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Length: 86016 (0x15000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, Long Ada Source, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, procedure Ship_To_Unix, seg_005815
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Archive; with Byte_Defs; with Common; with Compilation; with Debug_Tools; with Directory_Tools; with Editor; with File_Transfer; with Ftp_Defs; with Ftp_Profile; with Text_Io; with Time_Utilities; with Library; with Log; with Profile; with String_Map_Generic; with String_Utilities; with System_Utilities; with Table_Sort_Generic; with Transport; with Transport_Defs; with Transport_Name; with Unchecked_Deallocation; procedure Ship_To_Unix (Password : String; -- User's password Force_Update : Boolean := False; -- Update regardless Effort_Only : Boolean := False; -- Just checking Unix_Machine : String := "<SHIP_TO_MACHINE>"; Username : String := "<SHIP_TO_USERNAME>") is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1990 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of Rational not be used in -- advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without -- specific, written prior permission. -- -- Rational disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including -- all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall -- Rational be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or -- any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether -- in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out -- of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Imported Renames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Dt renames Directory_Tools; function "=" (A, B : Dt.Object.Class_Enumeration) return Boolean renames Dt.Object."="; function "=" (A, B : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code) return Boolean renames Ftp_Defs."="; function "=" (A, B : Transport_Defs.Status_Code) return Boolean renames Transport_Defs."="; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I_Am_Confused : exception; ----I give up. Some assumption of the code has changed and the code wasn't -- changed to reflect it. Quit : exception; ----Raised when we want to give up on something. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type String_Pointer is access String; pragma Enable_Deallocation (String_Pointer); procedure Free_String_Pointer is new Unchecked_Deallocation (String, String_Pointer); type Natural_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Natural; type Database_Entry_Rec is record ----These are used only during processing. -- They are not saved in the database. Full_R1000_Name : String_Pointer := null; Update : Boolean := False; Bad_Name : Boolean := False; Updated : Boolean := False; ----These are saved in the database. R1000_Name : String_Pointer; -- Object minus 'V(nn) Unix_Path : String_Pointer; -- Path on unix Unix_Name : String_Pointer; -- Name of file on Unix Version : String_Pointer; -- 'V(nn) or 'V(library) Directory : Boolean; -- True for libraries/worlds Ignore : Boolean := False; -- True for R1000-only files New_One : Boolean := False; -- True for new objects end record; type Database_Entry is access Database_Entry_Rec; pragma Enable_Deallocation (Database_Entry); procedure Free_Database_Entry is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Database_Entry_Rec, Database_Entry); type Database_Entry_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Database_Entry; function Check_Object (Obj : Dt.Object.Handle; Root : String) return Database_Entry; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Global Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Obj_Db is new String_Map_Generic (Range_Type => Database_Entry, Size => 401, Ignore_Case => True); Database : Obj_Db.Map; Connection : File_Transfer.Connect_Id; Host_Machine_Name : String_Pointer; Host_User_Name : String_Pointer; Files_Processed : Integer := 0; Files_Transferred : Integer := 0; Files_Deferred : Integer := 0; Temp_File_Used : Boolean := False; Temp_File_Name : constant String := "!Machine.Temporary.Ship_To_Unix_" & Time_Utilities.Image (Time_Utilities.Get_Time, Date_Style => Time_Utilities.Ada, Contents => Time_Utilities.Date_Only) & "_" & Time_Utilities.Image (Time_Utilities.Get_Time, Time_Style => Time_Utilities.Ada, Contents => Time_Utilities.Time_Only); --\x0c function X_Env_Get_Environment_Variable (Var : String) return String_Pointer is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Var - Specifies the name of the variable -- -- Returns None_X_String_Pointer if the variable does not exist or if -- this environment/operating-system/run-time does not support any such -- concept as environment variables. -- -- Don't forget to free the string result with Free_X_String_Pointer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --/ if R1000 then Env : Text_Io.File_Type; Env_Name : constant String := System_Utilities.Home_Library (User => System_Utilities.User_Name) & "." & System_Utilities.Session_Name & "_Environment." & Var; Env_Ptr : String_Pointer; function Read_Env return String is ----Read one line from Env; regardless of the length of the -- line. Line : String (1 .. 