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Rational R1000/400

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⟦254936dce⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 32768 (0x8000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Constraint_Utilities, seg_00461e


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Io;
with Expression_Utilities;
with Size_Utilities;
with String_Utilities;
with Type_Information;
with Bounds_Utilities;
with Ada_Program;
with Declarations;
with Names_And_Expressions;
package body Constraint_Utilities is

    package Ada         renames Ada_Program;
    package Expressions renames Names_And_Expressions;
    package Float_Conversion is new Io.Float_Io (Float);

    Others_Choice_Found : exception;

    function Another_Object
                (Original_Decl : Ada_Program.Element) return Object is
        Obj : Object (Kind => Other_Object);
        Obj.Decl := Original_Decl;
        return Obj;
    end Another_Object;

    function Is_Character
                (Type_Def : Type_Information.Type_Definition) return Boolean is
        Last : Ada.Element := Type_Information.Last_Constraint (Type_Def);
        return String_Utilities.Equal (Ada.Image (Last), "CHARACTER") or else
                     (Declarations.Name (Ada.Parent (Last)), "CHARACTER");
    end Is_Character;

    function Is_String (Array_Type_Def : Type_Information.Type_Definition)
                       return Boolean is
        Component_Type : Type_Information.Subtype_Indication :=
           Type_Information.Component_Type (Array_Type_Def);
        return Is_Character (Component_Type);
    end Is_String;

    function Compute_Array
                (Type_Def : Type_Information.Type_Definition) return Object is

        Index_Constraints : Ada.Element_Iterator :=
           Type_Information.Index_Constraints (Type_Def);

        Num_Elements : Size_Utilities.Long_Natural;
        Static       : Boolean;
           (Index_Constraints, Num_Elements, Static);
        if Static then
            if Is_String (Type_Def) then
                return Object'(A_String_Object, Type_Def,
                               Natural (Num_Elements));
                return Object'(An_Array_Object, Type_Def,
                               Natural (Num_Elements));
            end if;
            return Another_Object (Type_Def);
        end if;
    end Compute_Array;

    procedure Non_Static_Value (For_Name_Expression : Ada_Program.Expression;
                                Value               : out Long_Integer;
                                Has_Value           : out Boolean) is
        Value     := 0;
        Has_Value := False;
    end Non_Static_Value;

    function Integer_Val is
       new Expression_Utilities.Integer_Value (Non_Static_Value);

    procedure Non_Static_Value (For_Name_Expression : Ada_Program.Expression;
                                Value               : out Float;
                                Has_Value           : out Boolean) is
        Value     := 0.0;
        Has_Value := False;
    end Non_Static_Value;

    function Float_Val is
       new Expression_Utilities.Float_Value (Non_Static_Value);

    procedure Non_Static_Value (For_Name_Expression : Ada_Program.Expression;
                                Value               : out String;
                                Last                : out Positive;
                                Has_Value           : out Boolean) is
        Value     := "";
        Last      := 1;
        Has_Value := False;
    end Non_Static_Value;

    function String_Val is
       new Expression_Utilities.String_Value (Non_Static_Value);

    function Range_Object (A_Range       : Type_Information.Range_Info;
                           Original_Decl : Ada_Program.Element) return Object is
        Lbound_Expr, Ubound_Expr : Ada_Program.Element;
        Lbound, Ubound           : Long_Integer;
        L_Bound, U_Bound         : Float;

        Type_Def : Type_Information.Type_Definition;
        Type_Information.Bounds (A_Range, Lbound_Expr, Ubound_Expr);

