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Length: 22528 (0x5800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Library, pragma Module_Name 4 3921, pragma Subsystem Commands, seg_028556
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Profile; with Compilation; package Library is subtype Name is String; -- Lexically and syntactically an Ada Name. subtype Simple_Name is String; -- A simple Ada name. Basically, an identifier or operator. subtype Context_Name is Name; -- Treatment of context. There is a current context that constitutes -- the assumed naming context. Names are resolved in this context. -- The following characters modify the context: -- ! specifies the Universe context -- $ specifies the enclosing library for the current context. -- $$ specifies the enclosing world for the current context. -- ^ specifies the parent of the current context. -- @ matches any single name segment (or part thereof) -- ? matches 0 or more name segments, only the last of which may be a -- world. -- ?? matches 0 or more name segments. -- The special stings "<IMAGE>", etc., attempt to get the designated -- object from the current selection/image. -- Note that many commands are recursive by default (they are -- recognizable as such by the presence of a Recursive parameter). When -- the Recursive parameter is true, all descendents of the specified -- objects partake in the operation. When Recursive is false, just the -- specified objects partake. -- The effects of the Recursive option can also be obtained using "?" -- wildcards, but with more writing. In any case, an object is operated -- on only once whether it is introduced by an input parameter or the -- recursive option or both. Error : exception renames Profile.Error; -- Only the single exception Error is raised procedure Resolve (Name_Of : Name := "<TEXT>"; Target_Name : Name := ""; Objects_Only : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Print the Full name for Name_Of. Defaults to the current selection's -- text. procedure Enclosing_World (Levels : Positive := 1; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Enclosing_World is equivalent to Context ("^$$"); procedure Context (To_Be : Context_Name := "$"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Set the job context to To_Be. When To_Be is already the job context, -- only printing takes place. procedure Copy (From : Name := "<REGION>"; To : Name := "<IMAGE>"; Recursive : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Copy_Links : Boolean := True; Options : String := ""); -- Copy version From resulting in version To; see table below. -- To designates an object that will exist after the copy has -- completed. For Ada objects, changing the simple name may require -- user intervention before installation. -- To is interpreted in the current context or specified full -- context and must be unique. -- The object designated by To will be the same class as From. -- Objects representing devices cannot be copied. -- Any situation that would require demoting unrelated declarations -- results in an error, suppressing the copy. -- Recursive applies to objects that contain other objects and indicates -- that these contained objects should be copied. -- If Copy_Links is true, then link packs for any worlds copied are -- duplicated, and any link which pointed to the source for a copy is -- altered to point to the destination. If Copy_Links is false, any -- copied worlds will have empty link packs. -- If a world and its switch file are copied, then the copied unit will -- point to the copy of the switch file. If the switch file is not -- copied, then the unit and its original will reference the same switch -- file. -- Ada units are copied as source. -- Copy and Move subsume the functionality of Copy_Into and Move_Into -- from previous releases. Whether a Copy/Move is "to" or "into" is -- determined by the type of object specified by the From and To -- parameters. The chart below gives the details. -- If wildcards/substitution characters are involved in the From and To -- parameters, this matrix is applied AFTER these wildcards have been -- expanded. If the source is over-specified (e.g., "?" is used with -- the recursive switch) a source object is copied only once. -- COPY/MOVE to/into matrix -- -- \ TO -- +---------+---------+---------+--------+--------+---------- -- FROM | Non-Ada | Library | Subunit | World | Drctry | No Object -- | Object | Unit | | | | -- --------+---------+---------+---------+--------+--------+---------- -- Non-Ada | | | | | | -- Object | TO (1) | Error | Error | INTO | INTO | TO -- | | | | | | -- --------+---------+---------+---------+--------+--------+---------- -- Library | | | | | | -- Unit | Error | TO | TO | INTO | INTO | TO -- (2) | | | | | | -- --------+---------+---------+---------+--------+--------+---------- -- Subunit | | | | | | -- (2) | Error | INTO | TO | INTO | INTO | TO -- | | | | | | -- --------+---------+---------+---------+--------+--------+---------- -- World | | | | | | -- (3) | Error | Error | Error | TO (4) | TO (4) | TO -- | | | | | | -- --------+---------+---------+---------+--------+--------+---------- -- Drctry | | | | | | -- (3) | Error | Error | Error | TO (4) | TO (4) | TO -- | | | | | | -- --------+---------+---------+---------+--------+--------+---------- -- -- Notes: -- -- 1. User can make any "TO" an "INTO" by appending ".name" to To; -- Appending ".