1024); Length : Natural; begin Text_Io.Get_Line (Env, Line, Length); if Length = Line'Length and then Text_Io.">" (Text_Io.Col (Env), 1) then return Line & Read_Env; else return Line (1 .. Length); end if; end Read_Env; begin ----Open the Environment Variable file. Read the first line. Close the file. -- Return that line as the value. begin Text_Io.Open (Env, Text_Io.In_File, Env_Name); Env_Ptr := new String'(Read_Env); Text_Io.Close (Env); return Env_Ptr; exception when others => begin -- Just in case. Free_String_Pointer (Env_Ptr); Text_Io.Close (Env); exception when others => null; end; return null; end; --/ else --// --// begin --// --// begin --// return new X_String'(To_X_String (Ui_Environment.Getenv (Var))); --// exception --// when Constraint_Error => --// ----Getenv raises this when the variable does not exist. --// return None_X_String_Pointer; --// end; --// --/ end if; end X_Env_Get_Environment_Variable; --\x0c function Hs (Str : String) return String_Pointer is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Str - Specifies the string value -- -- Called to allocate a string on the heap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tmp : String (1 .. Str'Length) := Str; begin return new String'(Tmp); end Hs; --\x0c procedure Read_Database (Name : String) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Name - Speicifies the name of the database to read -- -- Called to read in an Ascii database file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Line : String (1 .. 1024); Len : Natural; File : Text_Io.File_Type; Ent : Database_Entry; Error : Boolean := False; begin ----Open the file. begin Text_Io.Open (File, Text_Io.In_File, Name); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Error opening " & Name & "; exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Exception_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end; ----Read the file. while not Text_Io.End_Of_File (File) loop Ent := new Database_Entry_Rec; Text_Io.Get_Line (File, Line, Len); if Len = 0 or else Line (1) = '=' then raise I_Am_Confused; end if; Ent.R1000_Name := Hs (Line (1 .. Len)); Text_Io.Get_Line (File, Line, Len); if Len > 0 and then Line (1) = '=' then raise I_Am_Confused; end if; Ent.Unix_Path := Hs (Line (1 .. Len)); Text_Io.Get_Line (File, Line, Len); if Len = 0 or else Line (1) = '=' then raise I_Am_Confused; end if; Ent.Unix_Name := Hs (Line (1 .. Len)); Text_Io.Get_Line (File, Line, Len); if Len > 0 and then Line (1) = '=' then raise I_Am_Confused; end if; Ent.Version := Hs (Line (1 .. Len)); Text_Io.Get_Line (File, Line, Len); if Len = 0 or else Line (1) = '=' then raise I_Am_Confused; end if; if String_Utilities.Equal ("directory:", Line (1 .. 10), Ignore_Case => True) then Ent.Directory := Boolean'Value (Line (11 .. Len)); else raise I_Am_Confused; end if; Text_Io.Get_Line (File, Line, Len); if Len = 0 or else Line (1) = '=' then raise I_Am_Confused; end if; if String_Utilities.Equal ("ignore:", Line (1 .. 7), Ignore_Case => True) then Ent.Ignore := Boolean'Value (Line (8 .. Len)); else raise I_Am_Confused; end if; Text_Io.Get_Line (File, Line, Len); if Len = 0 or else Line (1) = '=' then raise I_Am_Confused; end if; if String_Utilities.Equal ("new:", Line (1 .. 4), Ignore_Case => True) then Ent.New_One := Boolean'Value (Line (5 .. Len)); else raise I_Am_Confused; end if; Text_Io.Get_Line (File, Line, Len); if Len = 0 or else Line (1) /= '=' then raise I_Am_Confused; end if; if not Ent.Ignore and then Ent.Unix_Name'Length > 14 and then (not Ent.Directory or else String_Utilities.Locate ("/", Ent.Unix_Name.all) = 0) then Ent.Bad_Name := True; Error := True; Log.Put_Line ("Unix name too long," & Natural'Image (Ent.Unix_Name'Length) & " characters: " & Ent.Unix_Name.all, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end if; Obj_Db.Define (Database, Ent.R1000_Name.all, Ent, Trap_Multiples => True); end loop; ----Close the file. Text_Io.Close (File); if Error then raise Quit; end if; exception when Quit => raise; when I_Am_Confused => Log.Put_Line ("Database " & Name & " has bad format on line " & Integer'Image (Integer (Text_Io.Line (File))), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Text_Io.Close (File); raise I_Am_Confused; when others => Log.Put_Line ("Database " & Name & " had I/O error: " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Exception_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Log.Put_Line ("Error reading/on line " & Integer'Image (Integer (Text_Io.Line (File))), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); begin Text_Io.Close (File); exception when others => null; end; raise I_Am_Confused; end Read_Database; --\x0c procedure Write_Database (Name : String) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Name - Speicifies the name of the database to write -- -- Called to write out an Ascii