        Type_Def := Expressions.Expression_Type (Lbound_Expr);
        if String_Utilities.Equal (Ada_Program.Image (Type_Def),
                                   "[universal_integer]") then
            Lbound := Integer_Val (Lbound_Expr);
            Ubound := Integer_Val (Ubound_Expr);
            return Object'(An_Integer_Object, Original_Decl, Lbound, Ubound);

        elsif String_Utilities.Equal
                 (Ada_Program.Image (Type_Def), "[universal_real]") then
            L_Bound := Float_Val (Lbound_Expr);
            U_Bound := Float_Val (Ubound_Expr);
            return Object'(A_Float_Object, Original_Decl, L_Bound, U_Bound);
        end if;
            case Type_Information.Kind
                    (Type_Information.Ground_Type (Type_Def)) is
                when Type_Information.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>

                    Lbound := Integer_Val (Lbound_Expr);
                    Ubound := Integer_Val (Ubound_Expr);
                    return Object'(An_Integer_Object,
                                   Original_Decl, Lbound, Ubound);

                when Type_Information.A_Float_Type_Definition =>
                    L_Bound := Float_Val (Lbound_Expr);
                    U_Bound := Float_Val (Ubound_Expr);
                    return Object'(A_Float_Object, Original_Decl,
                                   L_Bound, U_Bound);

                when others =>
                    return Another_Object (Original_Decl);
            end case;
            when Expression_Utilities.Not_Static =>
                return Another_Object (Original_Decl);

    end Range_Object;

    function Actual_String_Size
                (Index_Constraints : Ada_Program.Element;
                 Original_Decl     : Ada_Program.Element) return Object is
        Ranges : Ada_Program.Element_Iterator :=
           Type_Information.Discrete_Ranges (Index_Constraints);
        A_Range : Ada_Program.Element;
        Current_Size : Long_Integer;
        Total_Elems : Long_Integer := 1;
        Static : Boolean;
        Lbound, Ubound : Long_Integer;
        Lbound_Expr, Ubound_Expr : Names_And_Expressions.Expression;
        while not Ada_Program.Done (Ranges) loop
            A_Range := Ada_Program.Value (Ranges);

            Bounds_Utilities.Find_Range (The_Range         => A_Range,
                                         Lbound            => Lbound,
                                         Ubound            => Ubound,
                                         Static            => Static,
                                         Non_Static_Lbound => Lbound_Expr,
                                         Non_Static_Ubound => Ubound_Expr);
            if Static then
                Current_Size := Ubound - Lbound + 1;
                Total_Elems  := Total_Elems * Current_Sie;
                return Another_Object (Original_Decl);
            end if;
            Ada_Program.Next (Ranges);
        end loop;  
        return Object'(A_String_Object, Original_Decl, Natural (Total_Elems));
    end Actual_String_Size;

    function Analyze
                (Object_Decl : Declarations.Object_Declaration) return Object is
        Type_Def  : Ada.Element;
        Type_Spec : Ada.Element;

        Static           : Boolean;
        Ubound, Lbound   : Long_Integer;
        U_Bound, L_Bound : Float;

        Constraint : Type_Information.Type_Constraint;

        if Declarations.Is_Subprogram_Formal (Object_Decl) or else
           Declarations.Is_Generic_Formal (Object_Decl) then
            Type_Def  := Declarations.Type_Mark (Object_Decl);
            Type_Spec := Declarations.Type_Specification
                            (Ada_Program.Definition (Type_Def));
            Type_Def  := Declarations.Object_Type (Object_Decl);
            Type_Spec := Type_Information.Last_Constraint (Type_Def);
        end if;

            case Type_Information.Kind (Type_Spec) is
                when Type_Information.A_Subtype_Indication =>
                    Constraint := Type_Information.Constraint (Type_Spec);

                    case Type_Information.Constraint_Kind (Constraint) is
                        when Type_Information.A_Floating_Point_Constraint =>
                                   (Type_Spec), L_Bound, U_Bound, Static);
                            if Static then
                                return Object'(A_Float_Object, Object_Decl,
                                               L_Bound, U_Bound);
                                return Another_Object (Object_Decl);
                            end if;

