41;
    Enoprotoopt : constant := 42;
    Eprotonosupport : constant := 43;
    Esocktnosupport : constant := 44;
    Eopnotsupp : constant := 45;
    Epfnosupport : constant := 46;
    Eafnosupport : constant := 47;
    Eaddrinuse : constant := 48;
    Eaddrnotavail : constant := 49;
    Enetdown : constant := 50;
    Enetunreach : constant := 51;
    Enetreset : constant := 52;
    Econnaborted : constant := 53;
    Econnreset : constant := 54;
    Enobufs : constant := 55;
    Eisconn : constant := 56;
    Enotconn : constant := 57;
    Eshutdown : constant := 58;
    Etoomanyrefs : constant := 59;
    Etimedout : constant := 60;
    Econnrefused : constant := 61;
    Eloop : constant := 62;
    Enametoolong : constant := 63;
    Ehostdown : constant := 64;
    Ehostunreach : constant := 65;
    Enotempty : constant := 66;
    Eproclim : constant := 67;
    Eusers : constant := 68;
    Ecanceled : constant := 69;
    Edeadlk : constant := 72;
    Enotchr : constant := 76;
    Ehighb : constant := 80;
    Enosys : constant := 99;
    Eidrm : constant := 36;
    Enomsg : constant := 35;
    Enolck : constant := 46;

    type Errno is
       (No_Exception, Operation_Not_Permitted,   -- EPERM
        No_Such_File_Or_Directory,  -- ENOENT
        No_Such_Process,    -- ESRCH
        Interrupted_Operation,   -- EINTR
        Input_Output_Error,   -- EIO
        No_Such_Device_Or_Address,  -- ENXIO
        Arg_List_Too_Long,   -- E2BIG
        Exec_Format_Error,   -- ENOEXEC
        Bad_File_Descriptor,   -- EBADF
        No_Child_Process,    -- ECHILD
        Resource_Temporarily_Unavailable,  -- EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK
        Not_Enough_Space,    -- ENOMEM
        Permission_Denied,   -- EACCES
        Bad_Address,    -- EFAULT
        Block_Device_Required,   -- ENOTBLK (not in POSIX)
        Resource_Busy,    -- EBUSY
        File_Exists,     -- EEXIST
        Improper_Link,    -- EXDEV
        No_Such_Device,    -- ENODEV
        Not_A_Directory,    -- ENOTDIR
        Is_A_Directory,    -- EISDIR
        Invalid_Argument,    -- EINVAL
        Too_Many_Open_Files_In_System,  -- ENFILE
        Too_Many_Open_Files,   -- EMFILE
        Inappropriate_Io_Control_Operation, -- ENOTTY
        Text_File_Busy,    -- ETXTBSY (not in POSIX)
        File_Too_Big,    -- EFBIG
        No_Space_Left_On_Device,   -- ENOSPC
        Invalid_Seek,    -- ESPIPE
        Read_Only_File_System,   -- EROFS
        Too_Many_Links,    -- EMLINK
        Broken_Pipe,    -- EPIPE
        Domain_Error,    -- EDOM
        Result_Too_Large,    -- ERANGE
        No_Such_Message,    -- ENOMSG (Not in POSIX)
        Operation_Now_In_Progress,  -- EINPROGRESS	(NOT_IN_POSIX)
        Operation_Already_In_Progress,  -- EALREADY (Not in POSIX)
        Socket_Operation_On_Non_Socket,  -- ENOTSOCK (Not in POSIX)
        Destination_Address_Required,  -- EDESTADDRREQ (Not in POSIX)
        Message_Too_Long,    -- EMSGSIZE (Not in POSIX)
        Protocol_Wrong_Type_For_Socket,  -- EPROTOTYPE (Not in POSIX)
        Protocol_Not_Available,   -- ENOPROTOOPT (Not in POSIX)
        Protocol_Not_Supported,   -- EPROTONOSUPPORT (Not in POSIX)
        Socket_Type_Not_Supported,  -- ESOCKTNOSUPPORT (Not in POSIX)
        Operation_Not_Supported_On_Socket, -- EOPNOTSUPP (Not in POSIX)
        No_Locks_Available,   -- ENOLCK or EPFNOSUPPORT
        -- EAFNOSUPPORT (Not in POSIX)
        Address_Already_In_Use,   -- EADDRINUSE (Not in POSIX)
        Cant_Assign_Requested_Address,  -- EADDRNOTAVAIL (Not in POSIX)
        Network_Is_Down,    -- ENETDOWN (Not in POSIX)
        Network_Is_Unreachable,   -- ENETUNREACH (Not in POSIX)
        Network_Dropped_Connection_On_Reset, -- ENETRESET (Not in POSIX)
        Software_Caused_Connection_Abort,  -- ECONNABORTED (Not in POSIX)
        Connection_Reset_By_Peer,   -- ECONNRESET (Not in POSIX)
        No_Buffer_Space_Available,  -- ENOBUFS (Not in POSIX)
        Socket_Is_Already_Connected,  -- EISCONN (Not in POSIX)
        Socket_Is_Not_Connected,   -- ENOTCONN (Not in POSIX)
        Cant_Send_After_Socket_Shutdown,  -- ESHUTDOWN (Not in POSIX)
        Too_Many_References_Cant_Splice,  -- ETOOMANYREFS (Not in POSIX)
        Connection_Timed_Out,   -- ETIMEDOUT (Not in POSIX)
        Connection_Refused,   -- ECONNREFUSED (Not in POSIX)
        Too_Many_Levels_Of_Symbolic_Links, -- ELOOP (Not in POSIX)
        Filename_Too_Long,   -- ENAMETOOLONG
        Host_Is_Down,    -- EHOSTDOWN (Not in POSIX)
        No_Route_To_Host,    -- EHOSTUNREACH (Not in POSIX)
        Directory_Not_Empty,   -- ENOTEMPTY
        Too_Many_Processes,   -- EPROCLIM (Not in POSIX)
        Too_Many_Users,    -- EUSERS (Not in POSIX)
        Asynchronous_Operation_Canceled,  -- ECANCELED (Not in POSIX)
        Resource_Deadlock_Avoided,  -- EDEADLK
        High_Bit_In_File_Name,   -- EHIGHB (Not in POSIX)
        Function_Not_Implemented);  -- ENOSYS