database file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File : Text_Io.File_Type; Ent : Database_Entry; Iter : Obj_Db.Itrator; Ary : Database_Entry_Array (1 .. Natural (Obj_Db.Cardinality (Database))); function Lss (Left, Right : Database_Entry) return Boolean is begin return Left.R1000_Name.all < Right.R1000_Name.all; end Lss; procedure Sort is new Table_Sort_Generic (Database_Entry, Natural, Database_Entry_Array, Lss); begin ----Open the file. begin Text_Io.Open (File, Text_Io.Out_File, Name); exception when others => begin Text_Io.Create (File, Text_Io.Out_File, Name); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Error opening " & Name & "; exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Exception_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end; end; ----Write the file. Obj_Db.Init (Iter, Database); for I in Ary'Range loop Ent := Obj_Db.Eval (Database, Obj_Db.Value (Iter)); Ary (I) := Ent; if not Ent.Ignore and then Ent.Unix_Name'Length > 14 and then (not Ent.Directory or else String_Utilities.Locate ("/", Ent.Unix_Name.all) = 0) then Ent.Bad_Name := True; Ent.Update := False; Ent.Version := new String (1 .. 0); Log.Put_Line ("Unix name too long," & Natural'Image (Ent.Unix_Name'Length) & " characters: " & Ent.Unix_Name.all, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end if; Obj_Db.Next (Iter); end loop; Sort (Ary); for I in Ary'Range loop Ent := Ary (I); Text_Io.Put_Line (File, Ent.R1000_Name.all); Text_Io.Put_Line (File, Ent.Unix_Path.all); Text_Io.Put_Line (File, Ent.Unix_Name.all); if Ent.Update or else (Ent.New_One and then Effort_Only) then Text_Io.New_Line (File); else Text_Io.Put_Line (File, Ent.Version.all); end if; Text_Io.Put_Line (File, "Directory: " & Boolean'Image (Ent.Directory)); Text_Io.Put_Line (File, "Ignore: " & Boolean'Image (Ent.Ignore)); Text_Io.Put_Line (File, "New: " & Boolean'Image (Ent.New_One)); if Ent.New_One then Log.Put_Line ("New: " & Ent.R1000_Name.all, Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end if; Text_Io.Put_Line (File, "===="); end loop; ----Close the file. Text_Io.Close (File); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Database " & Name & " had I/O error: " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Exception_Msg, Profile.Verbose); begin Text_Io.Close (File); exception when others => null; end; raise Quit; end Write_Database; --\x0c function Remove_Root (Full : String; Root : String) return String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Full - Specifies the Full_Name of an object -- Root - Specifies a string that is supposed to match the initial -- portion of Full -- -- Removes the Root prefix from the Full name. The initial part of Full must -- match or we abort. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin if Full (Full'First .. Full'First + Root'Length - 1) /= Root then Log.Put_Line ("R1000_Root is " & Root, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Log.Put_Line ("Object is not contained in R1000_Root: " & Full, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end if; ----Drop the '.' that follows the Root. return Full (Full'First + Root'Length + 1 .. Full'Last); end Remove_Root; --\x0c function Segment_Name (Name : String) return Natural_Array is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Name - Specifies the name to segment. -- -- Returns an array of indexes. Each index indicates the place within the -- string of a '.' or a ''' or Name'Last+1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Result : Natural_Array (1 .. 2 + Name'Length / 2); Resulti : Natural := 1; begin Result (Resulti) := Name'First - 1; for I in Name'Range loop if Name (I) = '.' or else Name (I) = ''' then Resulti := Resulti + 1; Result (Resulti) := I; end if; end loop; Resulti := Resulti + 1; Result (Resulti) := Name'Last + 1; return Result (1 .. Resulti); end Segment_Name; --\x0c function Check_Database (Obj : Dt.Object.Handle; Root : String) return Database_Entry is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Obj - Specifies the R1000 object to be transferred to Unix -- Root - Specifies the root for objects, this portion of the Obj's name -- must match and it will be removed before we process it -- -- We take an object handle, we look it up in the database, and we return a -- pointer to it if we want it transferred and we return null if we do not -- want it transferred. Makes a new entry in the database if necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Uni : constant String := Remove_Root (Dt.Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Obj), Root); Unique : String (1 .. Uni'Length) := Uni; Offsets : constant Natural_Array := Segment_Name (Unique); Offset_Tick : Natural := Offsets'Last; Class : Dt.Object.Class_Enumeration := Dt.Object.Class (Obj); Entrec : Database_Entry_Rec; Ent : Database_Entry; Subobj : Dt.Object.Handle; Success : Boolean; Remote_Name : String (1 .. 