                        when Type_Information.A_Fixed_Point_Constraint =>
                            -- currently unimplemented
                            return Another_Object (Object_Decl);
                        when Type_Information.A_Simple_Range =>
                            return Range_Object (Constraint, Object_Decl);
                        when Type_Information.A_Range_Attribute =>
                               (Type_Spec, Lbound, Ubound, Static);
                            if Static then
                                return Object'(An_Integer_Object,
                                               Object_Decl, Lbound, Ubound);
                                return Another_Object (Object_Decl);
                            end if;

                        when Type_Information.An_Index_Constraint =>
                            return Actual_String_Size (Constraint, Object_Decl);
                        when others =>
                            return Another_Object (Object_Decl);
                    end case;

                when Type_Information.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>

                       (Type_Information.Integer_Constraint (Type_Spec),
                        Lbound, Ubound, Static);
                    if Static then
                        return Object'(An_Integer_Object,
                                       Object_Decl, Lbound, Ubound);
                        return Another_Object (Object_Decl);
                    end if;
                when Type_Information.A_Float_Type_Definition =>
                       (Type_Information.Floating_Point_Constraint (Type_Spec),
                        L_Bound, U_Bound, Static);
                    if Static then
                        return Object'(A_Float_Object, Object_Decl,
                                       L_Bound, U_Bound);
                        return Another_Object (Object_Decl);
                    end if;

                when Type_Information.An_Array_Type_Definition =>
                    return Compute_Array (Type_Spec);
                when Type_Information.A_Derived_Type_Definition =>
                    Type_Spec := Type_Information.Last_Constraint
                                    (Type_Information.Derived_From (Type_Spec));
                    -- loop on type that was derived

                when Type_Information.A_Private_Type_Definition ..
                        Type_Information.A_Limited_Private_Type_Definition =>
                    Type_Spec := Declarations.Type_Specification (Type_Spec);
                    -- loop on private type specification

                when others =>
                    return Another_Object (Object_Decl);
            end case;
        end loop;
        when others =>
            return Another_Object (Object_Decl);
    end Analyze;

    function Another_Value (Expr : Ada_Program.Element) return Value is
        Val : Value (Other_Value);
        Val.Expr := Expr;
        return Val;
    end Another_Value;

    procedure Check_Choices (List : in out Ada.Element_Iterator) is
        while not Ada.Done (List) loop
            case Type_Information.Choice_Kind (Ada.Value (List)) is
                when Type_Information.Others_Choice =>
                    raise Others_Choice_Found;
                when Type_Information.A_Discrete_Range =>
                    raise Others_Choice_Found;
                when others =>
            end case;
            Ada.Next (List);
        end loop;
    end Check_Choices;

    function Compute_Aggregate (Agg : Ada.Expression) return Value is
        Components : Ada.Element_Iterator := Expressions.Components (Agg);
        Count      : Natural              := 0;
        Choices    : Ada.Element_Iterator;
        while not Ada.Done (Components) loop
            Choices := Expressions.Component_Choices (Ada.Value (Components));
            Check_Choices (Choices);

            Count := Count + 1;
            Ada.Next (Components);
        end loop;

        return Value'(An_Array_Aggregate, Agg, Count);
    end Compute_Aggregate;

    function Analyze (Value_Expression : Ada_Program.Expression) return Value is
        Type_Def      : Type_Information.Type_Definition;
        Integer_Value : Long_Integer;
        Float_Value   : Float;
        Static        : Boolean;
        case Expressions.Kind (Value_Expression) is
            when Expressions.An_Integer_Literal =>
                return Value'(An_Integer_Value, Value_Expression,
                              Expressions.Static_Value (Value_Expression));
            when Expressions.A_Real_Literal =>
                return Value'(A_Float_Value, Value_Expression,
                              Expressions.Static_Value (Value_Expression));
            when Expressions.A_String_Literal =>
                    Val : constant String :=
                       Expressions.Static_Value (Value_Expression);
                    return Value'(A_String_Value, Value_Expression, Val'Length);
            when Expressions.An_Aggregate =>
                return Compute_Aggregate (Value_Expression);
            when others =>
                Type_Def := Expressions.Expression_Type (Value_Expression);
                    case Type_Information.Kind
                            (Type_Information.Ground_Type (Type_Def)) is
                        when Type_Information.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>