    for Errno use
       (No_Exception => No_Error,
        Operation_Not_Permitted => Eperm,
        No_Such_File_Or_Directory => Enoent,
        No_Such_Process => Esrch,
        Interrupted_Operation => Eintr,
        Input_Output_Error => Eio,
        No_Such_Device_Or_Address => Enxio,
        Arg_List_Too_Long => E2big,
        Exec_Format_Error => Enoexec,
        Bad_File_Descriptor => Ebadf,
        No_Child_Process => Echild,
        Resource_Temporarily_Unavailable => Eagain,
        Not_Enough_Space => Enomem,
        Permission_Denied => Eacces,
        Bad_Address => Efault,
        Block_Device_Required => Enotblk,
        Resource_Busy => Ebusy,
        File_Exists => Eexist,
        Improper_Link => Exdev,
        No_Such_Device => Enodev,
        Not_A_Directory => Enotdir,
        Is_A_Directory => Eisdir,
        Invalid_Argument => Einval,
        Too_Many_Open_Files_In_System => Enfile,
        Too_Many_Open_Files => Emfile,
        Inappropriate_Io_Control_Operation => Enotty,
        Text_File_Busy => Etxtbsy,
        File_Too_Big => Efbig,
        No_Space_Left_On_Device => Enospc,
        Invalid_Seek => Espipe,
        Read_Only_File_System => Erofs,
        Too_Many_Links => Emlink,
        Broken_Pipe => Epipe,
        Domain_Error => Edom,
        Result_Too_Large => Erange,
        No_Such_Message => Enomsg,
        Operation_Now_In_Progress => Einprogress,
        Operation_Already_In_Progress => Ealready,
        Socket_Operation_On_Non_Socket => Enotsock,
        Destination_Address_Required => Edestaddrreq,
        Message_Too_Long => Emsgsize,
        Protocol_Wrong_Type_For_Socket => Eprototype,
        Protocol_Not_Available => Enoprotoopt,
        Protocol_Not_Supported => Eprotonosupport,
        Socket_Type_Not_Supported => Esocktnosupport,
        Operation_Not_Supported_On_Socket => Eopnotsupp,
        No_Locks_Available => Enolck,
        Address_Family_Not_Supported_By_Protocol_Family => Eafnosupport,
        Address_Already_In_Use => Eaddrinuse,
        Cant_Assign_Requested_Address => Eaddrnotavail,
        Network_Is_Down => Enetdown,
        Network_Is_Unreachable => Enetunreach,
        Network_Dropped_Connection_On_Reset => Enetreset,
        Software_Caused_Connection_Abort => Econnaborted,
        Connection_Reset_By_Peer => Econnreset,
        No_Buffer_Space_Available => Enobufs,
        Socket_Is_Already_Connected => Eisconn,
        Socket_Is_Not_Connected => Enotconn,
        Cant_Send_After_Socket_Shutdown => Eshutdown,
        Too_Many_References_Cant_Splice => Etoomanyrefs,
        Connection_Timed_Out => Etimedout,
        Connection_Refused => Econnrefused,
        Too_Many_Levels_Of_Symbolic_Links => Eloop,
        Filename_Too_Long => Enametoolong,
        Host_Is_Down => Ehostdown,
        No_Route_To_Host => Ehostunreach,
        Directory_Not_Empty => Enotempty,
        Too_Many_Processes => Eproclim,
        Too_Many_Users => Eusers,
        Asynchronous_Operation_Canceled => Ecanceled,
        Resource_Deadlock_Avoided => Edeadlk,
        High_Bit_In_File_Name => Ehighb,
        Function_Not_Implemented => Enosys);