1024); Remote_Namei : Natural := 0; Len : Natural; Cap : Boolean; begin ----Get the name of the object. If it is the same name as the Root then -- we ignore this object. if Dt.Naming.Full_Name (Obj) = Root then return null; end if; ----For all of the name segments that correspond to directories, make sure that -- those directories have been processed. for I in Offsets'First + 1 .. Offsets'Last - 1 loop if Unique (Offsets (I)) /= '.' then Offset_Tick := I; exit; end if; Subobj := Dt.Naming.Resolution (Root & '.' & Unique (Unique'First .. Offsets (I) - 1)); Ent := Check_Object (Subobj, Root); if Dt.Object.Class (Subobj) = Dt.Object.Library_Class then if Ent.Unix_Path'Length > 0 then Remote_Namei := Ent.Unix_Path'Length + Ent.Unix_Name'Length + 1; Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) := Ent.Unix_Path.all & Ent.Unix_Name.all & '/'; else Remote_Namei := Ent.Unix_Name'Length + 1; Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) := Ent.Unix_Name.all & '/'; end if; end if; end loop; ----Locate the 'V version string in the Unique name. for I in Offsets'First + 1 .. Offsets'Last - 1 loop if Unique (Offsets (I)) = ''' and then Unique (Offsets (I) + 1) = 'V' then Entrec.Version := Hs (Unique (Offsets (I) .. Offsets (I + 1) - 1)); Entrec.R1000_Name := Hs (Unique (Unique'First .. Offsets (I) - 1)); exit; end if; end loop; if Entrec.Version = null then if Class /= Dt.Object.Library_Class then Log.Put_Line ("No 'V in Unique name???", Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; else Entrec.R1000_Name := Hs (Unique); Entrec.Version := Hs ("'V(library)"); end if; end if; ----Now look up the R1000_Name in the database. If the name was there already -- then update the file if that is necessary. Obj_Db.Find (Database, Entrec.R1000_Name.all, Ent, Success); if Success then if Ent.Version.all /= Entrec.Version.all then Ent.Update := not Ent.Updated and not Ent.Bad_Name; Free_String_Pointer (Entrec.R1000_Name); Free_String_Pointer (Ent.Version); Ent.Version := Entrec.Version; Ent.Full_R1000_Name := Hs (Unique); else Ent.Update := Force_Update and not Ent.Updated; Free_String_Pointer (Entrec.Version); Free_String_Pointer (Entrec.R1000_Name); Ent.Full_R1000_Name := Hs (Unique); end if; if Ent.Ignore then Ent.Update := False; end if; if not Ent.Updated and not Ent.Update then Files_Deferred := Files_Deferred + 1; end if; Files_Processed := Files_Processed + 1; return Ent; end if; ----Create a Unix name for this object. Cap := not Lower_Case_Names; for I in Offsets (Offset_Tick - 1) + 1 .. Offsets (Offset_Tick) - 1 loop if Unique (I) = '_' then Cap := not Lower_Case_Names; elsif Cap then if Unique (I) in 'a' .. 'z' then Unique (I) := Character'Val (Character'Pos (Unique (I)) - Integer (Character'Pos ('a') - Character'Pos ('A'))); end if; Cap := False; else if Unique (I) in 'A' .. 'Z' then Unique (I) := Character'Val (Character'Pos (Unique (I)) - Integer (Character'Pos ('A') - Character'Pos ('a'))); end if; end if; end loop; Entrec.Unix_Path := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei)); Remote_Namei := Offsets (Offset_Tick) - Offsets (Offset_Tick - 1) - 1; Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) := Unique (Offsets (Offset_Tick - 1) + 1 .. Offsets (Offset_Tick) - 1); ----We have a new object. We need to create a Unix name for this object -- and make a new database entry. Entrec.Directory := False; case Class is when Dt.Object.Library_Class => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (String_Utilities.Lower_Case (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei))); Entrec.Directory := True; when Dt.Object.Ada_Class => case Dt.Ada_Object.Unit_Kind'(Dt.Ada_Object.Kind (Obj)) is when Dt.Ada_Object.Function_Spec | Dt.Ada_Object.Function_Instantiation => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".FNS"); when Dt.Ada_Object.Function_Body => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".FNB"); when Dt.Ada_Object.Procedure_Spec | Dt.Ada_Object.Procedure_Instantiation => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".PRS"); when Dt.Ada_Object.Procedure_Body => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".PRB"); when Dt.Ada_Object.Package_Spec | Dt.Ada_Object.Package_Instantiation => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".PKS"); when Dt.Ada_Object.Package_Body => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".PKB"); when Dt.Ada_Object.Generic_Function => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".FNG"); when Dt.Ada_Object.Generic_Procedure => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".PRG"); when Dt.Ada_Object.Generic_Package => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei) & ".PKG"); when others => Log.Put_Line ("R1000 Ada class " & Dt.Ada_Object.Unit_Kind'Image (Dt.Ada_Object.Unit_Kind' (Dt.Ada_Object.Kind (Obj))) & " is not supported.", Profile.Warning_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Log.Put_Line ("Not transferred: " & Dt.Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Obj), Profile.Warning_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end case; when Dt.Object.File_Class => Entrec.Unix_Name := Hs (Remote_Name (1 .. Remote_Namei)); when others => Log.Put_Line ("R1000 object class " & Dt.Object.Image (Class) & " is not supported.", Profile.Warning_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Log.Put_Line ("Not transferred: " & Dt.Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Obj), Profile.Warning_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end case; ----Create the new database entry. Ent := new Database_Entry_Rec'(Entrec); Ent.Update := False; -- Do *not* send new entries. Ent.New_One := True; -- Let the user check the DB entry 1st. Ent.Full_R1000_Name := Hs (Unique); if Effort_Only or not Ent.Update then Ent.Version := new String (1 .. 0); end if; if Ent.Unix_Name'Length > 14 then Ent.Bad_Name := True; Ent.Update := False; Log.Put_Line ("Unix name too long," & Natural'Image (Ent.Unix_Name'Length) & " characters: " & Ent.Unix_Name.all, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end if; Obj_Db.Define (Database, Entrec.R1000_Name.all, Ent); Files_Processed := Files_Processed + 1; Files_Deferred := Files_Deferred + 1; return Ent; end Check_Database; --\x0c function Natural_Image (Val : Natural) return String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Val - Specifies the value -- Turn a natural into a string with no leading blanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Val); begin return Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last); end Natural_Image; --\x0c function Duration_Image (Time : Duration) return String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Time - Specifies the duration -- Ada doesn't give us a nice way to turn a Fixed quantity into a string so -- we must hack one up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Val : Integer := Integer (Time * Duration (1000.0)); Valsub : Natural := (abs Val) rem 1000; begin if Valsub < 10 then return Natural_Image (Val / 1000) & ".00" & Natural_Image (Valsub); elsif Valsub < 100 then return Natural_Image (Val / 1000) & ".0" & Natural_Image (Valsub); else return Natural_Image (Val / 1000) & "." & Natural_Image (Valsub); end if; end Duration_Image; --\x0c function Get_Host_Id (Name : String) return Transport_Defs.Host_Id is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Name - Specifies the name of some remote host -- Returns the Host_Id of this host or else returns an empty Host_Id if the -- name isn't known. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin return Transport_Name.Host_To_Host_Id (Name); exception when Transport_Name.Undefined => return (1 .. 0 => 0); end Get_Host_Id; --\x0c procedure Response (Connection : File_Transfer.Connect_Id) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Conection - Specifies the connection to check -- Called to read any and all Response text that has been received from the -- Unix_Machine host in response to any FTP command. The response text is -- send to the Log. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str : String (1 .. 1000); Len : Natural; begin while not File_Transfer.End_Of_Response (Connection) loop File_Transfer.Read_Response (Connection, Str, Len); Log.Put_Line ("Ftp: " & Str (1 .. Len), Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end loop; end Response; --\x0c procedure Status_Ok (Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Status - Specifies a status to check -- Complains and raises Quit if the Status != Successful ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin if Status /= Ftp_Defs.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Error in Ship_To_Unix: " & Ftp_Defs.Status_Code'Image (Status), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end if; end Status_Ok; --\x0c procedure Status_Ok (Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Status - Specifies a status to check -- Complains and raises Quit if the Status != Ok. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin if Status /= Transport_Defs.Ok then Log.Put_Line ("Error in Ship_To_Unix: " & Transport_Defs.Image (Status), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end if; end Status_Ok; --\x0c procedure Disconnect (Connection : in out File_Transfer.Connect_Id) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Connection - Specifies the connection to destroy -- Called (at any time, in any state) when we must get rid of a connection. -- We try to do it nicely but we are prepared to ignore any errors and to -- simply drop the connection at the worst. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ftp_Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code; begin ----If the Connection isn't "open" (really means allocated) then we have nothing -- to do. if Effort_Only or else not File_Transfer.Is_Open (Connection) then return; end if; ----If there is an actual connection then we must try to Quit out of it. if File_Transfer.Is_Connected (Connection) then begin begin File_Transfer.Send_Quit (Connection); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----If the Quit fails then report that but also continue. exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception during File_Transfer.Send_Quit:" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end; ----Try to disconnect from the remote server. File_Transfer.Disconnect (Connection); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception during File_Transfer.Disconnect:" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end; end if; ----Finally we close (deallocate) the socket. File_Transfer.Close (Connection); end Disconnect; --\x0c procedure Mkdir (Connection : File_Transfer.Connect_Id; Local : String; Remote : String) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Conection - Specifies the connection to use -- Local - Specifies the name of an existing local object -- Remote - Specifies the name of a remote object to be created/written -- Called to perform (and check) the creation of a remote directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ftp_Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code; begin ----Inform the log of the impending creation. Log.Put_Line ("Create directory: " & Remote, Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); ----Send the create directory command. if not Effort_Only then Files_Transferred := Files_Transferred + 1; File_Transfer.Send_Verbatim (Connection, "XMKD " & Remote); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); end if; end Mkdir; --\x0c procedure Store (Connection : File_Transfer.Connect_Id; Local : String; Remote : String) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Conection - Specifies the connection to use -- Local - Specifies the name of an existing local object -- Remote - Specifies the name of a remote object to be created/written -- Called to perform (and check) the transfer of one file from the R1000 to -- the Unix_Machine host. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ftp_Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code; Bytes : Natural; Dura : Duration; begin ----Copy the Ascii data into a temporary file; Ada can be such a pain; take -- care to preserve the look-and-feel of our data. declare use Text_Io; Input : File_Type; Output : File_Type; Lno : Positive_Count := 1; Pno : Positive_Count := 1; Line : String (1 .. 256); Length : Natural; Eof : Boolean := False; Eop : Boolean := False; Eol : Boolean := False; begin ----Open the input and output files. if Effort_Only then return; end if; Files_Transferred := Files_Transferred + 1; Open (Input, In_File, Local); begin Temp_File_Used := True; Open (Output, Out_File, Temp_File_Name); exception when others => Create (Output, Out_File, Temp_File_Name); end; ----Read lines and put them out to the temporary file. loop ----Try to fit a line into the space available. if Eof then if Length > 0 then New_Line (Output); -- End file with a Lf. end if; exit; end if; Get_Line (Input, Line, Length); Eof := Text_Io.End_Of_File (Input); Eop := Eof or else Pno /= Page (Input); Eol := Eop or else Length < Line'Length or else Lno /= Text_Io.Line (Input); ----If we only got part of a line then put out that part. If we got a Ff then -- append that and add a newline. if Eol then Put_Line (Output, Line (1 .. Length)); if Eop and not Eof then New_Page (Output); New_Line (Output); Pno := Page (Input); end if; Lno := Text_Io.Line (Input); else Put (Output, Line (1 .. Length)); end if; end loop; ----Close the files. Close (Input); Close (Output); end; ----Inform the log of the impending transfer. for I in reverse 1 .. 5 loop Log.Put_Line ("Transfer: " & Local & " => " & Remote, Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); ----Set up a new socket connection for the actual transfer. File_Transfer.Send_Data_Port (Connection, Transport_Defs.Null_Host_Id, Transport_Defs.Null_Socket_Id); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); delay 1.0; -- Try a delay; we're getting stupid errors that -- are probably timing related. ----Begin the transfer and wait for it to end. File_Transfer.Start_Store (Connection, Local_Filename => Temp_File_Name, Remote_Filename => Remote, Append => False); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); if Ftp_Status /= Ftp_Defs.Transfer_Complete then Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); end if; ----Inform the log of a successful transfer. Bytes := File_Transfer.Last_Transfer_Length (Connection); Dura := File_Transfer.Last_Transfer_Time (Connection); Log.Put_Line ("Done, bytes: " & Natural_Image (Bytes) & ", seconds: " & Duration_Image (Dura), Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); if Bytes /= 0 then exit; elsif I = 1 then Log.Put_Line ("Arghhh!!! 0 Bytes transferred in 0.0 seconds again!!!" & " We Quit.", Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end if; Log.Put_Line ("Arghhh!!! 