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Length: 13312 (0x3400) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Ls_F, package body Ls_R, seg_02519c
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Bit_Ops; with Communications; with Errors; with Files; with Files; with Interchange; with Mac_Files; with Mac_Path; with Mac_Types; with Mac_Text; with Memory; with Osutils; with Rational_Error; with System; with Talk_Utils; with Text_Io; use Text_Io; with Unchecked_Conversion; package body Ls_R is package Ls_F is procedure From_Remote_Directory_In (Name : Mac_Text.Text); procedure Level_In (From_Level : Mac_Types.Longint); procedure End_Ls (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection); end Ls_F; procedure Write_A_Line (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection; T : Mac_Text.Text) is begin Interchange.Put_Int (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.F_A_Line); Interchange.Put_Text (A_Connection, T); end Write_A_Line; package body Ls_F is Err : Mac_Types.Oserr := Mac_Types.Noerr; Level : Mac_Types.Longint; From_Directory : Mac_Types.Str255; function As_Varinteger is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Mac_Types.Varinteger); function As_Varlongint is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Mac_Types.Varlongint); procedure From_Remote_Directory_In (Name : Mac_Text.Text) is begin Err := Mac_Types.Noerr; Level := 0; From_Directory := Mac_Text.Value (Name); end From_Remote_Directory_In; procedure Level_In (From_Level : Mac_Types.Longint) is begin Level := From_Level; end Level_In; procedure Print_Directories (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection; Name : Mac_Types.Str255; Level : Mac_Types.Longint) is use Mac_Types; type Dircinfopbptr is access Files.Dircinfopbrec; type Hfilecinfopbptr is access Files.Hfilecinfopbrec; function As_Stringptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Mac_Types.Stringptr); function As_Cinfopbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Files.Cinfopbptr); function As_Hfilecinfopbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Hfilecinfopbptr); function As_Dircinfopbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Dircinfopbptr); Err : Mac_Types.Oserr; S : Mac_Types.Str255 := Name; Pb : Files.Cinfopbrec; Filepb : Hfilecinfopbptr := As_Hfilecinfopbptr (Pb'Address); Dirpb : Dircinfopbptr := As_Dircinfopbptr (Pb'Address); T : Mac_Text.Text (256); Unaccessible : constant Mac_Text.String := " unaccessible"; procedure Enumerate_Catalog (Dirid : Mac_Types.Longint; Current_Level : Mac_Types.Longint) is Folder_Bit : constant Byte_Integer := 2#00001000#; Index : Mac_Types.Integer; begin if Current_Level >= Level then return; end if; Index := 1; loop Pb.Iofdirindex := Index; Dirpb.Iodrdirid := Dirid; Err := Files.Pbgetcatinfo (As_Cinfopbptr (Pb'Address), False); if Err = Mac_Types.Noerr then if Bit_Ops."and" (Byte_Integer (Pb.Ioflattrib), Folder_Bit) /= 0 then Mac_Text.Set_Empty (T); for I in 1 .. Current_Level loop Mac_Text.Append (' ', T); end loop; Mac_Text.Append (Mac_Text.String (S), T); Write_A_Line (A_Connection, T); Enumerate_Catalog (Dirpb.Iodrdirid, Current_Level + 1); else Mac_Text.Set_Empty (T); for I in 1 .. Current_Level loop Mac_Text.Append (' ', T); end loop; Mac_Text.Append (Mac_Text.String (S), T); Write_A_Line (A_Connection, T); end if; end if; Index := Index + 1; exit when Err /= Mac_Types.Noerr; end loop; end Enumerate_Catalog; begin Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Ionameptr := As_Stringptr (S'Address); Pb.Iovrefnum := 0; Pb.Iofdirindex := 0; Dirpb.Iodrdirid := 0; Err := Files.Pbgetcatinfo (As_Cinfopbptr (Pb'Address), False); if Err = Mac_Types.Noerr then Enumerate_Catalog (Dirpb.Iodrdirid, 0); else Mac_Text.Set (T, Mac_Text.String (S)); Mac_Text.Append (Tail => Unaccessible, To => T); Write_A_Line (A_Connection, T); end if; end Print_Directories; procedure End_Ls (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection) is begin Print_Directories (A_Connection, From_Directory, Level); Mac_Files.Set_Current_User_Home; if Err /= Mac_Types.Noerr then Rational_Error.Raise_Mac_Error (Err); end if; end End_Ls; end Ls_F; procedure Read (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection) is I : Mac_Types.Longint; B : Boolean; T : Mac_Text.Text (256); begin Put_Line ("ls_r:read begin"); Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); if I /= Talk_Utils.F_From_Remote_Directory then Rational_Error.Raise_Error (Rational_Error.Internal_Error); end if; Interchange.Get_Text (A_Connection, T); Ls_F.From_Remote_Directory_In (T); Put ("ls_r:directory '"); for I in 1 .. Mac_Text.Length (T) loop Put (Character'Val (Mac_Types.Char'Pos (Mac_Text.Value (I, T)))); end loop; Put_Line ("'"); Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); if I /= Talk_Utils.F_Level then Rational_Error.Raise_Error (Rational_Error.Internal_Error); end if; Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); Ls_F.Level_In (I); Put ("ls_r:level: "); Put_Line (Mac_Types.Longint'Image (I)); Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); if I /= Talk_Utils.F_Delimitor then Rational_Error.Raise_Error (Rational_Error.Internal_Error); end if; Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); if I /= Talk_Utils.R_Ls then Rational_Error.Raise_Error (Rational_Error.Internal_Error); end if; Put_Line ("ls_r:read end"); end Read; procedure Write (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection) is begin Put_Line ("ls_r:write begin"); begin Ls_F.End_Ls (A_Connection); exception when others => Rational_Error.Report (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.R_Ls, Rational_Error.Get); end; Interchange.Put_Int (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.F_Delimitor); Interchange.Put_Int (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.R_Ls); Put_Line ("ls_r:write end"); end Write; end Ls_R;
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