    -- Returns the ERRNO value for the last POSIX call in the current task:
    function Get_Errno return Errno;

    -- To print it, use ERRNO'IMAGE

end Posix_Current_Exception;with Posix, Posix_Permissions, Posix_Process_Identification, Calendar;

package Posix_Files is

    -- Operations to create files in the file system

    procedure Create_File (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                           Permission : in Posix_Permissions.Permission_Set);

    procedure Create_Directory
                 (Directory_Name : in Posix.Posix_String;
                  Permission : in Posix_Permissions.Permission_Set);

    procedure Create_Fifo_Special_File
                 (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                  Permission : in Posix_Permissions.Permission_Set);

    -- Operations to remove files from the file system

    procedure Unlink (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String);

    procedure Remove_Directory (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String);

    -- Predicates on files in the file system

    function Is_File (Filename : Posix.Posix_String) return Boolean;

    function Is_Directory (Filename : Posix.Posix_String) return Boolean;

    function Is_Fifo_Special_File
                (Filename : Posix.Posix_String) return Boolean;

    -- Operations to modify file pathnames

    procedure Link (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                    New_Filename : in Posix.Posix_String);

    procedure Rename (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                      New_Filename : in Posix.Posix_String);

    -- Operation to iterate over files in a directory

        with procedure Action (Pathname : in Posix.Posix_String;
                               Quit : in out Boolean);
    procedure For_Every_Directory_Entry (Dir : in Posix.Posix_String);

    -- Operations to update file status information

    procedure Change_Owner_And_Group
                 (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                  Owner : in Posix_Process_Identification.User_Id;
                  Group : in Posix_Process_Identification.Group_Id);

    procedure Change_Permissions
                 (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                  Permission : in Posix_Permissions.Permission_Set);

    type File_Times_Record is
            Access_Time : Calendar.Time;
            Modification_Time : Calendar.Time;
        end record;

    -- IMPORTANT NOTE : Due to the limits on the magnitude of a 32 bit
    -- integer (i.e. -2**31 .. 2**31-1), the range of times that can be
    -- specified for the time of a file is limited. More specifically, the
    -- time should lie between 01:45:52, December 15, 1901 and 03:14:07,
    -- January 17, 2038. Using times outside these limits may produce
    -- unintended results (exceptions or wraparound dates). Staying within
    -- the limits above will produce correct results in any time zone.
    -- ALSO NOTE : The time set for the file is always local time.