0 Bytes transferred in 0.0 seconds again!!!" & " Trying one more time.", Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); delay 2.0; end loop; end Store; --\x0c procedure Tcp_Port_Numbers_Bug_Workaround is ----HP has a silly bug that we have to get-around. -- Assign port numbers until port numbers reach at least 1024. -- The R1000 assigns successive numbers starting at around 511. -- HP and apparently some others cannot accept any number less -- than 1024. Silly bug. C : Transport.Connection_Id; Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code; Done : Boolean := False; begin while not Done loop Transport.Open (C, Status, "TCP/IP"); exit when Transport_Defs."/=" (Status, Transport_Defs.Ok); declare Port : constant Transport_Defs.Socket_Id := Transport.Local_Socket (C); begin Done := Byte_Defs.">=" (Port (Port'First), 4); end; Transport.Close (C); end loop; end Tcp_Port_Numbers_Bug_Workaround; --\x0c function Check_Object (Obj : Dt.Object.Handle; Root : String) return Database_Entry is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Obj - Specifies the object to check -- Root - Specifies the local root path -- -- Does a Check_Database followed by an update of the object if that is -- desirable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dbentry : Database_Entry; begin Dbentry := Check_Database (Obj, Root); if Dbentry.Update and not Dbentry.Updated then if Dbentry.Directory then Mkdir (Connection, Root & "." & Dbentry.Full_R1000_Name.all, Dbentry.Unix_Path.all & Dbentry.Unix_Name.all); else Store (Connection, Root & "." & Dbentry.Full_R1000_Name.all, Dbentry.Unix_Path.all & Dbentry.Unix_Name.all); end if; if not Effort_Only then Dbentry.Update := False; Dbentry.Updated:= True; end if; Log.Put_Line ("-----------------------------------------------", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); end if; return Dbentry; exception when Quit => ----Mark his as "not done". Dbentry.Version := new String (1 .. 0); raise; end Check_Object; --\x0c begin if Unix_Machine /= "<SHIP_TO_MACHINE>" then Host_Machine_Name := new String'(Unix_Machine); else declare Env : String_Pointer := X_Env_Get_Environment_Variable ("SHIP_TO_MACHINE"); begin if Env = null then Log.Put_Line ("Unix_Machinge => <SHIP_TO_MACHINE> and environment variable SHIP_TO_MACHINE is not set. Use the Setenv command to set it.", Profile.Error_Msg); raise Library.Error; else Host_Machine_Name := new String'(Env.all); end if; end; end if; if Username /= "<SHIP_TO_USERNAME>" then Host_User_Name := new String'(Username); else declare Env : String_Pointer := X_Env_Get_Environment_Variable ("SHIP_TO_USERNAME"); begin if Env = null then Log.Put_Line ("Username => <SHIP_TO_USERNAME> and environment variable SHIP_TO_USERNAME is not set. Use the Setenv command to set it.", Profile.Error_Msg); raise Library.Error; else Host_User_Name := new String'(Env.all); end if; end; end if; declare Td_Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code; Ftp_Status : Ftp_Defs.Status_Code; Host_Id : constant Transport_Defs.Host_Id := Get_Host_Id (Host_Machine_Name.all); Ascii_Mode : Boolean; Local_Root : Dt.Object.Handle; Local_Root_Name : String_Pointer; Local_Files : Dt.Object.Iterator; Dbentry : Database_Entry; begin ----Say hello to the user; let him know we are alive. Log.Put_Line ("[Ship_To_Unix(" & R1000_Files & ',' & R1000_Root & ',' & Unix_Root & ',' & Host_Machine_Name.all & ',' & Host_User_Name.all & ',' & Database_Name & "," & "Force_Update => " & Boolean'Image (Force_Update) & "," & "Effort_Only => " & Boolean'Image (Effort_Only) & ")]", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); ----Make sure that the Host_Machine_Name host is known to the R1000. if Host_Id'Length = 0 then Log.Put_Line ("Host name [" & Host_Machine_Name.all & "] is not in the Transport_Name_Map (Host name undefined).", Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); return; end if; ----Resolve the various file names that we were given. Local_Root := Dt.Naming.Resolution (R1000_Root); if Dt.Object.Is_Bad (Local_Root) then Log.Put_Line ("R1000_Root argument is bad. {" & Dt.Object.Message (Local_Root) & '}', Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); return; end if; Local_Root_Name := Hs (Dt.Naming.Full_Name (Local_Root)); Local_Files := Dt.Naming.Resolution (R1000_Files); if Dt.Object.Is_Bad (Local_Files) then Log.Put_Line ("R1000_Files argument is bad. {" & Dt.Object.Message (Local_Files) & '}', Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); return; end if; ----Initialiaze our object map. Obj_Db.Initialize (Database); Read_Database (Database_Name); ----Try to get a socket for our use. if not Effort_Only then Log.Put_Line ("Get network socket.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Tcp_Port_Numbers_Bug_Workaround; File_Transfer.Open (Connection, Td_Status); Status_Ok (Td_Status); ----Try to call up the Host_Machine_Name.all and see if it will talk to us at -- all. Log.Put_Line ("Connect to " & Host_Machine_Name.all, Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Connect (Connection, Host_Id); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----Try to log in as the Username/Password that was given to us. Log.Put_Line ("Send username.