                            return Value'(An_Integer_Value, Value_Expression,
                                          Integer_Val (Value_Expression));

                        when Type_Information.A_Float_Type_Definition =>
                            return Value'(A_Float_Value, Value_Expression,
                                          Float_Val (Value_Expression));

                        when Type_Information.An_Array_Type_Definition =>
                                Val : constant String :=
                                   String_Val (Value_Expression);
                                return Value'(A_String_Value,
                                              Value_Expression, Val'Length);

                        when others =>
                            return Another_Value (Value_Expression);
                    end case;
                    when Expression_Utilities.Not_Static =>
                        return Another_Value (Value_Expression);

        end case;
        when others =>
            return Another_Value (Value_Expression);
    end Analyze;

    function Match (A_Value : Value; In_Object : Object) return Boolean is
        case A_Value.Kind is
            when A_String_Value =>
                case In_Object.Kind is
                    when A_String_Object =>
                        return True;
                    when others =>
                        return False;
                end case;
            when An_Array_Aggregate =>
                case In_Object.Kind is
                    when An_Array_Object =>
                        return True;
                    when others =>
                        return False;
                end case;

            when An_Integer_Value =>
                case In_Object.Kind is
                    when An_Integer_Object =>
                        return True;
                    when others =>
                        return False;
                end case;

            when A_Float_Value =>
                case In_Object.Kind is
                    when A_Float_Object =>
                        return True;
                    when others =>
                        return False;
                end case;

            when Other_Value =>
                case In_Object.Kind is
                    when Other_Object =>
                        return True;
                    when others =>
                        return False;
                end case;

        end case;

    end Match;

    function Fits (A_Value : Value; In_Object : Object) return Boolean is
        if Match (A_Value, In_Object) then

            case A_Value.Kind is
                when A_String_Value | An_Array_Aggregate =>
                    return Length (A_Value) = Length (In_Object);
                when An_Integer_Value =>
                    if A_Value.Int_Value < Lower_Bound (In_Object) or else
                       A_Value.Int_Value > Upper_Bound (In_Object) then
                        return False;
                        return True;
                    end if;
                when A_Float_Value =>
                    if A_Value.Flt_Value < Lower_Bound (In_Object) or else
                       A_Value.Flt_Value > Upper_Bound (In_Object) then
                        return False;
                        return True;
                    end if;

                when Other_Value =>
                    return True;
            end case;
            raise Bad_Kind;
        end if;
    end Fits;

    function Image (F : Float) return String is
        Local : String (1 .. 100);
        Float_Conversion.Put (Local, F);
        return String_Utilities.Strip (Local);
    end Image;

    function Problem_Description
                (A_Value : Value; In_Object : Object) return String is
        if Match (A_Value, In_Object) then

            case A_Value.Kind is
                when A_String_Value | An_Array_Aggregate =>
                    if Length (A_Value) /= Length (In_Object) then
                        return "The size of the value " &
                                  Integer'Image (Length (A_Value)) &
                                  " does not match the object's length " &
                                  Integer'Image (Length (In_Object));
                        return "NO PROBLEM";
                    end if;
                when An_Integer_Value =>
                    if A_Value.Int_Value > Upper_Bound (In_Object) then
                        return "The value " &                                 Long_Integer'Image (A_Value.Int_Value) &
                                  " exceeds the upper bound " &
                                  Long_Integer'Image (Upper_Bound (In_Object));
                    elsif A_Value.Int_Value < Lower_Bound (In_Object) then
                        return "The value " &
                                  Long_Integer'Image (A_Value.Int_Value) &
                                  " is less than the lower bound " &
                                  Long_Integer'Image (Lower_Bound (In_Object));