    procedure Set_File_Times (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                              Time : in File_Times_Record);

    procedure Set_File_Times_To_Current_Time (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String);

    -- Operations to determine file accessibility

    type Access_Modes is (Read_Ok, Write_Ok, Execute_Ok, File_Exists);
    type Access_Mode_Set is array (Access_Modes) of Boolean;

    -- In the two routines below, specifying FALSE for any of the access modes
    -- means that you don't care about that permission, not that you want to
    -- check if it is OFF. For example, if you call function ACCESSIBLE with
    -- all of the ACCESS_MODES FALSE, the returned value will always be TRUE,
    -- regardless of whether the file exists or what its permissions are. If
    -- you wish to verify that a particular permission is OFF, check to see
    -- if it is ON and then take the opposite of the returned value.

    function Accessible (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                         Permissions : in Access_Mode_Set) return Boolean;

    procedure Accessible (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                          Permissions : in Access_Mode_Set);

end Posix_Files;with System, Calendar;
with Posix, Posix_Permissions, Posix_Process_Identification, Posix_Io;
-- with Interface_Types;              -- implementation defined

package Posix_File_Status is

    type Status is private;

    -- Operations to obtain file status

    function File_Status (Filename : Posix.Posix_String) return Status;

    function File_Status
                (File_Descriptor : Posix_Io.File_Descriptor) return Status;

    -- Operations to get information from status

    type File_Serial_Number is range 0 .. 32767; -- 2**15-1

    type Device_Serial_Number is range 0 .. 32767; -- 2**15-1

    type Links is range 0 .. Posix.Link_Limit_Range'Last;

    function Permission_Set_Of (File_Status : Status)
                               return Posix_Permissions.Permission_Set;

    function File_Serial_Number_Of
                (File_Status : Status) return File_Serial_Number;

    function Device_Serial_Number_Of
                (File_Status : Status) return Device_Serial_Number;

    function Link_Count_Of (File_Status : Status) return Links;

    function Owner_Of (File_Status : Status)
                      return Posix_Process_Identification.User_Id;

    function Group_Of (File_Status : Status)
                      return Posix_Process_Identification.Group_Id;

    function Io_Unit_Size_Of (File_Status : Status) return Posix_Io.Io_Count;

    function Last_Access_Time_Of (File_Status : Status) return Calendar.Time;

    function Last_Modification_Time_Of
                (File_Status : Status) return Calendar.Time;

    function Last_Status_Change_Time_Of
                (File_Status : Status) return Calendar.Time;

    function Is_Directory (File_Status : Status) return Boolean;

    function Is_Character_Special_File (File_Status : Status) return Boolean;

    function Is_Block_Special_File (File_Status : Status) return Boolean;

    function Is_Regular_File (File_Status : Status) return Boolean;

    function Is_Fifo (File_Status : Status) return Boolean;


    type Status is new Boolean;  -- RCF MOD

end Posix_File_Status;with Posix, Posix_Permissions, Posix_Process_Identification;

package Posix_Io is

    -- common type declarations

    type File_Descriptor is range 0 .. Posix.Open_Files;

    Standard_Input : constant File_Descriptor := 0;
    Standard_Output : constant File_Descriptor := 1;
    Standard_Error : constant File_Descriptor := 2;

    type Io_Offset is range -2 ** 31 .. 2 ** 31 - 1; -- implementation defined

    type File_Mode is (Read_Only, Write_Only, Read_Write, Blocking, Append,
                       Close_On_Exec, Truncate, Exclusive, Control_Tty);

    type File_Mode_Set is array (File_Mode range <>) of Boolean;

    subtype File_Control_Mode is File_Mode range Read_Only .. Close_On_Exec;

    subtype Settable_File_Control_Mode is
       File_Control_Mode range Blocking .. Close_On_Exec;

    subtype File_Control_Mode_Set is File_Mode_Set (File_Control_Mode);

    subtype Settable_File_Control_Mode_Set is
       File_Mode_Set (Settable_File_Control_Mode);

    subtype Io_Count is Io_Offset range 0 .. Io_Offset'Last;

    subtype Positive_Io_Count is Io_Count range 1 .. Io_Offset'Last;

    subtype Open_Mode is File_Mode range Read_Only .. Read_Write;

    type Position is (From_Beginning, From_Current_Position, From_End_Of_File);