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Send_Username (Connection, Host_User_Name.all); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); if Ftp_Status = Ftp_Defs.Not_Logged_In then Log.Put_Line ("Username " & Host_User_Name.all & " invalid on workstation " & Host_Machine_Name.all, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; elsif Ftp_Status = Ftp_Defs.Need_Password then Log.Put_Line ("Send password.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Send_Password (Connection, Password); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); end if; if Ftp_Status = Ftp_Defs.Not_Logged_In then Log.Put_Line ("Password invalid for username " & Host_User_Name.all & " on workstation " & Host_Machine_Name.all, Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); raise Quit; end if; Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); -- ----Set the account for the logged-in job Host_Machine_Name. -- -- if Account /= "" and then -- Account /= " " then -- Log.Put_Line ("Send account.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); -- File_Transfer.Send_Account (Connection, Account); -- Response (Connection); -- File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); -- if Ftp_Status /= Ftp_Defs.Command_Not_Implemented then -- Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); -- end if; -- end if; -- ----Connect to the Unix_Root directory. Log.Put_Line ("Connect to " & Unix_Root, Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Send_Cwd (Connection, Unix_Root); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); ----We will be working in Stream mode, sending Ascii data, and working in -- units of Files. These should work on all FTP implementations. Log.Put_Line ("Set transfer modes (Stream,Image/Telnet/Ascii,File).", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); File_Transfer.Set_Mode (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Stream); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); Ascii_Mode := True; File_Transfer.Set_Type (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Image); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); if Ftp_Status /= Ftp_Defs.Successful then File_Transfer.Set_Type (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Ascii_Telnet); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); if Ftp_Status /= Ftp_Defs.Successful then File_Transfer.Set_Type (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Ascii); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); end if; end if; Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); File_Transfer.Set_Structure (Connection, Ftp_Defs.File); Response (Connection); File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); end if; ----Send all of the various files. -- if not Ascii_Mode then -- Log.Put_Line ("Set transmission modes (Stream,Ascii,File).", -- Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); -- Ascii_Mode := True; -- File_Transfer.Set_Type (Connection, Ftp_Defs.Ascii); -- Response (Connection); -- File_Transfer.Command_Status (Connection, Ftp_Status); -- Status_Ok (Ftp_Status); -- end if; while not Dt.Object.Done (Local_Files) loop Dbentry := Check_Object (Dt.Object.Value (Local_Files), Local_Root_Name.all); Dt.Object.Next (Local_Files); end loop; ----We are all done; say "bye", disconnect, and free up the socket. Log.Put_Line ("Disconnect.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Disconnect (Connection); ----Now write out the database. Log.Put_Line ("Write database.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Write_Database (Database_Name); if Temp_File_Used then Library.Delete (Temp_File_Name, Response => "<ERROR>"); end if; ----We are done. Log.Put_Line ("Processed: " & Integer'Image (Files_Processed) & " files.", Profile.Note_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Deferred: " & Integer'Image (Files_Deferred) & " files.", Profile.Note_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Transferred:" & Integer'Image (Files_Transferred) & " files.", Profile.Note_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("[end of Ship_To_Unix]", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Profile.Verbose); exception ----When we Quit we simply disconnect; error messages have already gone out. when Quit => if Force_Update then Log.Put_Line ("Updating internal database.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); while not Dt.Object.Done (Local_Files) loop Dbentry := Check_Database (Dt.Object.Value (Local_Files), Local_Root_Name.all); Dbentry.Version := new String (1 .. 0); Dt.Object.Next (Local_Files); end loop; end if; Log.Put_Line ("Write database.", Profile.Note_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Write_Database (Database_Name); Disconnect (Connection); raise Library.Error; ----Anything else is simply unexpected. when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception during Ship_To_Unix script:" & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Error_Msg, Profile.Verbose); Disconnect (Connection); end; end Ship_To_Unix;
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