                        return "NO PROBLEM";
                    end if;
                when A_Float_Value =>
                    if A_Value.Flt_Value < Lower_Bound (In_Object) then
                        return "The value " & Image (A_Value.Flt_Value) &
                                  " is less than the lower bound " &
                                  Image (Lower_Bound (In_Object));

                    elsif A_Value.Flt_Value > Upper_Bound (In_Object) then
                        return "The value " & Image (A_Value.Flt_Value) &
                                  " exceeds the upper bound " &
                                  Image (Upper_Bound (In_Object));
                        return "NO PROBLEM";
                    end if;

                when Other_Value =>
                    return "";
            end case;
            return "BAD MATCH";
        end if;

    end Problem_Description;

    function Lower_Bound (Of_Integer_Or_String_Object : Object)
                         return Long_Integer is
        case Of_Integer_Or_String_Object.Kind is
            when A_String_Object | An_Integer_Object | An_Array_Object =>
                return Of_Integer_Or_String_Object.Lower_Bound;
            when others =>
                raise Bad_Kind;
        end case;

    end Lower_Bound;

    function Upper_Bound (Of_Integer_Or_String_Object : Object)
                         return Long_Integer is
        case Of_Integer_Or_String_Object.Kind is
            when A_String_Object | An_Integer_Object | An_Array_Object =>
                return Of_Integer_Or_String_Object.Upper_Bound;
            when others =>
                raise Bad_Kind;
        end case;

    end Upper_Bound;

    function Lower_Bound (Of_Float_Object : Object) return Float is
        case Of_Float_Object.Kind is
            when A_Float_Object =>
                return Of_Float_Object.Lower_Flt_Bound;
            when others =>
                raise Bad_Kind;
        end case;
    end Lower_Bound;

    function Upper_Bound (Of_Float_Object : Object) return Float is
        case Of_Float_Object.Kind is
            when A_Float_Object =>
                return Of_Float_Object.Upper_Flt_Bound;
            when others =>
                raise Bad_Kind;
        end case;
    end Upper_Bound;

    function Length (Of_String_Or_Array_Object : Object) return Natural is
        case Of_String_Or_Array_Object.Kind is
            when A_String_Object | An_Array_Object =>
                return Of_String_Or_Array_Object.Size;
            when others =>
                raise Bad_Kind;
        end case;

    end Length;

    function Length (Of_String_Or_Array_Aggregate : Value) return Natural is
        case Of_String_Or_Array_Aggregate.Kind is
            when A_String_Value | An_Array_Aggregate =>
                return Of_String_Or_Array_Aggregate.Size;
            when others =>
                raise Bad_Kind;
        end case;
    end Length;

    function Static_Value (Of_Integer_Value_Or_Constant : Value)
                          return Long_Integer is
        case Of_Integer_Value_Or_Constant.Kind is
            when An_Integer_Value =>
                return Of_Integer_Value_Or_Constant.Int_Value;
            when others =>
                raise Bad_Kind;
        end case;

    end Static_Value;

    function Static_Value (Of_Float_Value_Or_Constant : Value) return Float is
        case Of_Float_Value_Or_Constant.Kind is
            when A_Float_Value =>
                return Of_Float_Value_Or_Constant.Flt_Value;
            when others =>
                raise Bad_Kind;
        end case;

    end Static_Value;

end Constraint_Utilities;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x02] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=01c
        [0x03] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=032
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        [0x08] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=020
        [0x09] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=070
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        [0x0b] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=038
        [0x0c] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=01e
        [0x0d] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=004
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        [0x12] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=046
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        [0x15] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=008
        [0x16] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=048
        [0x17] rec0=22 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=03c
        [0x18] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=038
        [0x19] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=002
        [0x1a] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=000
        [0x1b] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=020
        [0x1c] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=008
        [0x1d] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=048
        [0x1e] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=000
    tail 0x217002460815c65cf283f 0x42a00088462061e03