    -- File open, open_or_create, create, Close, duplicate and pipe

    function Open (Name : Posix.Posix_String;
                   Mode : Open_Mode;
                   Blocking : Boolean := True;
                   Append : Boolean := False;
                   Truncate : Boolean := False;
                   Control_Tty : Boolean := True) return File_Descriptor;

    function Open_Or_Create
                (Name : Posix.Posix_String;
                 Mode : Open_Mode;
                 Permissions : Posix_Permissions.Permission_Set;
                 Blocking : Boolean := True;
                 Append : Boolean := False;
                 Truncate : Boolean := False;
                 Exclusive : Boolean := False;
                 Control_Tty : Boolean := True) return File_Descriptor;

    procedure Close (File : in File_Descriptor);

    function Duplicate (File : File_Descriptor) return File_Descriptor;

    function Duplicate (File1 : File_Descriptor; File2 : File_Descriptor)
                       return File_Descriptor;

    procedure Pipe (Read_End : out File_Descriptor;
                    Write_End : out File_Descriptor);

    -- Read and Write
    -- in P1003.5 November 1989 :
    -- PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE : constant := POSIX.Pipe_Limit_Range'FIRST;
    -- but we must write:
    Pipe_Buffer_Size : constant Natural := Posix.Pipe_Limit_Range'Last;

    type Io_Unit is range -128 .. 127; -- Implementation defined
    for Io_Unit'Size use 8; -- Implementation defined
    type Io_Buffer is array (Positive_Io_Count range <>) of Io_Unit;

    procedure Read (File : in File_Descriptor;
                    Buffer : out Io_Buffer;
                    Last : out Io_Count);

    procedure Write (File : in File_Descriptor;
                     Buffer : in Io_Buffer;
                     Last : out Io_Count);

        type T is private;
    procedure Generic_Read ( -- compiler bug??
                            File : in File_Descriptor;
                            Item : out T);

        type T is private;
    procedure Generic_Write ( -- compiler bug??
                             File : in File_Descriptor;
                             Item : in T);

    -- Seek, File_size, File_Position

    procedure Seek (File : in File_Descriptor;
                    Offset : in Io_Offset;
                    Whence : in Position := From_Beginning);

    function File_Size (File : File_Descriptor) return Io_Count;

    function File_Position (File : File_Descriptor) return Io_Count;

    -- Terminal device operations

    function Is_A_Terminal_Device (File : File_Descriptor) return Boolean;

    function Get_Terminal_Device_Name
                (File : File_Descriptor) return Posix.Posix_String;

    -- File Control operations

    function Get_File_Control (File : File_Descriptor)
                              return File_Control_Mode_Set;

    procedure Set_File_Control (File : in File_Descriptor;
                                Modes : in Settable_File_Control_Mode_Set);

end Posix_Io;package Posix_Permissions is

    type Permissions is (Owner_Read, Owner_Write, Owner_Execute, Group_Read,
                         Group_Write, Group_Execute, Others_Read, Others_Write,
                         Others_Execute, Set_Group_Id, Set_User_Id);

    subtype Access_Permissions is Permissions
                                     range Owner_Read .. Others_Execute;
    subtype Owner_Permissions is Permissions range Owner_Read .. Owner_Execute;
    subtype Group_Permissions is Permissions range Group_Read .. Group_Execute;
    subtype Others_Permissions is Permissions
                                     range Others_Read .. Others_Execute;
    subtype Set_Id_Permissions is Permissions range Set_Group_Id .. Set_User_Id;

    type Unconstrained_Permission_Set is
       array (Permissions range <>) of Boolean;

    subtype Permission_Set is Unconstrained_Permission_Set (Permissions);
    subtype Access_Permission_Set is
       Unconstrained_Permission_Set (Access_Permissions);