#" would yield target with same simple name as From. -- -- 2. Any class mismatch is an error. -- -- 3. Subunits of unit are involved if Recursive switch is set; -- nesting of subunits is preserved. -- -- 4. Subcomponents of library are involved if Recursive switch is set; -- relative nesting of subcomponents is preserved. -- -- 5. Contents of source library are merged with contents of -- target library. -- procedure Move (From : Name := "<REGION>"; To : Name := "<IMAGE>"; Recursive : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Copy_Links : Boolean := True; Options : String := ""); -- Equivalent to Copy (Existing, ...); Delete (Existing); subtype Volume is Natural range 0 .. 31; Nil : constant Volume := Volume'First; type Kind is (World, Directory, Subpackage); procedure Create (Name : Library.Name := ">>LIBRARY NAME<<"; Kind : Library.Kind := Library.Directory; Vol : Volume := Library.Nil; Model : String := "!Model.R1000"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- -- Create a library of the specified type. The Nil volume represents -- the 'best' volume (The 'best' volume does not necessarily mean the -- volume with the most space. The 'best' volume calculation takes into -- account the percentage of a volume that is available and an estimate -- of the real consumption of previously allocated worlds). Vol is -- ignored for Subpackages, which are not control points, and must be on -- the same volume as their parent. When creating a World, links are -- copied from Model (unless it is ""). procedure Rename (From : Name := "<SELECTION>"; To : Simple_Name := ">>NEW SIMPLE NAME<<"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Change the name of an existing library unit or managed object. -- References to library units are not changed -- only the actual -- name of the unit. Various other restrictions apply. procedure Delete (Existing : Name := "<SELECTION>"; Limit : Compilation.Change_Limit := "<DIRECTORIES>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>") renames Compilation.Delete; -- Delete versions of objects designated by Existing. Either an object -- must be selected, or the name of an object supplied. -- Results will be reversible with Undelete, unless retention count = 0. procedure Destroy (Existing : Name := "<SELECTION>"; Threshold : Natural := 1; Limit : Compilation.Change_Limit := "<DIRECTORIES>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>") renames Compilation.Destroy; -- Destroy versions and associated declarations designated by Existing. -- Destroyed versions are expunged and cannot be undeleted. procedure Undelete (Existing : Name := "<CURSOR>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Undelete an Existing version. -- Only a fixed number of deleted versions will be retained. Excess -- versions will be automatically expunged, at which time they can no -- longer be undeleted. Default_Keep_Versions : constant := -1; -- Keep the default number of deleted versions. procedure Expunge (Existing : Name := "<IMAGE>"; Keep_Versions : Integer := 0; Recursive : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Make deletions permanent. Recursive causes subobjects to be -- expunged. Keep_Versions deleted versions will be retained. -- Recursive causes subobjects to be touched. Use Recursive => false -- and "?" wildcard to avoid expunging nested worlds. procedure Set_Retention_Count (Existing : Name := "<IMAGE>"; Keep_Versions : Integer := Library.Default_Keep_Versions; Recursive : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Set the default number of deleted versions of an object which are -- retained. Default is the same as the object's parent. Recursive -- causes subobjects to be touched. Use Recursive => false and "?" -- wildcard to avoid setting retention count for nested worlds. procedure Freeze (Existing : Name := "<IMAGE>"; Recursive : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Prevent further changes to an object. Recursive causes subobjects to -- be frozen. Use Recursive => false and "?" wildcard to avoid freezing -- nested worlds. procedure Unfreeze (Existing : Name := "<IMAGE>"; Recursive : Boolean := True; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Permit changes to an object. Recursive causes subobjects to be -- unfrozen. Use Recursive => false and "?" wildcard to avoid -- unfreezing nested worlds. procedure Default (Existing : Name := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Set the default Version for the existing object and print the result -- as a message. procedure Set_Subclass (Existing : Name := "<SELECTION>"; To_Subclass : String := ""; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Set the subclass of an object. A null string for To_Subclass -- requests the system to set the subclass to its 'best guess'. type Field is (Object, -- Ada name. Version, -- Version name. Class, -- Directory class name. Subclass, -- Subclass of the object. Updater, -- User to last update object. Update_Time, -- Time of last update. Creator, -- User who created object. Create_Time, -- Time of creation. Reader, -- User to last read object. Read_Time, -- Time of last read. Size, -- Current size of object. Status, -- Source, Installed, Coded, Elaborated, etc. Frozen, -- Is this object frozen. Retain, -- Max. number of deleted versions retained. Declaration -- Ada declaration of object. ); type Fields is array (Field) of Boolean; Verbose_Format : constant Fields := Fields'(Object .. Update_Time => True, Size .. Retain => True, others => False); Ada_Format : constant Fields := Fields'(Status => True, Declaration => True, others => False); All_Fields : constant Fields := Fields'(others => True); Terse_Format : constant Fields := Fields'(Object => True, others => False); procedure List (Pattern : Name := "<IMAGE>@"; Displaying : Fields := Library.Terse_Format; Sorted_By : Field := Library.Object; Descending : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Options : String := ""); procedure Verbose_List (Pattern : Name := "<IMAGE>{@'V(ALL)}"; Displaying : Fields := Library.Verbose_Format; Sorted_By : Field := Library.Object; Descending : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Options : String := "") renames List; procedure File_List (Pattern : Name := "<IMAGE>@'C(FILE)"; Displaying : Fields := Library.Verbose_Format; Sorted_By : Field := Library.Object; Descending : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Options : String := "") renames List; procedure Ada_List (Pattern : Name := "<IMAGE>@'C(ADA)"; Displaying : Fields := Library.Ada_Format; Sorted_By : Field := Library.Declaration; Descending : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Options : String := "") renames List; procedure Space (For_Object : Name := "<IMAGE>"; Levels : Positive := 2; Recursive : Boolean := True; Each_Object : Boolean := False; Each_Version : Boolean := False; Space_Types : Boolean := False; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"; Options : String := ""); -- Show the space utilization (in pages) for For_Object. Also -- display space usage for contained libraries to depth specified -- by Levels. The space includes subobjects and contained libraries, -- unless Recursive is false, in which case only the space for the -- specified object is displayed. Thus, if Recursive is true, the -- space is cumulatively totalled. -- -- Each_Object causes the individual space the each object to be included -- in the display in addition to libraries. -- -- If Space_Types is true, a different display showing space broken down -- by category (including the object itself, code segment, attribute -- spaces, and list files) is displayed. In this case, the Each_Version -- parameter will show information for each version of each object. -- Each_Version is used only if Space_Types true. Levels is used only -- if Space_Types is false. procedure Compact_Library (Existing : Name := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- This procedure may be used to reduce the amount of storage consumed -- by frequently modified directories which are used to store files. -- Quiet forms similar to those in Library_Object_Editor, but -- these commands work based on the current context rather than -- the current image. procedure Create_World (Name : Library.Name := ">>WORLD NAME<<"; Kind : Library.Kind := Library.World; Vol : Volume := Library.Nil; Model : String := "!Model.R1000"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>") renames Create; procedure Create_Directory (Name : Library.Name := ">>DIRECTORY NAME<<"; Kind : Library.Kind := Library.Directory; Vol : Volume := Library.Nil; Model : String := ""; Response : String := "<PROFILE>") renames Create; procedure Create_Unit (Name : Library.Name := ">>ADA NAME<<"; Kind : Library.Kind := Library.Subpackage; Vol : Volume := Library.Nil; Model : String := ""; Response : String := "<PROFILE>") renames Create; procedure Display (Name : Library.Name := "[]"); -- Display the named object in a library window. procedure Reformat_Image (Existing : Name := "<SELECTION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>"); -- Cause the image for a unit to be reconstructed. pragma Subsystem (Commands); pragma Module_Name (4, 3921); end Library;
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