    --    POSIX Permission-oriented operations                     --

    function Allowed_Process_Permissions return Access_Permission_Set;

    procedure Set_Allowed_Process_Permissions
                 (New_Permissions : in Access_Permission_Set;
                  Old_Permissions : out Access_Permission_Set);

end Posix_Permissions;with Posix;

package Posix_Process_Environment is

    -- Process Arguments

    function Command return Posix.Posix_String;

    function Parameter_List return Posix.Posix_String_List;

    -- Environment Variables

    type Environment is limited private;

    procedure Get_Current_Environment (Env : in out Environment);

    function Environment_Value_Of
                (Name : in Posix.Posix_String; Env : in Environment)
                return Posix.Posix_String;

    function Environment_Value_Of
                (Name : in Posix.Posix_String) return Posix.Posix_String;

    function Environment_Variable_Defined
                (Name : in Posix.Posix_String; Env : in Environment)
                return Boolean;

    function Environment_Variable_Defined
                (Name : in Posix.Posix_String) return Boolean;

    procedure Clear_Environment (Env : in out Environment);

    procedure Clear_Environment;

    procedure Set_Environment_Value
                 (Name : in Posix.Posix_String; Value : in Posix.Posix_String);

    procedure Set_Environment_Value (Name : in Posix.Posix_String;
                                     Value : in Posix.Posix_String;
                                     Env : in out Environment);

    procedure Unset_Environment_Value (Name : in Posix.Posix_String);

    procedure Unset_Environment_Value
                 (Name : in Posix.Posix_String; Env : in out Environment);

    function Length (Env : Environment) return Natural;

    function Length return Natural;

        with procedure Action (Name : in Posix.Posix_String;
                               Value : in Posix.Posix_String);
    procedure For_Every_Environment_Variable (Env : in Environment);

        with procedure Action (Name : in Posix.Posix_String;
                               Value : in Posix.Posix_String);
    procedure For_Every_Current_Environment_Variable;

    Undefined_Environment_Variable : exception;

    -- Process Working Directory

    procedure Change_Working_Directory (Directory_Name : Posix.Posix_String);

    function Get_Current_Working_Directory return Posix.Posix_String;


    type Environment is new Boolean; -- RCF MOD

end Posix_Process_Environment;with Posix;
-- Commented out for RCI Customization
-- with Interface_Types;                -- implementation defined

package Posix_Process_Identification is

    -- Process Identification Operations

    type Process_Id is private;
--  Null_Process_Id : constant Process_Id;  -- RCF MOD
    function Null_Process_Id return Process_Id; -- RCF MOD

    function Get_Process_Id return Process_Id;
    function Get_Parent_Process_Id return Process_Id;
    function Image (Id : Process_Id) return String;
    function Value (Str : String) return Process_Id;

    -- Process Groups

    function Get_Process_Group_Id return Process_Id;
    procedure Create_Session (Session_Leader : out Process_Id);
    procedure Set_Process_Group_Id
                 (Process : in Process_Id := Get_Process_Id;
                  Process_Group : in Process_Id := Get_Process_Group_Id);

    -- User IDs

    type User_Id is private;

    function Get_Real_User_Id return User_Id;
    function Get_Effective_User_Id return User_Id;
    procedure Set_User_Id (Id : in User_Id);
    function Get_Control_Terminal_Login_Name return Posix.Posix_String;
    function Get_Effective_User_Login_Name return Posix.Posix_String;
    function Image (Id : User_Id) return String;
    function Value (Str : String) return User_Id;

    -- Group IDs

    type Group_Id is private;

    function Get_Real_Group_Id return Group_Id;
    function Get_Effective_Group_Id return Group_Id;
    procedure Set_Group_Id (Id : in Group_Id);

    type Group_Member_List is array (Positive range <>) of Group_Id;

    function Get_Groups return Group_Member_List;

    function Image (Id : Group_Id) return String;
    function Value (Str : String) return Group_Id;

    type Process_Id is new Boolean;
    type User_Id is new Boolean;
    type Group_Id is new Boolean;

end Posix_Process_Identification;with Posix_Process_Environment, Posix_Io, Posix_Permissions,
     Posix_Process_Identification, Posix_Signals, Posix;
-- with Interface_Types;                    -- implementation defined

package Posix_Process_Primitives is

    -- Process Template

    type Process_Template is private;

    function Current_Process_Template return Process_Template;

    procedure Close_Template (Template : in out Process_Template);

    procedure Set_Keep_Effective_Ids (Template : in out Process_Template);

    procedure Set_Signal_Mask (Template : in out Process_Template;
                               Mask : in Posix_Signals.Signal_Set);

    procedure Set_File_Action_To_Close (Template : in out Process_Template;
                                        File : in Posix_Io.File_Descriptor);

    procedure Set_File_Action_To_Open (Template : in out Process_Template;
                                       File : in Posix_Io.File_Descriptor;
                                       Name : in Posix.Posix_String;
                                       Mode : in Posix_Io.Open_Mode;
                                       Blocking : in Boolean := True;
                                       Append : in Boolean := False;
                                       Truncate : in Boolean := False;
                                       Control_Tty : in Boolean := True);

    procedure Set_File_Action_To_Duplicate
                 (Template : in out Process_Template;
                  File : in Posix_Io.File_Descriptor;
                  From_File : in Posix_Io.File_Descriptor);

    -- Process Creation

    function Start_Process (Pathname : in Posix.Posix_String;
                            Template : in Process_Template :=
                            Parameter_List : in Posix.Posix_String_List :=
                            Env_List : in Posix_Process_Environment.Environment)
                           return Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id;

    function Start_Process (Pathname : in Posix.Posix_String;
                            Template : in Process_Template :=
                            Parameter_List : in Posix.Posix_String_List :=
                           return Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id;

    function Start_Process_Search
                (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                 Template : in Process_Template := Current_Process_Template;
                 Parameter_List : in Posix.Posix_String_List :=
                 Env_List : in Posix_Process_Environment.Environment)
                return Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id;

    function Start_Process_Search
                (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                 Template : in Process_Template := Current_Process_Template;
                 Parameter_List : in Posix.Posix_String_List :=
                return Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id;

    -- Process Termination

    type Exit_Status is range 0 .. 2 ** 8 - 1;
    Normal_Exit : constant Exit_Status := 0;
    Unhandled_Exception_Exit : constant Exit_Status := 42;

    procedure Exit_Process (Status : in Exit_Status := Normal_Exit);

    -- Wait for Process Termination

    type Termination_Status is private;

    function Process_Id_Of (Status : in Termination_Status)
                           return Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id;

    function Exit_Status_Of (Status : in Termination_Status) return Exit_Status;

    function Terminate_Signal_Of
                (Status : in Termination_Status) return Posix_Signals.Signal;

    function Stop_Signal_Of (Status : in Termination_Status)
                            return Posix_Signals.Signal;

    function Exited_Normally (Status : in Termination_Status) return Boolean;

    function Terminated_By_Signal
                (Status : in Termination_Status) return Boolean;

    function Stopped_By_Signal (Status : in Termination_Status) return Boolean;

    procedure Wait_For_Child
                 (Status : out Termination_Status;
                  Child : in Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id :=
                  Block : in Boolean := True;
                  Trace_Stopped : in Boolean := True);

    procedure Wait_For_Process_Group
                 (Status : out Termination_Status;
                  Process_Group : in Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id :=
                  Block : in Boolean := True;
                  Trace_Stopped : in Boolean := True);

    type Process_Template is new Boolean;
    type Termination_Status is new Boolean;
end Posix_Process_Primitives;with Posix_Process_Identification, Unchecked_Conversion,
--   POSIX;                            in draft but not used
--with Interface_Types;
--use Interface_Types;

package Posix_Signals is

    -- Standard Signals

    type Signal is
        -- required signals
        Signal_Abort, Signal_Alarm, Signal_Floating_Point_Error, Signal_Hangup,
        Signal_Illegal_Instruction, Signal_Interrupt, Signal_Kill,
        Signal_Pipe_Write, Signal_Quit, Signal_Segment_Violation,
        Signal_Terminate, Signal_User_1, Signal_User_2,
        -- job control signals:
        Signal_Child, Signal_Continue, Signal_Stop, Signal_Terminal_Stop,
        Signal_Terminal_Input, Signal_Terminal_Output);

    -- Signal Handler References
    --   type LONG_INTEGER is new INTEGER; -- On 386
    type Int is new Integer; -- BOGUS DECLARATION
    function Convert_Signal is new Unchecked_Conversion (Int, System.Address);

    Signal_Abort_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (6);
    -- Signal_Alarm intentionally omitted.
    -- Signal_Floating_Point_Error intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Hangup_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (1);
    -- Signal_Illegal_Instruction intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Interrupt_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (2);
    -- Signal_Kill intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Pipe_Write_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (13);
    Signal_Quit_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (3);
    -- Signal_Segment_Violation intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Terminate_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (15);
    Signal_User_1_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (30);
    Signal_User_2_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (31);

    -- job control signals:

    Signal_Child_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (20);
    Signal_Continue_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (19);
    -- Signal_Stop intentionally omitted.
    Signal_Terminal_Stop_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (18);
    Signal_Terminal_Input_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (21);
    Signal_Terminal_Output_Ref : constant System.Address := Convert_Signal (22);

    -- Send a Signal

    procedure Send_Process
                 (Process : in Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id;
                  Sig : in Signal);

    procedure Send_Group (Group : in Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id;
                          Sig : in Signal);

    -- Signal Sets

    type Signal_Set is private;

    Empty_Set : constant Signal_Set;

    Full_Set : constant Signal_Set;

    procedure Add (Set : in out Signal_Set; Sig : in Signal);

    procedure Delete (Set : in out Signal_Set; Sig : in Signal);

    function Is_Member (Set : in Signal_Set; Sig : in Signal) return Boolean;

    -- Examine and Change Signal Mask

    procedure Get_And_Install (New_Mask : in Signal_Set;
                               Old_Mask : out Signal_Set);

    procedure Get_And_Add (New_Mask : in Signal_Set; Old_Mask : out Signal_Set);

    procedure Get_And_Subtract (New_Mask : in Signal_Set;
                                Old_Mask : out Signal_Set);
    -- Ignore Signals

    procedure Disable (Sig : in Signal);

    procedure Enable (Sig : in Signal);

    -- Control Delivery of Signal_Child Signal

    procedure Send_Signal_Child_On_Stop (Enable : in Boolean := True);

    -- Examine Pending Signals

    function Pending_Signals return Signal_Set;

    type Signal_Set is new Boolean;
    Empty_Set : constant Signal_Set := True;
    Full_Set : constant Signal_Set := True;

end Posix_Signals;with Posix;
with Posix_Process_Environment, Posix_Process_Identification;

package Posix_Unsafe_Process_Primitives is

    -- Process Creation

    function Fork return Posix_Process_Identification.Process_Id;

    -- File Execution

    procedure Exec (Pathname : in Posix.Posix_String;
                    Command : in Posix.Posix_String;
                    Parameter_List : in Posix.Posix_String_List :=
                    Env_List : in Posix_Process_Environment.Environment);

    procedure Exec (Pathname : in Posix.Posix_String;
                    Command : in Posix.Posix_String;
                    Parameter_List : in Posix.Posix_String_List :=

    procedure Exec_Search (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                           Command : in Posix.Posix_String;
                           Parameter_List : in Posix.Posix_String_List :=
                           Env_List : in Posix_Process_Environment.Environment);

    procedure Exec_Search (Filename : in Posix.Posix_String;
                           Command : in Posix.Posix_String;
                           Parameter_List : in Posix.Posix_String_List :=

end Posix_Unsafe_Process_Primitives